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>another driving dream where the brakes dont work
does this happen to you?
Honestly not, in my dreams all my shit works flawlessly, broken down project vehicles somehow have assembled themselves, my po boxes are full of parts, everything arrives instantaneously when I order it, it's always nice and warm outside so wrenching in the yard is possible, fuel tanks are always topped off, the wifoid isn't in a bitching mood.
Probably why they're just dreams.
Except the issue is with automatics and forward creep.
I fucking HATE forward creep so much. all my dreams, nor matter how hard I push on the brake pedal the car never stops and always creeps forward.
I fucking hate automatics
i fucking hate slushboxes
literally the stuff of nightmares
LMAO reading this reminded me of having this dream too when i had to drive my dad's piece of shit automatic car for a while
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I think you should check your brakes. Better safe than sorry. Also, please let us know if there was actually an issue.
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No, but I did back into another car, which completely fucked my rear quarter and left me near suicidal. I cannot being the describe the mix of emotions I felt when I woke up to find that it was all a dream...
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>have dream about bad brakes
>wake up in a cold sweat
>check pads, rotors, and flush brake fluid at 4am
>always find at least one thing wrong every time
My subconscious just knows when I need to do brake maintenance I guess.
No. But if I go a while without driving (car broke down for example) my dreams sometimes have me driving from the back seat like a toddler with those toy steering wheels and hitting multiple things due to lack of vision
my pads are getting a little worn down and the front left rotor is a bit warped but other than that nothing wrong with them i'm pretty sure, although right after this dream when going to work at 6.30 in the morning at -10 C i did struggle to slow down and almost hit a speed bump going above 60 kmh because of ice on the road
I replaced all pads and read calipers&parking brake cables. Also, bought new studded tires. can't be me, wrenchlet.
>does this happen to you?
After a fashion, I guess. In mine the vehicle is rolling backwards downhill and standing on the brakes does nothing to slow the increasingly fast backwards roll. I suspect this one came about from a drum brake car I had as a 16yo that would barely stop after reversing (many things later discovered to be wrong with the brake assembly)

Another one is where the car is getting badly buffeted by erratic crosswinds from both sides in a rain storm. Again, this seems to be rooted in a situation, same car as above btw, where I was in a severe thunderstorm with a hell of a downburst.

On a positive note, a car I rebuilt has become something akin to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in my dreams in that it can always do what I need it to. It's never present in the two above scenarios.
meh mine are the bullets dont work
Dream thing, just slide around all the time. Same with walking or other transport.
Dreams about trains are pretty relaxing desu.
I keep having dreams where i'm falling asleep at the wheel, and plowing into shit. especially pedestrians. just as i'm falling into a deeper state of sleep, i imagine that i'm also falling asleep while i'm dreaming about driving. there's a stopped car at a light, and i hear the dreaded thumping sound as i hit it.

i fucking jolt awake in a cold panic. i hate these dreams. they're worse than any nightmares i had as a kid, because its something that can realistically happen, and will probably happen in the future. i work up to 80 hours a week, so driving while sleep deprived is something i just have to do sometimes. i keep emergency energy drinks in my car and i also start playing burnout music to keep my adrenalin high if i think i'm falling asleep.
Yeah, in my dreams though it always ends in death. Basically I'll be driving down a huge mountain road. My brakes won't work at all, car dives off the mountain road and I get airborne as the ground quickly approaches my vehicle. As I am about to crash into the earth, I wake up. Makes me wonder if I potentially died in that manner in a past life
Should have been using OEM brakes then, shouldn't you?
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No, but since I was a child (4 or 5 years old) I have this nightmare: to get to my house, my family -and I, now that I'm older- have to take this inner-city highway that has a bridge, then take an exit to get to our neighbourhood. Since what's beyond said bridge was a mystery for my young self, I used to dream driving through the bridge, missing my exit and then falling into an abyss.

I've used the rest of the bridge to go to different parts of my city, but sometimes I still dream falling off what lies beyond my regular exit. Weird, isn't it?

Pic unrelated.
i had a dream where i crashed and my head was severed and for the rest of the dream i had to hold my head on to stay alive
No but my fastest lap in Assetto Corsa on the Nurburgring felt like I had absolutely no brakes at all, felt like I was going to slam into every fucking corner.
6:18 in the Toyota TS-040, still a good 40 seconds off pace lmao
>Spongy brakes
>Unable to punch hard
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And don't forget the OEM brake fluid
My cars never have traction but I am also somehow unable to crash them
Truly bizzarre
I haven't had a car-related dream in a while, and I don't know why.
>go out to my car
>someone did a hit and run
>fender mashed in
>will probably need bondo
>wake up pissed off
>go to my garage
>snug as a bug in a rug
>check car
>no damage
>give it a big hug and tell it it's okay
I have this dream fairly often. Usually I'm driving whatever car but t the brakes don't fully slow down the car so I either run a red light, hit whatever is in front of the parking spot, or just freak out in the dream about not being able to fully stop.

I've also had dreams in which I am driving whatever car but I can only steer from one of the back seats which makes the whole experience fun but dangerous. Similarly, I've had dreams in which I am driving but my visibility is reduced to maybe 1/3rd of the top of the windshield

I've also had dreams in which I am driving and suddenly have to stop because of a massive incoming storm or flood, dreams in which I a fall of a cliff but survive and actually have fun tumbling down (rare), and dreams in which I am driving a motorcycle and somehow get kicked out of the motorcycle seat and onto the freeway (even rarer).

I've had these recurring dreams since I started driving (~16 years ago)
I have these. I also have ones where steering doesn't work.
No because I maintain my shit even in my dreams.
>Except the issue is with automatics and forward creep.
>I fucking HATE forward creep so much. all my dreams, nor matter how hard I push on the brake pedal the car never stops and always creeps forward.

This exact thing keeps happening to me also anon, im even pulling on the handbrake like a mad cunt and it STILL just creeps

Is this impending doom?
For me it's not the brakes but the car speeds up by itself and doesn't slow down, and the only thing I can do is try to steer it but eventually I lose control and I don't crash but the dream just fades into white if that makes sense.

Funny thing: I actually did have a near death wreck on a bike and it's exactly the same. I was just riding my bike and suddenly I'm just counting the clouds in the sky and wondering who this dude dressed as an EMT is standing over my face. It's a pretty beautiful experience.
>car crashes
>i "die" and become engulfed in white light, im at peace

>it's really the sun out waking me up

it's bullshit really
No. I drive manual cars to 4:1 gearing. I down shift to slow down and come to a crawl from highways speeds without touching the brakes. I do not have this fear.
I just had a dream that I was a train
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I dreamed about racing last night. I dreamed I went out on pit wheels (I don't own pit wheels) and predictably went off track. The marshalls were like wtf and I just shrugged and said I wanted to know what it felt like. Later a wheel fell off because it was held on by lego bricks for some reason. Then a huge pileup happened in front of where I went off unrelated to me, fortunately nothing hitting my car. When I got back to the pits my entire car was now legos and it seemed genius because it was so easy to fix only I was missing one piece. I was thinking of ordering a chinese bootlego for replacement.

That's my dreamblog thanks /o/.
Most of my car-related dreams involve hektik handbrake skids in my FWD shitbox. Also fucking cute track girls.
Is it possible to learn this power?
Just fantasize about it all day and it'll make its way into your dreams. Bring a change of underwear
>When I got back to the pits my entire car was now legos and it seemed genius because it was so easy to fix
Holy shit, that so fucking funny

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