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I see these all over the place for mere peanuts still. I am looking for a cheap beater with decent interior space and these things seem like they might do just that. How reliable are these things?
mediocre if stick
kinda ass with if not
if you look up "shitbox" in the dictionary, its just a picture of this car. there's a reason its the "starter car" in so many racing games. they want you to know what its like at the very bottom, so everything else feels like an upgrade.

Why did europeans buy so many of these? is it because its unique? its a neon with a very cartoonish take on retro styling.
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They're pretty gay to work on.
Still better than anything after 2015.
tall roof hatchbacks are a big market in europe, so the PT was unique but right within a regular segment. Plus europe got more manuals, more efficent smaller engines and a Mercedes diesel
>there's a reason its the "starter car" in so many racing games.
name 5
it's an ugly dodge neon hatchback, which is a decent, if rust-prone, american civic. you'll be fine. just check for rust, because neons have all rusted away already.
chrysler already had a production line in graz for euro specd jeeps and the distribution network and reputation (good at that time...) so they could easily churn out diesel euro specd pt cruisers from that line to sell through that existing network.
its also way more social accepted to drive a goofy looking car here, or even straight out doing it for the lulz.
>decent interior space
They're surprisingly cramped on the inside despite being a fat Neon.
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forza1 on the xbox hueg
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One of the most important things about 20 year old cars is who drove and maintained them. You could have a really good car like a Toyota Corolla or honda civic, but those have been raped by indians, mexicans or poorfags for at least 10 years, so they arent good anymore.

The theoretically superior neon which the boomer croozer was based on is nearly extinct cause mudsharks and their BFs ran them into the ground a decade ago

But the pt cruisers mostly appealed to boomers who were just croozin and maintaining them well, so they are good and cheap in the current year
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Im a euro and recently saw a convertible for sale for cheap. Im kinda tempted to buy it because of the novelty of driving one in my country. Are these actual shit cars or is it mostly the way they look?
Wait until people find out it came in a 2.4l turbo as well...

PT Stage I was good for 235hp/260tq. The SRT4 neon had the same motor and got up to a Stage III, MOPAR parts as well. Those got 355/365, and even came with a fancy intercooler spray system.
It's a Neon chassis and it wasn't built for that weight - specifically, the front suspension components and brakes wear like a bastard. Don't know about the drivetrain.
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Muy basado.

If there was ever a car designed strictly for the alpha male, it was this.
The only problem of having a PT Cruiser is the greatly increased risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases.
As long as you don't keep using the same cumsock for too long I think you'll be fine

>crossover grandpa
>alpha male

choose one anon
i dont know much about pt cruisers but i know this
that the manual pt cruiser GT is basically just an srt neon in fat suit

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