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Why are americans obsessed with big cars?
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because they have more money. same reason rich people have historically been obsessed with big cars, and big houses. the plebs are stuck in their trash cans with lawn mower engines.
It's not americans, it's the government. Safety laws in specific, and they demand things like side air bags, thick roof posts so that you don't get crushed in case the car flips over, extra crumple zones, etc. And all of that shit takes room. Room that they're not going to take from the inside of the vehicle, so they're gonna put it outside, and build the body around it.
Why are non-Americans so obsessed with Americans?
Big people needs big room
>the Toyota Yarris isn’t street legal
You are stupid.
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It’s nothing new. Pic is from like 25 years ago.
there are four reasons
reason one: the fucking government
the stupid fucking government mandated that all cars meet rather fair standards for emissions, however, in their infinite wisdom, they decided to add exceptions to this. because of these exceptions, american automakers are not interested in producing cars, and instead produce "cars" to get around legislation by labelling the vehicles as a different thing than what they obviously fucking are. basically if you make a huge fuckoff SUV its not a car its a "car" (utility vehicle). this was intended as a loophole for farmers but its used by everyone.
reason two: the fucking government
the stupid fucking government decided to put fucking seed oils in everything that made everyone fat as fuck, and then they paid farmers extra money to put as much corn syrup in everything as possible
reason three: the fucking government
the stupid fucking government gives the food and drug admininstration two dollars and a tin can every year in funding, so food makers can do whatever the fuck they want to the food, making you as unhealthy and overweight as possible
reason four: the fucking government
the stupid fucking government is actually pretty good about writing business standards to compete globally outside of the automotive industry, so all the aforementioned americans have a lot of money. we're still fat as fuck though, but at least we can afford these enormous shitboxes.
China government has never had these issues.
Makes one wonder why USA cars are so un-innovative.
You keep repeating this dumb bullshit but ignore the fact that you can still easily get cars like pic related. its just that no one wants them.
i dont get this, we hold the same safety and emission standards for everything from small fiats to fullsize trucks here and we have no issue with it. the fiat and f350 can be titled in the same class and taxed by the same rules, only exception is the weight might dictate a different drivers lisense but thats likely to change pretty soon, it already has if its titled ad RV.
so where is the difference between small car and big truck in usa?
>Why are americans obsessed with big cars?
Because they all fat
Mo bigga mo betta
Errehthang bigger in Texass

Don't you dare blame us Chinks for those grills you fucking honkey monkeys
I cant consider this to be a car.
trucks arent cars.
This is exactly right.

CAFE standards existed since the 70’s. They stipulated that fuel economy has to improve every year. But people wanted bigger cars. In the late 2000’s the standard was changed to meet consumer demand. The government relaxed the emissions standards put in place decades before.

That’s when pickups and SUV’s gained their own “light truck” category. It’s also when minivans basically disappeared (they’re not high enough and the approach angles are too shallow to be considered a “light truck”).

The standards were changed again in the 2010’s, this time using the external area of the car as a factor in emission standards. It was another relaxing of the rules, and it’s when cars started to bloat; a “bigger” vehicle can get shittier fuel mileage. This was after consumer demand for crossovers skyrocketed.

During all of this, small cars still existed. If people wanted small cars, they’d buy them and the CAFE standards wouldn’t have been changed. A “light truck” exception wouldn’t exist and body size wouldn’t play a part. Everything would get 40mpg. But people want big giant cars, and the government capitulated to the people’s demands. If they scrapped the government rules all together, even more people would drive giant ass land yachts.
Small brain.
Our roads are bigger and longer.
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You(ropeans) wouldn't get it.
You never know when you might need to ram through a pride parade
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>big wallets
>big houses
>big dicks
>big truggs
Chink cars aren't strangled with safety regulations because the assumption is that it will just kill you as soon as possible
Bad spending habits. Most Americans cannot afford a $1k emergency expense.
america is run by corporations with a totally helpless goverment trying to control them that again gets elected a new geriatric leader every 4th year.
you can say a lot of shit about europe but atleast we can import privately and our local car industry doesnt work in a closed off bubble. the same guy who look for a skoda wagon might actually look for a f150...
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>at least we can import privately and our local car industry doesn't work in a closed off bubble
KEK! lets not forget europe's regulations towards diesel shit that acts as protectionism and keeps out competition unless they partner up with a euro brand to get their diesels.

europe is just china lite.
also, americans can buy european cars for cheaper than europeans can, and they pay almost twice the price that americans pay for american cars.

so much for not being in a bubble.
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>Why are americans obsessed with big cars?
Why are Europeans obsessed with Americans?
A 20% rise is about 100 trucks, probably less.
yikes, americans privately import more vehicles than that. europeans are cucked.
Big cars provide more cover for children to hide behind during school shootings.
CAFE regulations. Part of the wording specifies number of square inches of body panels to fall into less restricted classification, so it add to the bloat on top of making normal passenger vehicles that don't fall into the same size category as a larger one. Car manufacturers can inflate the area of a vehicle and push it into the next size category for relaxed emissions standards, since the standards for passenger vehicles are not able to be met with current tech (excluding electric, of course).
I suspect if the chicken tax went away we'd be seeing a lot more of the actual light trucks.
well they do make them kind of dumpy. you can fit good engine, suspension, sound proofing, good materials all the stuff people want in a little car but no they only put the shit stuff in little cars and thats why no one wants them
China literally not figuratively had 1 child policy, also again literally killed over 40m of it's population.. Also the cobalt mines, >>28197595
Also the Uyghurs, never doubt china's ability to screw people over.. Wasn't gonna mention china virus too easy
Didn't mean to tag twice D:
Because we built roads with room on them. Unlike you filthy fucking eurocucks just paving an old roman sheep path and calling it a day,.
Too fat to fit in smaller cars
but in china if your car is older than 15 years it must be scrapped. at least, last time i checked.
>you can fit good engine, suspension, sound proofing, good materials
That costs a lot of money that doesn't fit the price point of a subcompact car.
We're the highest value society in the world and we need the safest cars to protect us

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