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What do you think of the future BMW interior and their new operating system?
I don't think about it at all, because this concept spaceage shit NEVER makes it to market. It'll look like every other modern car out of necessity.
bmw is dead
It looks worse every iteration
The only E-interiors that are even remotely palatable are the ones on the electric mercs with tilted screens
Everything else is a range of "quite shit" to "god awful, kill yourself"
This feels... gross. Its like looking at a human nervous system thats been pulled from a corpse and reassembled.
>NEVER makes it to market
Its their series production, not a concept anymore.
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I'm dumb and didn't see the text below it.
But they are selling more cars than ever currently
But it's slowly pushing the envelope towards this insanely unimaginative fyootooristic aesthetic nicked straight out of cringe sci fi movies that are popular with the kind of person that subscribes to r/atheism.
If you look at concept cars from the early 2000s, most of them look quite similar to the cars out today and this is pretty much a preview of what the faggot designers want the interiors to look like in the next 10 or so years.
what i still wonder is how the fuck did these "luxury "car manufacturers convince the masses that big screen=expensive when it's the exact opposite,maybe back 20 years ago when the tech was new and unknown was understandable but now???
nice lincoln
I think everything styling wise went downhill after the 90s with cars. It's only gotten worse now that we have electric cars. They seem to be in a competition to make the blandest most unimaginative interiors possible.
>no class
>all Kia slop

It's a shame how BMW is committing seppuku
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They sold out
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>this concept spaceage shit NEVER makes it to market.
Have you seen the state of nu-cars lately?
i don't like the absence of physical buttons.
i don't see the point of having the speedo etc. immediately under the windscreen, unless you are anticipating front seat passengers using the dashboard as a shelf while they charge their cars at an electric charger.
Browns are gonna love it
my cope is that this is EV only to bait Teslatards, and that they will keep a more reasonable and functional interior for their ICE cars

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