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How do I make my cars untrackable? Can I just take it a mechanic and de-google my car?

Easiest way is to NOT buy a track-able car.
Isn't that any car after 1996 though?
no existing service but I have hardware and GPS navigation built in... tacoma
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If your car has GPS, it has a tracker.

If your car came with a basic single or double DIN radio, it's much less likely (but not impossible) it does.

If someone wanted to track you anyway, your cellphone would give you up before your car would. The system came around by the mid 90's yes, but unless you bought something expensive it likely didn't have it. Auto makers would really not have included something tracked by GPS unless the driver could use it.

Useless expense, ya know?

Thanks for the info by why always the pep talk about cell phone when discussion about car tracking is brought up? It's about increasing your privacy. With modern vehicles it's becoming even worse with them taking data and selling it. Some are apparently even taking health data, metrics on your face, looking at you through cameras, everything. It should be illegal. I'm not a criminal and my vehicle is paid in full.
>cheap dash cams on old cars
>new cars with 360° cameras
>autonomous cars driving more than any human with even better cameras
>cameras placed in cities that scan every plate and log it for local police and other government entities
>everyone has a camera in their hand or pocket that can start recording within seconds
>OP probably has a cell phone on him 24/7
>"durrrr, how do I make my car untrackable?"
I'm going to give OP the benefit of the doubt and assume he meant private and not untrackable
As in he doesn't want google and whatever model car he has transmitting data to the tech companies to sell

OP - you don't, you buy a car from 2013 and older if you don't want to be data harvested
I saw a satalite zoom in on a quarter off a dashboard and read the date off the coin, you cannot avoid being surveiled, you have to sneak away from your dwelling into the woods with 0 electronic devices on, then make your moves under the trees or thick cloud cover towards wherever your destination is
OP do you use a smartphone? id be worried about that first and foremost.
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Because your phone is much more likely to have sensors and more accurate data recording than your car would...

...unless you have a pretty basic phone as well.
fucking shills who accept defeat in life and bow before government. Fuck off.
Yes I know. But I can choose to not bring the phone with me when I drive....
i just told you if you dont want to be tracked you will have to move methotically dickweed.


Also, remember to bring a roadmap and red dot all of the payphones in the area just in case. I used to do that back in high school.
pay phones are based
i found a tracker inline behind my obd2 port that some fuckhead dealer installed at some point
what are phones?
I can only imagine you saw that in a dream, because there is 0 possible chance that a satellite can read the date off a coin from space you fucking retard.
that's not how gps works you dumb fucking technologically illiterate shithead.
the car gps is tracking the satellites to determine what its own position is then updating the screen. gps satellites don't track you, fucking moron, how the fuck do you think that would that work when there are 11 million people all using gps at once?

stop posting forever, your fucking computer is smarter than you.
>If your car has GPS, it has a tracker.
OBD 2 from roughly 2008 onwards phones home. If your car is able to do any of those subscription services for KIA, Honda, Mercedes, BMW, OnStar, then it phones home its location and knows if you have a passenger or not since the seat belt sensors contrast with the seat sensors to show if someone is sitting there or not.

You can attempt to prevent it from phoning home by cutting the traces to the antenna at the onboard computer. Youl probably need to unsolder or cut the lead to the output transistor or IC feeding the antenna traces because if you get near a cell tower, that tiny bit of metal will be enough to communicate.

You also have to disable the Satellite radio such as SIriusXM in the car. This is because it also tracks your location in order to provide weather reports, Amber alerts for your area, a list of the nearest gas stations to your car, a list of the nearest theaters, etcetera.
you are a moron
your car can't phone home without a cellular connection. older onstar cars use 3g and 2g cell networks which are shut down.

>You can attempt to prevent it from phoning home by cutting the traces to the antenna at the onboard computer. Youl probably need to unsolder or cut the lead to the output transistor or IC feeding the antenna traces because if you get near a cell tower, that tiny bit of metal will be enough to communicate.

that's not how RFID works, not how telematics work, and not how you disable it.

>You also have to disable the Satellite radio such as SIriusXM

good god just stop talking, none of this stuff tracks you, you're like one of those flat earth shills from the cia trying to get people to freak out over nothing. satellite radio and GPS are RECEIVERS, they do not, and cannot transmit.

stop parroting uneducated boomer FUD, learn now these devices work and how you are ACTUALLY supposed to defend yourself before telling people to go tearing their ecu and bcm apart with fucking pliars.
Maybe try being a law abiding citizen, you fucking retard

>the car gps is tracking the satellites to determine what its own position is

It's called incoming trilateral communication and a car CAN transmit the incoming data even though it likely WON'T. It depends on make, model and if any dealer or PO has installed a transmitter. Thank you for not elaborating on that instead of going autistic.

"GPS on its own isn’t a privacy concern – for example, if you have an old GPS unit for your car, it likely isn’t capable of transmitting your location."

(Forgot to link source)


>GPS devices don’t actually contact satellites and transmit information to them. They only receive data from satellites – data that’s being always-transmitted.

>A device with built-in GPS – whether it’s a dedicated in-car GPS navigation unit or a smartphone – only acts as a GPS receiver. A device with GPS isn’t actually “contacting” satellites to determine its location. Instead, it’s just listening for the radio signals that are being broadcast from these satellites all the time.

>A GPS receiver “listens” for signals from four or more satellites. Signals from the closer satellites will arrive sooner, while signals from the farther satellites will arrive later. (The actual time difference is very small, but can be detected by the GPS receiver.) By comparing the time the signal was broadcast and the time the signal arrived, the receiver can estimate its relative distance from all four satellites. Using trilateration, the receiver can then determine its location.

>It's called incoming trilateral communication and a car CAN transmit the incoming data

its called TRIANGULATION you fucking blithering idiot and you can do it with a map and a compass no electronics required. GPS units do not transmit. at all. ever. it's a glorified FM radio.
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You provide an update after the fact parroting what I just said and add more ranting? Better late than never I suppose, but still...whatever.

Glad we could help you OP.
you were wrong thoughbeit
triangulation does not require the triangulating device to transmit anything. You said quite literally, it "can" transmit data. You are wrong. The link you posted and the passages I quoted not only prove this but also prove you don't know anything about the technology since you attempted to contradict your own source.
> You said quite literally, it "can" transmit data. You are wrong.

Been around the last decade. It's already been covered above.

"But everything changes when you add a cellular connection. Cars equipped with telematics systems such as OnStar or Hyundai Blue Link have two-way links to service providers that relay GPS data. The operators of these services do, indeed, have the ability to see where you are, how fast you're going, and what state your car is in mechanically. They can also track and remotely disable a stolen vehicle."

Doesn’t matter because your phone is on you and that’s tracking you better than the car, also flock cameras and other ALPR cameras like Rekor are tracking your car even if you didn’t have a phone on you
fucking retards, thread has nothing to do with your phone SHUT THE FUCK UP. I can put a phone in a faraday cage or leave it at home. You are all useless eaters. Pigs for the slaughter. Stupid goyim.
you would have to get a pre-OBD car for that
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Are you actually retarded?
Did you not read the entire post?
Your vehicle is being tracked even if you don't own a phone at all
Here's a video of a flock camera I recorded with night vision to see the IR flash going off
These cameras are everywhere, you just haven't noticed them because you're stupid
>don't pay the subscription for services
>block off/remove/dummy load cellular antennas
>replace the head unit with a crusty double-din bass blaster from 1997 and rock some CDs
we live in a surveillance state, who knew? flock cameras have been a thing for a long time
>recording flock cameras in IR
tripfag is cool for once, damn
what wavelength is that NVG sensitive to? i want to install an infrared strobe next to my plate to BTFO the ALPRs
Night vision is most sensitive to light above about 600nm, peak sensitivity is around 800 and it starts to taper off for most tubes around 900nm pretty hard except for photonis tubes which reach up to the low 1000s
The IR LEDs in the flock cameras are 850nm so use 850nm LEDs in your project
Also, I’ve always been cool faggot
The goal of privacy is to add layers, you are never going to defeat enemy of the state like events. Everytime someone tries to improve their privacy or reduce their data that is gathered, people like you come out of the bush and just tell us things we already know about phones and how everything can be tracked. There are ways to remove and disconnect these devices in some of the cars.
>The IR LEDs in the flock cameras are 850nm so use 850nm LEDs in your project
thanks m8. my dumb ass was about to use a ~920nm fiber laser diode.
will post results
Bro read the post you fucking retard, phone was only half of the post, the other half is much more dire than phones because phones at least need a warrant to pull data you fucking idiot
ALRP cameras don’t need any warrant at all and they even have new tech that can track your car with NO PLATE
It makes a profile of your car color, make and model, roof rack or bumper stickers and the wheel type
Also flock is integrating AI facial recognition as well so they know exactly who’s driving
McDonald’s has been using this for like 5 years now, they already know who you are when you pull in the drive thru, they know your most ordered items and the car you drive etc

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