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Not my problem.
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Please bring us driving schools. I DGAF what the state needs in registration revenue. Seriosuly.
This is the result of inattentive driving brought on by GPS navigation.

Before GPS navigation, drivers would have to pay much closer attention to road signs and exits. You were relying on memory rather than a robot voice. Years ago we’d write down directions (or print them for a brief period). You’d glance down after getting on the highway, and maybe double check after a while, and remember the exit number or street you turn on.

This driver was probably told “exit the highway in 1/2 mile,” which is plenty of time. But they’ve grown complacent from using the device, and just didn’t pay attention. So this driver slammed on her brakes to cut over two lanes.
Are you fucking retarded or just trolling? The semi on the left pit maneuvered the red car as it tried to pass resulting it in swerving across the lanes and the other two cars pulling off to avoid being in the middle of it.
Are you fucking blind or just trolling? The black car in the center lane in front the truck braked hard to take the exit way too late, the truck swerved to avoid it (he should have just rammed it but he didn't cause the accident)
watch more carefully. some faggot in the trucks lane slammed on the brakes, the ruck had to swerve to avoid the faggot and managed to take out an even bigger faggot.
Hopefully the cunt was caught
Probably some African or Jeet behind the wheel
The Buden administration started a program to import 30,000 Somalis a year, give them free truck driver training and free housing and put them on American roads.
The program is only available to Somalis.
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>passing a semi in the passing lane makes you a faggot
Doing it in a subaru does.

both my sister and my best friends brother went to driving schools in the USA where at the end of it you get your license and have never been in any accidents in 10 years. my youngest sister and their younger brother both just went and got their license and both got into many car accidents in their first 2 years. driving school actually seems to work.
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Unironically the best way to train someone to not be a shitty driver is to get them addicted to dashcam compilations. A stoner lecturing you in a classroom will never prepare you for reality like watching hundreds of hours of normal responsible drivers getting fucked over or killed by retards with the IQ of farm livestock.
I’m the one who posted about inattentive driving and GPS. Other anons pointed out the car that slammed on its brakes to exit from the fucking center one.

Ready to apologize?
The white semi at fault, can't stop and drives to lane that as people.
Skill issue
Self awareness issue
The real problem is the existence of 50 ton trucks driven by bubbas and immigrants who can't react in time to avoid a crash and swerve into innocent bystanders instead of just flattening the one retard who's causing problems.
Actual retard
It's still the semi's fault.
I know it doesn't make sense but that's how is.
>but the guy braked hard
Yep, that's why the semi should have left a bigger safety margin.
I've been fucked by this before.
Miss & run. I wonder if the cam truck followed to pass the info to the cops...
They just need to start taking away licenses for distracted driving. It’s literally that simple. Every car will internal cameras and eye tracking software to make sure drivers aren’t looking at their laps every 3 seconds.
>hurr durr muh LIBERTIES
driving isn’t a right.
>the only choices are getting killed by chinks or full-1984
>DUDE MUH 1984
Driving is probably the most dangerous thing most people will do in their lives. It’s also not a guaranteed right. The state should be able to do whatever necessary to reduce traffic fatalities, including surveillance.
I see you /n/.
Surprised we have only one busrider in this thread blaming the semi
>File: asainlady-family[1].gif (1.24 MB, 270x192)
Based. Look at all those faggots she's passing on the right.
Don't need to be a busrider to blame the semi.
Semi chose to crash into innocents instead of the guy who deserved it.
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I hope everyone in this thread had a dash cam.
If he wasnt driving a usg pikachu car he could have outspeeded the trucker
deserved it
i dont want it to ruin the aesthetics of my car
This. And I would go as far as saying simple assists like TC and ABS also erode driving skill. Nu cars are loaded with gadgets that take away the need to pay attention. Automatic brake slamming, lane sensors, lane keeping, it goes on.
It's not about legal fault. Suddenly slowing on a freeway is a hazard. Most of the time nothing would have happened but today it was a semi getting the brake check. Cunts lucky they weren't flattened.
It's a right and from my cold dead hands niggerfaggot.
sup Garrett?
I have one of these Fitcamx cameras, they are model specific and replace the plastic cover for the front sensor module with a built-in 4k front camera and wires to a rear camera. It taps into the rearview mirror for 12v power and can't even be seen from the drivers seat; same for the rear camera if you run the wires right.
Not a right. There is no counterargument and there’s nothing for you to reply with. You’re dismissed.
I have no clue why people are so eager to play chicken with truckers. These things weigh upwards of 40 tons and can turn people into accordions easy as shit. At highway speed theres no way they can brake as fast as a 4wheeler, even with jakes and perfect 0ms reaction speed
That said yes that dumbass steering wheel holder should've left much more space in between them. They were both cruising within spitting distance before the retard slammed on his brakes.
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Please tell your mommy to stop letting you post on big-person websites, m'kay?
That just makes you neurotic about "woulds and coulds"
Absolutely. It’s one of the reasons Teslas are something like 4x’s as likely to be involved in an accident despite containing every safety feature imaginable.
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The moment you stop being neurotic about all the crazy shit that could happen in the next 5 seconds is the moment that a ghost traffic cone jumps off the road and reks you.
the fuck was that cone's problem
it heard him talking shit
i took out my throttle return spring because of that
I'm going to save you the egghead arguent about how there's nothing even rembling a natural right to driving, or how natural rights are spooks anyway, and simply point out that many a free man simply accept the risks and consequences of spiting in the eye of the state when it denies him his drivers license.
Car ownership and operation is protected by the 2nd Amendment.
bubbas are typically amazing drivers. it's the filthy pakis with black market duplicated IDs that are the problem.
hello as a black man from south africa please dont compare us to the black american who is lazy and uneducated.
You only think that because you have even more affirmative action propping you up than american blacks do.
Africans come to attend my school's grad program. They're just as stupid as American blacks but pretend they're smarter. They don't type properly on a keyboard, lie about understanding assignments, lie about their finances to American consulates, and beg school offices for money like panhandlers. Fuck off.
looks like the camera driver took the exit to follow the vehicle that caused the accident
Good idea starting a pursuit with the slowest vehicle known to mankind instead of some dumb shit like stopping to help victims or whatever.
Are 18-wheeler brakes awful or something? I've noticed that if a car is merging onto the highway in front of them they will ALWAYS change lanes, even if it's got a heavy flow of traffic, instead of tapping on the brakes and slowing down a bit.
based take, idk how the red car even ate shit he had a whole lane to go into. Fucking imagine getting out swerved by a 18 wheeler with a trailer. Motherfucker has a steering ratio of like 50:1 LMAO
>instead of tapping on the brakes and slowing down a bit
Time is money pussy
Goddamn get off the road, son.
Yes, trucks carrying huge trailers and shit take forever to brake. There are runaway truck lanes on mountain roads, that are essentially a steeply upward inclined dirt road, and perhaps a barrier at the end, to allow trucks whose brakes have completely faded to drive onto to prevent crashes
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You see how they're multiplying eachother?
The heavier something is, the harder it is to get it to stop
I actually attended (see: I was put through by my employer) a truck driving school and got my CDL. During that time, the instructors more or less said going ~5 MPH over the speed limit saves you something like 2 minutes due to the way traffic works. Obviously those numbers aren't 100% accurate because I can't recall what they said exactly, but the point remains... how many times have you raced from a red light, only to end up right next to the person you peeled away from at the next?
The solar panels to keep the battery charged while you sleep during the day with a fan on you?
This would make sense if the brake variable(s) were the same, however trucks have much larger brakes than cars do that are capable of stopping much heavier objects.
>truck sees a car merging
>shifts into the other lane
>must shift back into the travel lane once they "pass"
>eventually gets passed by everyone anyway
Congrats! You've saved a tiny bit of brake wear in exchange for adding damage to your cargo, suspension, tires, and struts.
the size is for heat management, not for braking performance
Skill issue
Why the fuck are truckucks so fucking stupid
The Smith System would have prevented that whole thing.
The one time out of 5 that I make the green and he doesn't makes it worth it.

If you're on the interstate and are big and unmaneuverable enough that you get caught in every little traffic bunchup (probably caused by other semis) then yeah it won't save much.
>reeee you cant pass me I'm going to kill you!!!
Trucks need to be fucking illegal YESTERDAY
What we have here is the trifecta of stupidity. Take away any one of the three and it would not have happened.

>1. Car suddenly slows in front of truck
>2. Truck is one lane to the right of where he should have been at that moment
>3. Red car failed to read the road before overtaking

Camera guy is the smart one to get off rather than piling into the back of the mess.
>>2. Truck is one lane to the right of where he should have been at that moment
>>3. Red car failed to read the road before overtaking
Red car couldn't have seen shit.
>Red car couldn't have seen shit.
Correct which is why it should not have passed.
There could be a retard slamming on the brakes in front of any semi you ever pass.
This is an impulse control issue likely by a shitskin truck driver. He's tailgating the black car in front of him, probably got cut off but he's not even supposed to be in that lane. He then angrily swings around the black car without checking for other traffic.
There is a 99% chance the driver was Asian.
The truck did cause the accident because he's a retarded faggot in a semi tailgating who then proceeded to merge into an occupied lane.
>Are 18-wheeler brakes awful or something?
Are you a fucking mutt or something? How is a big ass truck with tons of material in its back trailer going to stop on a dime? It's physically impossible. It's always low IQ orcs who think trucks function like their mom's SUV, which is why they cause accidents like in the webm. It's why you shouldn't cut a semi off either. Not because the trucker is a jerk, but because if something goes wrong, he's going to crawl up your trunk and literally cannot stop it.
Jews did 9/11
american trucks still all use drumbrakes and have awful stopping distance.
i europe they all use disc brakes and a fully loaded truck can brake as good as a family car
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>Please bring us driving schools.
They already exist, poorfag
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just learn, that bigger vehicles have always priority on the road and everything will be fine
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>my vehicle is physically impossible to operate safely
>this is everyone else's fault and not mine
>Mommy I'm parked on a railroad crossing and I called to ask why this train isn't stoppi-
>truck sees a car merging
>shifts into the other lane
Why? Merging car has the responsibility to find a hole. Or run into the ditch.
Truck doesn't matter. You are merging. It's your problem. I'm not speeding up, slowing down or moving over.
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>vehicle with high mass and terrible braking capability has its own segregated containment track instead of being allowed around normal people
They've got road logistics down to the last penny. They probably know how much money it costs to go faster by every 1 mph on a standardized rig.
>it's the filthy pakis with black market duplicated IDs that are the problem.
Also Indians. Why they cut holes to shit down the driveline instead of going to the loo is beyond me. I've had the misfortune to encounter a group of them and holy fuck, a sewer smells better than what crawled in that truck stop. It's one of the reasons why I go out of my way to only go to Buc-ee's, because it deeply offends the Indian religion of being a cheapskate.
>however trucks have much larger brakes than cars do that are capable of stopping much heavier objects.
Having their load slam into the front of the trailer is something truckers definitely don't want to deal with, especially if it's refrigerated. Instant rejected load by the time it hits a dock.
That cunt in the semi deserves to be taken off the road forever. It's not that hard to mail a thumb drive of shit like that to the proper authorities.
There were a fuckload of other vehicles involved who all likely had dash cams as well. They don't need 50 different cameras angles for a cut and dry investigation like this.
Absolutely retarded on all levels. Not only was the train going only about 35, the gates aren't set up to go down nearly soon enough. Around where I live there's almost 90 seconds of advance alarm even when the trains are doing 70. Not to mention the rock-bottom retardation of the truck driver in that situation.
If everyone took that attitude, no one wound report wrongdoing of any sort. Besides, not all angles are equally clear or advantageous.
Enjoy living life like a prey animal then I guess
U know it nigga, this is me, 11 years ago
Ooops, I am drunk
way too expensive, always wanted to do this but you could buy the whole car for what they charge.
standard bellevue driver
you don't need any kind of racing training to fix the US problem
you don't need to squeeze every thousandth of a second from the daily commute, you have to make them face the consequences of being bad in a controlled environment, without really causing damage
Phoneposters I...
All the way first class. These subhumans flooding our countries are the cause of every second fatality.
It's not though. It's the result of drivers slamming the brakes and performing dangerous lane changes because they missed their exit.
I've missed my exit while using GPS and while not using it, but it never even crossed my mind to try and weave dangerously over several lanes to make the exit. That is just so retarded that I don't believe that anyone willing to do that is magically going to become a safe and attentive driver just cause they don't have their GPS on anymore. We're talking about 80 IQ subhumans here for fucks sake.

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