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File: garbage.jpg (338 KB, 1200x802)
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Every single car from the 1970s and 1980s was absolute garbage. I feel happiness knowing most of them have been destroyed at this point and no longer blight our roadways. This era needs to be forgotten and all survivors need to be crushed.
>Every single car from the 2000s and 2020s was absolute garbage. I feel happiness knowing most of them have been destroyed at this point and no longer blight our roadways. This era needs to be forgotten and all survivors need to be crushed.
ftfy retard nig
posted too soon >>28199144
I wouldn't say "absolute garbage" but I do prefer vehicles around the turn of the century
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>Every single faggot from the 1970s and 1980s was absolute garbage. I feel happiness knowing most of them have been died from aids at this point and no longer blight our cities. This era of homosexuality needs to be forgotten and all survivors need to be executed.
Based as fuck
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This was any ugly era (or at least I perceive it as such cause having a 70s or 80s car was a poverty symboo when I was younger) but I still like Countach
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Btw Countach isn't nearly as beautiful as Miura and older cars in general
Zoom zoom here
Same, but for aughts cars
I'm old enough to remember them new but they'll always seem like last year's model, like they rolled out the factory pre-used with 90k on the clock
Mid-late 80's cars are the same to me too, they were destined to be 200 dollar beaters
90's and 70's cars I can easily imagine a time where they were new and hip but no, not late 80's and 00's
I had a blue 1979 Dodge Colt (pure Mitsubishi) that I liked a lot. Simple as fuck, cheap to repair, decent acceleration for its time, started when it's -24F outside, had a kind of cute Japanese look, and never let me down on the road. On the other hand, I now drive a 2003 Park Avenue that gets better gas mileage overall despite weighing about twice as much, is about 5X more secure in a crash, and looks and behaves at 22 about the way it did at 5. Cars of 90s design were the absolute best, and the last of them to be manufactured were around 2007.

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