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It's been forty years since the beginning of the end for carburetion. The simple yet effective method of atomizing fuel could not hold a candle to EFI and eventually DFI. Computers reign supreme for adjustments on the fly without the need for changing needles or jets with the car off. Emissions got the final straw.

Still, in the case of an EMP, this will still work. A trouble code will not shut this down. There's no computer to fail. Diagnostics are as simple as a clog or failed gasket and the engine will fail before the carburetor will fail.

The carburetor never failed us, we failed it.
>muh EMP
You realize an emp will fry anything electronic with a wire long enough to act as an antenna, right?
Do you know what has a reeeeaallllyyyyy long piece of wire in it?
An alternator.
And a starter.
And an ignition coil.

Asking people to use candles instead of lightbulbs 24/7 because the power might go off seems kind of silly when there's nothing stopping someone from using candles exclusively if that's their jam.
Fake and gay
if you want something closer to efi look at the carbs that have annular flow boosters. edelbrock avs2, holley ss series etc.

Uh, show me the wire on a manual choke carburetor autist.
>less reliable
>less fuel efficient
>makes less power
>b-buh if this thing that never happens actually happens I'll be able to uhh.. drive!!
Had a Holley 350 it was alright next time I get a carb car I'll probably get something alot bigger as it was on a tb42
I'm sure an EMP will "fry" an stationary copper wire. Retard.
You could detonate every nuclear device in the world in the atmosphere over center of Europe and it wouldn't produce a large enough EMP effect to "fry" a car in italy
I like carburetors because they're computers that use the laws of physics as a programming language
Older EFI is gud because it's relatively simple but will of course fail if you ran out of specific parts
Holly EFI systems are fake and gay and unreliable and are just worse than a carb, if you want EFI I'd sooner pull a TPI off a c4 corvette or a TBI off a 1990 chebby 1500
EMPs are most likely to fry the hyper-CANBUS'd nucars that use the taillight as a relay(?) of some kind (??? wtf ford) your older EFI cars 1975-2015 will be fine
It would still pop an ignition coil, the windings of an alternator, and probably do some damage to the battery, too.
Though replacements not connected to a car would likely survive.
EMP literally means nuclear bomb. There are no large and long range EMPs that don't involve nuclear bombs
>muh EMP
You'll have more pressing matters to worry about than EMP if the bombs drop.
Actually nevermind, you'd probably be instantly vaporised along with the car if it was in the reach of a nuclear bombs EMP field.
EMPs also don't magically turn electronics off and make them unusable, they just fuck with the electrons. If a device is powered it might shut off, but won't be fried. If it's off, it won't be bothered much at all. Military EMP proofs equipment to keep them functioning as intended, a missile guidance with fucked signals will veer off course. An EFI with fucked signals will burn a bit too lean.
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Those float bowl gaskets suck ass, they weep all over your intake. Get the Blue ones.
A powerful enough pulse, like the static discharge from you, will absolutely arc through the pcb lines and make the board useless
If it was powerful enough to do that it'd be above your city. PCB lines aren't large enough to catch EMs from range, anything above the atmosphere will be too dispersed to affect anything smaller than a transformer. EMP doomers are retards who think electricity is magic and one nuke will render any electric device bricked. In reality your GPS signal will get scrambled, radio stations will get extremely noisy, and large transformers might arc and explode. The last bit is the most concerning to defense, because just 10% of transformers going out will fuck the nation for a few weeks.
>leave my 4 cylinder carby bike sitting for a bit too long
>becomes a nightmare to get it started and running okay
>leave my efi bike sitting for half a year
>starts with no problem
fuck these things
no, a static shock from shuffling your feet around will not fry a PCB retard.
New crap is no better than old crap except that it is more efficient to manufacture. Hardly anyone today would have enough money to buy a car with the amount of labour that went it them, back in the day.
That has more to do with 10% ethanol gasolir than it does the efi though.
Carbs fucking suck dick. Throttle Body Injection is the peak of usability and simplicity.
>the fuel is a little bit old
Stops working
>a spec of dust in the jets
Stops working
>the miniscule rubber point is .1% worn
Floods everywhere
>some hose has a microscopic crack
Runs like shit
>the air filter is dirty
Runs like shit
>did you turn the adjustment screw 1/32 to the wrong side?
Stops working or runs like shit

99% of the time some old piece of shit is not running is this piece of shit fault. So shove them up your ass
way to out yourself as a wrenchlet, fag
>float bowl gaskets suck ass, they weep all over your intake.
Get a carb with an integrated float bowl like a Carter (Edlebrock) or Rochester.
Alternator has diodes.
Winding acts Ike an antenna
EMP goes off
Diodes pop.
No alternator.
Fuel delivery doesn't matter when you have no spark.

>Military EMP proofs equipment
Ah yes, the basement dweller with the cow of dooty training.
Explain for the class what is involved in "EMP proofing" a vehicle.
And this is why you have a generator equipped pre-1964 classic car.
Its absolutely will.
Thus why techs wear grounding straps on assembly lines.

I'll bet you believe battery explosions from a spark created from hooking up jumper cables and igniting the vented hydrogen gas is just an urban myth also just because YOU have never experienced it
I've rebuild more carburetors than your whore mom fucked niggers in the projects. They're absolute shit and are only still being produced because manufacturers are a bunch of cheap kikes
>*cuckold wrenchlet screeching intensifies*
>Efficiency got the final straw.

Also, carbs are still used where inefficiency is neccessary, such as ITBs, draw thru turbos, motorcycles, and racecars.
>Ah yes, the basement dweller with the cow of dooty training.
>Explain for the class what is involved in "EMP proofing" a vehicle.
NTA but my googlefu says you can build a faraday cage for your car.y question is do older cars with their steel bodies act as a faraday cage in any way? Me not smart so me don't know.
No you haven't!
Don't forget

>ass-freezing weather
Starts like shit, stuck on autochoke farting dark gray smoke for 20 minutes doing like 5 MPG, probably runs like shit even after warming up
Lmao my shit works flawlessly in -32c weather, cable operated choke
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>he doesn't have a thermostatic choke
Wrong. Your car's chassis is a ground that shields your electronics from an EMP. This shit is a psyop. Lightning strikes with more energy and can be redirected via your chassis and tires.
>Manufacturers wear safety glasses because when cutting, things always go into their eyes
>question is do older cars with their steel bodies act as a faraday cage in any way?
Yes. EMP doomers are electrically illiterate boomers. Electrical engineers who work in the power discipline have to design around high voltage and current systems' emitting electrico-magnetic fields.
you must be fuckin retarded if you cant get a holley to seal
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Only domestic toilets should have float bowls.
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why are people so stupid about what a EMP is?

A “EMP” is a electromagnetic pulse, they can either be created deliberately (special devices, nuclear bomb air bursts, sometimes on accident with high frequency equipment), or by nature (solar flare, etc) .

A Aurora Borealis is a visible example of EMP-like radiation in action, ionizing the air and interacting with earth’s magnetic field to create swathes of charged particles.

When it comes to electronic devices being affected by a EMP, there are some key factors.

1. Is the device digital or analog? More advanced circuits that have to process more signals are more vulnerable to being bricked or harmed by EMP radiation. Analog circuits are more tolerant of sudden jumps in signals and usually don’t fry as easy.

2. EMP proximity and strength, when people talk about a EMP wave as a world ending event, they mean a EMP of incredible strength that fries any unshielded electronics and thus leaves lots of society crippled. This EMP wave would also be close proximity to major urban centres.

3. In the case of automotive vehicles, since they use the chassis as the ground for all the electronics, they might suddenly have that ground energize if the EMP is strong enough. This could be disastrous, but diodes and fuses mitigate any real harm. The most you can expect from a EMP that’s not of extreme magnitude, is memory chips, RAM, etc being reset or corrupted (sensitive data relying on electron states), maybe a few fuses blown or circuit boards fried, but definitely not the entire car disabled.

4. Shielding.
EMP waves can be shielded against with electronic devices placed inside a faraday cage or its analogue. Since faraday cages are roughly just a large rounded box of metal, an automotive might have enough metal mass to shield electronics from EMP radiation, provided the hood is closed.

TL;DR Carburetors, not relying on electronics, should remain relatively unaffected no matter the strength of a EMP.
fuel injection baby cant fix shit
>b-b-but my car will survive le nuclear holocaust!
Won't ever happen. This is ridiculous cope and I even have a malaise era carby in one of my cars, carbs still have charm but DFI is objectively superior in every way.
>What is Ram Jet
They airburst several atomic bombs within 50 miles of Vegas in the 50s and 60s and it caused zero issues. Unless its a one in a billion CME EMPs remain a meme.
dont care what it is
I read it as Ram Jeet

same thing really
>within 50 miles of Vegas
Isn't the best EMP supposed to happen if you set off a nuke in the upper atmosphere or low orbit? Far as I understand, the lower atmosphere absorbs the radiation burst too heavily, and it's just turned into extreme localized heating (which generates a blast wave because of thermodynamics and gas laws).
Above most of the atmosphere, heat can't really work like that, but the burst of rays can generate an insane transient current by energizing particles in a large radius. These particles interacting with the magnetic field then generates a continent-scale burst of electromagnetic waves.
Kind of like those solar events that occasionally knock out a substation or comm link, or two, but potentially worse.

>in the 50s and 60s
Also, isn't the usual argument that it would fry modern electronics, which can indeed be fucked by a few extra volts in the wrong spot?
Though they're getting so small that many devices might be unable to function as an antenna for the emitted waves. And they do have some safeguards against volts in the wrong spot, if only to protect them from interference or static electricity.
Larger pieces of electric infrastructure could still be quite fucked, though.
>he doesn’t have a manual that can be push started or parked on a hill then roll off the hill and pop the clutch
>he doesn’t have a diesel that has no ignition coil or wiring of any kind to make it run
I have 3 vehicles that will run with no battery or alternator or starter like this kek
don't forget the gasser guys with magnetos
The dude I’m replying to thinks ignition coils would be fried by EMP, they wouldn’t but I’m humoring him
If his logic were true a magneto would be fried as well
Obviously this isn’t true
Another nice thing about diesel is that it runs off whatever you dump in the tank, I dump used motor oil and transmission fluid in my tank all the time
i always see people (mostly forum boomers) talking shit about thermostatic chokes, are they really as bad as people make them out to be? would they be a balance between a manual and electric choke?
even most 90s fuel injected, ECU cars wouldn't really have problems

>An EMP blast may affect the electronics to varying degrees according to a study by the United States EMP Commission. But they will not hobble ALL vehicles. This study tested 50 cars that were manufactured between 1987 and 2002. These cars were then exposed to an array of EMP blasts up to 50kV/m. The EMP effects on cars were varied.

>The result? Only three of these cars shut down while they were driving. Just one vehicle would not restart, while the other two restarted afterwards without any hitches.

>The interference caused by the EMP blasts on these cars was exclusively in the electronic systems, and such interference was mainly of nuisance value that would not in themselves pose a fatal threat to the driver or passengers. These included disruptions in the turn signals, the radio signal, the headlights, and brake lights.

And it was because the chassis of the vehicle acted as a faraday cage. cars already have no problem getting hit by lightning, so no surprise that an emp wouldn't be too different.
I think they work the best, imo. They stay on longer than the electric ones so the car/trugg warms up slightly faster and won't bog on you if you try to drive off too early. Most of those boomers are wrenchlets as well.
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your EFI car can't survive an EMP? should have added TVS diodes when you were designing the output stag-OH WAIT you CAN'T design an ECU LMAO. fucking get on my level, greasemonkey
EMPs are only scary if you dont know DICK about electronics
good to hear, do they have problems over time? like will the thermostatic spring/strip fail? wondering if i can convert my electric choke to a thermo one...although the intake doesnt actually have a spot to mount a thermo choke RIP. might see if i can rig something up to run off coolant temps
>good to hear, do they have problems over time?
Not that I've ever experienced. The only thing that might be an issue would be a rusting spring, but I've not seen it. Besides, springs are a diamond dozen.

> wondering if i can convert my electric choke to a thermo one
Depends on the carb. I know they typically run off of vacuum where there is a port in the carb body where the choke mechanism itself mounts to and suck from a tube that runs to the exhaust manifolds typically where there is a chamber usually cast into the manifold itself where the vacuum draws hot air from. Mr Gasket made a hot air chamber for tubular headers that mounts to a tube via worm clamps and some fiberglass flat rope that you route a hot air tube from to the choke. Look up on jewgle what the typical setup is for your brand car. I'm a Ford guy, so I can be of some help, but all the big 3 had them at one time.
ive got an old chrysler but its got an aftermarket intake with no provision for a thermo choke, it has an avs2 with an electric choke. i think the water pump housing however does have a plugged port right between the heater inlet and outlet so that'll be very convenient for some sort of temp sensor and relay setup
The sun would like to have a word with you.
Google "Carrington Event"
Pretty sure there was a test done (maybe mythbusters but I don't think so) where an emp will cause a car to shut off, but will restart just fine after cycling the key. Regardless if an emp goes off, especially in a 1st world country, the literal LAST thing you need to worry about is not making it to work on time you fuckin twat.
Anything that would make a strong enough EMP to effect a vehicle would most likely be killing you regardless.

Doubly so for boomers with pacemakers

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