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File: IMG_0823.jpg (61 KB, 640x428)
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>work hard and save up for your dream car
>some cunt easily steals it due to manufacturer flaw, either strips it for parts or hoons around then torches it
>cops do nothing about it, if thief gets caught they get let out on bail or get a slap on the wrist
>the same police will send you to prison for saying the wrong thing online
sucks to be british I guess
VF2 confirmed shit
auto cucks exploited yet again
It's unbelievable. I really wanted a VF wagon but now I'm hesitating because I'm not going to bother if it'll just get stolen
Kek meanwhile the manual Holdens are pretty bulletproof
Went back to auto falcons
Just pull the ign and starter and ECU relays and put lowjack and kill switches
Whats the point, you can't even drive it without losing your license (leave first gear) or get defected
You can't keep it in 1st everywhere either because you'll get your shit impounded for "reckless driving" (you were being too noisy for Bruce Boomer) kek
Fuck forgot that, better keep the exhaust stock then, otherwise you'll get pulled over and defected or if you're lucky some nimby boomer reports your car to the epa

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