why is insurance so fucking expensive all of a sudden?>be me>27>had a 14 mustang that cost about $160 for full coverage 3 years ago>get t-boned by a 19 y/o running a stop sign>got $6k from my insurance and $25k from his>bought a beater 99 wrangler and pocketed the difference for when car prices were less retarded>also became a bikefag>finally feel comfortable looking at newer cars>find a used trugg that I can finance for 2 years with half down at 6%, still plenty left after payments to keep saving like I have been>give my insurance guy a call>he quotes me literally twice the monthly paymentsI only have the one accident with no fault on my record, no tickets or violations. Why is $450 a reasonable insurance price these days? What the fuck happened? It's not even a luxury trim or rare truck, it's just a 5 year old fleet work truck. Literally the only factor keeping me from getting a newer vehicle.Is this shit happening to you?Would it be better to just go new? Is there some variable they have on me I don't know about?
>>28209096Because you have been in an accident are Zoomers really this fucking dumb?
>>28209096Talk to a different insurance company, dummy.
>>28209103I wasn't at fault though, how should that affect my rates?
>>28209126nta but you're always at fault. Even if they say you're covered they still assign some level of blame to you. Chances are, they likely gave you some percentage of blame for not being aware of your surroundings, living a neighborhood with a 19yo that would run through a stop sign, or taking that route, etc.
>>28209096Insurance is a fucking scam. Turn off your normie brain and wake the fuck up
>>28209126Read what you wrote earlier>got $6k from my insurance and $25k from hisFor future reference, if you didn't cause the accident, NEVER tell your insurance company. Only go through the the other person's insurnace. Insurnace is a scam.
>>28209096>Why is $450 a reasonable insurance price these days?450 dollars for 6 months of full coverage for a vehicle that old isn't ideal but it's not a horrible deal in all honesty.
>>28209096>What the fuck happened?Uninsured illegal aliens to infinity.
>>28209096>why is ___ so expensive nowWHO COULD IT BE
>>28209096>insurance kek Just run full cholo mode with paper plates and no insurance
>>28209126Because you made a claim on your own insurance instead of getting all the money from the other guy.
>>28209201>450 dollars for 6 months of full coverage for a vehicle that old isn't ideal but it's not a horrible deal in all honesty.I pay $400 a month for liability only on 3 cars I am the sole owner of and I do not do ride sharing.It used to be $200 a month per car in 2020 for comprehensive with aftermarket parts replacement, roadside assistance, endless towing. That same package is now $350 per car, doesn't matter what company, since I've had the same company for 2 decades, all other companies are asking MORE.>>28209138This anon gets it.
>>28209096I don't blame Reg for having holodeck fantasies with Troi. Luv thick Greekesses, me.
>>28209126Insurance company paid out to you, they want that money back.
Insurancefag here. >I've had the same company for 2 decadesThis has exactly zero relevance on how good your coverage is, how little you pay, or anything else. Policies are generally for exactly 1 year. They don't give a single fuck about you having 19 prior policies, they won't pay you or give you a discount because you've paid more money. >>28209472>>28209180>Because you made a claim on your own insurance instead of getting all the money from the other guy.>NEVER tell your insurance company.Every insurance company reports claims to a central agency that shares that info with every other carrier. They'll know when you're statistically a fuckface likely to be involved in a wreck, even if you're never "at fault". You still end up costing money and being a statistical risk. Insurance by its very basic model MUST make insane profits in order to pay out claims. They simply cannot make a loss on its policies. They also cannot take losses for their shareholders because they want money too. Additionally, with 2020+ model years onward, theres so much fragile tech EVERYWHERE in every vehicle. Bumper isn't a plastic shell anymore, its got 370 individual parts with 16 sensors. Same with a door dent. They don't just slap a new factory door on, its somehow cheaper to pay Eduardo 6 hours to transfer over all 900 parts to a bare door frame. Lets not omit that because theres so much money in insurance, what the fuck are you gonna do, ask your senator to lower profits in the insurance industry?
>>28209511>What are you gunna doSimple, not have jewsurance.
>>28209619Cop pulls you over, you're done driving. Get in a minor accident, you get fucked by the cop again. Need to register your vehicle, can't because no insurance. Car gets stolen, lol head to the dealershipHave a loan, they repo the car because you've violated the contract by not having insurance.Habitual no insurance, license is suspendedinb4 anon drives a $400 pile of shitnot worth insuring and already has felonies so whats another no insurance ticket. Sorry Tyrone, I follow the law so I'm not chronically in jail, court, or paying fines. And I also drive a car worth more than my shoes.
>>28209491Do they give me my money back when I don’t use coverage? No.
>>28209639That money doesn't go into its own little account until you make a claim. You're buying a service you hope to never use, and if you don't use it, that service was still "used" and why you don't get your money back. If you could self-insure, would you do it? Say you could buy a bond to prove you have the $100,000 liability minimum in an account somewhere earning 5% interest so any time your car gets fucked up you get to pay for it. If you crash into someone else and you've trashed their $90,000 car with $126,000 of medical bills, you just hand over the $100k, would you do it? I'm betting even if you did have $100k liquid cash somewhere you still wouldn't do it because the 5% interest you earn every year wouldn't be more advantageous to the coverage on a $3500/year auto policy.
>>28209096because they feel like they've got you 'locked in' to their ecosystemgo to another company, pay half the price
>>28209096It's not just car insurance that has skyrocketed. Medical coverage has literally doubled across the board. It makes car insurance look cheap as fuck. Ask insurers and they keep saying, "lmao inflation" even though inflation for the past year has been under 3%, and only peaked 9% briefly in '22 (average 4.5% over the past four years), yet medical has inflated 121.3% in the same timeframe. They can't even blame COVID as they were all given federal funds for all of that shit already, which means we have already paid for all that in raised taxes, and it was HALF A DECADE AGO. They are literally charging us twice for the same service. Absolute scam.>>28209126Doesn't matter. Your risk to insurance companies' profit is what determines your rates. If you get into five accidents in five years and none of them are your fault, you are statistically still a giant ass risk because, for whatever reason, you attract trouble.>that's not fairInsurance companies exist to generate profit, not to be fair. They are not your friends. Also, in this scenario, it is fair, because every single person I've ever met or heard of who is prone to accidents but is never at fault is a shit driver. Just because you are not at fault doesn't mean you aren't a garbage driver putting yourself in risky situations. Regardless, always remember: insurance companies exist to profit off of you. They do not exist to help you, but due to laws you are required to have insurance.
>>28209511>Policies are generally for exactly 1 year.? Every policy I've ever had always were terms in six month renewals. Never even got the option for one year. I imagine this is so they can """"adjust"""" (i.e. jack up) premiums every six months instead of every year.
>>28209108>Talk to a different insurance company, dummy.lmao you clearly don't have insurance.By and large all major insurance companies will have pretty similar premiums for a given set of coverage selections. You are not going to suddenly get a 50% discount just because you "shopped around."
>>28209638The answer to all your points is I'm white.
>>28209696So you've never had a car loan? Never interacted with the DMV? lmao
>>28209657Another retard, see >>28209695. Do you even drive?
>>28209695That absolutely can happen, particularly if something is funky going on with how one company categorizes the vehicle.
>>28209697I actually own all 3 of my cars.>He doesn't know about getting insurance for a month and not paying after registration.
>>28209695Shut up like.
>>28209096>paying 2 grand a year to insurance jewsI'd already be complaining. My monthly rate is below $35.>financingOh. Lmao.
>>28209096the insurers steal all the money that's why. I keep getting ads saying this and claiming you can pay $50 a month or less if you go with them and "cut out the middle man". are those ads legit?
>>28209702Okay, what happens if you're involved with a wreck? Your fault or not, do you just pay the tow truck driver and hop in one of the other cars? >I actually own all 3 of my cars. I see you didn't dispel the "they're $400 shitboxes" theory I had.
>Zero claims involving me since 2006, never even so much as bumped from behind at a light>Insurance cost jumped 40% this yearWhat is it about that guy shooting a CEO that made every jew shift into maximum overkike?
>>28209511>They don't give a single fuck about you having 19 prior policies, they won't pay you or give you a discount because you've paid more money.Hello fellow insurancefag. They do care in some instances, they offer loyalty discounts and reducing deductibles the longer you stay with the company. Typically these all have caveats like being accident-free though. But yeah cars are definitely way more expensive to repair in 2025 so premiums will reflect that cost and risk. The likelihood of a vehicle being a total loss/writeoff is increased by this factor too. Moreover, some companies offer New Vehicle Protection so if your car is a write-off and you have NVP, they buy you a current-model year vehicle (i.e. 2025). With the massive price spike in new vehicles it is costing companies a shitload lately. The Tacoma you bought in 2021 for $38,000 now costs $58,000, all else being equal. The people who say insurance is a "scam" are just dumb dumbs. It's not a scam any more than going to a casino. You are playing at odds with someone; they're betting you won't claim. If you are a higher risk for claiming, they charge you more money. It's literally that simple. There is no scamming, it's incredibly well documented and detailed like any modern contract. >>28209959See above info. Also there are factors like overall/general risk rating territories. If you live in an area that has seen a spike in theft or accidents, OR if they regroup your territory with another one that has higher risks and losses, your rates go up. Biggest difference is noticed when you move from a city to the country and your rates go down quite a bit.
Keep in mind, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 de-regulated insurance carriers to act more like banks. So when they have $12Billion (with a B) in the bank earning 4.69% interest, of course they're going to tell you to fuck right off with your claims.
>>28209972>they offer loyalty discounts and reducing deductibles the longer you stay with the company.Those loyalty discounts and diminishing deductibles are a fucking joke. They reduced mine by $50 each year I didn't have a claim. Due to inflation increases in coverage, my 1 or 2% deductible (homeowners) also increased by like $80 every year. So diminishing deductible my balls, its still going up. They're not giving you any significant money, its just a teaser to fool your monkey brain into thinking you're getting something back. Its like coupons for 10 cents off a can of beans if you buy 5 cans, realistically you think you're saving 50 cents but overall its meaningless to both parties in the transaction. >The likelihood of a vehicle being a total loss/writeoff is increased by this factor too. Bingo. That $30,000 battery is fried? Cheaper to just total out the car rather than a repair bill of 60% the price of your used car plus putting you in a rental car for however long it takes to get the parts and complete repairs. Thats what spiked so many prices during covid lockdowns: people were in rentals for 6-12 months, basically pushing every claim over the "total value" amount, which in turn led to so many cars being bought after minor crashes.
>>28210010I'll add, the people who say its a scam probably have never been in a serious car crash. If you cracked someone's tail light and they pay you $250 to replace it, thats not insurance worthy. If a dump truck smashes into you totaling your $40,000 used car, you better hope to fuck that dump truck driver has insurance and doesn't consider it to be a scam and simply doesn't have insurance. The biggest scam nobody has mentioned yet is the "uninsured motorist" insurance endorsements. So you, a responsible motorist, gets to pay MORE because some minority doesn't feel like paying for insurance. Why thats even a product people want now is what gets me the most: if someone without insurance crashes into you, you should be legally entitled to take every material object of theirs including whatever may be in their bank account until you are made whole again.
>>28210010A lot of policies now carry rental limits in terms of $$$ so people can't just ride them out. It forces insurers to make decisions faster too so they don't get sued, if they can't decide on repairs vs. writeoff after a month and rental coverage is up the Insured could sue the Insurer for putting them at an extended loss.>>28210011Places that use no-fault coverage systems are ahead of the curve, all the insurers just agree to follow fault-determination rules and not sue each other nonstop. This results in marginally higher premiums for bad drivers but claims are settled faster overall.IMO if someone is driving on a public roadway and crashes into you uninsured, you should be able to beat them to death on the side of the road with a tire iron.
>>28210027>It forces insurers to make decisions faster too so they don't get suedNo you've got this backwards. The Department of Insurance for each state forces them to reasonable time limits to make decisions, not the policy. And having specific dollar limits ends up fucking average people because what if there is just a part on back order and every shop is simply going to take MONTHS longer to repair your vehicle than your policy can pay for? The driver gets fucked while the insurance company has a limit on how much they're obligated to pay. Thats a lose for the consumer because those specified dollar amounts never translated into savings on premiums. Similarly, if they just say fuck it and total your car out, YOU STILL GET TO PAY MORE TO BUY A NEW (used) CAR. I'm not super familiar with the no-fault coverage system, so I can't really say anything for or against. But subrogation and reinsurance is also a thing. Subrogation is just back-room deals to for insurance companies to pay each other monies owed. Some states let the policy holder recover a percentage of that money returned from another carrier, others put you first in line to recover your deductible amount. Reinsurance is insurance for insurance companies. Its super fucked and you know the entire system is fucked when theres insurance for insurance for insurance profits. Some of the shareholders are paid from that reinsurance money, some companies straight up just took out billion dollar loans when interest was low and now that they have to pay those loans back with higher interest, thats why they're denying, delaying, and fucking around with claims. Don't worry though, the executives that were running the show still get paid $50mil+ salaries and bonuses.
>>28210047>Don't worry though, the executives that were running the show still get paid $50mil+ salaries and bonuses.not if my nigga Luigi has anything to say about it
>>28210076I think he pleaded not guilty, but if I were a betting man I'd bet he's going to jail for minimum 50 years. Pre-meditated and all.
>>28209695>>28209700Geico wanted to jack my rate up to $60/month this month from $45I switched to Progressive for $27/month and got -more- coverage.I expect Progressive to jack up my rate every year too, and after a couple years I'll switch to someone else.You can get insurance quotes for free you know. What does that have to do with driving?
>>28210090If I were a betting man I'd say he tragically commits suicide in a cell right when cameras malfunction and no guards or inmates are around to witness it or help him. Very tragic tragedy.
>>28209676>Medical coverage has literally doubled across the board.I made zero dollars last year, yep, zero and don't get the dole. The cheapest Marketplace option I was given this year is $860/mo. I shit you not. All of those ads at the end of the year saying people with pre-existing conditions could get a plan as low as $4/mo pissed me off to no end. Even if I get a part time job at $16/hr 2/3rds of my entire income would go to medical insurance and copays.I entered middle age last year and my car insurace went from $90 to $110 this month on a clean record. People need to stop buying cars loaded with BS to where a fender bender is a $20k repair.
>>28210128I think he's in the same prison as Diddy. Everyone saw right through the epstein "accident" and they can't make it that obvious anymore. Plus the lawyers want to get paid, so it won't be any time soon.
>>28210302>She'quita gets coverage for just $4/mo(((with financial assistance)))I'm delaying shopping until tomorrow, not sure if it closes tonight at midnight, but I'm not looking forward to paying hundreds of dollars for healthcare in case I get maimed or something.
>>28209096because insurance is a scam on poor people and they decided to fleece you
>>28209126New trucks are luxury vehicles+ have always been easy and a target to steal
They are trying to force everyone to stop driving so they can implement a dystopia self driving ev car society were you own nothing.
>>28209096>99 wrangler>also became a bikefagHurrr why is my insurance so much...
>>28209096I pay $200 PER FUCKING MONTH for the absolute minimum 30/60/10 liability coverage required by my State.I am fucking 39 years old. NEVER had a fucking accident in my entire life. NEVER filed a fucking claim (no shit, no accidents).My car is fucking 21 years fucking old (E46).I drive fewer than 1500 miles per year.FUCK insurance cunt scamming fucks, FUCK!
>>28210569Maybe you should shop around for better rates, that's pretty shit.
>>28209126Because you are an american. What you expect is what you get over here yurop.
Because gm has been selling your driving data to insurance companies who increase rates.https://youtu.be/uONAbvX_KRg?si=PDHyY7ra0etE8ewb
>>28209972>It's not a scam any more than going to a casinoThere’s no law that obliges you to go to the casino though
>>28210526>post 2016 /pol/ screencapbasically reddit
>>28210011>The biggest scam nobody has mentioned yet is the "uninsured motorist" insurance endorsements.If you're wronged by a broke fuck, this is the best option for most people without the time or resources to go after the broke fuck legally. You offload that problem to the insurance company, they get to go pursue it.Its a scam that its a necessary insurance coverage? i guess, but if you're in a place where you have broke fucks everywhere who don't insure and have no assets, and especially earn a living off the books, good luck if they crash into you.
>>28211050>If you're wronged by a broke fuck, this is the best option for most people without the time or resources to go after the broke fuck legally.Unless they decide that the other driver is not uninsured properly and denies the claim.
>>28209473>I pay $400 a month for liability only on 3 cars I am the sole owner of and I do not do ride sharing.Jesus fuck that's insane. Were you ever in any accidents? I ask because I pay $37 per month for liability on my car...paying over $100 for liability just seems insane to me
I only pay 400 good boy points per year for 2 shitboxeswhy do americans let insurers fuck them over more than the government
>>28211289Why do euros try to declare how smug they are when their government takes 75% of their income?
>>28211361damn being american or euro must suck
>>28211364If you have to start your post with "in my country" or otherwise declaring you're from irrelevant dirt, nobody cares.
>>28209676why do you feel entitled to receive free and/or subsidized medical care?
>>28209096>why is insurance so fucking expensive all of a sudden?because they know the average goy is too much of a gutless pussy faggot to do anything about it.
>>28209096Aside from the fact you were involved in an accident and claimed some from your insurance. Newer cars cost more, which means they cost more to write off. You are insuring something with significantly more value.
>>28211361If your government takes 75% of your Euros then you ought to have an income of less than a few million per year.
If it’s illegal to drive without insurance and some poor person without it hits me, they should get arrested and incarcerated. Failing that, they should be forced to be my slave until the debt is paid. Fuck this shit I gotta pay some jew extra money when there’s a perfectly good judicial system not being used properly.
>>28211426This is 100% correct. American society is being held hostage by broke criminals