You are watching the EV apocalypse happen in real time.“Only 380,600 electric vehicles were newly registered. This corresponds to a decline of 27.5 percent compared to the previous year.”“Diesel cars were even ahead of purely electric cars at 17.2 percent," reports Blackout News.“These figures show how far away Germany is from the government’s electromobility targets. According to the KBA, there were only 1.4 million electric cars on the roads at the turn of 2024/25, while the target is around 15 million by 2030.”
inb4 the "but norway!!1!" shill brigade
Turns out EVs sold in germany are utter shit, plagued with bad software or no range AND fucking expensive, they had to create incentives and tax breaks for people to even consider, now the government is broke and they cut the incentives, oh well At the same time they fucked over their whole automobile industry by demanding EV production and sells to hit their CO2 targets
>>28211476lmaoing at commies
>>28211476>You are watching the EV apocalypse happen in real time.based retard what actually happened was literally the birth of commercial EVs, this is just the beginning and they already took 99.999% of the records from ice fags, that's all it took a few years since their birth, its only going to get worse, much much worse, keep your XXL copium supositories, you're going to need them
>>28211868They're so good, that people en mass stop buying them when the tax credits cease to exist.
>>28211476they couldn't even force battery toy cars in communist yurop to the most cucked and subservient people in the world,pathethic.
>>28211476fuck evs but not sure why germany, or europe matters at all. There's only two market that matters, USA and China