like /pol/ does? It's cool being able to see which country and person you're talking to in a thread. It also makes keeping track of conversations easier because you can see their Ids. It's still relatively anon, as you don't need a name, but just easier to follow convos.Any chance that 4chan could update the board? Where does one go to make such requests?
>>28212077Anonimity is fucking garbage anyway and has been nothing but a detriment to the quality of most boards for a long while now but it's the one defining trait this forum has so the users cling onto it and will never let go of it.
>>28212097But the IDs are still anonymous. It's a random string of numbers and letters. I guarantee this board still tracks user ids using the cookies in your browser and your IP address. Still, noone can decipher your IP from the ID unless they're a mod, in which case they already know your IP. The IDs don't remove anonymity in any way; they just make it easier to see who you're responding to in the context of the thread. They also don't stay the same from thread to thread.As for the country flag, I don't think many people care if other anons know what country they're posting from; it's still fairly anonymous because you could be anyone in that country.
>>28212097I disagree about anonymity being useless, but thread IDs aren't really deanonymizing unless you don't want people seeing how much you post to a single thead. I got no use for flags.
>>28212111Checked, and I'd be fine with just IDs and no flags. The flags would be kinda fun imo because you can see which countries are saying what about which cars. Like a German shitting on Corvettes or an American shitting on BMWs, and vice versa.
>>28212077flags would just mean half of /o/ would go>lmao yuropoor detected, opinion discardedand the other half>lmao amerishart detected, opinion discardedwith everyone shitting on third worlders even harder than they do now. flags are fine for /sp/, /int/ and so on because they are relevant to most discussion, not other boardsI like thread ids though, there is never a valid reason to schizopost inside a thread (especially since most threads on /o/ are short) and it would make following some discussions easier
you want accountsgo back
>>28212125>flags would just mean half of /o/ would go>lmao yuropoor detected, opinion discarded>and the other half>lmao amerishart detected, opinion discardedThat's actually a fair point. Maybe you're right>>28212126>you want accountsNo I don't. I use this site specifically because there are no accounts. The IDs aren't accounts. Your ID is a random string of characters and it changes every thread. There is no way to track someone with their ID unless you're a mod, and as I stated earlier, the mods already know your IP regardless of the public ID.
>>28212097You definitely take better care not to mindlessly shit up a discussion or talk about something that's out of your element when you aren't anonymous. and i say this as someone who makes less than ideal posts myself.>>28212101People absolutely do care about flags. but only if they're from countries that would make them feel like they're throwing stones in glass houses. i wish /v/ especially had flags. all the fucking thinly veiled /int/ threads would've vanish overnight since a lot of posters on that board are from south /o/'s case, it probably wouldn't make a big difference, since most car enthusiast will be from the western Europe/America/Australia region anyway. maybe make IDs that establish if someone's IP has established proof of car ownership before. and require it to be renewed once a year with updated proof. establishing who is and isn't a known busrider right off the bat would be a big filter of posting quality.
>>28212126at this point 4chan is a containment board for reddit shitposters banned for being too annoying, retarded, or obnoxious >>28212155i would say a lot of the shitters here are southeast asians
>>28212077Flags would be great4 out of 5 threads of some fag asking for advice are useless because the niggas will not post location. There's no threat of getting doxxed because we know you're in idaho ya dingusSo many threads like the one about SJs in the catalog right now are a waste of everyone's time because nobody knows what type of car OP actually needs advice for. My favourite thread of this kind was a while ago, some dude asking what's a fun used BMW he could buy. Gets replies, can't find anything for sale, turns out he's on fucking cyprus kekpic unrel
>>28212155>in /o/'s case, it probably wouldn't make a big difference, since most car enthusiast will be from the western Europe/America/Australia region anyway. maybe make IDs that establish if someone's IP has established proof of car ownership before. and require it to be renewed once a year with updated proof. establishing who is and isn't a known busrider right off the bat would be a big filter of posting quality.You're getting confused about what the IDs mean on 4chan. The ID isn't an ID that sticks with the user outside of a single thread. When you post in a THREAD you get assigned a random ID that simply acts as a way to figure out who is posting what IN THAT THREAD. It does not follow the anon around from thread to thread. It doesn't confirm any information about a user, other than showing which posts are theirs in a thread. It's very useful for tracking conversations and knowing who you're speaking with in a conversation. For example, I'm the OP of this thread and you'd be able to see who I'm responding to, and that I now agree flags might not be a good idea after receiving feedback in the thread.
>>28212124Flags would just devolve into LOL EUROKEK LOL AMERIFAT LOL THIRD WORLD SHITHOLE shitflinging every thread.
>>28212179I know what IDs do. i'm saying lets make them do something else. you can still know who owns a car without knowing what car they posted or identifying them between threads. the ID would still be different every thread, but if you hover your mouse over it, it should tell you whether or not that poster has posted proof of ownership of a car somewhere on the board at one point.
>>28212193>Flags would just devolve into LOL EUROKEK LOL AMERIFAT LOL THIRD WORLD SHITHOLE shitflinging every thread.Yeah someone else mentioned that earlier in the thread. After consideration I can see your point. You might be right. I still like IDs though>>28212198This is a bit much for 4chan. The site is somewhat built around not having accounts and being anon. Having it track your vehicles seems like a stretch. As (OP) I just would like some way to track conversations in a thread. It gets confusing when you can't see who's saying what in a debate. For example, there was a debate in the supercar thread with two people debating what denotes a supercar versus racecar. I got lost not knowing who was saying what. In a normal debate you'd at least be able to recognize voices instead of them all sounding robotic and the exact same.
>>28212077We already have enough country tribalism shitflinging here without it. If we got flags I'd prefer it to be the poster's choice from a list of major manufacturers, not an auto-assigned country flag.
>>28212077posts should be judged on merit of content, nothing more.
>>28212193>>28212216>LOL EUROKEK LOL AMERIFATThis already happens. anytime someone non american enters a thread they can easily assume anyone they're replying to is american because most posters on the board are.
>>28212077lol we don't need flags here. Euros make it painfully obvious they're euros.
>>28212077What is this painful obsession people have on EVERY board now with demanding flagsand ID's like /pol/? The whole POINT of 4chan is that it's an ANONYMOUS imageboard.You fucking people should be hung from a bridge, seriously. This is not reddit you fucking FAGGOTS. The insane level of judaism that comes from someone suggesting everything should be ID'd and labeled and tagged and tracked etc. is disgusting.FUCK yourself OP. Jannies should permanently ban you for making such a shit thread that goes against the very essence of this place.
>>28212278you're still anonymous. there's no reason people can't know what country you're from, or that you aren't samefagging.
>>28212282Who gives a shit what country someone is from here? Or if they're samefagging? That's part of the game.
>>28212286>the entire point of any board is just shitposting with (insert topic here)
>>28212282>4chan works perfectly fine for more than 20 years>literally births modern web culture and memes>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WE HAVE TO MAKE IT LIKE REDDIT AND XWITTER AND FACEBERG AND INSTAKIKE
>>28212278/pol/ IS 4chan.
>>28212290The entire point of 4chan is that it's not like the rest of the shit social media sites and forums that exist. It is very unique, especially in 2025. The suggestion that it should be made into the same generic slop offered at a dozen other troughs is an affront to it and all its denizens. Only a jewish redditor would even consider such a thing.
>>28212292>4chan works perfectly finekek
>>28212298Honestly go use any other site and objectively tell me how and why it's better than 4chan. I'll wait (for eternity). >>28212293t. been here since 2021
>>28212296i'm not sure why you're so hung up on IDs and flags making the site exactly like twitter and any other forum. you're still anonymous. i promise you no one will know that you admitted to wanting to meet up with another dude so he can dress up as your favorite anime girl on the cams and meetups board.>>28212301Its not better, but 4chan isn't working "perfectly fine" at all. its obvious by the fact that it had to change and had so many board splittings. /v/ alone has had to split into so many fucking boards. and people STILL think its not enough.
>>28212298I have spent a good amount of time on places like Toyota and specifically FJCruiserforums. They are a hellhole. The moderators are fucking boomer faggots who delete posts and ban users over literally NOTHING at all. It's like a clique, very much like reddit, where you have to maintain a specific mindset to be able to post anything at all. Incredibly cringe. Bitch all you want about jannies here but every 6 months there's a new batch, and most boards have like 1-2 who suck at most and they don't last that long. Overall it's the most liberal place for discussion where you can say just about anything without repercussions, fuck around, no commitments, and post maymays. No other forum lets you just casually hang out and post random shit. We have all been banned for silly shit before, undeniable. But it's not a big deal, janny has a bad day sometimes or you legit do break a site rule. Better than plebbit or the other car forums where you have to suck tranny dick and fellate the mods 24/7 just to maintain an account.>not enough posts to make a thread>not a favourite of the top 3 mods so no one replies to your threads>mods hide your threads for no reason>mods sanction you for asking benign questions and immediately say "SEARCH THE CATALOGUE WE HAD A THREAD ABOUT THIS IN 2003 ONE MORE THREAD LIKE THIS AND YOU'RE GONE BUCKO DON'T TEST ME">t. Hannibal sent from my grandson's iPad using Tapatalk
>>28212310Man, what the FUCK is /v/, and why do you keep mentioning them?
>>28212322ugly slow gay bmw roach confirmed for newfag
>>28212310Fair point, /v/ is a cancerous hellhole filled with permavirgines and weebs. But that comes with the territory, naturally this site would attract people like that. Instead of getting upset over high user traffic and lots of posts they could embrace it and think "holy shit people love coming here, let's make niche boards for these retards" which they absolutely did. I have been coming here since 2005, legit oldfag. This place isn't necessarily better or worse than it was, it's just different. But in terms of websites to use and enjoy, it's the only one to remain consistently decent and usable. Everything else requires multi-factor authentication, some even demand your mobile phone number for "security" reasons. SOUNDS SUPER DUPER FUN WHEN I NEED TO LOG PERSONAL INFO FOR THE FUCKING FBI TO TRACK BECAUSE I WANT TO POST A SMUG ANIME GIRL.
>>28212323video games are for children lolThis fag keeps saying how this place is like /v/ but with cars, then when I ask how, they never explain.I'm not gonna read about kids toys to know what he means
>>28212327>This fag keeps saying how this place is like /v/ but with carsCar Brand wars like console wars,Off topic thinly veiled political threadsOff topic thinly veiled /int/ threadsPeople talking about the ownership of cars they've never actually ownedPeople falling for the same shitty bait over and over again having the same repetitive low effort one-liner arguments.i could go on.
>>28212332nta but clearly you spend too much time on /v/. I couldn't elaborate on the nuances of that place beyond it being full of fags, but clearly you are a /v/ regular. Get your life together.
>>28212335I haven't been to /v/ in years. i don't even play video games anymore. but i still notice the patterns from that board here.
>>28212337Sure thing, manbaby.
>>28212332>console warsWhat, like Nerdshoe?!>Off topic thinly veiled political threads/v/ does this?>Off topic thinly veiled /int/ threadsExample?>People talking about the ownership of cars they've never actually ownedYou don't need to own a car to know it's garbage>People falling for the same shitty bait over and over again having the same repetitive low effort one-liner arguments.So?
>>28212325>This place isn't necessarily better or worse than it wasThis is surprising to hear from an oldfag. almost every single oldfag i encounter CRIES fucking constantly about the good old days when this site was actually good.i'm sure you've seen that image showing the girl become more and more jaded as 4chan is depicted to devolve as it ages. it would get posted on /v/ a LOT every time the topic of board meta would come up.>some even demand your mobile phone number for "security" reasons/biz/ briefly demanded an email before posting as a means of stopping the constant shilling of pump and dump scams. just another example of the site having a problem and the mods trying to provide a band-aid solution.
>>282122924chan didn't birth modern web culture, something awful did.
>>28212354>/b/ was never good etc.I started on /b/ and yeah it sucks now. I don't use it so I don't really care. It's reflective of internet culture being dominated by porn and cumbrain faggots. It's a "random" board, it reflects whatever randomness the internet bestows upon it. It's like getting mad at the mirror. >>282123584chan was an amalgamation of everyone from Ebaums, somethingawful, whackbag, Newgrounds, and the various Opie & Anthony/Howard Stern/Ron & Fez fan forums. It's like the melting pot for all of those shitholes.
>>28212354>This is surprising to hear from an oldfag.NTA, but it's simply different. If I had to sum it up, there's less wit and humor, but more (slightly) useful knowledge. Maybe the median userbase just got older and more boring.
>>28212380>If I had to sum it up, there's less wit and humor, but more (slightly) useful knowledge. Maybe the median userbase just got older and more boring.That's a good summary IMHO. We were 15-20 when 4chan debuted and the best things ever were Habbo raids, gentlemen threads, and candleja
>>28212380i feel like there's more wit. the "humor" more or less is the same, it just revolves around being spiteful and crude for the sake of it. a joke can't be funny unless we're dehumanizing the opposing side, or just editing people laughing at terrorist attacks, etc.Old 4chan humor was more stupid and silly but light hearted. rage comics/"le black people talk funny".
>>28212077pols the worst board for bots and spam>newfag doesnt know what trip codes arecringe
>>28212358Lowtax invented the meme too
>>28212354>This is surprising to hear from an oldfag. almost every single oldfag i encounter CRIES fucking constantly about the good old days when this site was actually good.those are not oldfags those are newfags larping as oldfags. i am an old old fag, not only do i remember what old 4chan was like i remember what the internet was like without 4chan. and you know what? it's the same damn shit. if this website disappeared tomorrow there would be a new one within hours, it wouldn't stop a thing. the human animal demands to be free and places like this come into existence when there is a need for them, not the other way around.that picture you speak of is just depression bait. why would you be sad to watch the evolution of human culture in real time? this shit is amazing. people come up with the craziest shit every single day. furthermore, any meme timeline image that does not start with zomg teh rei, george zimmer founder and ceo of the men's wearhouse, or cockmongler is made by a bona-fide newfag, i guarantee it.
>>28212397>the "humor" more or less is the same, it just revolves around being spiteful and crude for the sake of itMan, I remember shit that used make me giggle like an idiot. Main Dude's titties on /ic/, someone making an extremely insightful post on /his/ about Cyrus the Great's reign but using a picture of Genghis Kahn named Brutus-Looking-Suspiciously.jpg, all of the amazing greentexts on /co/ during the run of "The Watchmen".
>>28212411nigger shut the fuck up i've been here for 20 years don't tell me i'm larping my 2005 Dell Laptop has at least 1GB of Carlton reaction images
>>28212411>>28212422It's okay, ladies. You're both old but still pretty.
>>28212422i have forgotten the context of more memes than you will ever know
>>28212077The real reason is that they don't want you to know how dead some of the boards are. They only recently removed the unique poster count at the bottom of the page to hide samefagging. /o/ isn't that dead but some boards have like 2-5 schizos talking to themselves and that's it.
>>28212503>to hide samefaggingno it's because when people like you were disagreed with, you would derail entire threads over calling out samefag and pseudoscientifically verifying the poster count, and it was incredibly annoying and stupid since you were easily defeated by some bitch on his phone.
>>28212510This. The schizo obsession with "winning" an internet argument on 4chan is what drives this desire to ID everything and everyone. It's faggotshit.
>>28212584The social media generation can't understand why the escape from bulletin board style forums with usernames, join dates, post count, post histories, etc into the joy of anonymity was such a blessing. Their brains are soaked in this disgusting conversation-as-competition ratio war nonsense.
>>28212592i'm tired of the ID=Social media strawman.
IDa are a barometer of your board's health. You only need them if people are so constantly shitting up threads with samefagging that the board is near unusable. Do you really think /o/ warrants it?
>>28212510>misses the point completelyThere were posts on slower boards that only had 4 posters going backwards and forward both arguing and blowing kisses up each other's arses for 300 posts over a month. It was fucking obvious.
nigger gay suck dick ass skibidi
>>28212077>like /pol/ doeslmao /pol/tard detected, opinion dicarded
>>28212401IDs in the thread aren't the same as tripcodes.>>28212510That still happens even without IDs. I made this thread after trying to follow a bicker session on here. The only difference is that someone trying to follow the bickering can't see which anon is saying what. It's really hard to follow arguments here when you're used to /pol/ that has IDs.>>28212592Dude it's not a username. How many times do I have to say this? It's a random string that allows people to know who is saying what IN A THREAD! IT DOESN'T FOLLOW YOU AROUND
>>28213140these guys are extremely scared of saying something in a thread, forgetting about it, then having it come back to haunt them in the same thread./o/ is a slow board, so you could say something in a thread 2 days ago, forget about it, then say something else like>"haha, do you even know anything about cars, retard? that isn't how that works">[2 days ago in the same thread]: "Guys, whats this tea pot light mean?"they're extremely terrified of looking stupid and having it stay with them. or contradicting themselves, or accusing others of shit they just did and having it turned back on them easily.
>>28213209Jokes on you guys. I say stupid shit all the time. Anonymity just keeps my shame sessions to shorter increments.
>>28212097Go back to r.eddi.t if you don't like it.
>>28213326Dude /pol/ has Ids. It's more like "go back to /pol/"
>>28212097The detriment is letting third worlders access the internet. In 2003 when 4chan was founded, 70% of netizens were from the US and 90% were from Anglosphere+Japan, with most of the remainder being from western Europe. Nowadays ⅔ of internet users are from South America and SEA. If we banned all non-US IPs from 4chan, almost all of the site's problems would evaporate overnight
>>28212373Just realised, the one on the right's hair is supposed to look like Goku
if you can't already tell which country somebody is from based on how they reply to you, then you may not be the brightest nigger in the shed