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Alhamdulillah (ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ) brothers, another beautiful day to pilot the ultimate driving machine
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Should I put a titanium midpipe on my s58? I'll leave the stock muffler since I have a valve controller
>>28253035 (OP)
Me on the left and also the right
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the rare denim slav. hell yeah brother
Based Ultimate Driving Machine enjoyers
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i'm white but ppl think i'm shitskin sandnigger cuz i drive a BMW
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For me it's twilight purple
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Harley-Davidson makes the best BMWs. Big 'Murican Wheels.
I've been keeping an eye on marketplace for a E60 530D and literally every BMW coupe is being sold by a Pakistani or Arab. Most sedans by a Vietnamese. The SUVs are 50/50 Chink or white.
>>28253035 (OP)
Jesus is my co-pilot.
>in the Quran, Jesus is one of the prophets of God and is even called The Messiah (he who was born of the immaculate conception).
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>he who was born of the immaculate conception
You mean virgin birth. The Quran also says that the Muslims should treat the Bible as truth (2:136), thereby cucking Muslims out of their own religion. I can't believe I've owned a picrel, my first and probably last BMW.
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>>28253035 (OP)
I posted this on the wrenching general but I need to get it off my chest

fuck BMW valve stem seals
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>>28253035 (OP)
Christianity and Islam are just DLCs for Judaism
What didn't you like about it?
As-salaam alaikum brothers
>pre owned by a paki
imagine the smell
This board's obsession with BMW is so odd
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Too many MONSTER TRUCKS in this thread
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The most feared brand on /o/, baby
saw an 840i driven by an old couple on the way home from work the other day. looked comfy
They realized a used M340i is attainable, powerful, tunable, and reliable. And that scares them because they've run out of excuses so they resort to "hurr durr brown"
>>28253035 (OP)
waalaikum salaam brothers
what is the best car to impress my wife for $10k us?
No I liked it, it felt like an armored car version of my KE70. But it was a bit overrated. The main downsides were the shitty handling with way too much front bias and the suspension was a bit firm for a heavy car. Slow too. I like a bit of looseness in my cars so the SS Commodore is a better fit for me
That's a very small bimmer
how much was that hotdog? I'm thinking about getting into business
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>still waiting for THAT bmw pic collage
for me
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Checked and based.
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Small 2dr BMW coupe > anything else
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costco $1.50 with a drink
i think you could easily compete
Moin Moin bros
Mashallah my brothers.
Post more BMWs
>fake leather
>fake carbon
>all that cheap plastic
>cheap aliexpress tablets instead of real gauges

>old ass autotragic he stole off Google images
No cars shouldn't be allowed to post here
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only an /o/tist would talk shit about a literal Alpina E39 because automatic
>Alpinas are good because I said so!
What makes it good? Actual quantifiable metrics and not your fee-fees please
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>people hated how my car looked a few years ago
>now people like it and call it modern, even people who dont know shit about cars
What changed?
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Honestly, I’m glad xdrive will replace rwd completely very soon
>all that unnecessary bloat
That steering wheel stitching is is ugly as fuck.
The E39 was perfect out of the box.
Shrimple as.
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Based Comet enjoyer
It depreciated, literally that's it
is an E65 Alpina B7 a good buy at <10k usd?
If you can't afford it new, you can't afford to maintain it used
It's swung back to appreciating though, it was hated during peak depreciation.


You're really going to need these videos if that's the route you're going down, especially if it's under 10k.
Anon why are you parked in a trolley bay?
Same with the 996, just how depreciation curves go. I wish people would continue tn hate the 996 just so I can pick up a cheap 996 Turbo, but that ship has sailed
Holy fuck, I didn't know prices for the 996 had climbed so high.
I'm pretty surprised at how much I see E60s going for sometimes too, anything with an engine bigger than the 525 can go for a pretty decent amount and even surpasses an equivalent F10.
Last spot at the car meet
Lol dumbass fucking tranny, wrenchlet
>You're really going to need these videos if that's the route you're going down, especially if it's under 10k.

ive been watching a lot of his videos and he's the reason i kinda want one, i thought these were horribly unreliable cars with NLA parts like classic jaguars, but these look very serviceable and simple. I gravitate towards buying a car on the cheap end and doing a full rebuild. People will sell a car like this on the verge of falling apart with a "full service history", not worth it if i wasn't going to do it myself. He did pick up his for $4k though, have these really doubled in price since the coof?
thats because whites buy newer because they can afford ir
and judaism is a sequel to zoroastrianism
Both of you are aware it's retardedly easy to send 100% of the power to the rear wheels all the time with xdrive, right?
E60 M5s are ~$20k while F10 M5s are $30k - $40k still
>those demographics
You must be in LA
xdrive is GAY as FUCK.
I was looking around for e60 m5/e63m6 a couple of months ago, and it seems that typical prices are 25-30k. If they come with serviced bearings and the vanos line, this price goes up by about several thousand, and those with a stick also hold a large premium. Decided this was way too expensive just to get into an old sports car, especially considering expensive failure points other than the drivetrain. They are cool cars though, just far and slow.
POV you are a depressed and lonely mid 20s man cruising around the city during a wintery night in his old ass bmw
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Was geht's
LA for sure, it's the only place with those demographics like that, especially Viets.
It's "wie gehts" ackshually.
There are Vietnamese in SJ too, but not many arabs or pakis
excellent color
'Was geht' is also okay.
https://youtu.be/yCPyq9pdoTs?si=beOTluQqOGbvos2z [Embed]
This retard ruining the BMW reputation for all of us.
XDrive is for faggots and women.
Just like the Quran see Moses as prophet or messenger.
But the Quran still see Muhammad above Jesus and Moses, basically Muhammad is the right one because he is the most up to date prophet/messenger of God.

The Quran rejects the concept of the Trinity
It claims that Christians exaggerated in their belief in Jesus and mistakenly attributed divinity to him, while he was only a messenger of Allah(god), I kind of agree with them here, he was a messenger imo. God is omnipresent

Not for noting they are called Abrahamic religion and it's all the same shit.
I wouldn't be surprised if reptilians intervened to cause chaos because, at the end of the day, Christians, Jews, and Muslims believe in the same God.
> immaculate conception
this is purely a catholic/protestant concept. not even orthodox Christianity accepts this

The Jews wrote the Talmud, which is enough evidence to discredit the Bible of which they were also authors.

the only truth is that some shit happened around 2000 years ago that 60% of the world attests to
Not LA, Melbourne
Gnostics are worse than Muslims.
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hi /dbt/
damn bitch you live like this?
just bought an e30 318is
How is it? I had an E36 318is and I was just wishing for a 6 the whole time but I imagine it might be more fitting in the lighter car.
no idea mate its been parked for 10 years at least. cleaned it up its got no oil leaks other than the sump which was smashed so thats decent. got it to crank for a second but no lights or electrics on the dash so somethings fucked there. its had a smack on the front left side too so will need some new panels, grille and some pulling on the radiator support bit. radiator was split and needs a new thermostat housing too. other than that seems like it might start so fingers crossed
i know it will be low on power but should still be a decent car to drive around on weekends
Ok but really why is the E36 market so retarded.
328i coupes with a manual are selling for $15k, at like 140k+ miles
You can find 335is cheaper than that.
can i ride with you in your bmw?
Am I stupid if I want to buy a BMW 320 from 2003?
I'm also a newfag to cars and have no idea what I should be look at, if that helps
>modern BMWs have the chink squint
i'm gonna call the front fascia of modern BMWs "chink squint" from now on
/pol/ this way
90s nostalgia coupled with the fact that they're pretty engaging as drivers cars, moreso than E90/E92s, despite not being great cars to live with due to the crappy interiors.
That was always disappointing with my E36. The interior just felt like utter shit in comparison to every other model of 3 and 5 series before and after the E36. How that interior succeeded the E30 and lived alongside the E34 and E39 is a total mystery.
The German government was pressuring them at the time to use sustainable materials in cars for the environment. Basically the entire interior was designed to be 'self-recycling'. Hence all the plastic shit everywhere and the glue that fails. I shit you notthe car was designed to recycle itself in real time. Same thing happened with Mercedes at the era. They made wiring harnesses out of fucking onions beans and they would disintegrate and catch fire and cause all kinds of electrical fuckery.
I'm thinking about picking up an E46 320d Compact for a banger rally car. I've heard that the compacts tend to be pretty rust-free and don't suffer from cracking rear suspension mounts, but that the factory rear springs were prone to breaking. These have the M47, but with swirl flaps. Anything I need to know about with these?
best e46 body and best m47 version
good car
Awesome. Glad to hear that. I just did a few thousand km road trip in a very basic car with ~50 horsepower. It was fun, but I kept thinking "next time, it's a fucking two liter turbodiesel bimmer or merc". I've always liked the looks of the 3 series compacts.
surely the german government took responsibility for those recalls (not)
Has there ever been a case in recorded history where a communist takes responsibility for their actions?
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Bi-smi llāh br/o/thers, I dream of the day I will finally be able to terrorize the streets in my own ultimate driving machine.
But how come that didn't affect any other cars in the lineup for that time? The E39 is considered the peak of BMW interior quality and design and that was sold alongside the E36.
>tfw my dream is to take the front end off the compact and put it on a wagon
I drive 20 year old bmw and keep catching girls stare at me
They're worried you're going to kidnap them.
LOL what the FUCK even is that shit
I'd NEVER buy a car that's so fuckined riced out godsDAMN
women love to fuck drug dealers
potential threat = wet pussy

Such is life in this bitch of an earth, where female specimens are adapted genetically to give themselves to invading tribe in order to survive
What's riced about that one? Looks pretty much stock as far as I can tell.
Lol why the FUCK do the headlights look like that?! What the FUCK even is that thing?!
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It's kino
The E36 debuted in 1990. The E39 didn't roll around until 95. They'd walked back the fuckery with the interiors by that point. Later model E36s were an improvement over the earlier cars as well, although still pretty poor. My guess was that BMW either put their foot down with the government or they learned to play by the rules in a way that didn't ruin the cars. Makes sense, they could get away with having crappy interiors in a 3 series but a shitty interior in a 5 series would've seriously damage their reputation.
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So did the rules not apply to current models? The facelifted E34 actually improved its interior in 1991.

It makes the E36 a real weird car in their history, especially since even the design language didn't match the previous gens or the next gens. I didn't hate it, but it didn't feel as cosy as the other models.
Lol man just get an E92 335i already godsdamn son
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I'm not really sure, its hard to find information online. I think it might've been aggressive lobbying that lead them to make the changes rather than hard and fast rules, and BMW was just trying to boost their ESG credentials by caving to the pressure. They also developed the E36 as a proof of concept of what could be done in terms of environmental materials. I read somewhere that their goal was for 80% of the interior to be made of sustainable materials or something like that. They might not have bothered to re-engineer an already developed car like the E34 for the same reasons. With the E36 it was one of their goals from the outset. Funnily enough I have the exact same spec interior as picrel in my E34 with the leather upgrade and the two tone brown. It was a special individual package on Japan only cars. Odd that the brochure photo utilises a LHD wheel.
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Dangerously based interior, that wood trim is very rare. Most I see are the dark wood version.

I have an E34 myself that's pre-facelift without the wood (kinda rare maybe?). I'm guessing you have a 525 since you don't have the full feature OBC right?
Yeah just the M50 in mine. Plan on manual swapping it when a donor car comes up. More than enough power for comfy daily duties but I do wish I had the V8 sometimes. The blacked out mobster spec in yours is kino.
V8 is kinda overrated, I have more fun with the M30. The fuel consumption is extreme but it feels nice and has some decent power.

>The blacked out mobster spec in yours is kino.
Thanks anon. It came with grey cloth seats but I swapped them out for the black leather, so it has the nice two tone of grey door card inserts and grey carpeting, but black seats and black vinyl. I also love the armrests, I never realized how nice having a car with proper armrests could be.
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Slightly better photo, not sure why the other one cropped funny.
im watching m539 vids, he just shoots the parts cannon at cars whenever there is an issue. i know this dude has a generic live data tool, is he retarded or do bmws require dealership tools?
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I have a non-titanium midpipe. Pretty happy with it. No complaints here. I have the sst valve controller also.
You can "pirate" the software, or what have you, but yes, you need specific BMW scan tools to program even the battery in E90s.
You can use a generic scanner for everything in E46s and earlier
He seems to get a lot of hook ups from suppliers that he plugs on his channel so why wouldn't he rely on parts cannon. Not saying he's a shill or anything it just seems like a mutual goodwill thing that's good for all parties involved. He also seems to have a direct line to Alpina for rare parts that us chuds could never hope to obtain.
>he just shoots the parts cannon at cars whenever there is an issue
Not really, he rebuilds quite a lot of shit and falls back on replacement when that fails. He did that with the VANOS unit on a E39 and the ABS system on the E60 M5. I think he also had the audio system for the E66 rebuilt rather than replaced.
Is the BMW I4 any good?
no, it's electric
Well the government and my family say electric is the future so when my current car dies there's gonna be no replacement that has an ICE and no retarded hybrid system or whatever
Well your government and family are delusional retards, sorry.
It will have less oil leaks than a normal bmw, I will give you that.
I completely agree that they're delusional retards
So, perfect for brown boyracers
Yeah it's a well designed and made car, literally just a 4 series grand couple except electric instead of a car LARPing as a spaceship
he thought he was gonna just stand on the front brakes and clutch kick 3rd gear lmao idiot
Disgusting kompot
Anyone else know when and why this cancer started spreading? Putting M shit on your non-M car used to exclusively be the domain of ricers, but now I see it on every other BMW.
That's an F10 M5 though
this is going really well for a troll thread. we should have a bmw general more often
Ironically M-lites are more like old M cars than current M cars, which in turn are tying to chase the Porsche market
gay cope
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I only like going to meets to show off my expensive gear and bikes then leave. I feel like a god amongst poors.
You mean you're too embarrassed to talk to anybody and then you rush back home before you spill your spaghetti?
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I'm autistic so I don't feel those things.
t. Poorfag
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nah i just prefer the real ones. whoring out the m badge never sat right with me but it certainly brought in more sales from *poorfags*
You keep posting your dad's last gen M5
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f90s are like 50k now. if that's muh daddy money to you then you need to sort your shit out
>gloats about "muh real M" when buying used shit
>people are spending more on M-lites and don't even bat an eye while they love rent free in his head
>slow and malding and definitely totally not a bus rider at all you guise
shiggy digs
You niggers is why there isn't a real BMW general
this is a dead board with like a dozen actual posters
Mostly bots, poorfags/no cars, and a small sprinkling of anons with decent cool cars but absolutely dogshit personalities
No one actually wants to talk about cars here they just want to argue, that's why most people have left
yep. i only still come by because i've been here since 04 and it's just habit. i used to wonder what i'd do when this place shuts down; now i welcome it
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are these front lip OEM? or is that an aftermarket one?
>>28253035 (OP)
Anybody know how to register a new battery without BimmerLink? Do I really need to drive to the dealership? And will they do it for free even though I didn’t buy it from them?
you don't need to do it if it's the same type
You can't really have a general for anything, the autism about brands here is somehow worse than how /g/ is about Android vs iOS.
lmao I thought this was the bike thread. nevermind
what kind of car cover would you recommend for an E92
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Moin Moin
Nothing, I still hate it
fuck bmw. what was once good is now a symbol of broccoli-headed arabs who think financing is a flex
If you were alive 20 years ago you'd be saying the same
everyone who drive BMW is honorable Albanian
they are old and rarer now
in 2013 in my younger /o/ days I got my 328i for £600
my m3 in 2015 for £6000, and that was pricey

they were cars no one wanted, just old
e46 were preddy gud value too, a clean 325ci/330ci was around £2500-£3000

now days the e36 is like what the e30 was price wise
they are listed randomly as there are so few let, eg a 318i for the same price as a 328i

e46 are cheap cheap now but 330ci are going up, more than before

E90s are the best value lower down the price range and will bottom out like 30/36/46 did in the past
I am
I did
sometimes I want a 135 but then I sit-down until the feeling passes.
We need a 140M
RWD hot hatch with a B58 + ZF8 would fuck so hard
hatchbacks are GAY as FUCK
Your mom
how are the E82s? currently dailying a shitbox E87 but considering it as next car
you ever had sex in your bmw?
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yea after a christmas party last year. didnt make it in house, we were in back of my m340i in the garage. dont think o can have nsfw so this is all i have
We need a 160M
RWD hot hatch with an N74 and ZF8 would be twice as based
bro theres coomer ads on here now just post it
> yea after a christmas party last year.
You had sex with your trashy tattooed cousin? I thought M340i owner were classy…
Why do only middle eastern men drive old BMW?
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Every day I dislike this car even more
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Has anyone seem something like this shit on a e46 rear shock strut?
Kek you must live in london or some shit if you only see middle easterners
Well, yeah, you got a fucking e60 when you should have just gotten an E9, E24 635CSi, E30 325i, E39 530i, E92 M3 Competition or N54 335i, F10 M5 Competition, W124, R129, W140, or W201 already
go back to gaia
Because the very bottom tier of "luxury" gets dumped in the worst of places since the more rational countries buy based on research.

Meet Carl: The average BMW owner. Can also be pictured in a suit leftover from the 70's, smells of cigarettes and Altoids and still makes passes at teenage women.

This Carl?
Yep, ty
>makes passes at teenage women

not sure why all you zoomy queefs think this is so reprehensible now
I have a f30 330i and I love it but everyone else hates it. It makes me sad but I'm used to it
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Zoomy? You mistake the X gens for store bought "Touch of grey" my friend. Oh no, that shit is real.
I already had an E39 and a W124. They're both overrated.
I don't speak zoomer
You didn't have shit, and even if you had it you have no taste. Going from a W124 or E39 to a piece of shit plasticky unreliable garbage E60 and hating your life means you're a tasteless slavic faggot that should hang himself
Both the E39 and W124 were one of the most unreliable cars that I've ever owned
>bottom tier E39 with a scrapyard door

you deserve all the hell you got tasteless faggot, next time don't be a poorfag and buy a good example
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There exists no such thing as a good e39

also it's the sun reflecting off the door you dumb nigger, you should try going out
I have owned nothing but E39s and personally never had issues with them, proving you to be a tasteless faggot. Keep driving your plastic creaky and rattly E60 until it blows up and leave the E39 for real men like me to buy and drive
i have nothing against screens, but one issue i hjave with them is i work infront of a monitor all day, then i sit at pc and use my mobile phone. i want my eyes to rest, i can sometimes feel pain in them. the screens in a car make it all even worse. thats the one huge problem i have with them. especially at night. generally all surroundings including interior and exterior are pitch black and once you need to look at screen its like spear entering your eyes. reducing brightness helps, but then it gets hard to read/see whatever is on screen. fuck man, i like subtle lighted instrument clusters. theyre so much more easy on your vision.
after some time i actually started disliking them, especially with absent M trim exterior and ugly wheels. your pic is prime example. wheels are alright here, but the rest is mediocre. the overall shape of car is nice, but when you analyse different parts of car you notice that its a badly mixed design with blobs,creases, sharp edges. interior is such a let down compared to e39. im not even talking about quality. the single design looks as if it was chopped with an axe. blank huge spaces, the ever so annoying silver trim and even steering wheel is ugly. i find f10 is a much more better car. e60 looks amazing with M pack, but thats about it.
dont be too optimistic. unless youre a millionaire youre never going to make it perfect. buying it cheap doesnt make things easier. youd have to have pretty much full service shop equipment, extensive knowledge and expert DIYer to mitigate expenses, otherwise youre literally flushing money down the toilet. its an endless money pit and im not even joking.
what the fuck is this frankenstein? RHD with kmh speedo? is this a flipped image or what? or the cluster was swapped?
Thread for faggots
Upset you can barely afford your clapped ass Honda civic from braking down, trans women?
mir geht's gut. wie geht's dir?
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>awd diesel
>thinks it's some ancient fag meme
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I accidently bumped into someones mirror while lane filtering today
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Bought the $500 Alibaba midpipe bros it's gonna be lit. Also rizzed up the Chinese man pretending to be named emily
e46 costs around 3-4k euros here
lol should I try one?
will it financially ruin me?
Fuck it. I'm going to Sam's club
Likely Japanese/Australian market, they're both RHD and kph.
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> interior is such a let down compared to e39. im not even talking about quality. the single design looks as if it was chopped with an axe. blank huge spaces, the ever so annoying silver trim and even steering wheel is ugly.
That depends heavily dude. I haven't even seen one with the silver interior for sale, I usually only see wood trim models, typically the really dark wood version.

As far as steering wheels, all of them look really good EXCEPT that early model diamond shaped wheel (pic related), that thing was hideous.

>i find f10 is a much more better car
Definitely not the handling, that's the point where the boat and bloat meme really started. I looked at an F10 quite a while ago and it really felt like they went pretty hard into the landbarge comfort feel rather than making it handle well.
>No pink trim LEDs
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>people are forced to do it themselves instead of BMW offering it as an option
Does BMW just not want to compete with Mercedes?
>haven't even seen one with the silver interior for sale
The silver trim was standard for the base package in europe. All e60's in the us that were dealer ordered came standard with the premium package which included some flavor of wood trim. if you special ordered your car you could select the silver trim. My manual donor car was like that since dealers rarely stocked manual e60's, they sold poorly.
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fuck off frosty
I don't know who that is
somehow even worse
>The silver trim was standard for the base package in europe.
Ah that'd be it then, I hear Europe has some really weird base models of BMWs and Mercedes. Someone posted a picture a while ago of an E60 and E39 with cloth seats, I didn't even know either of those had such an option until then.
buy a chink screen, it will change the car
and google mr perfekt toolbox to change your l/100km to an oil temp gauge
>she doesnt know about the e9x without AC
>she doesnt know about the 1 series with plastic steering wheel
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You could also get half cloth/leather seats in the e60 which actually look fucking great. I really want a set but importing them is extremely cost prohibitive. You could also get full manual seats.
The cloth door trim actually looks really comfy, I'd put that into an E60 for sure. Do cloth seat 7 series exist too?
So what's the best thing BMW currently makes?
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Probably the 2 series, a potential sign that they're moving back toward smaller grilles.
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In the e38 and older yes.
Does the chink screens support stock unit's features?
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Not him but yes, you just press the menu button for 3 seconds and that's how you switch between OEM and the aftermarket system.
AVIN makes those OEM looking units for BMW, Mercedes, Audi, VW and some other makes too, they look pretty indistinguishable from the original stock units..
My schizo theory is that they're basically forced upselling. I virtually never ever use mine and I can't imagine most people would pick screen if they could choose.
I use Waze/nav on mine and jewtube music
I have dual hump dashboard though. Any chink screens for that?
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Meaning hump for the cluster and hump for the screens? Yeah. You can also select if you want Android Auto or Apple CarPlay or both. I think all the E series BMWs from 1994-2011 are supported.
Montag bump
The only thing I don't like about the android screens for e9x and e6x is that they play audio through the aux port. The sound quality takes a massive dive.
It's what pretty much all of these aftermarket units do for some reason. Another option is Grom or Dension, it integrates into the system by replacing the CD changer and allows bluetooth audio, USB and DAB while retaining the OEM systems (as it uses the original interface for everything).
Making an android pc that integrates with the MOST bus is probably stupidly expensive to R&D.
Most likely. It's a small market and isn't worthwhile, since most people will just never bother with any of it and just listen to the radio/CD player and use their phone for navigation. Even on cars that have all the bluetooth and Android Auto built in, they still use phone holders.
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>mogs bmw nigger 55 engines

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