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how do you deal with disabilities, thing wrong with you out of your control. bad eyes, joints, anything else that can hinder you?
I would like to know how to deal with eczema when /out/ for long
>how do you deal with disabilities, thing wrong with you out of your control.
Same as with disabilities in normal life. Understand your disability, look where your limits are and what you can do to make your weaknesses less bad. Then live with it.
I'll use my own experiences as a case example:
I won't say the name of my disability, because that's basically doxing (it's very rare) but it's a muscle disease. Basically any muscle except organs is somewhere between 40-60% weaker than it should be, and doesn't grow really even if I exercise.
In practical terms I am able to have a normal life, but I am super weak, so I need a railing when walking up stairs, I can't sprint or jump, I get out of breath when walking too fast and I can't lift heavy stuff.
So I adapt:
My pack is on the lighter side, because I know I can't lift as heavy as most people.
I carry hiking poles, because I have a harder time walking on uneven terrain and if I fall I will need a tree or rock to get back up (I have to crawl on all fours or my knees to get there first). Hiking poles also work as a sort of improvised railing when walking up stairs without a railing or steep elevation.
I limit my hikes to have shorter daily distances compared to healthy people. I look at maps before to make sure it's not too much elevation (which will fuck me more than normal people).
When I set up my tent I do so next to a tree or something solid I can use to get up from the ground.

Anyone who has lived with disabilities for a long time will know ways they adapt. When I am with people at a party or something I instinctively scan the rooms for where I can get up should I fall or where I can sit without needing help to get back up. Is that chair high enough? Could I turn on that couch so I can get on my knees before standing up or is it too narrow? Where am I least likely to have to ask someone for help? Going /out/ with a disability is the same as everyday life, just the challenges change a little. (cont)
These just apply when hiking with others:

One uncomfortable thing is if you are /out/ with others, have an honest talk with them beforehand.
I hate doing that, because I hate talking about my disability and I hate that it defines so much of my life, but if they don't know what you can and can't do, it'll just lead to issues down the road.
If they are a hiker that makes a lot of distance and you are always lagging behind, it'll lead to tension. If they are setting up the tent and you are 50% slower because you can't put the tentpegs into the ground without losing your balance, to them it looks like you are a demotivated, lazy piece of shit.
So talk about your limitations and be honest about what to expect from you. If the other person isn't compatible with your limits, don't go with them.
During the /out/ activity, be ready to have to remind them a lot of your limitations if they don't adapt well. It sucks, but normal people forget all the time, they don't even consider half the stuff that's part of your life. It's not coming from a malicious place, it's just that when they look for a campsite they consider wind and maybe view, while you have to consider how to get up from the ground in the morning. Remind them (in a gentle manner) and if they aren't a dick, they'll quickly understand.

Another thing is workload sharing. People have a hard time not to grow resentful of you if you aren't doing your half of the work, even if you legitimately can't and they know that. Try to find ways to mitigate this.
Maybe I can't lift as heavy as the other guy, so the tent goes into his backpack and not mine. In exchange, I'll do the planning/navigating. Maybe I'm not as much of a help during tent setup and take down, so I'll sort out food and cooking. And if you can't do something that you should, verbalize it. "Sorry I can't get that thing from the tent, because once I am on the ground it'll take me a while to get back up" goes a long way.
i limp back home everytime i go out
i have Osteopetrosis, basically, my bones are garbage, im 29 and have broken my hips 4 times already lmao, but other then that i also have Hemochromatosis, but that doesnt really play in.

i just take more frequent breaks, know that "pushing" for just making a few more kilometers is a bad bad bad idea, better to arrive late then to be absolutely fucked up next morning. also, pain meds dont make the source of pain go away, so if i start hurting, its time to set up camp and rest for the day
also, i dont take any fucking chances, cliff looking a little too steep? slippery rocks? nah im not fucking with that, rather walk around if i can because i know, if i fall, that might be my last time on two legs
I get cluster headaches. Only happened once on a trip but more or less the same as at home. Just stay in place feeling terrible for a day or so.
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stop drinking alcohol, caffeine and stop eating anything with added sugar. Your skin reacts to what you eat and eczema. Most skin issues are diet related... hell, most health issues are diet related.
dont trust this guy, drink more alcohol
Check out dupixent, also known as dupilmab. Monoclonal medication for eczema. Works wonders.
>Babies are born with eczema
so by the transitive property babies born with the condition need a few shots of tequila.
stop talking nonsense brother, just sit down, have a beer, stop worrying, yea yea Tefal pan coating, sure sure whatever, just take a breath and relax
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it's technically a disability (celiac disease), but nowhere near as bad as something like muscular dystrophy. like the guy earlier in the thread said, just let anyone you're going with know about your condition and see if they can deal with the difficulties of your life affecting them, like you being slower or having to have a different diet. on your own, just know your limits and always prepare for the worst, but you should be doing that even without any medical conditions.
Yeah, skin issues are usually gut microbiome being fucked up. Look into getting a healthy fecal transplant. Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. Yes, it works.
nicotine has been shown to help with eczema and i can personally attest that i have seen 3-4 2mg ON! pouches completely clear up someones eczema.
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>deal with disabilities
,,,fakeit,,,just keep riding.,have gotten into deepsand,,,had todismountand crawl thru stickery patch>thatSUCKED!.,
,,,tightrails can br challenging when its turnaround time,,,lots of SHUFFLING huffling and mumbling., but i getout eventualy,,,sofar.,
,,bring waterand snacksostuck isnt a waste.
,,anyday i getoutisa Gooday!
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I saw a 22 year old girl with literally no legs do a 6.5 mile long, 4500 foot ascent walking on her hands. I think the important part is just not being a bitch.
>Basically any muscle except organs is somewhere between 40-60% weaker than it should be, and doesn't grow really even if I exercise.
That's just called being a woman.
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its all mental lol
Accept your physical limits
>its all mental lol
brainlet take lol
>One uncomfortable thing is if you are /out/ with others, have an honest talk with them beforehand
I hate it too but it is indeed better to say it out loud at rather than get into arguments later or even causing trouble/danger to others because you can't keep up or perform, its not good for others to assume you are at 100%.
>to them it looks like you are a demotivated, lazy piece of shit.
Got accused of being lazy/out of condition and got angry, and then friend got angry because I hadn't told them beforehand (or at all) and it was a full day of just sulking and being a bitch.

>Another thing is workload sharing. People have a hard time not to grow resentful of you if you aren't doing your half of the work, even if you legitimately can't and they know that
This. People can't help it most of the time, our brains just are complete buttholes sometimes.
I like to cook and fish and know basic herbs/edible plants around these parts (even managed to get some game once with a bow though its a bit too demanding for me and was just pure luck) so I generally deal with cooking, since if its any of my friends they'll just eat mre's and complain about the food lol.
>And if you can't do something that you should, verbalize it.
Yes! Clear verbal ommunication is so important, admittedly it applies to everything be it innawoods or in a relationship lol but people aren't mind readers and they might assume you are not doing something because you are being lazy.

Cool setup and a nice dog :3
i got brain damage and I have major sensitivity to light and noise. I fatigue very fast too.

I still like to get out and sail, trick is my boat is like a second house. I converted my bike into an ebike with way more torque and range than what is commercially available (well maybe the bosch ones compete)

before someone says im rich I bought a crappy boat and fixed it up over 3 years before I got brain damage

basically anywhere I go has to have a place to rest and sleep because I need so much of it. I cant really keep up with normal people, i spend a lot of time alone but when im feeling particularly well ill invite friends onto my boat for a day, sometimes strangers
Babies have it because of their mothers shit diets 100% of the time. It isn't random and "doesn't jsut happen."

Mothers pass it on through the placental wall and the baby has zero defenses against it.
Probably 95% of adult women are stronger than me anon. I'd be quite fine with being on the strength level of a woman, it'd be a big improvement than where I am. I meant 40-60% weaker than a sedentary adult, not a fit adult - because remember, my muscles don't really grow.
Glad to see others have the same observations as me. Most of these boil down to good communication and basic empathy, but it's worth spelling them out to anons who might be younger or lack certain life experiences.
Actual "flat earth" tier retardation
don't engage with him anons, morons who are judgmental like that are going to KYS the first second they have health problems.

your experience mimics mine in how I had to deal with social situations (brain damage anon here) except yours is worse.

just fucking nodded off 15 hours in the last 24 hours
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>it's worth spelling them out to anons who might be younger or lack certain life experiences
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I'm a certified sex addict. Which national park has the sexiest wildlife?
molesting the wildlife is more /k/'s thing
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I'm dyslexic and read that as wildfire, thought, that's a new one, re-read is and I know exactly what deer you are talking about
my gf had some joint issues that made hiking hard. we went out on forest roads and would bushwack a mile or two in to get to cool spots we found using satellites and topographical maps.
my favourite beach is accessible by either a 2 hour walk along a rugged rocky shoreline in either direction or by scrambling down a sketchy mudslide embankment so its awesome because its extremely inaccessible for anyone except for the entirely able bodied. peace and quiet and no annoying normies. feelsgoodman
You be glad it's not the old days where we would have left you in the woods to die and then leave me and my able bodied friends alone on our adventures, loser

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