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Modernity is so goddamn gay, decades ago you could hitchhike easily and truckers would pick you up really fast, nowadays they aren't even legally allowed to pick you because laws, company policies and insurance garbage.
And this is just an example of many, as we move forward and as the population grows things get worse /out/ wise.
If you aren't living in an /out/ area then you already failed.
The new legislation is there to protect hitchhikers from those rampant rapists that call themselves lorry drivers. Doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, you’ll get raped (and probably murdered) either way.
If you're so determined to suck off truckers just go to Loves like the other homos
It was actually a conspiracy by the FBI. The DOT didn’t want people hitchhiking on the interstate when it was being expanded in the 60’s. So other than passing laws, the FBI promoted a few kidnapping cases. Even though it was super rare, they managed to inject the idea into the cultural milieu. Now everyone thinks it’s dangerous based on old wives tales.

The irony is that it’s had the same effect on people who are psychotic, so while they might have just ignored bitch hitchhikers previously, crazy maniacs are now probably more likely to pick them up and try to harm them.
Yeah I worked in a major tourest place and we had ATVs that we used to get around, there would be so many hotties walking up the hills and they would always want to hitch a ride but we weren't allowed to give them a lift. Come to think of it, I should have just done it ffs what a fag.
Why would a woman need to hitchhike? Doesn't she have anyone to drive her?
You got filtered. You don't deserve freedom.
>a highwayman wrote this post
this thread is retarded. if you own your own truck what's stopping you from picking people up. I see people literally hitchiking all the time on a local highway. "laws, company policies and insurance garbage" is such a broad statement and doesn't mean shit. you probably are just making a guess and don't have any real idea of what it is
Spoken as someone who's never hitchhiked. Yeah, it used to be easier, but as long as you
>aren't on a highway where it's illegal
>are in a state where it's legal
>don't look like a murder hobo
>are willing to wait a few hours
You'll get a ride. My other pro tip is to travel with a girl because drivers won't be as intimidated by you.
>Spoken as someone who's never hitchhiked.
I literally hitchhiked in 3 different countries by now and never got a trucker to stop. So don't, don't fucking tell me I'm wrong when my personal experience and actual laws contradict your opinion.
The worst thing you have to deal with in hitchhiking is state troopers, and even then it's only the state troopers in states with stricter laws, most of them won't give a flying fuck, some will actually give you a ride to the edge of their jurisdiction, and some are just straight dicks that will move you to some backroad for you to walk for the next 6hrs. Know the laws of each state when hitchhiking, it goes a long way, but if you want to meet people from different backgrounds then hitchhiking is the way to do it, just be respectful and try not to act like a dick.

Wrong. I've hitchiked all over the states, had nothing but good experiences. The world isn't as fearful as some may lead you to believe, the worst experience I've had was just listening to people rant about 9/11 and even that wasn't so bad.

The Propoganda has done more to harm peoples perceptions of the world then anything else, most people are afraid of just about everything.
I've gotten 2 trucker rides in the states, almost 3 but he was heading in a different direction. The reason they don't stop is because most truck drivers are corporate these days and they have so many regulations to follow they will get fined or worse if they're caught, and they also have cameras in their vehicles to insure the employees are following orders. However, drivers that own their own truck/business/route have no issue giving out rides, it's rare but it happens, and they tend to be real bros.
Someone's upset. Where did I say I was talking about truckers, and why do they matter so much to you? I've had no problem getting where I need to go by riding with private cars or work trucks, not semi tractors. Unless you're just craving a taste of a big meaty trucker, in which case it's a free country and you can do what you want.
Why would anyone even want to hitchhike? Walking along highways begging for rides doesn’t sound cool or fun at all. Want to travel? Just drive. No car? Get a plane, train, or bus ticket. No money? Get a job and travel after you’ve made some.
You can use hitchhiking to travel to a place where you're going to make some money, it's a great way to meet new people, a lot of people here in the states just straight up give you cash. You can use it to network, get to know the area you're heading towards, find jobs. It's not a permanent thing, but it's better then being a Home-Bum
>great way to meet new people
>You can use it to network
Your idea of networking and meeting new people is to wander along the road until a Russian or Indian truck driver, who isn't fluent in English, picks you up and gives you a ride to some random arbitrary destination.

>decades ago you could hitchhike easily and truckers would pick you up really fast
This is a lie.
t. hitchhiked in the 90s
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Throw your computer in the trash, then.
If you are somewhere /out/ then you'll get picked up. More city then call yourself an uber.
The 90's was already post serial killer media craze and satanic panic erosion of trust. Even you were too late.
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I visited Poland back in 1977 with my ex-pat parents and my older cousin drove us around in his Polski Fiat taxi and I was regularly seeing people walking down the road holding up a piece of white paper with a large red dot on it. I asked him what it was and he said it was a hitchhiking voucher. Seems people could buy pads of these vouchers and when someone gave them a ride, you gave the driver the voucher which they could redeem at gas stations.
What was the point of the voucher?
interesting but could only find this:
I hitch hiked across Canada and back twice in the 90s. In the 5-10 years I was active hitch hiking, I was picked up twice by truckers. One of them was an moron and I bailed after 30 minutes. The other guy was really chill but explained to me that a rig takes far to long to come to a stop to make it worth while to pick up a hitch hiker. If you want to get a lift on a rig, you have to ask them when they are stopped - for instance, just coming out of a truck stop. I've also heard of people wandering around truck stop restos with a sign and a load of patience.
your anecdotal evidence, imperal fact it does not make faggot.
Hitch hiking has been completely illegal here in the Uk since the 1970s. Too many people were ending up rated and/or dead. And it must have been shitloads because in our culture we're quite relaxed about such things -- a British person expects to be able to cross a road wherever they happen to be standing, there are no "jaywalking" laws. I will cross a 4 lane motorway if I need to and will see nothing wrong with that. So basically to make hitch hiking illegal it must have been reeeally bad.
I'd love to buy a brand new one of these, in exactly that colour. They should re-issue exact copies of older cars, but of course they never ever will.
>Hitch hiking has been completely illegal here in the Uk since the 1970s.
Is there anything you fags on that godforsaken island are allowed to do?
Not that anon, but I've hitch hiked in America quite a few times, and it really isn't that hard. Hell, sometimes I didn't even need a sign. People saw me with my big ass bag and stick walking the shoulder, and they'd pull over to offer me rides, cash, Gatorade, ect. I turn it down most of the time, but I take it if I need to.
Aside from one schizo lady who told me the radio talks to her, everyone I've met have been top notch people.

Because some people enjoy the journey, not the destination. Hitchhikers aren't in it just to get a ride. It's fun to talk to strangers, and bum around in abandoned places. Sometimes you meet other travelers, and that's always a treat.
Imagine how hairy that 1970 minge is.
Hitchhiking isn't /out/
SOURCE: my ass
Would love to stick my face in that
But shopping malls and motor boats are?

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