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Old one is about to 404 >>2639545

Last minute discussions and hopefully some sweet pics after the fact will go here. Fair warning to DFW area bros, there's some weather foretasted for the 8th so plan accordingly.
terrible pic to use OP
the eclipse part is 1/1000th of the photo
you are terrible at communication

It's a beautiful photo that captures the darkness that spreads across the land during an eclipse. Not every goddam photo had to be a zoomed in photo of the sun with the moon over it.

Not even autism just fucking dumb
I’ll be in Vermont, i was a t a brewery and it’s already swamped with dickheads from the south and Canadian niggers from Quebec.

I’m worried all the parking spaces at these trailheads will be occupied by travelers so im planning walking from my house literally 5 miles to get somewhere lol.

My town normally has 2000 people were expecting some 10000 visitors in the islands. Going to be retarded
dont listen to anything OP
you did a good thing today
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Alright nigs I'm flying in to Dallas tomorrow and leaving Monday afternoon.

Where should I see the eclipse in DFW? Unfortunately I have to fly out that afternoon so it has to be in the DFW area.

Should I go to the arboretum lake, or the JFK assassination plaza to watch the eclipse?
Very risky
Can we at least have a meetup like the old days?
You can come to my house in rural Arkansas. I promise I’m not gay, a rapist, or attracted to pigs. On a serious note tho, it’s too late for an organized eclipse meet up, but if you want to plan one for this spring or early summer I’ll help :)
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I booked flights back in November, too late to change now.
Besides the eclipse is at noon, and that's only 50% cloud cover then

Would've liked to visit vermont or northwestern PA but there were no direct flights that would get me back to work on Tuesday in time
>You can come to my house in rural Arkansas.
Ok, I will bring the brownies
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Lets do one in austin
so bros how's it looking for your spot, a lot of cloud cover seemingly everywhere
>everywhere is cloudy except new england
God trolling southernlets again
as long as they aren't storm clouds, there's a good chance they will dissipate under the shadow of totality
>I’ll be in Vermont, i was a t a brewery and it’s already swamped with dickheads from the south and Canadian niggers from Quebec.
>I’m worried all the parking spaces at these trailheads will be occupied by travelers so im planning walking from my house literally 5 miles to get somewhere lol.
I'm in VT as well and am just going hiking in the lower mountains behind my house, no trails just woods and the first 100 acres is mine anyway. A few cliff spots I know that will be a nice view. I really doubt 99.9% of visitors are going to hit the trails though in any real way beyond the super easy super tourist stuff. Particularly since tons of them are closed as are the roads leading up for mud season. There's all sorts of parades and parties and everything as businesses smartly try to squeeze what they can out of what is usually deadsville shoulder season, I expect most will do that.

Plus most normies depend on cloud maps for everything. Cell phone providers all claiming they're totally ready and there will be no problems but those lying fucks also claim vermont has 99% cell coverage lol.
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Here in middle of nowhere Indiana, smack dab in the center of totality. The locals are having a barbecue down at the church.

Best of all, sunny as can be, almost 0% cloud cover for the big moment. The place we're in lucked out and the heavens parted for just long enough.

Pic does not do justice

Good times, best of luck to y'all
LiFe ChAnGiNg ExPeRiEnCe!!

More like another overhyped disappointment. Being alone on a mountain summit, with a great view, on a clear day, is so much better than this waste of time was.
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>wake up
>walk outside and look at sky
>clouds everywhere
>just looks like a normal rainy day
>walk back inside
I guess I'll try again in 20 years
>I guess I'll try again in 20 years
*40 years
Stop bumping this thread nigga
Rochester NY anon here. We got nothing but overcast skies. I would gladly trade a total solar eclipse for a brilliant northern lights display over Lake Ontario on a clear weekend night. You owe us one, weather gods!
God smiled on me today. Clouds broke 30 minutes or so before totality.
Phone cameras suck though
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Dropping my shots from today
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This is my shite photo.
Nice photos of venus anon. I saw Jupiter in the sky too, but I didn't take pictures of it as I didn't even know planets would be visible.

That's a great picture, I wish I had taken into account to set a wide lens, but i couldnt do much in the 3 minutes.
Nigga. Stop bumping the thread.
I will bump the thread until the next eclipse in Spain in 2026
Please do
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What the fuck?
Why dont you want the thread bumped?
So how did Texas turn out? Were people able to see it?
>Here in middle of nowhere Indiana
Same for me, forecast yesterday was saying cloudy skies but it was a gorgeous view. I genuinely hope the anons who missed out get a better chance, it was absolutely worth the drive.
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same, drove about 3 hr
>best I could do with my extremely shitty setup.
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Great pics Anon. Your setup was far from shitty.
This shit was not worth the 6 hour drive
Feeble minds itt
Yeah this was me >>2717904 about 1.5 hours northeast of Dallas. My friend in the city said it was really patchy and unfortunately didn't gwt to see the corona while other people a few blocks away could. Really bad luck for somedyyjs
We could see Mercury right under the sun. Our friends got married under the eclipse, and the clouds broke just in time to see totality. Magical day lads.
>married under an eclipse
Oh yeah, that marriage isn't going to last.
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Dallaschads win again
It was cloudy up until 1 hr before the eclipse then cleared up completely

Only a couple of stray thin low-lying clouds where I was at but that's no big deal
And to think I ran into some retards at the hotel discussing making the 3 hr drive to arkansas at 10AM because they didn't trust the nws
>getting married as a man in 2024
LOL, LMAO even.
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Paid for the Delta eclipse flight out of Dallas. Nobody on our flight got a good view of the eclipse. The pilots and the staff meteorologist seemed completely unprepared and amateurish, maybe the 20 minute delay at takeoff threw them off, but you'd think they could account for that because we had another 50 minutes in the air before totality and broke the clouds no problem. Had a window seat on the right side and could have gotten a decent view if they banked the plane, instead they turned to give the left side an even worse view. For most of totality, the eclipse was basically above the left side roof. And yet, we appeared to be on the edge of the shadow so the right side didn't even get to experience the totality shadow stretching to the horizon.
I was vaguely planning for this since spring last year and got way too emotionally invested. Don't think I've been disappointed by anything like this in my entire adult life, I want to cry desu. I ran the numbers and the April weather had worse odds than flight delays, so this was supposed to be the safe option. Instead the view would have been better from the parking ramp at the airport.
Here's my crappy photo of the edge of the shadow, anyways.
FWIW, the flight from Austin was apparently much better.
get fucked richfag
should've chartered as cessna instead
$1600 for all the flights was one paycheck :(
Who's making the trip to NZ or Aus, for the 2028 eclipse then? You could be in the /out/back or in Southwestland.
2028 NZ sounds sweet but its middle of winter there, not sure if weather gona hold up.
Gona try Iceland 2026 though.
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Rend Lake, Illinois
14 hours in the car for this shot :)
That one prominence was very noticeable throughout the whole totality sequence. That's a lotta plasma
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Drove five hours on Saturday morning to beat the traffic and arrived at my trailhead at around 12pm. There were already four other cars when I got there, and about ten minutes later another car pulled up right next to me; so I figured I wasn't the only one who had this idea to find a relatively remote campsite and watch it from there. I should also mention, that there was snowfall a few days before and saw it on the ground driving in, but I had already came so far and prepared so much for this trip to turn around, so despite the unexpected weather conditions, I began my two mile trek.
This was only my second time ever backpacking, and a huge step-up from my first experience, which was in the summer. I had made a bunch of upgrades to my pack since then, so I thought that it'd be a lot easier carrying 30 pounds on my back with a proper pack instead of in a daypack and a duffel bag. In comparison to my first experience, the trail was three times shorter too.
However, at around half a mile in, I realized I made a grave mistake and forgot my eclipse glasses in the car. Going down the trail was no sweat, but turning around and going back up proved to be much more of a challenge. After I had finally made it back to my car, I had to make the decision if I should just wait it out in town or just catch my breath and go back in. Ultimately, I decided to cut down on the total weight of my pack and leave a bunch of stuff in behind in the car, which helped a ton. I went from carrying 30 pounds to about 20.
The second problem I ran into was when I finally arrived at the lean-to I planned to stay in, I found out that it was already pretty much occupied, or at least they wanted me to go try scoping out the other lean-to a mile and a half down more before letting me in (there were four people). With no other choice, I began walking in the direction they said to go and starting making my way to the second lean-to.
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Here's where things start to get interesting. Not even five minutes away from the lean-to, I ran into a group of campers by the lake. I was having trouble finding the trail to the second lean-to, so I asked them if they knew where it was and how far it was. I think they could sense my dismay when they told me it was another mile and a half away (remember, I'm still pretty much a beginner there is snow everywhere) and offered to let me stay for a bit to catch my breath.
Coincidentally, these were the same guys that had parked right next to me when I just arrived at the trailhead. After chatting a bit and having some food together, I helped them set up the rest of their camp and get a fire going. These guys were all rolling with hammocks and they had two extra tarps to use, so they laid one down for me to use as a ground sheet and created a makeshift tarp lean-to using the other one. We stayed up late shooting the crap around the fire and when it came time for bed, I was surprised at how comfortable my sleep system was despite doing the absolutely minimum to prepare for it (I just bought a NEMO Switchback to layer under my cheap Amazon sleeping pad and Marmot sleeping bag I borrowed from my brother in law). Had it been windy though, it would have been over for me.
The next morning, I'm the second awake and one of the other guys already got the fire going. Sleep wasn't the greatest but it could have been much, much worse. We kill time waiting for the eclipse to begin by chatting, eating, chilling, packing up, and keeping the fire going all day; and when the hour drew near and the first sign of the moon passing over the sun appeared, we all waited in anticipation was we watched intently.
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When it finally reach totality, you could feel the difference. The air was cool and still. Twilight casted over the skies and the once bright, sunny surroundings were now washed out. It was like nothing I had ever seen before, it almost didn't even feel real as I looked back at the black circle in the sky looming over us. Truly, one of the coolest things I had ever experienced in my life.
Afterwards we all trekked back together and met up at the nearby town for some food and beer. I bought us all a round on me, too. I had forgotten to mention that this was my first time ever coming into the Adirondacks, and boy it was a special one. I can't wait until I get another chance to head out there again, because it really is special and it's something I know for sure I'll look back on for years to come. Thanks for reading.
I hope you learned to never underestimate the importance of good preparation.

Nice lake view, and congrats on finding dudes that helped you out.

Cool spooky pic, thanks for sharing.
Thanks bro
Australia it's going straight through sydney which is too rich for my blood, i'd rather go to spain in 2027

It's happening later in day too, lower altitude shot = better landscape photography innamountains
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>I had forgotten to mention that this was my first time ever coming into the Adirondacks,
Well now it all makes sense, i was wondering why you were surprised the parkinglot was full and the lean-to was already taken

stop bumping this thead
>I bought us all a round on me, too.
Based bro sharing the gratitude.
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was on top of ampersand mountain in the Adirondacks
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i was there, 1st night in the northern green mountains, 2nd night in some random parking area in st albans. the whole theme was ti respect mud season's fragility, not habituate bears, respect private property rights, and not shit up the roads
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we had a leisurely breakfast and walked the 2 miles into basically the center of totality, where i captured HDR data of the entire event on my budget but functional photography setup. despite delaying as much as possible, I-89 was a clusterfuck so we went on various state highways. it would've been smarter and more respectful to camp out another night, but i thought the leaving several hours after the end would give enough time for the traffic to thin out. guess not

i'll post actual eclipse pics in /p/astro when i can process the data
Nigga the eclipse is over, damn.
So leave the thread, dumbfuck. Other anons are still talking about it.
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overall it was a good trip and it furthered my resolve to section hike the long trail the next couple years. it did make me wish that my car was AWD with higher clearance, but having a manual transmission allowed me to climb the scenic highways like route 125 with relative ease. we always had cell coverage when we wanted it (maybe 3% of the entire trip, to check in and sometimes load directions on offline maps). plenty of prepared food cooked sous vide on alcohol stoves. my main complaint was the number of boston faggots desu
>Spain 2026
>Spain/Egypt 2027
>Middle of the Australian Outback 2028
Who CHASER-tier here?
I saw the eclipse in 100% totality and if that is what is supposed to be the pinnacle of human experience, then I might as well start doing hard drugs because that "natural high" didn't do much for me
I will 100% go to Spain in 2026 (Castrojeriz) and in 2028 (Doñana National Park) weather permitting. might as well go to Gibraltar for 2027

nah too far. i'm europoor

impressive wall of text. if you like travel blogposting so much the /extraflags/ general on /int/ would love to see your blog, it would be really cool to have a regular from the NorthEast US
>South carolina 2017
>Nevada (annular) 2023
>Texas 2024
Does this make me a /chaser/ out?

Already making plans for spain 2026, spain 2027 would also be pretty cool
>impressive wall of text. if you like travel blogposting so much the /extraflags/ general on /int/ would love to see your blog, it would be really cool to have a regular from the NorthEast US
Huh, thanks for the rec. I had no idea this thread even existed. Truthfully speaking, I don't travel all that much. maybe three, four times a year at most if I'm lucky. But perhaps I'll start keeping a travel blog of some sort as part of a larger project...
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>I had no idea this thread even existed
and that's a shame that nobody knows, it's extremely interesting and very fun

> I don't travel all that much
doesn't have to be the other side of the world, if you often take new New York townships that's more than good for my upcoming collection
Hm! This is interesting. I'll consider it, but I hope you don't mind if it's crossposted to a personal blog!
Yeah, feeble mind. Got it
>anyone who doesn't fall in line with normie groupthink is feeble-minded
>I hope you don't mind if it's crossposted to a personal blog!
it's exactly what everyone does when posting his trips. literally "Travel Blogposting general" intercrossed with vexillology
>fundamentally appreciating a total eclipse is normie group think
Your brain is rotten
>looking at the most overhyped event in recent years with a critical lens means your brain is rotten

Excuse me for not cumming all over the place at the very sight of the eclipse like I was supposed to do
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jokes on you, i want to organize an expedition to that spot of ocean to be the only human in history to witness that eclipse
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another good candidate
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look at this shit. 0,56% maximum obscuration at the horizon, in a 99% cloudy hurricane-tier windy ultraremote freezing spot of ocean with icebergs. too bad i will be 101 years old, would have loved so badly
Nobody was jizzing themselves. Seriously what is your malfunction?
no , stop
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Got to hang out with some horse riders on a cliff for an hour.
Heard through the grapevine that this flight actually completely missed totality. The pilots turned the wrong direction and flew outside its path.
Lmaoing at this nigga
It's like he wanted to piss people off on purpose.
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Had a good time desu weather was perfect and comfy for car camping with some friends
Found my first morels of the year in the area as well
Is there a website where I can look up upcoming eclipses and see things like duration of totality based on where I'll be?
for that i mostly use the Eclipse Calculator 2.0 app for Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=calcEclipsi2.src

once you've found the ideal eclipse, you can go more in depth with http://xjubier.free.fr/en/site_pages/SolarEclipsesGoogleMaps.html
you can also sort the upcoming eclipses by country with https://www.solar-eclipse.info/en/eclipse/country/
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in any case, it's always very unlikely that a total eclipse will occur soon over your house; if you don't want to wait decades, be prepared to travel. flights are cheap enough by far for first world salaries nowadays
Fuck bros imagine hanging out in the middle of the balearic sea.
Fuck bros imagine hanging out in the middle of the Tunisian desert
as for me, i plan on going to japan in 2035
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>japan in 2035
Lets keep this thread going until then
Once there was total darkness did the horses get spooked when you put in your penus ?
Was it worth it guys?
I didnt even bother get up
I got out of the apartment for a weekend and had a story to tell. Life altering? nah. Better than sitting around doing nothing? yes.
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I feel like Ibiza will be a really good place for 2025, sunset over the mediterranean + eclipse? *chef's kiss* The only thing is I have no idea how long totality will last.
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You mean 2026.
1min of totality at Ibiza, ends 20min before sunset over the horizon.
It was overcast where I live but I still got a few glimpses through the clouds and it was still very cool. Pictures and videos don't do it justice. It was ominous when the lights suddenly turned out in the middle of the afternoon. I don't know why, but looking at the eclipse with your own eyes invoked some sort of strange feeling in me that I've never felt before except in dreams.

My part of the world won't see another one until next century. I'll probably never see one again, which makes me sad, but also happy at the same time that I got to experience one.
AUSFAGS ASSEMBLE! Three eclipses over Australia in the next decade or so. Any amazing scenery you can recommend for any of 'em?
>You mean 2026
I do! And yeah I found Time and Date since I made the last post. I'm trying to figure out where in the Balearic Islands would make the best picture.
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i could photoshop those basedjaks in front of anything you like doing or you are passionate about

>I feel like Ibiza will be a really good place for 2025
if you are retarded. at one degree above the horizon the sun is very distorted, and the slightest cloud is enough to fuck you in the ass
the best compromise of weather and solar height is northern Castilla, in Osorno/Castrojeriz the sun will be 8° above the horizon but the weather statistics are really good, and has plenty of mobility. Galicia is too cloudy for those 2/3 degrees more above the horizon, Iceland is even worse and more expensive to get. the *ideal* spot is the Greenland ice cap really
>Cathedral Beach is in the path of totality
Disregard Ibiza, I suck cocks.
Since it's summer and close to sunset I figure it will be towards the western horizon. I bet you could get some incredibly kino photography in the Serra de Tramuntama
Pic rel
I am in Santa Fe, what is the closest place to view the totality ?
Dallas, hurry up go go GO!!!
Doubt its possible to make it now
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There might be a way...
thats like dooze ex machine
They have loads of these in india
not with that attitude
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>Not every goddam photo had to be a zoomed in photo of the sun with the moon over it.
Right? Its so godamn boring same black circle picture over and over
Picos de europa looking really juicy for 2026
and really cloudy too
Why dont you guy make these thread BEFORE the dang event?
They did, the next one is in 2026
Wait, were you the guy that was going to Caddo? I watched it from the boat launch on Coffee Mill Lake.
Why are you bumping this thread?
Why arent you?
Anon, this thread was posted on April 5th.
Well now we are into may and no eclipse in sight
this thread was in page 11 when i made this post
Tonight's the night! I can feel it!
o god o fuck
i live very close to totality in spain 2026 and i know the mountains here, i plan on watching it from the top of some 2500. not sure which yet because the highest peaks might be overcrowded (not a lot of space at the topmost part of the peak) and if i pick one that is hard to access i might be completely alone there and it might be eery. although maybe that would be cool.

anway if anyone plans on coming to northern spain then let me know
mountains tend to catch moisture and are covered or surrounded by forest, which creates cloudiness. you will have to be very careful

i plan to go to a hill near Palencia, ready to change town based on the weather forecast
This is an american board you goddamn beaner
picos de europa is a pretty huge area with no forest, only grass and exposed limestone specially the peaks i have in mind. if the forecast predicts clouds i will change plans of course but i hope not. and since the peaks are at very high elevation there's usually not fog up there, if anything there will be a sea of fog below me which is usually awesome, and it must be even more so during an eclipse
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Last night totally made up for us getting screwed out of last month's eclipse. The skies lit up in green and pink colors around 10 pm, danced like crazy around 2 am, and were visible for most of the night. It was easily the best I've seen in this region and one of the most memorable nights of my life!
It was a pretty sweet sight.
This is the only one I had of total eclipse, a goddamn kid ran into my telescope and knocked off my alignment a minute before totality lol.

I had a Canon EOS 700D rigged to a Celestron 130EQ, I have a few other photos of varying standard.
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With the DSLR and scope
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and a few seconds before the little fucker ran into it
That looks sweet.

cheeky little fucker
it looks like your moms opening
I proposed to my gf at the eclipse right after, we drove over 5 hours and weather was uncertain but it cleared to perfect blue skies an hour before. Was my 2nd ive seen, her first. She said yes, and we will be married in 3 months
wow that is incredibly gay, anon
Late reply but yeah I was at Caddo, also coffee mill lake rec area. If you saw a single loner guy pacing back and forth around the lake with a backpack, that was me :)
bump holy shit
that was close
anybody making plans for the next eclipse?
Im already saving for my trip to spain.
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Why is this thread still up? It has been 3 months.
when is the spain one?
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Yeah? How much time do you think you need to prepare for the annular solar eclipse in Argentina?

August 12 2026, at 8:26pm. That thing will look beautiful on the horizon, if visible.
I dont like those anus eclups as much
Tropical Storm Beryl (soon to be Hurricane Beryl) is ready to make landfall. Does its projected path look familiar to anyone?
Nature does that to wipe the slate clean
Anybody catch a glimpse of eta aquarids?

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