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do you bring your guitar when backpacking, /out/?
I don't know how to play any instrument
In Chet Atkin's day you could play guitar with multiple neighbors and nearly everybody played an instrument. Now I am my only friend who knows how to play guitar and any music theory. I do have one friend who collects and plays with guitar pedals, he can't really play guitar though.
Are you mentally retarded or something?
No, but when I am camping and getting to the place I want to set up camp with a car or bike I might. Playing guitar at a campfire is super comfy even if you are utter dog shit, just playing a few chord progressions and watching the stars or talking to others. You don't have to be any good either, if you use basic chords you can get by and play "good enough" for most campfire songs with what amounts to maybe a week or less of training.
But for backpacking, a guitar is too bulky to be worth it in my opinion, so it really only makes sense if you can easily transport it or plan to stay on one location for a long time.
You have to be good
I've thought about it. I've got an electric that I'd like to take out into the trees and record into a phone rig. But I can't easily carry both the instrument and a pack, and if it rains the thing is fucked (prolongued humidity will put it out of whack, let alone if the case leaks) so I won't risk it.
No. Too bulky if you're doing anything that isn't car camping.

Mouth harp and harmonica master race.
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I've been interested in getting a guitalele, essentially a ukelele but with 6 strings, tuned a perfect fourth above a guitar. Should probably just bring along an ocarina or harmonica instead though, far more portable.
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Yeah I bring this with me on all my backpacking trips.

What's the point of hiking up a mountain if you can't play Stairway to Heaven while doing it?
I had a Harmonica that I would play sometimes when hiking. A Guitar would be ok if you dont mind the extra weight. Just make sure your not an asshole, never play it if there are other people around you because no one else wants to hear that shit while they are hiking/camping. That goes for any noise though, a year ago I thought I was at a pretty secluded lake and then 3 guys show up and start blasting music on their Music player. It really rustled my jimmies.
someone quietly plucking a guitar is way more tolerable than someone blasting music from their some cheap speakers to be fair
I want to go back
based snufkin chads
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I want to pick up a native american flute and jam out in my lonesomes
Got bored on a stormy day on a steep bush clad mountainside once and started making up Native American sounding chants with my dad. Real fun desu, we were pretty stoned though.
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real backwoods /out/ motherfuckers play the spoons and chant negro folk songs. the type of music than can only be appreciated after 36 hours in the sun and also while drunk.
Wildly american post
unbelievably based and Page pilled
Not even a piccolo?
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>Mouth harp
>Wood flute
>Pan flute
>Orchestral flute
>Didgeridoo (just seeing if you're paying attention kek)

So which one is it and why? I'm eyeballing ocarinas on amazon like the consumerist pleb that I am.
I don't know what that is
Bit big innit
Any recs for smaller instruments to take with me? I have a couple of tin whistles, was thinking maybe a mandolin. Not a fan of harmonicas

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