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>be dumb girl (pic related)
>get lost in the woods for 28 days
>somehow live
>lose 40 pounds and get more attractive
Is /out/ ketomaxing a valid weight loss strategy? I want to lose 20-30 lbs.
I think you'll be unpleasantly surprised if you ask people to abandon you in the woods
I could get a ride share to a state park for a "day hike" and then walk into national forest.
This is not an idle question. I'm seriously thinking about how I'd pull this off. My /out/ experience includes 9-day trail crew hitches and 2-3 day solo backpack hunting trips. Laying in a hammock for two weeks, fasting, distracting myself from hunger with beautiful scenery, ebooks, and porn sounds like heaven.
Just count calories or fast retard.
> get more attractive
Gonna need some proof on that one.
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Not OP but this is a classic case.
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It's like saying to an alcoholic that lives close to a bar and an alcohol store and who has a pantry and fridge full of beer to "just stop drinking, retard".

Changing your environment to one where it's impossible to engage in your bad habit is a valid first step.
I remember a time before Hooters started taking every low-B that walked through the door
Look at the tan on that! She's going to need yearly skin cancer checks for the rest of her life, but what a story she must have to tell.
Just go hunting, it'll burn calories and increase your T levels
>Is /out/ ketomaxing a valid weight loss strategy?
Yeah, it's called starving
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>be me
>come back to check out /out/ after like 6 years, cause I had kids in-between, work and didn't really had much interest in visiting 4cham during that time (I did hike etc. though).
>see the same thread again, with the same pics.

Let me guess, threads about that retard who died in abandoned bus are still appearing regularly, right?

Oh gee let me ask about what boots/tarp/bacback to buy.

Will I be asked to go back to plebbit, after this post? Will I be named a boomer or a newfag, who "has to go back"?
The ride never ends.
You are here forever.
I miss Apetor
>go back on /out/ to check what's up
>hang around for a little while
>get pissed off at something inevitably and fuck off again
>repeat next year
The cycle never ends. I know very well I just shouldn't get mad and ignore horseshit opinions and larper know-it-alls, but I can't help myself.
Good, go /out/ with your little sproglets and forget about the internet. Read books Infront of them as an example instead of being on your device. Great work anon.
She turned into a black person? Explain.
She was high on meth and naked in the woods for nearly a month after a drug bender with two dudes. Got skinny and real tan.
my wife actually just did read a bed time story. Goodnight.
That's not a tan, that's skin dye. She prolly stopped washing her hair and then dyed her skin and told everyone she had been lost in the woods.
You'll never guess what the primary point of the McCandless threads is. Are you ready for this? The dude is dead. Did you know that? Because anons will post it until the thread maxes out, every single time.
>get more attractive
>change race from white to brown
It doesn't check out
she lost 40lbs because she has no idea that she is surrounded by fucking food even in the wilderness
You don't know the first thing about wild food harvesting
Don't do this. Loosing weight without developing good eating habits is almost pointless. You're just going to be gaining that weight back real soon anyway. On top of that, rapidly losing weight by fasting can also wreak havoc on some of your internal organs, potentially causing a lot of other health problems.
She lost 40lbs because she was a butterball, and then all of a sudden she didn't have regular access to fast food.
she just dumb
Yea, she's definitely better after. Odd that she literally turned fully brown.
It makes no fucking sense. I'm a roofer and I don't go that brown. I've seen some white mofos who tan very hard in the summer on roofs and they don't look anything like that.
Explain how she turned into a black person
Why did you come back then? You have to. You need it, you addict.
>lost in a dense forest
>turns into a niggy
that's 100% bullshit
Dirt + tan

Now you understand why liberals keep trying to call historical populations black
>I remember a time before Hooters started taking every low-B that walked through the door
What was it like?
It was the tits

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