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Hey /out/,
I'm planning to go on a bike trip with this girl I like. It'll be about 70km, so we'll be out for a while.
I bought >pic rel last year for my trips so I don't have to carry all the water I need with me from the start.
Would it be too autistic to bring the water filter on this bike trip date? I'm worried she'll think I'm weird.
First, autistic yes for my taste as I carry always enough water in the first place or at critical cases when the trip is too lengthy I carry a can and a lighter, make a small fire and boil my water.

But second, given she is actually into roadtrips and not some watered down version where she doesn't have to endure or get herself in the dirt, she may think it is cool of you to bring the filter.

That being said, what do I know, I never met a girl who's into getting few miles away from her comfortable city well-heated apartment.
>It’ll be about 70km, so we'll be out for a while.
About 4-5 hours tops?
Yep if I ever had a date with a girl I would definitely ruin it with autistic shit like this. Go ahead bro.
We'll probably stop somewhere to have a picnic or look at the scenery or something. But yeah, it's not too long, I could just bring like 2l of water and be fine.
I guess you're probably right.
I should secure her first and then slowly warm her up to my autism when she's already comfortable around me.
I did 90km on saturday and had two large and one small bidons. Had half a large bottle left when I got home. Temp was about 32C.
I'd be more concerned with making sure there is a toilet stop halfway for your lady friend. Getting to the end of a ride with empty bottles won't kill you.
First of all, you're overthinking it. She won't have a strong opinion either way most likely.
But on a more general level, why are you trying to hide who you are so much? If you're looking for love, wouldn't you want your partner to love you, rather than some weird projection you force yourself into to appeal to her?
Use your brain power on finding a fun route that isn't too challenging or boring and planning a nice meal for the picnic instead anon, that'll be worth a lot more.
Just buy a bottle at a grocery store or gas station you'll be passing.
Fucking mental illness I swear.
This anon is correct. If you're worrying about a girl thinking you're "weird" then you've already lost. Find someone who appreciates your "autism".
Beautiful answer, this anon knows how it is.
At least he has one that shares his interests and I couldn't be more proud of OP.
this. don't overthink and don't be someone your not, because in the long run it'll only make things worse
Look man, I get what you're saying but I just don't want to spook her.
I know female brains just work different and I'm worried about giving her the 'ick' or something and then this beautiful little thing that we might have shared would have never happened.
If something like this freaks her out, she's not the one for you. You do you, don't pretend to be someone else. Otherwise she's not necessarily into you but rather who you're pretending to be. So unless you're willing to become that, don't pretend to be. Honesty and sincerity go a long way. Either she'll think you're clever or a weirdo, either way, you'll know what you need to.
>why are you trying to hide who you are so much?
Bruh you can't just reveal your whole self at once, recipe for disaster
It's happening next Thursday. I roughly planned a route that would take about 100km to complete full circle but has an exit point at about 66% where we could just take a train home if we are too exhausted.
We met up yesterday and planned it out together, got some equipment we were lacking. I even told her about the water filter and she didn't seem thrown off by it.
I'm so excited.
Nice, Anon!

I’ll just ask because everyone will want to know: what are the chances of sex?
>I'm worried she'll think I'm weird.
No dude, Jesus Christ. If she asks, you tell her what you're telling us: "I didn't want to be carrying all that damn water with me all the time"
Then she might say: "It's not that much water what are you talking about? You can't carry around 2l of water? Eww, gives me the ick"
Don't worry dude, I played this all out in my head already.
Sex on a bike trip? In the burning heat out in public with kids watching? Oh you bet your ass we're fucking.
>the ick
If she even mentions "the ick" in a manner that isn't ridiculing other women for saying it, leave her immediately. If you're biking in the middle of nowhere, puncture her tires and then leave her.
>Eww, gives me the ick
Cut your losses, abandon ship.
I don't think you understand.
I can't keep fucking cutting these losses, I'm already vaginally bankrupt, nigger.
>im pathetic
Yeah we got that the minute you started overreacting about a water filter
You'll still be a sad virgin, just one without any self-respect because you stuck around with a woman who is actively looking for reasons to shit on you
it isnt about the water filter anon it is about you being confident about your water-filter. or your dick. or yourself in general. that is all you need to know.
>water filters are weird

do zoomers really? the fuck is weird about a water filter.
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Anyways, we're meeting up in two hours. I'm gonna have to get ready soon.
I made up my mind and I will bring the water filter, don't know if I actually pull it out, iykwim.
the fuck
>No automatic enema apparatus for biking
>the ick
>because of a water filter
Lmao wtf dude I know the sexual market is fucked up nowadays but jésus...
I showed her my water filter and she loved it. Then I pulled out my little camping stove and brewed us some coffee after we had been biking for two hours and she loved that too. I think she's head over heels for me.
We even went swimming later in the trip and that was the first time I saw her in underwear.
Yeah boys, I think I'm gonna make it.
Happy for you, anon!

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