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salut, romanon here
the fuck is this?

can any other romanon explain what is happening? is the media exaggerating this? is this real??

i want answers
First they came for Romanians and (you) did not speak out, because (you) not Romanian
Then they came for (you) and your natural spaces
not my problem
based, i don't want lawfuls in my woods
mods needa sticky these thread
Just steal a permission.
you are a peasant praising an elite taking food from peasants
it will be your problem, just wait a few 3 years. youre gonna end up just like this
One more reason to never go to Romania, other than getting pickpocketed and having your hubcaps stolen while you're driving.
Haven't you heard? Romania is being developed as Europe's hottest new ecotourism destination.
Why would you want to go camping when you can stay in Bunea Wilderness Hide with large, soundproofed windows for wildlife watching, a rustic fireplace and guided day hikes for just €230ppn?
name a bigger european shithole than romania
other than ukraine, i'll wait.
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typical romanian family day out to forest:
>drive 5th hand audi shitbox over a mud "road" past all regular walkers until the road ends
>take your trash family on a 15 min "hike"
>claim a bench + table
>blast horrible music while you drink timi and shout at increasingly louder volume
>beat a man up because he dare complain about your shit children being shit children
>quickly dump trash on the spot and flee before police arrive
>on the way out quickly key the guy's car
>go home, tomorrow is church and after that repeat of "beautiful nature hike"
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Is this just the regions bordering Ukraine? I'm sure there's a few based draft dodgers hiding out there. And I wish em well.
zicala "romanul e frate cu codru" mi s-a părut mereu o prostie..nu am avut niciodată o cultura cu codru' comparativ cu americani sau finlandezi.
Mai mult, romanul e dușman cu codru. Am avut un sistem silvic de kkt întotdeauna, dar legea asta noua e de necrezut
It applies to more tha half of romania's forests, including the state ones.
Its so sad. Normies ruining the nature...

Recently Romania is building a road in mountains called "Trans Carpatica" which is gonna be bigger and more "asphaltized" than Transfagarasan. Its gonna attract alot of toursist and normfags and feed the bears because of 21th century vegan glorification of animals. Theyre gonna attack romanian local villagers and yet they cant kill them because EU says so.
reminder that you can call 112, report a bear sighting and then all normies will flee the area
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I still think this has something to do with it. Shove thru legislation covering half the fucking country because why not and it also covers the area troops may be staging at. Any Gypsyanons should keep an eye out and see if any known vagrants go missing (detained or liquidated cuz no witnesses).

It's a fucked up situation. I'm sure Romania's forests are nice too. Aside from the casuals shitting it up like >>2723282
>3 sources on this, all of which full of overtly pro-russian anti-US oogabooga
Yeah yeah, glowie-from-another-homie.
Its more related cause civillians started to report more and more illegal loggings and the state did not like that (the govt is working with mafia) so they implemented this
So people who break the law will continue to break the law but honest citizens are punished? Sounds like something an Eastern European government would do.
yeo. And dont forget we romanians pay 45% tax too.

I wanna move out, I dont know where.
Won't turn this thread /pol/ but at this point get the fuck out of NATO jurisdiction man. GL.
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>Mai mult, romanul e dușman cu codru
Vai de capul nostru, daca ar exista mai multi romani precum fata asta

Organized crime wants to dump bodies without being found
The politicians want their friends to rape the forests without locals interfering.
I check on flight radar from time to time and NATO have had fighters and all the funny looking radar aircraft covering the whole mountainious north east part of Romania since the start of the war. It's been very busy.
Time for stealth camping and to buy some good camo?
romania is top comfy

t. moved to romania
This is EU at work. You can bet your ass this is direct result of a suit fag in Strasbourg or Brussels.
why does the mafia care about the trees?
>europe regressing back to medieval forest law
couldn't be me
>how I deal with loneliness
>video shows her being with friends hiking and going to restaurants together
I hate normalfaggots so fucking much. Women will never understand real loneliness.
they illegally log it. Its a big thing in the ukrainian-romanian border forests. I hate ukrainians so much
You could say you're getting logged by the zog.
He told you once, and then had to tell you the exact same thing again dumbass.
You're the dumbass if you think I read the entirety of this boring ass thread to figure out why the mafia cares about the trees. I got my answer so fuck off.
Noi you failed to accept fault (not reading the reply you actually quoted) and because of it you'll be just as much of a dumb cunt in future. Your father never ironed that quirk out.
God I hate the EU. This is the end result of any "rewilding"
yeah I live in a mountainous region and every big decision about my territory is made by some city fags who are completely detached from it and who view the mountains as either a playground for retarded tourists or some untouchable sacred ground.
Yeah there's a lot of city fucks in NZ who think the same. They're so dumb they think the government can handle all the pest control work with their poison and all deer should be removed forever that way. They think the wilderness belongs to them to walk around on designated trails and sleep in huts the pre booked online. Real gay shit.

They think that hunters shouldn't be allowed to manage deer population because hunters want to keep deer and not eradicate them. Yet won't lift a finger themselves. Spoons.
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>Russian forces are aware of the situation and will most likely eliminate the threat!!
kill all cityfags. There has not been any worse mistake made by humanity and is that to create cities. They are an oversocialized hivemind.

In cities, you have a central gigantic amount of people with similar opinions and where guilt-tripping is their way of power. Its a meat hivemind, real life NPCs
Romanian is such a fucking ugly language holy shit

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