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I don't know how to use a compass. I cannot read a paper map. I only use my phone.
I've got you beat. I don't even know how to navigate with a phone. All I can do is use GPS in the car.
Fucking rookies. I can't use a GPS. My wife has to give me directions when I drive.
I grew up using Mapquest and I would print out the turn by turn directions. Now I use google maps. I'm wondering if I should try waze or something else just because google maps is kinda shit at telling you which lane you need to be in for turns

god i love being able to use a phone to hike though, you just start walking a little bit and you can see if you are going off trail
When is elon musk going to just add a waypoint hud to our vision like videogames
I carry a generator and a satellite dish so I can access the internet on my laptop while I hike
all I want is like a little stand so I can look at my phone before bed when I'm out
I don't know where I am
I implanted the brain chip. AI gives me all the direction I'll ever need.
listen here fat
I carry a marble sundial with me at all times.
>he doesn't use a plumb line, pocket watch and protractor to navigate
I shiggy diggy
just follow where the red arrow points to
instructions unclear got detained in Mypmahck authorities think I'm a spy? please send help help
yeah but i am east coast usa and i cannot figure out am i suppose to rotate it left or right to account for magnetism or whatever
I've never used a physical map and compass before but I assume if you're completely lost you're supposed to orient the map so that north on the map aligns with north on your compass and use landmarks to figure out where you are
this does not work in a dense forest lol
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That's why you go towards a trail or body of water, assuming you know what side of it you're on
what do you mean you dont know how to read it
the arrow points fuckin north
its not that hard
>a trail
Lmao,what fun is that?
How do I adjust for magnetic declination on my phone?
basically you box yourself in. river north, road west, ridge south, trail east. keep an awareness of where you are. also the op reads as his hobby being paper map navigation. i can do both and hiked for the first 30 years of my life only using paper maps, but i rather just quick check my app on my phone and not spend time on it. rarely need to, but if i feel like it its easier. the real issue is how digital navigation being so quick makes people more likely to over check where they are or how many miles are left.
Can you name me a single national or state forest that doesn't have a single trail?
Well, this is my first post on /out/, so if I’m a newfag here, as a high mountain and speleo search and rescue operator, I can tell you that learning even basic land navigation and developing your orientation skills can save your butt like you have no idea. Among that, knowing first aid, basic survival, and for the love of God, knowing how to start a fire (the number of poor unfortunate souls who could have been saved from perishing in stupid accidents and the cold is freaking overwhelming, anon) is the minimum that everyone who wants to engage in any activity or lives in a wild area should learn. Go to a land navigation course and practice, take a damn wilderness first aid course with certification, take a basic survival course and practice even in your home park. Seriously, anon, if you knew the amount of stupid people who go to the woods or high mountains without experience, lacking safety equipment, and only using wikilock, believing that nature is like on YouTube, it’s excessively abysmal. But it’s even sadder to find them and carry their bodies on the sked and see their faces of fear and the tear marks on their faces. Get trained, do it for yourselves and your families, please.
>you just start walking a little bit and you can see if you are going off trail
this. Ive done 2 mile through-hikes where Im basically glued to the screen to make sure im not veering off trail
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>Among that, knowing first aid, basic survival, and for the love of God, knowing how to start a fire
Gonna do this so I can feel like I got special training just like Big Boss
Wait you can't tell were you are by just looking at the trees, the rocks, the sky, and slope of the land. I find I don't often need to look at a compass or a map to know were I am. I do carry them, and know how to use them. Just don't need them much.
Not really special training, I always carry a first aid kit, and at least three forms of fire starting( lighter, water proof matches, and knife and ferro rod.) make that 2 knives a steel cup a steel single wall water bottle, Braided Bank Line, paracord, walking stick( or cane,) Ramen( or cop of noodles, and a candle.
What do you mean by "first aid" and "basic survival"?
Is that not just knowing how to treat a wound with antiseptic and dressing it? What is basic survival aside from keeping warm and dry?
That's not something you should be bragging about anon. It's a flaw, not a feature. Go learn a useful skill you dumb fucking faggot.
phone navigation is a skill
its 2024 grandpa
What are you going to do when your cellphone dies, you never learned to use a paper map so didn't bother packing one, and you have to find your way back to your vehicle?
Let me guess, that'll never happen to you. You're careful. You've never broken a cellphone in your life and you packed a spare battery pack. Well, you're throwing the dice on dying of exposure a quarter mile from your car because you never learned how to navigate properly.
Throw the dice all you'd like, just don't brag about it like you're some sort of badass because you take stupid risks that could be easily avoided.
plug it into the backup battery
Murphy law is a bich anon
You.... shouldn't touch grass. It might legitimately be bad for your health. Just you though.
This is a genuine question, by the way. I really want to know what knowledge I should have to prepare for unexpected
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most basic crash course
>red arrow always point north'ish
enough to prevent you from going in circles
crash course in navigation
>you are on the summit of red, you want to camp next to the small pond at blue, fog is dense and you cant see shit
>lay out compass on map like this, side of compass along your planned route
>ignore the actual compass needle for now...
>turn twisty dial on compass so north align with north on the map
>this is your compass direction
>turn around so compass needle north align with twisty dial north and walk in the direction of the arrow on your compass
and thats how you get there
Good stuff anon, thanks for posting
You need to be able to get back is something go wrong. There is no 911 out there, it only you, and what you bring with you. You might have to walk 30+ miles to get back.
The compass has 3 purposes:
1. Where is north? Aka map alignment
2. Am I walking in fucking circles in this dense brush? I can't tell, but the compass can
3. Is the landmark I spot in the horizon the one that is actually north in the map, or is it something else entirely?
might want to mention magnetic declination, how to calculate it, and how to input it in your compass
otherwise doing this will give you the wrong bearing right from the start

magnetic north and geographic north aren't the same
>what is a crash course
First aid for bleeding, fracture, hypothermia
Nav enough to head back whence you came
Survival for setting up shelter, starting a fire, signaling for rescue
And most importantly, ALWAYS leave a detailed note of your itinerary and someone who will notice if you don't return on time
>gets lost
Right when I started to learn to drive garmins were getting popular and my parents got me one. I've lived in the same city (Houston) now for almost 30 years and only know a few of the major roads. Sure I'll recognize a name sometimes but have no idea where anything is relative, be it an area, street, or whatever. I think this GPS stuff ruined my sense of directions while driving.
>hurr durr he didn't make his basic explanation complicated enough
If you're trying to navigate long distances in poor visibility without knowing how to use a compass you'll probably have a bad time, regardless of whether the anon on a Moroccan oil painting forum mentioned fucking declinations
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I refuse to go /out/ until it'll look something like pic related
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I made picrel for a landnav quick rundown. It is simple, you don't need to be smart to understand this, it just looks complex

This post >>2725136 is gud, but it's only one part of the process

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