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So I inherited a weird bit of land.
8000sqft(~740m2), a bit of the way outside the city (or any other community), pure sand and rock, non-commercial area.

For legal reasons I won't get into... I can't ever sell it, only my kids can once they inherit it but I also don't have to pay property tax on it.
Also, can't expand it. The land all around is in a similar legal limbo so until it's inherited I can't buy anything around it.

What can I even with 0.18 acres of unarable land I can't sell in an unrentable area?
With a plot of land you can do whatever you want
Not quite, on non-commercial land you're not allowed to build say an apartment building, shop spaces, or a parking lot. Putting it simply, it's land meant to be lived on by a family.
Personal campground and/or shooting range. That's what I would probably do at least
Erect a large penis statue on it lol
Best bet would be a meeting place for your family on nice days. Use a TuffShed for storage, a bathroom, cooking, and a rest area (basically a kitchen, half bath, and a living area). The entire lot is then converted into an outdoor living space; like a really nice, enormous backyard. Include seating, a covered area, landscaping, a grill or outdoor kitchen, a gazebo if you can afford it/have the skills, and so on.

A family member of mine was in a similar position in 2005. He was ready to pull the trigger, and even had the Tuffahed delivered. Before it could be built Hurricane Katrina hit. We assume it floated off.

Bruh it’s like suburban housing lot size.
>.18 acres
>shooting range
incredibly based
Camping spot
Dump a fuck load of woodchips on it, let it sit for a bit to decompose, and then grow vegetables and flowers there. Ot you can seed some cover crop that fixes nitrogen like clover
This is a better version of what I was going to post. Return it to a natural state in the sense of making it workable, plant some trees, nurture the soil. Then once it's a nice place to be you've got your own place to grow veggies and raise chickens!

Reminds me of how I get $80 from my dad's pension every month for no reason (after he died). Just a strange contractual clause that somehow made its way into reality and now I am the beneficiary of, however insignificant it is.
hey 80 dollars is like one internet/phone bill. sounds nice
I don't think you get the sort of environment we've got here. I'm talking PURE desert. It's just sand and wind and dust as far as the eye can see.
I've tried to use woodchip mulch in my own garden but it's far too dry and windy here.

What also happens is you get a massive amount of rodents and insects taking refuge in the mulch unless you absolutely flood it in the irrigation, which obviously costs quite a bit. I see that a lot too around areas where arbotists dump their branches/chip too, it's just magnet for pests looking for shade
Also any bit of mulch that isn't wetted -will- get blown away
How long do you have a rainy season? Look up what sorts of forage/cover crops they use in Australia, Texas, California, etc. Just from some googling I found subterranean clover, but also some African stuff like sorghum and sudangrass
Thinking about this because I'm set to inherit a few acres of unarable, acidic & sandy land that's only really fit to grow blueberries but not enough land to intensively grow them for profit. I'd like to convert a chunk of it into something gardenable and have seen suggestions similar to this, or digging out a pit and filling it with hay bales or similar material and waiting for it to rot.
Would doing this become an unending battle against desertification/acidity? Or do you just need to create some new topsoil from organic material and you're good to go? What kinds of cover crops would you recommend?
You could build some kind of cool xeriscape garden. I hope you like cacti.
Personal campground is a good idea.
With enough work and time you can turn desert into forest. Really just depends on how much you're willing to invest in it and .2 acres is a little small to get a change in the ecosystem, even with a strong guiding hand.
First thing I would do is search for water. If you have water in the first 12ft or so of the surface you could set up a hammer in well point well going for sub 500$. Hook that up to a holding tank and a solar powered low flow pump and you'll have enough water on hand for irrigation.
If it was me I'd start hauling wood chips, yard debris, compost, biochar, and any organic material I could get my hands on, layer it on thick as hell, and water it as much as I can. Call up every landscaper and tree service in the area and offer them a free dump site. After a year or two, till it in a bit and keep at it until there's enough soil to plant desert tolerant trees and grasses.
If that's not an option, personal quarry. Take rock and sand off it for projects around the house. Maybe sell it to your friends and family on the side as well.
If there is no water whatsoever , combine the personal quarry with bunker/tunnel construction, because who doesn't like an underground complex?

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