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Magic mushrooms + hikes in nature

Best time ever
Ancient hunters would microdose to help them pick up movement against the flowing swirling living world around them, as revealed by taking shrooms. Not too much of course but you can learn a fine balance with practice. Try microdosing and looking at trees, grasslands, bushes. They'll dance for you and you'll easily spot an out of place animal moving through. Look at good camo patterns like the Vietnam tiger stripes and they'll dance for you too.

Hiking also just gets the blood moving and will ensure you burn through a good dose and get the best out of it.
This is all hypothetical/guess work. There's no evidence of this actually being true. From personal experience, mushrooms make EVERYTHING move. Even at doses as low as half a gram. Micro dosing doesn't enhance your vision either. If you take too much and start to get some effect, colors are brighter, but I wouldn't say things were sharper.
If it has a grain, it flows. The whole world breathes. It's a wonderful experience, but I don't see it helping me hunt.
I wish I could
Why can't you?
I don't know where to get them in my country
As a general rule, I've found this to be true in every country I've visited.. Ask your bartender. Not the first time you meet, he'll think you're a snitch. Get to know them a little, tip well. Hopefully you've already got a bartender like that.
They're also pretty easy to grow yourself. All you need is brown rice flour, vermiculite, pint mason jars, a pressure cooker and some spores. You can buy spores online just about anywhere in the world. They're legal to buy and own, it's only illegal to germinate them. You can get everything else on amazon. For local, rice flour and mason jars can be found at grocery stores. Vermiculite can be found at garden centers. Make sure it's just vermiculite not with any fertilizers added. pressure cooker can be found anywhere you can buy pots and pans. The only thing you'll have to source online is the spores. I'd say you can also find those locally, but then you'd already have a mushroom source.
just grow them, it'll be a fun project and buying the spores is legal basically anywhere. For an easy tutorial on what the other anon is talking about google "shroomery bod's easy af tek" (I suggest using the shoebox method)
Now this looks promising, I have seen some listing of spores on fb so I might as well give it a shot
Growing shrooms is fantastically easy, just do the research (which is freely accessible).
Foraging shrooms is also very easy if you're in a place where they grow and aren't dumb enough to eat something without identifying it first.
I don't suggest doing this at night. I learned this the hard way.
sounds cool but I would probably die if I was alone
i dont think I could operate a map or memorize landmarks while insanely high
maybe a tiny dose but then whats the point, just smoke weed
cant wait until mushroom season again
No, they effect your serotonin receptors. If you think you're a fucking jedi it's not the mushrooms. I'd bet everyone around you are laughing at you acting like a retard.
This. The only thing druggies are good for is laughing at when they start going on about "muh connection to the oonivoors"
ive never done them myself, but, i have a friend who is pretty into drugs (softer ones, not like heroin)
and she figured out i was a pretty outdoorsy guy who frequently picks plants and mushrooms, so i showed her were i usually see them
she is a good friend
either I overestimate how much a shroom weighs, or I'm getting some weak ones. Have to eat like a full stalk + cap to even start getting visuals
Depending on the size of the mushroom, you're probably getting about half a gram to a gram or so. Which is typically the minimum dose for visuals. Depending on what you want to achieve, half a gram to a gram is mildly visual. 2-3g will give a much more visual experience. +3g is usually a full on trip. This is all based on average cubes. If you have stronger cubes like PE or TAT, or another species, this will change that scale.
interesting, ty anon.
Definitely weren't PE, need to ask my friend who grew them what they were. Probably something bog standard.
I feel like the body high is already so significant by the time I get visuals that taking much more would make me sick

I'll get around to buying a scale someday
Worth noting: partake on a relatively empty stomach for best results. Eat a very light meal and plenty of water on the day or night you're shrooming. That should help.
They're like $10 on Amazon. Add another $10 for a cheap coffee grinder. Weigh your desired dose, then grind your shrooms and put them into a small glass. Add just enough lemon juice to cover, and stir to make sure there are no dry pockets. Let that sit for 20-30min and then shoot it. Add a little water to the glass to chase the lemon juice and get most of the remaining mushroom. That will speed up the release of psilocybin. You should start feeling it within 15-20 minutes and expect to peak right around 1 hour. Usually lasts a bit less, only 2-3 hours. But it's less come up anxiety because you come up so quickly. And I generally find it to be a bit more intense.

You can also grind and add to melted chocolate, I like 70% dark. The chocolate covers the mushroom flavor and you get an extra dose of endorphins.
Do your Lemon TEK, but increase your mushroom dose to account for losses and then strain out the mushroom material completely. Then you just have a liquid

I make mine into lemonade and drink it
I'm not against the idea but this sounds like a good way to get into a fatal accident if you live in the mountains like I do
Sounds like a fun idea, I'll try it, thanks anon :^)
I've had some in chocolate before and my tummy didn't like it
>+3gram for full trip
I take six of golden teacher and get some visuals, 5g of albino and I get some visuals. If I want to trip I need 10g, I need to make tea out of it too.
I rarely take it too or other substances too, so it's not a tolerance thing.
Are you on a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor? Psilocin binds to serotonin receptors, anti depressants stop the break down of serotonin, so there's more free to bind with receptors, which will make them less available to psilocin. You shouldn't need 5-10g of any cube, even weak ones, unless they've been improperly stored. moisture and light will break down psilocybin and psilocin. They should be cracker dry, break easily when bent. If they're soft or there's any flexibility, they're not dry enough and you're losing active compounds. Store them in glass or mylar with a desiccant packet. Never store them in the fridge or freezer. If none of that applies to you, I'm at a loss.
>couple of hours in
>starting to peak
>oh fuck fuck, people coming down the trail
>I'm just a normal human being just like them
>just doing normal human being things
>I'm probably grinning like a madman
>thank fuck I'm wearing sunglasses
This^ don’t ever take 10g as an experiment whithout scaling your intake gradually up.
Serotonin anon just has his synapses blocked. 10g is a full blown psychosis
I took 7g of normal, dried cubes last week (without being on SSRIs)

It was not as immersive as I would have liked - 10g is coming this weekend.
Did anyone ever find them in the wild?
Supposedly they grow in cow pats and grazed pastures, but I have walked in that kind of environment for decades and never seen them.

I know so much about identification, but just never seen them.

You don't have sunglasses over your mouth.
The only Psilocybe I have any hope of finding in the wild in my region is P. caeruleorhiza nom. prov. and I don't know if I could spot it if I saw it.

I've found a few Panaeolus cinctulus in my yard but not enough. I've found Gymnopilus luteofolius but they're too bitter for me. I may have found Pluteus americanus but they're identical to cervinus and don't really bruise so who knows.

Luckily, I have found Psilocybe cubensis in a plastic container in my basement, no idea how they got there.
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I've also found Gymnopilus luteofolius. I did not harvest them because they're said to be weak and bitter. I grow my one cubes, so to me they were just a neat find. I know there are liberty caps and a couple panaeolus growing in the mountains around here, but I've never found any.
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I ate 3g on top of a hill and saw the Antichrist. I think I'm done with them for a while. "When you get the message, put down the phone," and all that.
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I'll be taking shrooms while /out/ on Memorial day weekend. I'll be camping all weekend with a group of friends. I'm bringing an ounce of pretty potent cubes with me. Should be a good time.
Having dark chocolate also mends a bit of the cardiovascular effects right?
I wish I had some shroomfrens to help tripsit me cause I don’t really wanna try something like psychs all on my own. I had a pretty negative experience on my last DXM trip almost a year ago and haven’t taken anything since
I can't say that they're even close to the same. I thought it was impossible to have a bad trip on dissociatives.
Anyways, there's no such thing as a bad mushroom trip.
When you finally can grasp eternity and you see that you are the creation and creator all at once, you're going to freak out.
You will have no desire to trip ever again.
The whole tripsitter thing is a meme. Their presence acts as external stimuli that knocks you out of your rabbit hole like dynamite.

>"If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments like microscopes, telescopes and telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye permanently glued to the microscope, he goes away and works on what he has seen."- Alan Watts
I've found them before because I had a friend who I went with to learn what to look for. Here in the UK there aren't really any "tragic" mushrooms that you could mistake for magics, so it's no worries. The few species that look similar to them seem to be harmless, but also emit a different (non-edible) smell so even if you accidentally pick them, you later realise that they useless.

I'm currently buying a pack (and stuff to put in it) so that I can get out there soon and enjoy some solitude. This thread has reminded me that I can (and will, hopefully) find a rich bounty of soul food along my travels.

I don't know about other places but here, there are areas that are covered with magic mushrooms. I've seen moorlands that were just littered with them, and I've personally picked them in AUGUST, on a hot sunny day, so I don't listen to people who claim that they don't grow in summer. I walked over a busy-ish dog walking area and got a full pocket of them much to the confusion/amusement of the regular who saw me walking around staring closely at the ground.
I am always cautious with substances (apart from weed), so I just take a little bit when alone. Then once you are comfortable you can take more.

Like with any drug, start off small and then 30 minutes later, take more if you wish. That way you don't suddenly wonder why an elf (your cat) keeps scratching your face every time you try to shake its hand.vvjrs
Mushrooms don't have any negative heart effects associated with them. But dark chocolate, in moderation, is said to improve heart health in general.
Take 2g and you'll be okay. They're a lot different from DXM.
this is the dumbest wook paul stamets ass bullshit ive read all day
i do like mushroom hunting on mushrooms tho for sure. i took my homie out and she had picked some fresh cyans the day before and we both ate like six each. i asker how her matsutake identification was (none whatsoever) made her finger all the white mushrooms till we found one. and then we split for hours and i was just leisurely meandering the woods and was smelling matsutake patches before id see them. it was such a nice mellow hunt.
>buying spores here is as illegal as selling heroin to children
>yet magic mushrooms are literally on our currency
They're apparently common here but I've never seen them. Every time I think about enhancing a hike with shrooms I realize I just want to do a low thc edible instead though. I feel like a shroom trip would be too long unless you're backpacking, which is something I haven't done in ages (and would be nervous about doing solo).
>but then whats the point, just smoke weed
I can tell you've never tried mushrooms or microdosing then. They're apples and oranges
How many grams on my hike this Tuesday?
clean your fingernails
I'm so jelly. Haven't taken them in over a year. Have fun anons.
This is /out/ not /metropolitanbeautysalon/
Did a 1g test run, currently sat on the toilet with the world falling out of my arse.
Still feeling good though desu
If you're close to 100lb take 1-1.5g if you're closer to 200lb(or bigger) take 1.5-2. Have fun!
take a shower
Move those into a glass mason jar. Those little zip top baggies will let moisture in and ruin them.

I grew these myself. It's pretty easy. Check out Shroomery.org if you're interested. Spores are legal to buy in most states and countries.
I want to get into psychedelics they seem interesting.
aren't online spores honeypots?
what does micro dosing do?
I've read about lsd microdosing making you more productive and focused and shit.
anyone tried muh DMT? is it a meme?
DMT is most definitely not a meme. Gotta smoke freebase if you want to break through, though. Or take ayahuasca with a shaman for the full experience.
Psilocybin dose is not weight-dependent

>I want to get into psychedelics they seem interesting.
They are the coolest kind of drug, followed by dissociatives
>aren't online spores honeypots?
No, spores do not contain psilocybin and are legal in almost all jurisdictions
>what does micro dosing do?
Absolutely nothing, the benefits of psychedelics are in the mental effects
>I've read about lsd microdosing making you more productive and focused and shit.
Placebo effect
>anyone tried muh DMT? is it a meme?
It's not a meme, it's like being forced into a psychedelic dream state for 10-15 minutes. It's one of the most intense and incredible things you can do with your brain
It's not very weight dependent, that's why I only broke it into two. But there is a difference between a waifish 100lb girl taking 1g of mushrooms and a 200lb dude. But there's not much difference between a 200lb person and a 400lb person. I have friends in all three categories, and beyond individual reaction to mushrooms, smaller people need even less than the average person.
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>First time eating shrooms
>Trying to impress the cute Native chick that invited me to her basement
>We smoke a doobie beforehand, get the munchies
>Well, mushrooms is food, so let's eat all the shrooms
>Ate about 11g dried

I had an "interesting" time.
For productivity and focus I'd go for either Lion's Mane or better yet Brahmi.
You'll get a lot more out of taking an actual active dose than micro dosing. Try some mushrooms first, maybe a gram and a half or even just a single big mushroom or two. You'll definitely notice it.
I find the beautiful and strange thing about mushrooms is how functional you are while having your state altered so much. My visuals and brain can be so altered but I'm still fully functional without feeling stupid or useless. Only thing I find really affected is driving so I avoid that. Can quite happily go shopping, go for a walk, speak to my Mrs or anything like that. Even trimmed my beard while on a 2g dose the other day and it was fine. Generally it makes you feel more happy as well as altering your thinking and perception so don't panic too much about having a bad one.
If you're very frightened of that have a 5htp a few hours before.
I used to shitpost on the shroomery alot like 10 years ago. OTD was always my favorite subforum. Is that faggot Coaster still alive or did he OD yet?
I'm not familiar with the name, but I also stick to the growing and foraging subforums, I've never actually been in OTD. So either he's not there, or not in the forums I browse. Still lots of TCs that will talk shit if you come in with the "new" stuff they saw on YouTube or Reddit.....lol
Mate, these will be gone this week.
Gonna try a 4-AcO hike this week.
Anyone given that a try before?
lol, lmao even
Ever see her again?
Last time I took them I got super paranoid and scared as I realized that all of my conscious existence is only interpreted through symbols and that we are all trapped in our own singular minds or some shit.
I have never tried it but by all accounts it's more or less a very clean shroom experience, which is not surprising. Easier to dose and take for sure.
I always have to piss all the time on mushroom trips. I would be curious if you get the same effect.

You've taken your first step into a larger world
did you see God
Primitive goddess
I don't know about pissing all the time but certainly more frequently. I think for me it's more about that body high being a little more difficult to deal with than what's going on with my mind or perception. Just going for a piss is sometimes more complicated and well annoying when you're trying to drift off to sleep and stuff though. I think that's worse with stronger mushrooms, especially dried liberty caps.
I think mushrooms in gereal are much easier than other drugs for body high though, in fact I'm not interested in other drugs now at all, but something like changa is much more of a noticeable body high and for a long time after.
>Primitive goddess

*rotting corpse
I need like a urinal next to my bed for tripping
Or a system like they have in space suits
>Or a system like they have in space suits
So, a diaper
Jesus drug addicts really do come up with some wild fanfiction.
The mental gymnastics help them cope with their failure to contribute anything of value to the world
You won't be disappointed.
I agree that story >>2725601 is bollocks but I do wonder if prevalence of psychoactive mushrooms made a difference in certain cultures.
I mean there are a lot of sciences and massive leaps forward that happened in mainland Britain. Might have changed their brains over history.
I don't think it's completely implausible
But obviously impossible to prove.
I have been mushroom hunting on LSD and it's far easier to spot the mushrooms than normal. Anything that doesn't follow the normal pattern of the forest floor or tree bark jumps right out
I just go to the local smart shop (.nl) they have 8 ish 'brands' of shrooms.
And not posting said currency.
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It's not a magic species
Mushroom hunting when on mushrooms is way easier, I agree with this. Especially liberty caps.
>mushie season in australia
Going looking for subs tomorrow :) I don't take drugs much at all these days but it'll be fun to go for a walk
Good luck matey.
How's psychedelic medicine going over there? I've heard exciting stuff.
Half tempted on giving this madness a go.
Any thoughts?
AM is a sedative-hypnotic more than a hallucinogen(like cubes and libs) I've heard them described as similar to Ambien. So, I guess it really depends on what you want. Also, beware scams.
Do it faggot
Just to say you did
Don't do it faggot
Just to say you didn't
Do or do not faggot
Just to say there was no try.
They're oneirogenic and somewhat dissociate.
Ordered spores off etsy from aus. Am I retarded?
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literally that easy if you are in euro zone. Truffles are in legal gray area since 2000s

I'm doing some next month hopefully, been 5 years since my last time.
How would a normie such as myself get a hold of some quality shrooms? I'm pretty straight laced so I don't know any dealers or people that would know dealers. I live in the DFW area and most of the time any mushrooms I pick and identify with an app are toxic in one form or another.
Yeah, somebody I know ordered those from that very website and they did the trick. They also sell grow kits with easy to follow instructions.
Cow pastures after a rain or behind restaurants when the BOH is smoking
Being on a hike on magic mushrooms would be pure hell. I mean, I guess it would depend on dosage, but every time I've taken them I've become unable to see due to all the fractals and end up curled up in a ball on the floor with the universe rushing at me.
>"Ancient hunters would microdose to help them pick up movement against the flowing swirling living world around them"
I can't fathom how horrific it would be to take a life while under the influence of psilocybin.
I don't think ancient hunters had those sorts of qualms when it was either eat meat or starve
I once killed a lacebug after having half a paper and it took me about 6 months to deal with emotionally. Kek.
Killing an animal you can look into the eyes of and see the blood spill of while mushroomy would be intensely emotional.
Before you start I've been poaching since I wish a child so have zero qualms about hunting. I just know the heightened emotional state psilocybin puts you in alongaide the hyperawareness state.
Sounds like youve never had fun anon
Was sick as dog on my last trip, 4g of penis envy.
Putting me off a bit lads, can't lie.
Man last night I dudeWEEDed and then had 8g of mushrooms
I laid down with my headphones and was all set to have a mystical musical journey, but my dumb ass didn't charge my headphones and they died halfway through the second song. I didn't have a backup plan so the rest of the night was pure introspection. Wasn't that great but wasn't a nightmare.
Can't get into weed, just doesn't do it for me.
Just had a couple of grams, brewing up a mugwort tea.
Hoping my mrs is up for sex as that's a nice mix for a lovely sleep.
Going to do a mushie hike this week at some point.
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What shall I hike with
4-AcO, 300ug paper or mushrooms
shrooms sounds the safest but i hope you're going with a buddy who isn't indulging
Acid, but 300ug is way too much unless you're extremely experienced with that particular trail and/or drug
schroomers, give me the effects on grandma making christmas cabbage bigos with liberty caps for entire family, including 4 year olds?
Probably enjoy their present wrapping more and can see the christmas carols.
This 4-AcO sent me sideways on a test run. Not sure how it'd be hiking on.
Oh man shrooms plus camping is amazing. I own a PVS-14 monocular and peaking on shrooms while using NVGs in the woods is awesome.

Also laying next to a campfire is nice.
it's all contextual, friend. seems strange to me that you can't even imagine it. that's life, that's death, it's all good.
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VA anon here. Found an ovoid the other day and got a couple spore prints from it.
Never cultured a wild print before. Should I wait a few weeks for any potential bacteria or something to dry out and die before trying to culture it? I plan to make some woodchips beds to plant outside
Any bacteria will re-hydrate as soon as you add it to agar. So waiting won't save you a step. You'll still have to transfer away from bacteria colonies. Bacteria are the easiest to avoid anyway, they form obvious, relatively stationary, colonies and are easy to transfer away from.
Doesn't it eventually die overtime? Like for instance if you have a spore print or spore swab too long. Eventually the spores won't germinate, I think its because it eventually gets dried out and dies
Fungal spores and bacterial endospores are evolved to survive being dessicated for years and come back to life when rehydrated.

Agar is not difficult to learn. Make up like five plates, apply spores to four spots on each plate, then you have twenty chances to get a clean culture to transfer to a new plate and really start growing. You likely won't need that many chances. Make multiple jars of liquid culture and you will have all the genetic material you need to grow more mushrooms than you could possibly use.
Eventually the spores will become non-viable. I've germinated spores that have been stored for a couple years without any issues though. Bacterial endospores will survive far longer than mushroom spores. Transferring away from contaminants is what agar is for. You're going to want to start on agar to get a clean culture to grain then transfer the grain to your wood chips.
^^ was meant for >>2738752
Damn. Didn't know bacteria spores last longer. Thanks for the info
what time of the day is best for schroom tea? morning?
I have only ever had shrooms after dark
Seems natural

also salvia
My brother told me he used to do the cow pasture bit. Are there ever concerns about them producing dangerous mushrooms?
I tried to grow some but got mold.
I got some spore left but I'm reeing because I'll have to get a new pressure cooker which turns out are fucking expensive and stuff for an agar start.

Is there a way to keep shit sterile without pressure cooking?
Take a little bit of shrooms, and wade in your favourite lake. Truly remarkable
You can get a 16 quart presto on amazon for $102. I don't think 1 days pays worth at a minimum wage job counts as expensive but whatever. And once you buy it pretty much lasts for life if you operate it properly and take care of it
I love it when people with zero sensitivity clearly can't comprehend what it is like to be extremely sensitive even without chemicals.

It augments what I already have and you idiots clearly lack.
Yes, it's called mental illness
I'm glad you at least admit to having a mental illness. Solid first step.
>It augments what I already have and you idiots clearly lack.
Excellent cope.
So you're either a sociopath or a psychopath--which is it?
Never took them while actually hiking but a few weeks ago I strung up my hammock in between a lake and a swampy area and took a few grams just as it was getting dark. Most magical experience just laying comfy in my hammock and listening to the absolute cacophony of frogs. Mosquitos weren't a problem cuz it was still kinda early season.
It's really those kinds of experiences that make life enjoyable.
To anybody that wants shrooms but doesn't have a dealer, they can't be any easier to grow. You can buy more sterilized bags and a spore syringe online. Inject and wait a couple months. It's that simple, plenty of guides on the internet. You can do this with under $100
Lmao this isn't the 90s anymore. They're incredibly easy and reliable to buy online these days
Who do you get your own magic mushrooms

Got some off a coworker a couple of years back but she got a promotion and is my bosses boss now so it seems inappropriate.

Can you grow it in your back yard just from buying some sort of cow dung based compost from your local garden store?
I did them for the first time when I went /out/. The clouds looked beautiful, there were some wind turbines, the air felt fresh and amazing and my buddy had some music playing through a speaker.

Now the downsides, when they were kicking in I felt nauseous and felt like I had one stuck at the back of my throat forever. My buddy who I was with was being a FAGGOT and kept trying to scare me

>stands still for a few seconds
>"did you fucking hear that rustling around it sounded big"

So maybe take a safe dose when you're on your own at a trail you somewhat know, then redose more depending on how you're feeling when you're all set up. I couldn't fully get into the trip because of my buddy and I don't necessarily like being around people when I'm high anyways. Not sure who this information can benefit here but take it as you wish. Also, would love to hear trip stories - the good and the bad
Just to add to what anon was saying. I used to take lions mane daily and out of nowhere I kept getting these wild headaches and felt nauseous out of nowhere to the point I didn't feel like eating. That's just my experience and I knew it probably wasn't right for me but a lot of people take it daily and say it's great for them.
I took a piss in my buddies bathroom when I was on shrooms and felt like I was 9 feet tall and peeing in the toilet felt equivalent to just turning and pissing all over his walls. Like I was supposed to be pissing outside or something it was such a weird feeling
You just buy the spores or liquid culture online. Just look up any tek growing guide
how to do schrooms with 1st timer? should i be on schrooms together or better sober as a sitter?
The best sitter is someone who tried it, the worst one is someone who never didn't. So both at the same time is probably better idea also nice fun conversations if it's a good friend
Is it illegal in Australia you think lol
Maybe ask 1st timer if they'd be more comfortable if you did it with them. I know when I did it around my sober friends it felt like they were judging everything I said so I kind of just sat there. Sober might be the responsible thing if you'll be /out/ in an unfamiliar place, depends on the person though if you think they're prone to getting too in their head. I know a guy who gets in his head every time and starts looping and will just try to run away from the situation.
2 grams
just do it alone in a calm, safe place and make sure that you aren't in a bad mood before you trip
Find some subaeruginosa, take some spore prints and make some outdoor patches. I believe all you need is to make some spawn and then inoculate woodchips with it outdoor. There's a bunch ausies on the 'oomery whose experience you can learn from, just go there and search up on it
Ideal scenario is for you to have experience with shrooms beforehand but be sooner during their trip. Do not try to guide or influence them in anyway (unless they ask you to), you are just there to babysit them.

Be ready to calm them down if needed, agree on some music and a setting beforehand
Any Georgia boys have luck with foraging? Where are the best places?
Venomous lake snakes, you will now always think about venomous lake snakes
Yeah, I really don't understand how anyone can enjoy them

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