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Bit of a stupid question. Are crampons sold as a set or individually?
Have you looked at any retail sites?

The answer would appear to be on an individual basis, presumably because you'd want to replace them on an individual basis
damn if only you had the internet where you lived so you could figure this out for yourself

and even then, if you've never bought crampons before why would you think about only buying one- and if you have bought them before why are you even asking this question
Is there a way to stop my backpack killing my shirts? It rubs on the back of my shirt and starts to worn out.
Kek, I've seen individuals sold at REI
Is there an archive for /out/? Warosu, desuarchive and 4plebs don't have it and I don't know about any other sites.
How does /out/ plan for their cross country trips? I’ve never traveled across the country before, but I’m planning a visit to Olympia National Park Memorial Day weekend. I have some itinerary but otherwise have no idea what I’m doing.
Question: would I be insane to include chopsticks and a spoon in my cook kit? I assume the spork meta is there for a reason but sporks are shit and I'm thinking it might be worth sacrificing a little bit more space and weight for 2 utensils instead of one bullshit one.
If you want to. Metagaming your utensils is for faggots. Just pick something that stows and cleans nicely, chopsticks and spoons mostly fit the bill.
Spork meta exists because they stack easily if they become warehouse filler and people will spend 20$ on a spork that they wouldn't spend on a spoon. It also fundamentally appeals to the innate desire for an egg-laying pig that can be sheared for wool.
I need to improve my sleep system for the summer. I have a Teton Sport winter bag which is great but it's huge and heavy. I'm looking for something more compact and lightweight for the warmer months, though I live up north so I would still be looking for 35-40 degree bag. I'm hoping to spend around $100 or less if possible, doesn't need to be Gucci just a little more compact than the giant Teton stuff. Quilt or bag is fine.

Any recs?
checked. And sometimes having no idea what you're doing can be good. Don't over-plan your trips, leave a lot of wiggle room to do things on impulse that you see along the way.
You need an archive for all the shitposts here?
Thanks for the reply. I guess I'm curious if anons have relied on chopsticks for prolonged periods of time and if their experience was positive enough to recommend it.
You sound like a gawky boi.
Skip the chop sticks and just pack a long-handled bamboo or wooden spoon. You won't burn your lips and can cut noodles, or better yet pack small noodles like mac, and scoop up everything shoveling it into your mouth. Less to pack and clean. One less scented item you'll forget in your pack that draws critters. Sporks are fake and gay btw.
Buy a $70 forty degree quilt and spend the other $30 on a compression dry bag. That should be fine for summer except above the treeline. Pic shown is 4Monster down camping blanket that I doubt uses ethically-sourced down but it's available on Amazon cheap.
Ah you got me!
You really shouldn't be hiking/camping in shirts you care about. Any of those fancy shirts are a meme.

If you must wear fancy shirts or ones you care about, putting wash clothes between the strap and your shirt should protect it.
Don't over plan. Pick no more than five things you have to see, and everything else stumble around. You'll have a lot more fun randomly discovering something than running a check list.
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Recently transitioned over to a propane firepit because I'm tired of buying overpriced wood and hauling it. It's a small setup with a 5 lb propane tank. I live in an apartment and don't have outside storage for the tank, so my plan was to use it all or bleed it empty before returning home and storing it in doors. Everything I see about propane storage says not to store it indoors, even when empty. I should be alright to keep it inside, right? Even if there are residuals, the amount would be so small to not be an issue.
>sacrificing a little bit more space and weight
>for fucking chopsticks
Don't be a pussy. Propane tanks don't spontaneously explode. I keep a full 20lb grill tank inside all the time. That's just shit they say to cover their ass from getting sued in the event that some freak accident happens. You could sit inside your house in a pile of full propane tanks smoking cigarettes and putting them out on the fucking nozzles and nothing would happen.

Sure, it will blow up if you have a major house fire, but I think you have bigger problems if that happens.
Dude have you ever used chopsticks? Do YOU like chopsticks? Why are you asking the internet this? If you can eat with them, and it's enjoyable and effective, then do it. Otherwise pack a fucking fork and spoon or whatever it is that you eat with. Are you a bot?
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Explosively Based
They're superior cooking utensils
Weird, I thought they were kept out side because it's a waste of space to keep them indoors and it's easier to refill them. I would say something about combusted fume venting but almost no one has adequate venting in their kitchens. Somehow idiot boomers decided to replace hood vents with microwaves above their stove--which is retarded for multiple reasons venting being one.
I think the concern is the primary and bleeder valves failing and gas leaking from the tank. Even a tank that has been filled and used to 'empty' has leftover gases in it. Unless after its been used to 'empty' and you use the bleeder valve to release the rest of the pressure, it probably shouldn't be kept indoors. If there's no pressure inside, there's no risk of pressure pushing gasses out in the event of a valve failure. You do however run an increased risk of interior rusting over time which will make the unit unusable sooner when there's no pressure keeping oxygen/moisture out.
Question: If I go out and (spring or summer) and I don't want to bring a tent, just a pad and a sleeping pad and a mosquito net, do you guys put anthying under your pad or is net/pad/bag enough?
Why are you trolling him?
Are shoes sold individually or as a pair?

But I need to be /fa/ when I'm /out/, anon.
I have a Swiss army rucksack I got for free, should I use it for backpacking? Or should I get picrel
crampons without spikes how do they work
You've said 'pad' multiple times. Shot in the dark answer, you will want insulation below you to insulate from the ground. Foam mat, insulated air mattress. To keep things dry or clean toss a ground sheet like a piece of plastic tarp or tyvek down.
I have "runner's knee"

How do I kill myself to save me the trouble?
Yeah, venting isn't really a concern with propane, it burns clean as long as there is an adequate oxygen supply around. Have a CO detector in the house and then don't worry about it.

That's why propane has that smell added to it. Bleeder valves don't usually just fail for no reason, and if one did you'd smell the gas. Just use common sense and don't light a flame if you wake up and the whole house stinks like propane.
>be me
>own pic rel
>has done everything I've needed for years without issue

convince me why I need more expensive axes
You don't need an axe or a hatchet. You are a larper.
yeah I've never processed wood for camp fires, you're right
Define LARP for us
how cold does it have to be overnight to die to hypothermia without any sleeping bag/only mild clothing?
I’m going to be backpacking for 4 days with a group of friends, first time doing this kind of thing.
Do I need a pillow or should I roll up a sweater and sleep on it?
5 other people are being water filters ( no potable water on the island except lake water) to share with us (13 people total) but should I still get my own?
How big of a watebottle do I need? I have a 64oz bottle I use at home but it’s large and gets heavy when it’s full
I'd be significantly more worried about the toxic off gassing from non stick pans than combustion fumes from propane.
I don't know about more expensive but I would never buy an axe that doesn't have a replaceable handle. You probably don't chop nearly as much wood as I do so it probably doesn't matter to you.
That number is inversely proportional to IQ.
It can be surprisingly warm. The ground is an infinite heat sink and wind will constantly remove any warm air around your body. Even in hot months, a low point by a low point near a steam can quickly become damp and cool overnight. The exact number is too dependent on context but I would never plan on it being too warm. I'd have a sleeping pad, a blanket, etc. and use the option to not sleep with them vs shivering at night.

Pillow depends on how you sleep and if your pillow helps. I carry an inflatable because I always hated sleeping on a fleece for the most part. Give it shot one night before you commit several days to whatever you choose.
You may not need a filter but it would certainly allow faster filtering. To answer your other question with it, grab some smart water or similar plastic bottles and a Sawyer squeeze (assuming NA water). 64oz is not too much but depends on how often you can reach water. If you have your own filter you also have more flexibility in how often you fill up. Check your route.
lol try harder master forester posting on an anime forum
>toxic off gassing from non stick pans
Do you have good sauces on this? I keep hearing people arguing that nonstick pans are cancer machines that fill your bloodstream up with PFAS and kill you, but also people saying Teflon is so totally inert that any of it that gets into your system you will just shit right out with none of it being absorbed. Don't know who to believe and I haven't seen convincing evidence on either side yet
I'm looking into getting some medical tape for my first aid kits, both to go in my /out/ bags as well as my range kit for /k/ shit. I have heard that Leukotape is what you want, but I see two types, P and K. Which should I get, and is there a chink knockoff that's sufficiently good or should I go with the name brand?
Looking for a new tableware set for camping; real casual stuff. Enamel has been the go-to material for years. Recently some stuff called wheat straw has been coming out as a replacement to plastic. I'm iffy on it since using metal utensils can damage them. What kind of tableware do you usually use when camping? Trying to get away from using disposable paper bowls and plates.
plastic, metal or wood
I'm probably just not using the right words, but where the hell can I find scale maps of different states or state parks at least? Like actual usable ones, like the kind you get for land-nav in the military.
I'm trying Google but I just get stupid apps and super basic trail maps from websites. I want physical maps.
It's getting hot and I hate putting on suncreen. Are sun hoodies a meme for climbing or are they genuinely good to keep cool and not get sunburned?

If they're good, which do you prefer?
And also, under or over helmet if I want to use it for just hiking too?
From the looks of it that handle could be replaceable though
Sounds like it'll depend on where you want to visit. Searching for "Ordnance Survey Map US equivalent" took me to this page: https://travel.stackexchange.com/questions/49627/what-is-the-closest-us-equivalent-to-uk-ordnance-survey-maps

Their advice seems sound
is there no /out/ archive? I wanted to look up discussions of mountains and hiking in my state (NC)
You aren't missing much. Any discussion of east coast mountains inevitably dissolves into mindless shit-flinging because of anons with differing definitions of "mountain".
Saw moms box in the bathroom once, think they come in packs of 8, 10 or 12
Weird, I also saw your mom's box.
For lower UPF stuff like 30, you can get some pretty light nylons that wick well. At maximum UPF like +50 nylons are typically dark colors, polyesters can still be white but don't breathe as well, still wicking though. Personally when it's 90F with humidity it's not bad because the alternative is sun burn. I say grab a thinner one on sale like a OR echo or similar. If nothing else it works really well for travel. Packs tiny and layers easily.

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