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So my friend from uni who I used to do easy /out/ trips has invited me to come visit him (moved to USA) and go camping all over the mid west and Western US for a month. I recently got a job but told them about this plan and they okayed me starting later so I literally have a month straight of camping.

I am actually spooked about camping in dense woods in places like Pennsylvania (where we start), Michigan, Minnesota, even Black Hills in SD. I feel like out west it's more expansive and even if forested it's not as creepy (maybe I'm wrong).

But I legit think I might blow it because I'm creeped out by the woods. Is it actually that creepy? I've done camping in UK and France and wasn't really afraid but this is my first time doing backcountry camping.
I've never felt unsafe in the forest, and I've been hunting cute camper bussy regularly for years.
This scared the shit out of me:

I'm afraid of running into literally anybody in backcountry or running into a car on a dark desolate dirt road. I know it's inevitable I will at some point but it seems such a vulnerable positipn.
I live in Ontario Canada, and In the hot summer of 97 I was going to a party, and took a shortcut across an old train track bridge. As I made it halfway across I looked back to make sure there wasn’t a train coming. To the left hand side of me was wilderness with a clearing right in the middle of this forest. I could see something in the clearing that to me looked like someone wearing a big black coat with a pointed hood up with no facial features just standing there looking at me. I remember thinking why would someone be wearing a big coat in this heat for. At that moment I yelled “I See You”, and right after that it slowly backed up in to the tree lined, and disappeared. I told my friends, and they had said it was probably just a tweaker getting high. For some reason it has always stuck in my head as something strange.
You are significantly safer in the woods than in a place like the mall
I cannot emphasise more on “Do not go to the woods in night” with or without guns n people.
It was 7th december 2021, exactly 9:13 pm deep in the woods( approx 60 kms from my home ) when i had my entire government (legal) Name called out in an infant baby voice.
I closed my eyes and started crying inside my mind, i have no explanation why i did that just to start running in an utter chaos like a maniac. i covered 2 kms in like 8 minutes
Just FYI as a Native, there are things in the forests that haven't revealed themselves much... some are just not scary at all but believe me there are a few that will have you frozen solid if you accidentally ran into them. The good thing is they don't harm you but the effects of seeing them spiritually are damaging and days and months later you will feel what it is I mean...
I'd recommend anyone going out camping in a remote forest to bring a flare gun or at least a flare. A flare gun would light up the entire area for over 3 minutes catching any animal/human/eldritch horror in almost broad day light.
Or get a drone with a FLIR camera which is expensive as hell.
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very creepy, just recently i came across this demonic entity. stay away at all costs.
I am unironically some brand of schizo but for some reason I have kept my wits about me despite seeing strange hallucinations. Have been since I'm a kid. Been seen by doctor and a psych and they said its fine. I have a high paying job, relatioships, friends, etc.

i regularly go innawoods at night and thats when I see stuff. I'll just see a disembodied pair of legs walking around, and then when I shine a light on it they are gone, ill see someone walking, and then when I look closer they are gone. They are always semi transparent and fade away when I get closer or have clearer view. i only see it in darkness

its never bothered me. I am far more afraid of real people than the random schizo shit I see. The only reason I pay attention to them is to make sure im not bumping into a person.

Other things I'll see is smoke where there is none or glowing balls of light

There were a couple of times when a friend with me saw it too and that bothered me, but.. its not for me to think about. its not my job to figure out the secrets of the universe. thats how i keep my sanity.
Delete this
Just bring some beer and get drunk if you feel scared. I don't think you can be drunk and scared at the same time. Don't skip this once in a lifetime trip because you are afraid. If you really want to see something scary go to some inner city Chicago or St Louis neighborhoods / projects.
okay, I admit I've used "I can see you!" a few times to set the mood during "foreplay", but as a conservationist I adhere to the R&R code, so I can proudly say all of my forest lovers made it back to the trailhead after a night long struggle snuggle session.
fyi. the doctor explained as such. the brain seeks familiar patterns in the darkness. it can't quite make something out, so it makes something up.. something you'd see commonly. So I see people walking on trails, fading like a mirage on the road as you drive up to it.

The only thing the other person ever saw was the glowing ball of light. It could have been a real earth light. it popped out of the ground and then up and just shrank and poof.

now if you google Earth Light, its just a bunch of consoomer slop but for a while people were thinking it was a real scientific phenomena.. I digress..
are you saying you're a rapist?
I wouldnt worry about it.
If someone calls your name at night, it must be your friend. You should look for him.
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I'm originally from Michigan and have backpacked all over there despite having moved to the west coast and now downtown Chicago. I planned to backpack Northern Michigan last weekend but had to reschedule to this approaching weekend because of potentially dangerous storms.

The only things you need fear in the Michigan woods are gigantic mosquitos that may fly away with you, horny bears, and Michigan Staeeee fans huffing glue and making noises.

Very rarely during summer you may have a vapid Ohio Staeeee fan crossing the highway. Just don't brake for them or stop and you'll be fine.
Dawg I've had something similar like this happen but instead I heard a fucking baby crying in the middle of nowhere. What fucking messed me up was the fact when I got home I realized I was supposed to be the only one in the woods and there was no fucking way a baby would be alone crying out there at night.
You are going to burn the forest down because you heard a deer
Never underestimate the power of R.O.U.S.s.
look at that wendussy
would this break any LTN rules?
>I am actually spooked about camping in dense woods
You are weak.
I have solo camped as long as I have been camping and I have never heard a spook, specter, ghost, or wendigo… whatever the fuck that is. The people in this thread and on youtube are spinning yarns because european teenagers get all wide-eyed about those stories. The wilderness is dangerous for all the reasons common sense would tell you, no need to go making up extra shit.
Genuinely don't understand why Americans are like this. In Europe you trip over spooky shit (or just old shit, depending on how you look at it) left and right but it's so commonplace we're desensitized to it. Americans have to invent ghosts and tell each other make-believe stories to explain away their fear of the dark. And every story is some variant of 'the bogeyman knew who I was'.

Not to say you're all retarded. I very much enjoy the cryptid stories that come out of this, but you really shouldn't chalk it up to anything more than that. Nobody in Scandinavia is genuinely on the lookout for mountain trolls either. Scariest shit out there in the woods is your fellow man.
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I'm out in some really thick stuff with burial mounds etc. in them alot- day and night thousands of hours over the years- and I've never seen/felt anything weird.
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Don't lie to us anon, we can all see him.
you don't understand because you've never been exposed to a wilderness that is a living, breathing intact entity. The wilderness in 99% of europe is some patch of artificial woods between two farms. when you are in a true wilderness, you have this feeling that the whole place wants to eat you. the bugs, the trees, the small animals, want you to fuck up so you can die and be eaten. everything in such a place is looking to occupy a niche and make itself an obstacle to you, whether its a small root or a bug, or a plant that looks tasty but could kill you.

Euros are fagets. you act like you know everything because you're euros and its hard to take you seriously when you're out of your lane, which is a lot of things.Exhibit A of the euro brain is comparing european wilderness compared to literally anywhere else.
i thought of a more apt description. wilderness in europe is a kayak trip in a lake. Wilderness in north america (canada for me) is sailing in the ocean. Euros simply cannot grasp the vast oppressiveness of a huge wilderness. Canada has as much land mass as europe, but simply as empty wilderness. Europe can be seen from space like a christmas tree. You simply cannot grasp it.
is this real?
I never really felt spooked anywhere in the Northeast. Some forests in Washington are spooky as hell though. Especially with those Varied Thrush they have, they sound creepy.
>i make up spoopy ghost because forest BIG!
Alright buddy, eat your peas.
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Nothing to worry about, anon.
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Ask /x/ about camping in Appalachia.

Where the mountains are literally older than the North Star.
>ask the schizo board
No thanks. They'll tell me something about the rocks whispering poetry when you pee on them.
Brother I’m American and you’re full of shit. Give it a rest we’ve had enough of the campfire stories they’re getting old.
i dont believe the stories. Im saying our wildernesses have folklores to them and cultural tales because they are worthy of them. and im saying that to a euro who thinks camping on a patch of invasive trees between two farms is the wilderness
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Try it bro, it's fun
I never argued against any of that, and you're obviously very desperate to turn this into another Europe vs America thread. Too bad, not biting.

I like your folklore just as I like mine, my main gripe with it is that Americans actually believe it to the point the outside scares them. Try reading my post again. You're not mad at me, you're mad at your own thoughts.
>desperate to turn this into another Europe vs America thread.
Lol read your post m8- the euro cries out as he strikes you.

I think the bigger breakdown on who is scared by the woods is whether you are a city dweller or not. So the natural question is what percentage of Euros vs Americans are city dwellers?

Also you have to understand surely that some of the larping about things in the woods is a matter of good natured fun. It's fun to tell scary stories, tall tales, and scare city people etc.
This is wrong. Fear of the woods is natural. Why do woodland people make up all sorts of scare stories if they're used to the woods. The more untamed the woods the more creepy they are. The more tamed and humanized the woods the more neutered and retarded.
You’re reading into it too much, it’s just fun on the internet.
Idk I don't think it's natural really. The instinct question could go both ways. I feel much more uncomfortable knowing there are a bunch of other people around me in cities and stuff.
>I never really felt spooked anywhere in the Northeast.
I have. I've got a nearby section of woods that is unnaturally dark,and devoid of any other plant life outside of enormous spruce trees.The air is completely dead in there,and since there's no leaves on the ground,only rotting pine needles,it's completely silent when you walk through it.It just immediately feels like a bad place.
The euro is saying a walk anywhere involves walking on his tens of thousands of years of human occupation, a lot of it where genuine horror went down. The Battle of the Somme kind of shit, Stalingrad, these mother fuckers live down the road from Auschwitz. To go /out/ and camp in
>patch of introduced trees
Might mean camping on top a a bunch of body's that were blown the smithereens amoung thousands of others in a battle. And that's just the most recent war, these go back eons. This is a thread about creepy shit not about how fucking hardcore your /out/ is, I agree with you on that, North America has some huge wilderness hat stares back at you like a beast. The Eurofag ain't talking about that, he's talking about all the real horrors that have taken place all over Europe.
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This, but we don't actually believe we're being haunted by the Jews of Auschwitz past or the forgotten Napoleonic soldier while we're out and about. Nor do we actually believe in our own folklore (gnomes, faeries, trolls, hell: baba yaga). To us, as to you, they're just fireside stories.

We all have our creepy locations. Oradour-sur-Glane comes to mind culturally, but Hoia-Baciu forest in Romania is worth the mention too.

What I find surprising is the sheer number of bogeyman stories coming out of the states. Where we laugh at the suggestion of trolls and gnomes, you take yours pretty seriously. That's what I don't get.
>That's what I don't get.
Maybe they're not just stories
ok schizo
Why so hostile? Afraid I might be right?
Yes it is natural. I still love going in the woods. But every woodland culture has scary stories that come from a deep fear of the woods and the unknown lurking within them.
They're not stories, they're reality. A skin walker killed my cousin. Also, my uncle once saw a wendingo.

There's not a whole lot unknown in the woods tbqh. And honestly to me it feels completely natural and honestly I feel at home there as much as anywhere.

Instinctually you could analyze it multiple ways- alot of prey animals prefer to be in the open so that they can see far around them in clear conditions. Yet they bed-down in thickets etc. and feel comfortable and protected in them.

The only thing that gives me the willies in the woods is when that wind starts blowing and those branches start creaking. A 2000lb live oak limb falling on you is really the only thing in the woods thag can just kill you cold. The liklihood of stepping on an alligator is slim, and even a diamondback bite probably won't actually kill you much less any of the less toxic venomous snakes.
They are. They absolutely are. I've camped all over this country, in some pretty remote areas. If you want to believe that there's spoopy shit out there, you're going to get spooked (which is honestly fine if that's what you're into or whatever). But as someone who grew up in the Adirondacks, and feels more comfortable in the wilderness, but currently lives in a city, there's far more scary shit in cities than in the back country.
Plenty of people disappeare in the woods, and 99.99% of them either took a fall, got injured, and died of exposure, or got lost and died of exposure. The biggest danger out there is your own stupidity and under preparedness. Of course, if you're the kind of person who gets this easily spoiled in areas that are statistically safer than the majority of cities and towns, you're probably not going that far off the beaten path, so you'll be fine.

OP, go on this trip. You'll regret it if you chicken out.
There are tons of forested and unpopulated areas in North America. If there's just a small handful of these spoopy creatures, the chances of you personally randomly running into one are nearly zero. When was the last time you saw an elusive animal like a Lynx?
My buddy and i were bushwhacking thru the woods and found what looked like a satanic altar made around a tree root shaped like a pentagram covered in brown splotches. The sun was just starting to go down so we decided to split and find the trail. A little girls voice kept calling out for help every 30 seconds or so, but from completely different directions. Same voice. Buddy spooked and bolted like a retard in a random direction and i couldnt get him to come back so i went back to the car. Drove around looking for him and calling his phone. Found him stuck on a barb wire fence that goes around the property of this government deaf school (like for retarded/disabled kids). He had no pants on and refuses to tell me what happened to him to this day. I dont remember if there was shit in his undies, i guess id remember if he had smeared it all over the car seat, so i dont think he got raped (anally at least).
I got hit by a widowmaker once when i was drunk af. Woke up to my friend staring at me. Was fine until the next day when i sobered up. Holy shit the massive hangover mixed with not being able to move my neck at all and every single step was pure fuckmeintheass
Ah yeah sounds like a classic Nabber. The native Americans call it the pant'grab'cocksucke. It lurks around groups of people who are deficient in one way or another, for easy prey. Sounds like his normal territory was that school but it got confused because two retards were wandering around nearby looking at funny brown roots.
Sounds like you saw a Bigfoot with a big Sagittal Crest, makes them look like a cone head. Reminds me of a sighting where the woman saw a person in the wood line with a big fur coat in the middle of summer or hikers seeing people who they think are wearing those skull hoodies that pull all that way up so you can't see the face. Again to me sounds like Bigfoot.
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just make sure to stay away from the stairs
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Don't forget these mean ass fucker, will eat you alive.
That was some poor girl’s baby daddy
You're not really getting that rural until you hit south Dakota. You'll be fine though. I've been a fire lookout in the past in some of the most rural parts of the US where the nearest building was a 1 and a half hour drive. I've met weird people but your average murderer isn't going people hunting in the woods. You're safer from 2 legged creatures out there than you are in most us major cities. I've been shooting out in the middle of nowhere and most the people are just good old boys having fun. I've met people without a second tooth in their mouth that just wanted to drive an f150 up a gravel pit or bullshit and have a good time. It's not like deliverance.
The only thing I would be concerned of is walking into a drug farm of some kind but you aren't going to find that in South Dakota most likely unless it's meth. From what I heard most meth comes from cartel now anyways. Just avoid private property.
Most the red areas in Midwest are reservations. In other places it's cities. Southern US has a lot of black people. 13% of population committing 53% of murders last I checked. Just is what it is and one of those things to keep in mind. Most people just want to be left alone or bullshit a little and for meeting randos in the forest I've never met anyone I felt was out to get me even though at first it will feel like Johnny redneck is coming to make you squeal.
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>statistics are racist
And most the creepy pasta shit is made by fat retards that couldn't walk up a handicap ramp so why trust the reddit rehash they spew on YouTube or what have you?
Not saying there isn't weird shit out there but you'd really have to dig deep to find any of it if it exists. Like we have a lot of weird cow deaths where I am at.
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Okay, Timothy Treadwell!
convincing yourself that there are scary creatures out there with you is literally half the fun eurofag
Fucking actually stand beside it so I can roughly see how big it actually is. Fuck I hate people who go way behind their kill for a photo, who the fuck are you fooling you dipshit.
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>stepping on an alligator
Literally who cares?
Lol that one's tiny
I have nightmares still of having witnessed The Two-backed Beast as a child. It was two hideous creatures, middle-age hippies, copulating on trail, completely naked as one gelatinous blob. I had stumbled across the money shot and have no recollection after that sight or how I got home. Beware.

You see an alligator. I see a fine wallet and key fob.
That a 12+ foot grizzly, or in euro trash that a 3.7 to 3.95 meter tall bear. True fact after they killed off the grizzly faggots move in.
how did he manage to immigrate to the us?
you can still die from a bear attack in Frisco, it just takes a while for your white cell count to drop deep enough...
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If a grizzly want to eat you
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>unnaturally dark,and devoid of any other plant life outside of enormous spruce trees.

>spruce trees block out the sun, making forest dark
>too dark for anything to grow in the shade other than the trees
think anon, think
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>legs photoshopped in to make the otherwise normal ass trailcam image of coyotes howling "le spooky"
What fairy tale will the gullible american believe next? That a pine forest is "unnaturally dark"? That water is "unnaturally wet"? Some other Lovecraft story remodeled to fit their local midwest woods and farmland?

You'll grow out of your edgy phase soon enough. Until then, maybe write a dark and melodramatic poem about it so we can laugh at you.
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For a European it will probably be the sense of scale when it comes to the American wilderness, the vastness of it can really boggle the noggin. You could walk somewhere that no man has set foot in 100 years and feel the existential nature of... well, nature. The neutrality of it as well as the splendor, it can make a man pine for their deceased dog, or feel content that the dog is within him.
You do know it was meant to be facetious, don't you? You're just pretending to be retarded, right anon?
You don't gotta go to nature to get that dog in you.
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Touched grass yesterday,but got spooked when I stumbled across a shanty town out there.In my haste to avoid detection,I managed to navigate into the largest thicket of brambles I've ever seen.I thank the Lord above, I wasn't spotted by any of the inhabitants of the bum shacks.
This is hoia baciu forest you gay faggot!Those pictures are taken in transylvanya
If a bear wants to eat me, he's going to get 30 rounds of green tip in 2 seconds.
I'm more scared about running into dangerous strangers than cryptids
>but Hoia-Baciu forest in Romania is worth the mention too
>This is hoia baciu forest you gay faggot!
what did he mean by that?
>the gypsy doesn't understand English
Big surprise.
>horny bears
Tell me more these homosexual men prowling the woods
If I pee on a sexy looking tree will it gain sentience so I can fuck it?
the pople that tell you about cryptids and missing 411 sit at a computer all day and rarely get sunlight, let alone go innawoods.
not that anon but in the last couple of years I've found /out/ to have more paranormal vibes than /x/
a much more subtle kind because people here probably naturally have that and don't try to force it

In the modern era nature is occult?
>In the modern era nature is occult?
Tells you all you need to know about the people invested in this shit. Absolutely disconnected from nature.
invested in what?
they are creepy if you are a little pussy
>In the modern era nature is occult?
It's about as evident in modern life as the occult, which is to say not at all, so it makes sense that people who have no understanding of either would collate them based purely on vibes.
The scariest thing about this video is how he leaves a fire unattended.
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Here in Oregon the two most scary thing in the woods are other people, and dry lighting. Both can be kind of terrifying. Luckily I have a really low fear tolerance. I don't feel fear much just get angry.
It would be best if you had a kayak or canoe for Minnesota/Michigan if you are going to the Northwoods

There are black bear and wolves, no cougars or brown bears

It's pretty spooky since there is a lot of bog and swamp mixed in
sorry what kind of foreplay is this exactly??
some people get all the luck
>t.horny femanon who thinks getting chased in the woods would be hot
right? why isn't it a normal foreplay thing for couples, I'd love to go out into the woods with someone and chase them down and capture :)
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Ran into a cryptid last night, I was scared and running so the pic is blurry. Barely survived.
dry lightening?
You can't feel *it* when you're out there can you anon? I have extensive knowledge of both by the way ;^)
Obvious ghost in the background of this image
>I have extensive mental illness
A lighting storm in summer or autumn, with no rain. There going to be fires all over the place.
Why live if you believe in nothing?
>That a pine forest is "unnaturally dark"?
> Until then, maybe write a dark and melodramatic poem about it so we can laugh at you.

In the heart of Michigan’s forgotten woods, Where ancient pines stand sentinel, Their gnarled roots clutching secrets untold, Lies a forest veiled in shadow.

The air here is thick, suffused with dread, As if the very trees harbor malevolence. Their needles whisper in a language unknown, A symphony of rustling leaves that speaks of doom.

Step cautiously, mortal wanderer, For the path ahead is treacherous. The moon, obscured by twisted branches, Casts feeble light upon the forest floor.

The ground is soft, spongy, and damp, As if it cradles the bones of forgotten souls. Shapes move in the periphery—phantoms, Or perhaps something more ancient and insidious.

The wind carries a mournful dirge, A lament for those who dared venture deeper. Their footsteps echo through time, A chorus of lost souls seeking release.

Beware the hollows where darkness pools, Where the veil between worlds grows thin. Invisible tendrils reach out, probing, Hungry for the warmth of mortal flesh.

The pines lean closer, their limbs entwined, Forming archways to realms beyond. Here, reality bends, fractures, and bleeds, And sanity unravels like a moth-eaten tapestry.

The stars above are indifferent witnesses, Their cold gaze revealing nothing. They know the forest’s secrets, Yet they remain silent, aloof.

So heed my warning, traveler, Turn back before it claims you too. For in the heart of Michigan’s forgotten woods, The whispering pines guard ancient horrors
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>Euro cryptid
"Preform the ritual to banish the creature!"
>American cryptid
>gets mag dumped
pleasure is good pain is bad
What part of e oregon you in? I'm from lake county
Jefferson county
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>I'm too defective to appreciate the grand infinite beauty and forms of the real universe that extends from the infinitely small to the infinitely vast and only have the mental acuity to weakly fantasize about b movie monsters!
I feel bad for you.
Just so you know, space doesn't really look like that
I recognize that gay blowjob!
My first attempt at camping alone innawoods was last year in the early part of fall before the orange colors came out. I had a fucking weird guy in his truck drive by me three times and twice staring dead at me and my site casing the area. I knew he was casing me as well since he drove by twice in too close of a time frame not to be. No joke I encountered him a few months ago and he followed me up an entire back road slowly until I eventually looked around and saw him. He immediately pulled out and drove the other way, same truck and everything. He might've been trying to case me so he could rob me while I slept. That night I fought really hard to keep the fire burning too and there was a lot of laughter and commotion from the voice of a woman out in the woods. I hadn't seen anyone else though it's possible it could've been people primitive camping or just passing by but the trails and other sites were way too far away.
you will be eaten by a wendigo or skinwalker, whichever gets to you first
sharing again that little nugget of wisdom
People in the states regularly die or go missing while /out/, does that happen often in Europe?
IF trolls and gnomes had a real existence, youd expect them to be kind of pushed out of reality by long & dense human development, and to be relegated to empty undeveloped rarely trafficked places. IF trolls and gnomes were a thing, it'd make a lot of sense for them to be a thing in the USA to a greater extent than Europe. Europe has MUCH older advanced civilization than the US as well, we're a baby civlization. This place was very very wild just a few hundred years ago
it was a meme bro
people disappear everywhere, all the time
You will not be able to do all those locals in a month without significant flight money.USA is much bigger than you britfags think
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I played the video while running a Spectogram
>>Green box is general area of the voice,
>>yellow box above is exactly the length of the voice.

Frequency is on the right of the graph and I just realized now it's cut off, respectively, from the bottom up it is; 100, 1k, 10k.

I'm really not an expert in sound etc but there was no other area in the entire video where everything ABOVE 10khz is completely wiped, gone, not there.

Maybe he edited that part to increase the volume so we could hear the "voice" better and as a result we get some kind of compression.

IDK but it's sus.
frequency is on the left my bad.
>Found him stuck on a barb wire fence that goes around the property of this government deaf school (like for retarded/disabled kids)
>He had no pants on
>refuses to tell me what happened
your friend was trying to fugg retarded kids
Based guy whose friend clearly got assraped. Wish it was me. Wish it was me who fucked your friend in the ass and filled him with my load. Not a rapist, just nuts about butts!
Yep, I remember this 70s film about a local towns cryptid legend. All the stories were from tourists or people who hardly ever left town. Then they interviewed a hermit who'd been living alone deep in the woods for decades who thought it was all a bunch of horseshit.

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