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I heard Europeans find our forests to be woefully underdeveloped, our grasslands astonishingly mundane, our swamps horrifically useless, our plains ridiculously boring, our badlands pitifully impractical, our deserts outlandishly dangerous, our mountains hilariously unusable, and our canyons disgustingly red. Is this true?

here's a (you)
Im a eurotard and an amerimutt so I can see slightly from both perspectives. Euros usually visit through cities and use them as a sort of area of viewing, what I mean by this is that they will mainly see the nature sights around the city, unless they want to go to some well known place like Mount Rushmore or the Grand Canyon. They do this because in Euroland the surroundings to cities tend to be beautiful even in post-bloc countries. Meanwhile in America you will rarely find an ounce of unmolested nature near city limits unless you live in the Appalachia or the Rockies. It's easy to see why they are usually disappointed, because in Europe beauty is easily accessible, while in America you most likely have to work to find it.
Huge plains are certainly boringish, but what's worse are the fuckhuge cities built on those plains, fuckhuge squares, have to walk one kilometer to get to a grocery store. Everything is unnecessarily big in the US.

On spain everyone lives in apartments, and the first floor of each is used as a store so everything is close by. I dunno about euro nature but they seem to have a few more features than the US. The US does have larger swathes of wildland that is inaccessible, though they also have some very dick wooding practices.
The plains were amazing before all thr bison, pronghorn, elk, wolves were driven off them and they built fences and planted trees and monocrop basedbeans and corn on them. The american plains were a tourist destination like going on safari in africa.
i love rocky red deserts
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you don't want to live in those termite mounds unless you're a cityroach
those are primarily in post-bloc countries. While I do hate apartments, the ones in western europe are far nicer than eastern europe
USA /out/ings suck because there's not nearly enough tourist infrastructure even in national parks. Some awesome areas have literally 0 access trails. In Europe, accessibility is practically a human right.
What do they have based about them?
I certainly don't, but much less I want people shitting up the beautiful countryside with more fucking retarded McMansions, farms and concrete slab industrial parks.
bait thread
youre a faggot please die
>keeping faggot tourists out is bad
>not nearly enough tourist infrastructure even in national parks
like what?

>Some awesome areas have literally 0 access trails.
NTA, but actually a lot of the western US public lands do not have trails absolutely everywhere like people often think. There are lots of areas in Yellowstone and Grand Canyon that cannot be accessed except by going offtrail. Which is fine honestly and filters people. Offtrail is my favorite kind of hiking and exploring in FS and BLM land. NPS is also the smallest component of US public land. Euros and even many americans equate "national parks" with all public land, when in reality it makes up 3% of it in the US and is the worst kind in terms of regulations and access.
>There are lots of areas in Yellowstone and Grand Canyon that cannot be accessed except by going offtrail
>3500 square miles
>1000 miles of hiking trails
>there aren't trails everywhere
c'mon. thats an assinine example. Do you really expect a trail in every single spot? wtf.
I said I'm not that anon, and I don't agree with him. But you said where and I gave you an example. Most FS and BLM land would legally count as wilderness in Europe.
>I gave you an example
but he said
>literally 0 access trails.
when there are trails all over Yellowstone and will give you "access" to where you want to go even if you have to bushwack to your final destination. It was just a shitty example thats all. Yes, I am sure there places on BLM lands where there much less infrastructure and trails but using Y/GT as an example was retarded.
There are loads of places in GC and Yellowstone that filter people because of
physical access. The front country of Yellowstone and GC filters people actually, let alone the backcountry. Which is my point, I think it's a good thing however.
>There are loads of places in GC and Yellowstone that filter people because of
physical access

Why? because they cant hike? its not like there are not trails at the very least nearby anywhere you would want to go. Do expect a trailhead every 1/4 mile or something?

>my point
except you replied to me when I was replying to that other anon. he said:
>0 access trails
which in relation to Yellowstone just isnt true
Because the western US is huge (90% of the parks and public land are in the west) , has some of the roughest terrain in the country, also because the trail systems do not go to most geological features meaning most locations can only be reached by bushwacking or cross countrying, and because NPS regs often make it illegal to go offtrail in many areas.

Any one of these points above will filter people. The original anon complaining about access is a sheltered europoor or easterner so he got filtered before even going.
>Is this true?
No. You've made this up for your bait thread.
The canucks and aussies ive dealt with are captivated with boring plain birds and some were scared of fireflys, thinking they were some kind of swampgas monster
Europeans destroyed there nature so anything naturally growing that wasn't artificially influenced by European hands and there regulations looks too disorganized for there tastes.
Is it time for shitpost bumpin?
I'm European and would never go to USA. Like 50% of you country is nature not for white men. Dessert, canyoinlands, etc. = not white. Maybe I'd do NE if I had to because the nature is properly european.
The most recent immigration of "white" man into Europe was from the steppes. The other half was from Asia minor and the middle east.
those are in milan. t. lived in that latrine
Super crop. Usable for tons of various food uses as well as industrial. Pretty based if you ask me.
Europeans panic if they can't see a pub from where they're standing.
>t.cucked by his own skin color
I never heard that and I don't care what europeens think about anything.
Wrong. It's a white man's world so therefore all biomes are fair game
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Implying I give a shit about what a European thinks of the greatest country on earth. We already know we live rent free in their heads. Don’t bother replying. I won’t be back. Just seethe.
I'm just happy I need not worry about unexploded ordnance innawoods unlike in Europe, where you just never can tell when the ground might detonate under your feet and shred you. Also, Europe is fake and gay.
So basically Euros cannot leave the city, got it.
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Euroserfs' #1 criticism of America is that it isn't europe
Whatever keeps them back in Europe.
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lack of tundra, simple as.
everything in usa is extreme or big in one way or another. but from what i know it lacks the simple and comfy nature that can be found in some parts of europe. not too hot, not too cold, not the most extreme mountains, not barren deserts, not dense forests, just rolling hills of tiny forest growth with lots of rivers and lakes.
also the laws and regulations you have scares me off, /out/ shouldnt be regulated.
The lower 48 alone has 6,000 square miles of alpine and sub-alpine tundra biome characterized by actual arctic tundra species, including places as far south as 35N and as far east as the NE USA. If looking at the specific climate type known as sub-arctic, the land area goes up towards about 12,000 square miles in the lower 48. Alaska also has the most pristine arctic tundra in the world with Canada (which is less densely populated than even the lowest density oblast of Siberia).
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map of tundra. i live in it, my entire county us nothing but it.
no part of lover 48 usa is considered tundra and who the fuck drives for 5+ days to alaska and walks another 5+ days to see it?
did you know that the northern european/russian/asian tundra is the largest biome in the world? both by area and biological mass. beats amazonas, african jungle belt, america, everything.
and i live in it.
That map's wrong though. Look up "alpine tundra."
Look at maps and pictures of alpine tundra in the lower 48. It even has species overlap with Alaskan and Canadian arctic tundra species, holdouts from the ice age when the arctic tundra biome extended into Mexico. The country with the most pristine and least densely populated tundra and arctic biomes in the world is actually Canada, the north geomagnetic pole used to be in southern Nunavut. To say the US doesn't have tundra (both arctic or alpine) is the peak of ignorance. Before the cataclysm, North America was also the center of arctic species diversity (4 mammoth species into Mexico).
then show me the "american tundra" so i can debunk it right away.
it doesnt fuckin exist.
>spoonfeed me or it doesn't exist
t. ignorant europoor as usual
>not dense forests, just rolling hills of tiny forest growth with lots of rivers and lakes.
I feel bad for Europe. Not much old growth if any.
it appears to be commonly known that tundra doesnt exist in lower 48 usa, so if claim it does i say its up to you to prove it?
The section alpine tundra literally has a photo from the lower 48 you dummy. You absolute goofball.
>specific subsection alpine tundra
>yet no maps of tundra show usa
>no out poster, youtuber, or anyone else has ever posted a pic of the american tundra
you just dont know what it means.
Just when you thought europoors couldn't get any more ignorant, a wildly delusional appears out of the mist. Your own picture of "tundra" is actually a mix of subalpine and alpine arctic tundra, subalpine (synonymous with "boreal") is defined as below the tree line with subarctic or even arctic climate types and species. Alpine, is specifically defined by being *above* the tree line, and many people conflate the two. In North America, the boreal forest and arctic alpine tundra species and biomes extend as far south as 35N. You can actually find more arctic species in alpine tundra in the lower 48 than you can in the Alps in Europe, as the Pleistocene glaciation tundra biomes extended 20 degrees of latitude farther south in America than it did in Europe, and with the melting of the glaciers during the cataclysm and the catastrophic warming to the present arctic species survived in alpine tundra and subalpine forest (boreal forest) in the western US.
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i was actually wrong, i was lost in translation and thinking of taiga not tundra. it still doesnt change anything, even taiga doesnt exist in lower 48 usa. one can just open google maps or even go there yourself to see that it doesnt.exist. if it does, please, i beg you, do me the favour and take a picture of it and prove me and every fuckin climate and nature scientists wrong. shurely YOU can redefine everything known to man, because trust me bro?
Taiga is synonymous with boreal forest or subarctic or subalpine forest. They contain the same species. And btw, the 6,000 sq miles was *alpine* alone, NOT boreal/sub-alpine/taiga. If you wanted an area inventory of boreal forest in the lower 48 it's probably closer to 20,000 sq miles and would include large areas of the upper midwest and NE US as well as the western US.
all thoose words...
>i like hiking in taiga and tundra.
>usa doesnt have taiga and tundra so i dont like hiking in usa.
why so butthurt? why the desperate need to redefine taiga and tundra so it includes usa? just accept you dont have it and move on. its not like it will give you lepracy, turn you gay, start ww3 or anything. so why the anger?
It is literally defined in the way I have stated. You can cope all you want it doesn't change the truth. You probably also are ignorant of the fact that the snowiest known places on Earth are in the lower 48 USA as well and in temperate latitude Japan. Or that the coldest places on Earth for their respective latitudes are in Tibet and the western and upper midwestern USA.
i know perfectly well that this isnt the most extreme part of the world in any way, and i think i stated that in the initial post. who the fuck wants to go out in the most snowy, cold or extreme in any way biome? that being said siberia is cold af with temps down to -70c, northern scandics get -50 and west coast norway can get 5-10m++ of snow. there are actual glaciers there, they dont form from nothing.
none of this has anything to do with taiga/tundra.
>lack of tundra, simple as
So now you backpedal huh. Lmao. Your original statement just exudes ignorance. First you move the goal from tundra to boreal forest, which is even more ignorant, and now you just resort to logical fallacies to save face. Pro-tip, the norther two of the four corners states hit -40C every winter, and parts of the states above them hit -45 to -50C, every single winter. And every lower 48 western US state averages more than 7m of annual snowfall, and 4 of them average more than 17m a *year*. Alaska is the one with the least actual on the ground sensors, but from satellites and air plane estimates flying over the Chugach mountains area of Alaska, 8m of snowfall in *one week* has been noted before.
Because it's full of Americans.
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damn it what makes you think you can redefine the definitions of both taiga and tundra? those are pretty much set.
im gonna give you a few pics, if you can find an equal in usa then fuck it i will go there.
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You're just further burying yourself man, I'd recommend just stop posting. I know you're probably scandi or russian and lonesome but maybe take a minute to look something up before speaking. Scandinavia and Russia are beautiful, but they are not the only places in the world with boreal forest or alpine and subalpine environs, let alone cold or heavy snow.
no, they are not. but they are the only accessible places with boreal and alpine nature right at your doorstep.
that mountain with tundra landscape on top of it?
cool, but we live in such tundra lanscape here. no need to climb a mountain to see it.
Tens (probably hundreds) of thousands of Americans already live in boreal forest, in both mountains and on the Canadian shield and in the NE.
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pics please?
>boreal forest
have i ever mentioned that?
Again, Taiga is synonymous with boreal and subalpine forest in academic literature and in species specific biomes. And if you consider climate, the taiga climates vary extremely with location, for example taiga in parts of Alaska average almost as much or more rainfall as the boreal forests of the great lakes and NE. While parts of it in the actual arctic average the same precipitation as boreal subarctic/subalpine forests in Colorado.
>just rolling hills of tiny forest growth with lots of rivers and lakes.

You mean like this? Where do you think this is?
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>no part of lover 48 usa is considered tundra
>then show me the "american tundra"
This is classified as sub-arctic alpine tundra
perfect example of whats not tundra. >>2727493
taiga has a clear defintion, just look it up.
why are you so butthurt that the defintions dont agree with you?
>perfect example of whats not tundra
but is, in fact, classified as tundra. Its Alpine tundra. The pic in question is of large, treeless plateaus above 10k ft. composed of alpine tundra.
damn you are dumb, you just said it yourself
>alpine tundra
thats not tundra, thats alpine tundra.
and when i say i like to hike our tundra, cant you respect that? or do you have to force me to hike your alpine tundra because some websites said it was the same? its not the same to me, i see clear differences, i dont want your crappy alpine tundra, i want our actual tundra.
you would too if you ever got to experience it.
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>damn you are dumb
actually. You are the ignorant one.

In physical geography, tundra (/ˈtʌndrə, ˈtʊn-/) is a type of biome where tree growth is hindered by frigid temperatures and short growing seasons. The term is a Russian word adapted from Sámi languages.[2] There are three regions and associated types of tundra: Arctic tundra,[3] alpine tundra,[3] and Antarctic tundra.[4]

>noooo tundra can only be the version I like reeeeeeeeeee
please fuck off you absolute retard.
>tundra/taiga is cleary defined
>can easily google it, it will give clear maps on its spread
>n-no thats Aachtlually wrong, there is tundra in my back yard...
dude this is getting silly.
>cleary defined
>gave the definition already
>reeeing turning to cope

Tundra is defined as: tundra (/ˈtʌndrə, ˈtʊn-/) is a type of biome where tree growth is hindered by frigid temperatures and short growing seasons. The term is a Russian word adapted from Sámi languages.[2] There are three regions and associated types of tundra: Arctic tundra,[3] alpine tundra,[3] and Antarctic tundra.[4]


What about that dont you understand?
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from your own link
>cuts off the part telling what the map is of
Yup neato. its a map of arctic tundra. It doesnt show alpine or antarctic tundra. Whats your point? You werent being disingenous were you? lol. Tundra exists in the lower 48 and no amount of bullshit from you changes that fact lol
>open browser
>tundra map
it wont include lower 48 usa. why?
>open google maps, satelite view
>confirm it, usa doesnt have tundra, nordthern scandic is nothing but it
Feel free to ignore the facts. You lost. put the booze down and go to bed sami.
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Holy fuck stay in europe
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I'm a britbong myself and find American nature to be absolutely breathtaking. so much so that I'm planning a yearlong thru hike along the east coast at the moment. any recommendations on areas/towns/cities worth seeing?
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so where is the american tundra and taiga?
its not here
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it is here, but thats not lower 48
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and here, dont mind my camping and fishing hotspots...
so where exactly is the taiga/tundra you claim?
>I heard eurofaggots
I stopped reading there. My country is larger and more diverse than 25 of their rainy cold shithole countries put together.
This is the thing I don't get about Murica. You can go to the suburbs of any mid sized town in Washington (state), Nevada, Florida and Illinois and it will all look exactly the same, despite being in completely different biomes
>my country is larger and more diverse than 25 of their rainy cold shithole countries put together.
>lives in NY
>claims superiority based on nature in alaska
>will never actually go there....
They're right, Europe has more interesting terrain. Not to say USA is all boring, but Europe looks more beautiful imo.

I am unclear as to why you are so retarded. Please explain.
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This is a retarded talking point. Americans are self centered but we are very transient in our own country. I have lived on the west coast, east, and in the south, and yes I also take vacations in the rockies and Alaska. Most Americans I know are the same.
Euro here.
Thats so made up, I love america :3
White Americans are European, so I’m not sure where this is going
If you have a whole year and are sticking to the east coast, do the AT and spend the rest of your time near the part you liked best.
>White Americans are European
Really? You were born in Europe? When we say "European" we don't mean you. You may have ancestors from here but none of us would call you "European."
I mean, yeah. Look at satellite photos of Europe at night. Or a map showing railroad lines. European nature is very fragmented and has been heavily utilized for all sorts of purposes for millenia. We actually have real wilderness here in North America. In Europe it is very scarce.
tell your experience in Milan bruv

t. Milanese
I’m gonna go ahead and add to what the other guy said by telling you you’re not American either. Simping to be euro, what a faggot you are.
Much of the plains are rangeland, you can't farm much on them

If you've driven through South Dakota and Wyoming, you'd know the difference
The Rockies are going to have Alpine Tundra
You are one of those people who thinks africans and arabs are European just because they were born or naturalized there, aren't you.
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they dont think it is ugly but the ones that say that are just attention seekers
This is the first time I ever heard this. I'd love to visit all those New England landscapes and experience those Age of Empires III new world aesthetics.
One day I will go, however I'm also very stingy and need to work up the courage to spend money on plane tickets lol
a grey, depressing, globalized, completely overrun by niggers, arabs, latrinos, chinksects, poojeets, instathots and white woke sjw studentesse di scienze politiche shithole

the Alps are lovely thou; you are so lucky to have them nearby. i regularly visit my parents in Quarto Oggiaro just to take day trips to the nearest mountains for free

t. entroterra sardo
Australian here. There are large desert areas of both our countries that are just shit. A place like Death Valley is unique and has interesting features, but most of it is a barren hellscape with very little life. Those interesting features are few and far between, it's incredibly exposed, everything is a muted dust colour, and it's dangerous, except not even in a fun way, just in the sense that you need to overprepare and overplan everything. The Nullarbor has the same problem.
tx, yeah I dont like Milan much although if you want to go out with ppl it's good, assuming you have ppl to go out with :), which I currently dont have.
but yes having the alps at 1/2/3h it's good, I imagine ppl living south that mostly cant do shit here, the appenines have some places, mostly to the center south, but the alps are way better
what do you do in sardinia? theres no jobs there
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>with ppl
lmao even
why would anyone do that

i can't even imagine hiking with some other lazy cunt, expecially because i make my own weird routes, i go off trail, during workdays, nobody would do that

>the appenines have some places
highly recommend Ronco Scrivia, Borgo Val di Taro and surrounding mountains in late october. both have le train for milanese niggers like you to reach them

>what do you do in sardinia?
i live where my ancestor have lived for 3000 years. I kinda fell for the Sizzi etnonazionalismo meme, but mostly already had an empty house here and i was tired of seeing niggers everywhere anywhere every time
>theres no jobs there
jokes on you, everyone is benestante. literally everyone has a new car, restructured home 'n shit. even in my nowhere interior mountain village. in small villages if you have the right connections you can find every little job available with no effort, word spreads like fire.
add that rent doesn't exist because everyone inherits like 4 empty houses and 100000 land lots from grandparents, and everything else is cheap

btw i don't work, i study computer science remotely; the plan is to get a remote job so that i can keep living here with a milanese salary :^)
I meant going out in the sense of going for a drink etc, social stuff
>everyone is benestante
>nepotism and family inheritance
I know but still theres plenty of people in the south and I dont believe everyone is set up like that, otherwise they wouldn't go to the north/try to get public jobs/get gibs (although the last 2 are also cultural)

how long did you live in Milan
giving the board we are in, out definitely doesn't mean parties.
btw i noticed that young people in villages go out WAY MORE and are way more social for some reason. everytime i pass by the local bar everyone invite me at sitting with them at the table even if they don't know me at all. unthinkable in Lombardia

10 years (2011-2021). moved just in time to begin the 1° superiore there

well there's a lot of dickheads, but if you work hard you succeed anywhere in the world

>otherwise they wouldn't go to the north/try to get public jobs/get gibs
they move because they don't want to milk the sheeps but sit their asses in an office. hollywood movies definitely popularized le american skyscraper office way of life rather than farming.
but most don't have qualifications to do that so they end up wageslaving in some capannone full of moroccans for not much more money, plus paying half of it in rent that as i said before in Sardinia doesn't exist. farm work is definitely harder thou
They are European but not white. I have more in common with an Afro-German than a white American.
Are you being ironic? Sarcastic?
Europe is not blessed with the same natural splendor as you have there. I won't say you take it for granted, but you really must realise how lucky you are.

The American politicians who enshrined your vast national parks into eternal legtimacy did a truly great thing for your population, and indeed for nature and mankind. They deserve their place on any monument that bears their names, that's for sure.
>I have more in common with an Afro-German
Stop being foolish, man. You have inherent commonality with any white person on a political level (whether you accept that or not), whereas the "Afro-German" -- meaning a black guy who was either born or lives in germany -- has his own set of politics and circumstances, that will often put him at odds with you in a way that the white American simply is not.

Ask the "Afro-German" who he has more in common with, Bob Marley or you. He isn't identifying with your sense of self anywhere near as much as he would with any other black-faced human being.

I'm not trying to bring /pol/ to /out/, but you really need to get real. Your standard of living has been pillaged by people who espouse your sentimentalities, and here you are tooting your little horn haha.
I married an afro-German and she's a nationalist. She doesn't care at all about reggae shit? Are you retarded? American whites do tho.
Fine, but she is a minority and that's why you married her. We both know the general level of integration -- for me UK, you Germany -- and it is lacking to say the least. How was your latest race controversy? I'm sure the "Afro-Germans" really did a good job of respecting your sensibilities, right? They clambered all over our statues screaming oppression in their £100 shoes to much satisfaction, just not to the British population's.

I say all this as someone who almost married an African girl myself. She was apolitical and her identity was Christian, so she remained unmoved by such matters.

But again, to the average black person in Germany, you are less familliar on a historical/ideological level (which are often the primary decivers for "identity") than ANY other black person. They are a team, they act like they are on the same team, they are open about it and even encouraged to feel that way by our institutions/fashions. You on the other hand, are historically, culturally and racially in kinship with Americans -- despite 2 world wars even -- and that shouldn't be denied. Yes, the black guy knows what most of the different wursts are because he eats them whereas the American cannot and does not, but if you were put in an enclosed environment with various different races, you wouldn't be too shocked when the oil seporated from the water and surprise surprise you're surrounded by white people on all sides. These things exist, they matter, and they should not be denied.
Il mio odio per milano aumenta ogni giorno sempre di più
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>I married an afro
mi raccomando, rimani li e non venire in Val Vigezzo
Non sai quanto tu sia fortunato
>Bob Marley
Bob Marley had a white father in the british army.

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