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Anyone use these for camping?

I like the idea that you sleep off the ground and it sets up fast
I have, for car camping.
If you don’t have a van/camper/trailer, and are just camping out of a Lada or an Accord or similar, they are awesome.
Pair it with an air mattress, find one that is close/exact same dimensions as the cot.
Very comfy.
>Lada or an Accord
Off topic but these are some of the 2 most separate possible vehicles in their niche.
that anon covered the entire spread of vehiclies by choosing thoose brands.
doesnt matter what you drive, it will fall between accord and lada.
>air mattress
fucking brilliant
Yes anon is a true innovator
are you guys talking about like an elecrtic one ?
I know a fat guy that traveled all over north and south america in a cheap toyota and slept every night in a tent cot like this.

Dude saw so much for so little money
Let me guess, the fat guy was you?
>cultivating mass by sampling the local flavors from Wainwright to Tierra del Fuego

living the dream
I'm this guy >>2727649

I was talking about a Thermarest type air mattress. It doesn't have to be Thermarest brand though, you are car camping and you're talking about a fucking cot, so your mattress and cot don't have to be lightweight, just comfortable and affordable. Similarly, since weight doesn't really matter, you can get a little usb-c air pump from Amazon to blow it up (and to fast deflate).

My first setup like this was a cheap Amazon tent-cot, and I already had a Thermarest Neo-Air that was the same exact width and a few inches shorter than the cot, so it fit perfectly inside. That tent-cot was like 4-6" (10-15cm) off the ground, and the mattress was 2" (5 cm) thick, the whole thing weighed about 7 lbs (3kg).

My current setup for this type of car camping is a LiteFighter1 Tent, a Thermarest Topo Lux XL, a usb-c air pump, and an Amazon chinesium XL "backpacking" cot. The air mattress goes inside the tent and then the whole thing goes on the cot and gets staked down. It's like 14-17" (35-45cm) off the ground, the air mattress is 4" (10cm) thick, and the whole thing is at least 9 lbs (4kg) with the winter kit.
It's really comfy for camping anywhere in any conditions, and it's especially awesome in the desert. Although it's heavy for backpacking it does fit in a bike pannier for glamping on a dirt road weekend bicycle or moto tour.

If you're just car camping (or maybe a week-long river rafting trip) you can use less expensive components that are even heavier still or that don't pack down as small, like a Coleman Trailhead Cot, with an Intex Camping Air Mattress, and an Ozark Trail one-person backpacking tent, 30 lbs and 50 L but all of it for $150 after tax.
NTA Just wanted to add, look for an air mattress with a minimum R rating of 2, or bring a mylar blanket to place under your air mattress. Otherwise it'll suck the heat right out of you if the ground is cold.
You're right, that cheap mattress won't have any reflective layer.
You're not actually touching the ground though, and air doesn't suck heat from your body like the ground does...it's like a hammock in that sense.
That mattress, on a cot and with a budget 40F sleeping bag is probably actually good down to 40F.
You could also use a common blue tarp to skirt the cot (or any other tarp/groundsheet) similar to how you might skirt an RV or 5th wheel in the winter, blocking the wind and making a semi-insulated pocket of air below you. Just lay the tarp on top of the cot, corner fold the extra material on the sides and use tent stakes through grommets to hold it in place.
no im thin
He really did live well on his feeble budget
are those any good? how is it so cheap?
They are awesome, but too heavy and bulky for anything but car camping. Surprisingly waterproof also.Foam matt is good idea but not necessary.
Pro tip: get the oversize, it's not like you're putting it in your pack
>USB rechargeable
Why is this so common now? Even if I'm car camping, I'd still have to turn on the car, plug it in, and wait. I'd rather just have something where I can carry spare batteries and change them if needed. The rechargeable flashlights are particularly stupid.
Why don't you just get a hammock tent?

It's easier to hike in and out with a tent suspended by straps than stilts. They're a lot lighter and they accomplish the exact same thing.
I bang your mom inna hammock tent
I got a usb-fan-with-battery at Walmart and it literally has a lithium battery that is removable as if a normal AA or AAA battery. Just pop off the cover and pull it out like normal, but it’s a big ol’ lithium battery, probably 18650 or whatever.

I think the idea behind everything being rechargeable (removable battery or not) is that you can use small solar to recharge or to trickle charge constantly so that it’s always ready to go (like a flashlight in a power outage)
Because it's a no brainer to use the number one connection standard for typical electronic accessories. What else would you use, besides a cigarette lighter? When even then, almost everyone will have a cigarette lighter USB plug inside it, should their vehicle not have USB ports from factory
>I'd still have to turn on the car, plug it in, and wait.
If you own anything rechargable, why would you not ensure that its charged at all times prior to your trip? Not to mention most rechargeable things sport stupidly dense batteries for their size and efficiency and if need be, you can carry spare batteries if possible
>but if I'm carrying spare batteries, why would I want it rechargeable
Not ensuring your rechargeable tools are charged when necessary is entirely the same as not having a battery already installed for a non-rechargeable tool. I use a Petzl actik and I have a bunch of its rechargeable lithium-ion cells and have keep it on the charger at all times to make sure its charged. Not to mention, portable battery stations are becoming super common and super cheap and they're able to be charged at home, in your car, or via solar; where you can then use that power station alone to charge or power anything you deem necessary when the vehicle is off.
I keep your mom fully charged

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