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>I live in New England, birthplace of faggot ass Lyme Disease, ticks are everywhere innawoods
>Already had Lyme twice in my youth, never want that shit again

I bought a pair of $100 pants from Duluth that were branded as "no bug/tick" which according to the label is some proprietary Permethrin infusion.
>catch tick
>put it on pants
>watch it walk all over for several minutes, completely unbothered by the "kills bugs and ticks guaranteed!" pants
>return pants because they clearly do not fucking work

So were these pants just trash? Or is Permethrin ineffective?

What is the best way to protect from these little fuckers? Between hiking, mushrooming, and camping i'm off trail at least 75% of the time essentially bushwhacking through trees and brush.
Anything potent enough to permanently keep ticks away is probably so toxic it would never get past any kind of approval for human use.

You do the normal thing: long socks, tuck pants into socks, spray the shit out of your shoes and pants with a DEET spray just before setting off. You can even spray your shirt and tuck your shirt into your pants to force the tick to climb even higher. One thing which might work is to stick a ribbon of double-sided tape around your thighs over the pants, that way any tick which makes it that far up might get stuck. I've never tried this personally, but I imagine if you find the right kind of tape it could work quite well.
have you ever heard about winter/fall/spring?
>have you heard about seasons?


The ticks are active spring/summer/autumn, when i go out in the woods with my dogs they always end up with a few on them.
I've seen they make these odd looking gaiters that are a loose weave material chemically treated that essentially traps the ticks within the weave and then the permethrin is supposed to kill them
Permethrin "infusions" aren't as good as spraying the stuff on just before you go out, and the permethrin washes out after a few trips through the laundry anyway. I just get cheap pants from Cabelas or Tractor Supply and spray them down before doing /out/ shit.
I actually have been routinely going /out/ in tick country for 25+ years. I used to apply DEET but now consider that crap more toxic than Lyme Disease. I will occassionally still apply unscented picardin to my sun gloves and buff. This has some effect.

I have also bought InsectShield and the like pretreated clothes. This has a mild effect for several washings until it doesn't work, which is nowhere near the manufacturers' claims of 70 washings.

What works for me is to soak all my outer clothes, shoes and socks, tent, headnet, pack and pack cover with permethrin every two months. I try not to agitate these items including by rewearing them dirty several outings. After four /outs/ or more, any bugs landing on me either instantly hop off or freeze.in place until, dead, they fall off. I have literally had a hundred mosquitos swarm on me, land and die. Works for me.
Russians make special anti-tick clothing. Dunno if you can source them abroad.
had the seasons first tick crawl on my tummy yesterday
sometimes i regret moving into the woods
be glad mutt ticks aint got TBE
Ship them to Lynn.
Hey, fuck you, guy. We have nice forests here with very low tick numbers. Bring 'em to Marblehead, or Manchester by the Sea.
You got that one.
I hit my pants and boots with deet and let them dry before putting them on. I've tried Permethrin, and it works, but I don't think it works better than Deet and it's probably worse for you. But you'll still get some ticks, because the fuckers will drop on you from trees too. You just have to be diligent about checking yourself. Staying slim enough and flexible enough to do this easily should be a priority.
just buy the spray can and apply it yourself, you're paying an extra $20 for it to be pre-sprayed in an unknown concentration on a single pair of pants...
buy the can of spray for $15 and you can diy pants, shorts, 2 shirts, 4 socks, plus tent and rainfly while saving $5
I've heard permethrin is very toxic to pets, specifically cats

i have 2 cats so i'll need to be extra careful with this stuff i guess
Permethrin and deet would both be a bad idea to use around pets. Picaridin may be a better choice for you; it isn't specifcially made to be used ON pets, but presumably it's safe to be used AROUND them.
I do 99% of my hiking and bushwhacking in two of the worst states for ticks. I treat my boots/trailrunners, socks, and pants (from the thigh down) with permethrin 3-4x a year:

>Memorial Day
>4th of July
>Labor Day

and recently around St. Patty's Day because winter doesn't last as long anymore. I have only gotten two ticks, ever:

>on my hand in the fall (I flicked it off right away)
>on my leg in the summer (I pulled it out in the bathroom that night)

I did not wear my permethrin-treated pants or shoes when I dislodged that second tick from my leg because it was an impromptu hike. I have never had a tick crawl up me otherwise.
Essential oil blends like cedarwood are beneficial. Since I started using them I noticed an absolute reduction of attached ticks and a 50% reduction in ticks at all.
I just sat down,after mowing the lawn,and found two of them on me.Kinda surprised,since I was on a riding mower.This is getting very tiresome.
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I just found one on my leg, assuming its from a hike i did yesterday afternoon (so roughly 24 hours later)

hoping i caught it early enough and no fucking lyme

Do you have dogs? Or cats? Wondering how bad permetherin is for animals
Just take a shower every day and use one of these scrubber towels everywhere.
supposedly not an issue with dogs, but very very bad for cats
Like >>2728248 said, it's extremely toxic for cats. I don't have any so I don't have to worry about that.
Somebody should introduce Australian paralysis ticks to the US and Europe for shits and gigs
I will also import TBE ticks into the US so the fucking mutts will finally shut the fuck up about the lyme meme
there was this one time I was walking /out/ and notice a tick in my leg hair
heard some story from a friend who found a large one nestled on his taint that had to be removed by his dad and it scared the shit out of me so I immediately went to the bank, removed my trousers and inspected my junk
I regret not seeing the fisherman on the opposite bank that had to look at me hunched over pawing at my balls for 5 solid minutes like a maniac
Permethrin is usable on most animals (NOT CATS) directly. Farmers use it.
I use it on my dogs when necessary, during tick season, and spray my clothes with it, since I work in the woods.


This gives a decent rundown. The stuff has to dry before it is safe for humans; if you use it on a dog you want to keep it in the sun and keep it from licking itself till it's dry.
Should be OK if it wasn't fully engorged. It takes at least 24 hours; some say 36-48 even.
I got woken up in the middle of the night by one on my nutsack once. Bled like a stuck pig when I got it out.
OP, permithrin can fuck up cats when it's still wet, consider applying outside if you have a cat you like.
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Ticks are difficult because they'll latch on to you because you walk through a bush they sit on. They're not like skeeters that will hunt you down and avoid you if you have repellents. Pesticide infused clothes aren't 100% safe from ticks so you should still do a tick sweep every time you're taking a break. Time is the most important factor for ticks because they take a long time to pick a spot to dig in.
I've lived in new england for my entire life, but I took a trip to Georgia this spring and the ticks there terrified me. I kneeled on some dead palmetto fronds for a moment to catch a skink and when I stood up I found 2 dozen of the smallest pinhead ticks I'd ever seen on my pants, along with a healthy serving of larger lone star ticks. Ticks never really bothered me because they were easy to spot, but these ones had me scared because of how small and numerous they were.
Georgia is basically hell on earth. I did my OSUT in Benning and I ended up digging into fire ant nests making foxholes and on our infiltration course we went through a swamp full of chiggers and there were ticks everywhere because of the wild hogs. And the spiders everywhere.
do cows carry ticks? there's no deer around here but sure are a lot of cows
it takes up to 1m to die with permitherin
>swamp full of chiggers
Nightmare. Ticks aren't even worth worrying about since they're big dumb insects who take like a whole day to fuck with you but these things can ruin your month in minutes
Another thing not to worry about for me since the worst thing that could happen would be a wasp sting. I wish we had your never-ending forests, but I am glad that shit like that is a non-issue here.
I buy a bottle of permethrin spray treatment for about $18. I treat all of my hunting pants and shirts and my boots. I re-apply once a year to the clothing and every 3 months to the boots(used more often). It lasts around 6 wash cycles or 6 weeks of outdoor exposure. I keep them in an air tight stiff sack between uses. This protects the treatment between uses, so you don't have to re-apply too often. Obviously if you're treating clothing that will be used more frequently, more frequent treatment will be necessary. With the permethrin treatment on my clothes and DEET on my head and hands, I've sat in the woods with dozens of mosquitos flying all around my face but not once landing on me. I also haven't found any ticks crawling on me since starting this treatment regimen. Before I'd find one or two most trips.
FYI I have a cat. I spray it outside and let it dry overnight in my garage before bringing it in an d putting it in my stuff sack. I haven't had any issues with my cat coming into contact with me while wearing these clothes later or my boots, which are always out. Just don't let them come into contact with the liquid itself.
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>ticks active in february - november
if you do find one on you call your doc
>get 2 doses of doxycycline prescribed
>take within 24H if it's attached
Where I live ticks are active in the winter. It's not that cold here so basically all year round except on abnormally cold days are ticks an issue. It sucks.
Premethrin works, but it doesn’t kill them instantly, and a large part of its effectiveness is as a repellent, not just a poison. Im not saying the pants actually work, im saying that you are too dumb to devise a proper experiment to determine if they do, and you lashed out at the pants on a public forum to cope.
The best solution i have found for ticks is to take 2 tick collars made for small dogs and use one on each leg to cinch my pants tight to the top of my boots.
were ticks always such a big issue? when i went camping or hiking as a kid i never worried much abt them
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you sound like a massive faggot

no, i remember when i was in a kid in late 90's/early 00's they were way less common. i would literally crawl around in the woods all day and remember having ONE on me once. Now you go for a walk on a trail and those little niggers are everywhere
DEET. Soak yourself in this shit before the hike and you're good.

>inb4 neurotoxic cancer blah blah
You're confusing it with DDT which was way more carcinogenic and neurotoxic. Also yes, DEET is not completely safe, but guess what? It's much better than having to deal with Lyme or even worse, TBE if you live in Europe, which can completely ruin your life, and Lyme is basically just a cold compared to it.
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permethrin is supposed to instantly paralyze and then kill any insect that even gets a whiff of it.

to answer OP I think this is the best solution. insect shield isn't the same as just spraying on permethrin. afaik it won't come out in washes and stays effective far, far long without contaminating everything.
Yeah i think i'm going to go this route and do the treatment service

Only downside is it doesnt work on clothing with a DWR/etc coating, which i've found out includes 90% of outdoors pants/jackets. Pretty much have to go full cotton which obviously has it's downsides
dogs have it so fucking easy, they get the medicine where if a tick bites them it just dies (the tick, not the doog)

i wish there was a human equivalent
Duct tape your ankles
duck tape is a brand of duct tape....
Do you also call all sodas "coke"?
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If you are in a lot of water wouldn't electrical tape or Silicone Tape be better?
it’s because of the wolves, wolf rehab has driven deer into more populated places and are spreading ticks where they go. just my conspiracy theory.
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I live in Rhode Island

theres no significant wolf population here. Biggest threat to deer is the faggots clearcutting thousands of acres for solar fields and shitty suburban housing developments
Duct Tape is actually a knockoff of the original "Duck Tape" which was named for the cotton duck fabric it was based on.

And it was never for ducts, so duct tape is just for 3m fanboy retards.
I hate ticks so fucking much, only able to go out November-January, which states are best to avoid these fucks but not sweat/freeze your ass off?
no idea anon, it seems everywhere is corrupted
I bet the Jews have something to do with it
I'm living alone. If a tick latches on to me in a place that I can't see, say ass or back of the scrotum, how the hell will I even tell I have one before I get hospitalized and have permament brain damage?
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Lose weight. I can easily see the back of my balls. And can see my backside in the mirror. It's easy if you aren't morbidly obese.
idk fren, it's unpleasant to consider
I've read online that Picardin is underwhelming compared to Permethrin
Picaridin is a personal insect repellent. It's there to replace deet not permethrin. And it's quite good at it. Permethrin is for gear. Surface treatment that will generally last multiple days
sounds fucking insane, just stay inside at this point
no. i love the woods.
>You do the normal thing: long socks, tuck pants into socks,
How the fuck do you guys manage to hike in summer with long socks, long pants, and so on?
If you don't spend all day in an air conditioned office, your body will adapt to conditions.
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>permethrin can fuck up cats

You dont say???.....
I believe the current theory is that it came from deer imported from the midwest to replenish game stocks.
Which is why there are ver few cases of lyme beyond the North Eastern US and Lake Michigan areas?
I mostly hike in long pants to avoid sunburn anyway. In the mountains this isn't a massive problem given that it can be rather cool.
The wrong country got nuked.
The more you read and uncover, the more you're bound to ultimately reach that conclusion

Besides ticks, there was also stuff like Operation Seaspray.
any major global power would have (and did) inevitably developed a biological weapons program
I just suck it up and do it. It's better than exposing yourself to ticks and poison ivy. I'll remove layers when I find a clearing so I can sunbathe, though.
iirc some CIA spook glownigger from some infamous biological testing institute I forgot the name of(think it's in Jersey) released several billion ticks into the wild several decades ago and they have been spreading around the US in mass since then. So yes, it is the Jews as per usual
The forests I have been in that are hundreds of miles from wolves seem to be just as tick infested as those with wolves. Supposedly the cause is rodent density, caused by patchy forest/house/Forest development patterns. Or it's the Jews/CIA trying to keep us from enjoying the woods so we are forced to spend more time online.
I've never had a tick in my many hikes in the southern Appalachians
Just got my first shot against encephalitis yesterday. That + mosquito/tic spray + checking hopefully is enough.
>Just got my first shot against encephalitis yesterday.
they conned you man, oh damn, lmaoooo
let me guess, american?
Had a tick crawling on my hand today and while I was watching it the thing bite into my skin. Am i fucked?
Take the tweezer, grab it closely near the skin and pull off, wipe with alcohol pad
Get a hypodermic needle and fill it with hydrogen peroxide and then inject the tick with it.
anti-tick encephalitis vaccine is good, retard
Least communist chinese terrorist poster
don't think you're meant to pull it off
spit on it
there are human trials for the same stuff, I read about the topic since I had the same thought.

I'm kinda tempted.

I think you're supposed to twist them off.
if you straight pull there's a good chance that their disgusting mandibles get left inside you.
Cover it with petroleum jelly and it'll be unable to breathe and back itself out to come up for air. Then you can collect it or smash it or do whatever you need to do.
Nail polish supposedly works, too.
Hire a lawyer stat! You need to draw up your final papers, anon. A tick done kilt ya and you need to think of the children. It's too late for you personally. See you in the next life you poor unlucky SOB it may as well have been a stonefish/irikanji hybrid created in some dank Ukrainian laboratory. Say your prayers, Shug.
Fascinating! I have plenty of vaseline that I use for lube when I jack off!
I just cut the face off one of these bad boys and hike worry free and if I want maximum protection I only cut away one eye. Luckily I live in the desert now and I don't have to worry.
>Already had Lyme twice in my youth
huh? isn't Lyme disease something you get once and have to deal with for the rest of your life though? it doesn't get cured, so why'd you say you "had it twice"?
The lifelong effects only happen if it's left untreated, and yes you can get it more than once.
Swedish, also the TBE vaccine has been around for a long while.
No that's just for losers. Chronic Lyme disease is like long covid. Completely fake and gay.
It only doesn’t get cured if you don’t treat it in the acute stage. If you wait for that shit to burrow into your immunoprivileged organs (like joint meniscus), ur fucked. Most doctors know to be on the lookout for Lyme’s these days though, so when you go to the doctor with the acute symptoms, they’ll put you on a powerful broad spectrum and nuke it.
Sorry to tell you, but no vaccine is good.

Fire has been around since the dawn of civilization, but it will still burn you.
I only camp and hike during winter. I may check out a few camp sites since they have fewer ticks but it doesn't feel worth it.
Yes and fire is known to burn you since we have come to know it's properties well with time. Id rather take my chances with the shot when the opposite is encephalitis, which for sure will fuck you up for life.
That's a false dichotomy used to market vaccines. The truth is vaccines provide reduced health outcomes over a person's lifetime. Here's some reading if you're interested: https://libgen.rocks/edition.php?id=146787400
>RFK Jr.
You might as well be citing Gwyneth Paltrow
>This book is based on over one hundred studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Each study is analyzed, and health differences among infants, children, and adults who have been vaccinated and those who have not are presented and put in context.
What about the way over one hundred studies that disagree with this conclusion? Are they invalid because you don't want to believe them?
>What about the way over one hundred studies that disagree with this conclusion?
Okay, yeah, what about them?
>Are they invalid because you don't want to believe them?
You haven't even shown them to me. Where are they?
>safety of vaccines
The studies in that book aren't about acute dangers from vaccines, it's about longer term health outcomes. You don't even know what you're arguing against because you refuse to engage with anything that goes against your ingrained beliefs.
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>you refuse to engage with anything that goes against your ingrained beliefs.
You clearly do. I know you tried to poison the well by accusing me of it first, but you've dismissed that book entirely out of hand and can't even formulate an argument against it because you don't understand the argument it's making in the first place.
the common wisdom on tick prevention is completely wrong. it's counter intuitive but shorts are better- if a tick gets on your legs you feel him crawling there, you can see him, and you can brush him right off. with pants, you pick up a half dozen of the fuckers without noticing and they sneak around and get themselves tucked away, you don't find them until you're in the shower or you notice something itching. hiking in shorts i've never found a tick on me at home, in pants every time there's at least one little bastard somewhere on me or my cloths.
the explosion of morons like you existing makes me regret my years of mocking faggy trust the science redditors
I used to be in the "covid vaccine is bad but other vaccines are good" camp, too, but I ended up digging deeper. It's all a fraudulent moneymaking scam.
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What if we took these pills ourselves?
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I had lymes. Took two 6 week rounds of doxy to get rid of it. Pic rel is my knee MRI. Was extremely painful.
Go back retard.
18 fucking ticks today.
Enough deer ticks to statistically guarantee I got Lyme's.
Fuck, don't walk in the tall grass, boys. The only pokemon you'll find are ticks.
You have no one to blame but yourself
its because of avian collapse. birds eat ticks
i think this isnt recommended because it can cause the tick to vomit and potentially infect you with whatever pathogens
so, if i wear pants and socks and dont hang around in the tall grass, then take a shower when i get home,i should be fine?
Shove your pants into your boots.
If you have thicc dense calves like me, then just get knee high socks and straight fit pants. Something snug enough that ticks won't really be able to crawl through.
We can do a tick exchange program with the Lone Star tick
>Already had Lyme twice in my youth, never want that shit again
how did you cure it?
>you can feel ticks with shorts on
>you can't feel them with trousers on
tuck your trousers in to your socks.
never had a tick with this method.
they used to sell them in the UK but the shop that did them has discontinued them, now i can only get cheap chinese knock offs that disintegrate in 5 minutes.
Do regular sauna sessions and get those heat shock protein gainz
Go play tug with a rabid dog, you'll change your mind pretty fast.
>$100 pants from Duluth that were branded as "no bug/tick" which according to the label is some proprietary Permethrin infusion.
ok? but let's think this one through
>walk through brush
>ticks repelled by pants
>find way to non-repelling skin
so the pants annoy the ticks chemically, but it's still not going to get ticks from clinging to those high-denier, heavyweight worker pants that are shit for /out/ anyways
I'm in the mood for some tick bumps
Winters are warm anymore. I miss snow.
Toxic to the points of lethality to cats. As for dogs, completely no ill effects, to the point that in Poland, you can buy permethrin treatments for dogs to put on the fur.
Drink a lot of water
I'm from the northeast, so there haven't been wolves here for generations. The deer population has exploded though. It's due to a decreasing number of hunters and McMansions getting put up in all of the remaining forests.
>was extremely painful
you've must've been a big guy
Ticks do NOT drip from trees. Old myth, long debunked. Fuck captcha
Chronic Lyme isn't real. Cope and seethe.
True. But Lyme is real, and well established
For you
You extend your gratitude to Master Gates and his ilk, who, with their deranged machinations, have wrought upon this fair Earth a plague of unnatural insects, these creations designed to compel you into confinement within your chambers and reliance upon virtual spectacles, for the world's conditions have become so dire. Likewise, you offer your thanks to the revolution of industry…
From understanding it's only toxic to cats when it's wet. After it dries, it's safe. My cat often sleeps in my dresser drawers, and I spray my pants down almost weekly for work. She's fine.
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nothing works better than pickerel
hold them up with some tweezers and take a lighter to them, the crackle they make is satisfying
Im in ontario and we had active deer ticks in the woods in december and january
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you dont
never seen a tick when there's snow on the ground. Do you live in Windsor or something?
>avoid tick infested areas
>long socks and pants minimum
>tuck everything that can be tucked
>tick spray on body and clothes, multiple times a day
>permenthin on gear + pack
>take garlic pills before and during trip
>use a stick to hit leaves, bushes and grass in front while you walk
>sleep in some form of lighter clothing
>go for a afternoon or evening swim in a lake
>shake your gear and clothes when breaking camp
>wash and tumble dry used clothes
>shower asap when home
>full body check with a mirror before going to sleep and after the trip
>don't go /out/

missed anything?
How did people survive in ye olden days without soaking themselves in gallons of permethrin?
That'll bring your tick bites per day down to about five
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Theres hardly anything effective beside of avoiding the spots where they lurk. If you can't, check immediately.

I always carry a lighter for that reason, because they cannot be easily crushed, but easily burnt. Just flame over them for half a second and they instantly die and fall off. Wear long sleeves, put your pants into your socks and wear boots if possible if you want to go offroad into the bushes.

I also noticed they avoid grass that has been exposed to the sun all day, possibly because they dry out there, so you can safely pass dry grass but wet grass is where you need to be cautious. I find the larvae and nymphae to be the worst, they are so fucking tiny, the big ones TICKle a lot so they usually alert you in time.

But even when they bite you, the chance of infection is pretty low if you don't let them suck for days, they will not release their bacteria into your bloodstream before ~18h of feeding. Additionally only the large life stages of them carry diseases because they receive them from previous hosts.
i wonder if this would unironically work if you treated it with permethrin
this was never funny

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