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Did you know that some tractor owners fill their tires with water or other fluids?
Filling tractor tires with water is a common practice in agriculture and certain industrial applications, serving various purposes.
This practice is prevalent in agricultural tractors used for tasks like plowing, planting, and harvesting, as well as in industrial tractors involved in material handling, construction, and other heavy-duty operations.

Filling your tires with calcium chloride solution gives you more traction force, without putting additional strain on your axles and bearings. You can just use water if you’re a cheapass and you live in a warm climate, but calcium chloride won’t freeze and is more than twice as dense as water, giving you much better results than plain water.
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>Did you know that some tractor owners fill their tires with water or other fluids?

It was not your dads fault. Your mom worked for years to drive him away until he could not longer take it.
Also she lied about all that bad stuff she said he did. He is actually a decent bloke.
You should call him.
On our tractors we generally fill the back tires with molten iron. We magnetize the cooled tires so while we plough the fields any ferrous materials like our dropped house and car keys will be found. Tragically, granny had a pacemaker implanted and she stuck to a wheel not long after. We wuz plowing at the time, Ned with the tractor and me with BeckySue, and Grams just kept circulatin' with the tire for hours before Ned saw wut wuz left there. Only the pacemaker survived. We shot the dogs that did the eatin' in the fields of the bits. Sad.
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the real question is why aren't we using these fuckers yet
How full?
Because gays are still a minority?
How will that thing work at 80mph?
Because they suck. They're noisy, uncomfortable, expensive and generally inferior to a regular tire in all aspects except for being un-deflatable.
Pretty much the only scenario where these tires are useful is in combat situations where you can't afford a flat tire, which is why some humvees have them.
Depends on how much weight you need, but typically you fill them as full as you can, which means up to the level of the valvestem when you've got the valve stem at top dead center on the wheel.

My International has about 1600 lbs of calcium cloride solution in each of the two rear wheels.
explain in what way it is gay
>combat situations, humvee
see, they're based
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what type of redneck tomfuckery are you doing driving your tractor at 80 mph?

fucking second coming of the dukes of hazard in his tractor over here.

when you wanna run moonshine but all you got is granpa's old ford.

there goes them duke boys again in their fucking rocket powered john deer. hope them space aged tires hold up.
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As >>2729788 said, optimal ballasting improves traction while minimizing slip, which saves fuel and allows you to work faster. Filling tires with water used to be quite popular in the past. The issue with water is that it's a pain to put in and get out and that it does little to improve the footprint of the tire. These days it's preferred to use wheel weights that go in the rim while also reducing tire pressure to around 0.8 bar. This also increases the footprint of the tire thus improving traction even further.
Why do you type like a redditor?
Why don't you know how to spell John Deere when you supposedly live around that logo?
Wow this hit home
Until that fucker leaks and rots your rims.

Just use regular water and some coolant.

Wheel weights are expensive for some models. I have H chains and they work well enough, but more weight would be nice. The tires are empty rn. Just air.
Give him a call anon, he would love to hear your voice
Stop posting relatable things
Since ballasted tires are not actually all the way full, they are still compressible like they were filled with air. I run as little as 8 PSI (.55 bar) in my ballasted tires at times depending on conditions. It's not a 1 for 1 comparison to a fully air tire at that same pressure, because the volume of the pressure vessel is smaller and therefore the compression of the tire raises the effective pressure faster than it would a tire that wasn't ~70% full of incompressible media, but you do still get a good amount of squish. Too much sidewall flex wears the tires out faster though, so I generally run more pressure, since the soils here generally are a good tractive surface. 1600 pounds of wheel weights for my tractor would be much more expensive, and while it would work marginally better in some situations, they aren't better enough to justify the price difference.
Unless you have far softer water than me, plain water will still rot your wheels. Calcium Chloride is preferred because of how heavy it is and also because it's less toxic than coolant. My current set of wheels are quite old, and are still in good shape, because I notice when leaks happen and have a crane so I can service my own wheels when needed.
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in north America we use beet juice aka rim guard. Beet Juice is non-toxic, biodegradable, water soluble, and will never corrode your rims ; Heavier than Water. Weighing 25% more than plain water
>will never corrode your rims
Why not isn't beet juice acidic?
Very slightly, some person said 4 pH but that's incorrect. They're more like 6. Heck, we use them as litmus tests. It will never corrode a tire
Good to know thanks anon.
Call your father
Its full of iron

I appreciate this post, thanks for the read.
Hey anon, give your dad a call
Beet juice is another option.
you mom drinks beet juice

right from the root iykwis
Does anyone here even know who their dad is?
This isn’t news. Loaders regularly have rear tyres filled for extra counterweight.
More stable with a full bucket. Also rollers for more ground pressure.
Rims often have a 2” cap for easy filling.
Sure, but it's not as effective as calcium chloride because it's not as dense. Rimgard is 11 lbs per gallon, calcium chloride is 17 pounds per gallon. in a context where you're going to be running the same set of tires for a long time, and you're not pushing the limits of the tractor anyways, rimguard is probably a great solution. But if you're wearing out tires more often than you replace your mattress, you're probably not going to have any corrosion issues with the calcium chloride solution either, and it will perform better.
cool article

does anyone even bother to look more like?
I wish I had a tractor.
Do you need one or do you just want one?
Do people unironically own them just because?
They are large and expensive.
Because they're worthless when it comes to tractors.
Can I drink it to bulk???
Your mom rimmed me last night if you are able to know of it
Anyone who has one on their 5 acre hobby farm bought one “just because” unless they are moving roundbales for their recreational horses or goats or whatever. A lawn tractor mounted tiller suffices for anyone who’s only planting an acre or two. The tractor is just for fun.
tillage is bad, get a no till drill
Boomers are incapable of independent thought--they like what the TV tells them to like for superficial reasons.

Big truk drivers drive big truks because they want the image--they give zero shits about efficiency or best design... which is why most modern cars are dogshit but they look "cool" according to the TV.

Same reason we have ancient/shitty houses made out of fucking sticks that fall down in a stiff wind populating urban dead zones that pump all their road and yard waste directly into the ocean without treatment...

But he he he, those tires are gay amirite
is it called a tractor because of traction... or is it called traction because of tractors??
So you ovin the cold food but ov out the hot food?
>But if you're wearing out tires more often than you replace your mattress, you're probably not going to have any corrosion issues with the calcium chloride solution either, and it will perform better.
How often are you replacing your mattress?
Tractor = Traction motor
I took my dad out for lunch today, so ha.
I used to think my dad was a lot cooler when I was a kid. I miss that. I wish he stood up for himself more, and I'm trying to be a different man than him. But ultimately I think the apple won't fall far from the tree. I hope my future wife will see that I love her.
Was your mom mean to him?
>Also she lied about all that bad stuff she said he did
Nah, I looked him up, he really did rape them kids.
your father is a good man, nothing like that happened
did anyone else visit dad in person on fathers day?
they're in wide use on heavy construction equipment but tend to be too soft for optimal power transfer. also because they're a meme they're expensive for no good reason. hicks already do something similar by just filling tires/tubes with polyurethane foam

i didn't even send a facebook message

What did your dad do that got him divorced from your mom?
>i didn't even send a facebook message

This makes me sad
Does not ever talk to his old man, no wonder he can't get a woman.
I got your mom

in her poopsnatch
you are doing gods work anon
you always get the best digits anon
i tire of this game of yours
This board doesn't deserve good threads. Bump.
But this is a good thread anon, I especially enjoyed finding out that my dad was not a bad guy and that it was my mother that had driven him away with constant nagging
deer you bitch
to make the tractor more heavy.
but ourdays they just use weights.
Sounds kinda gay if you ask me.
When was the last time you called your dad?

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