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>inb4 he's a southernlet
The eclipsed was over a month ago dumbass
heavy clouds and rain for the last two weeks. can't see the sky at all :[
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>tfw missed the aurora yesterday night
Who's going tonight?

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Doing the north country trail. Here's the view from Frazee Minnesota last night.

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saw them from Italy yesterday
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Here’s from a bit north of Duluth MN. Have some Timelapse’s I’ll try and convert to work on here.
yeah man post webm pls. omniconverter is good if you can use it
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Here’s hoping this converted well. The original was 40 megs and this is apparently like 1.4
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Another conversion, they seem to be losing brightness, but it’s still kind of there.
Oops, wrong one, this one the camera slipped and faced straight up for a bit. Still caught some though, it was full 360 on the horizon, north, south, east, and west had color.
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Nice striping in this one, assuming I got the right one this time.
these are all great but yeah that last one is fucking mesmerizing. thanks anon, I love it
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Ima give up on conversions cause they are coming out so dark, here’s just the regular pics
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Fuck, my camera is terrible for night photos, even when I set the exposure up to 5 seconds and used a tripod for stabilization. I'm probably the only person whose naked eye did better than his camera. The motion of the lights was probably the coolest thing I've ever seen in person, but my camera did a lousy job of capturing it compared to what I'm seeing online. Ah well.
>the only person whose naked eye did better than his camera
no anon, this is literally the bane of every photographer's existence. you've done some great photos, and as someone who didn't get to see it myself, thanks for posting
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Yeah I can’t believe all of mine were from a frigging iPhone. The nonsense they cram into this thing is insane. Starting to think I should go buy a good camera for this and see what they can actually come out like, but then I remember I would only use it 3-4 times a year.
I haven't posted any photos itt, but I agree about the photos itt being nice
iPhones are good for night photography from what I've seen. I definitely need to get a better camera specifically for low-light photography because what I have isn't cutting it.
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Horizon to horizon at home last night.
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Oh yeah, when I was pulling up to that lake it was blacker then hell from a thunderstorm, but then it moved off in time for the lights. This is the very last of the tail of it.
I saw the Southern Lights from my house in Auckland, it was only a pink glow to the naked eye but it came out good in photos.
Some very nice photos ITT

great stuff anon, these look great
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Over here you did see a bit of light in the sky, but very slight and colorless. only when taking a picture with a camera /phone did you actually see colors (even where there before was only darkness). Pic related. not a very good phone but it's better than nothing.
honestly this experience has made me wonder how much of the aurora photos you see is just a camera image and was never visible like that to the naked eye.
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I was able to take these snapshits with my shitty 2017 android phone
-max iso (6400)
-max aperture (lol on a phone camera)
-max shutter speed (my phone only allowed 1/2 second)

Was your iso set too low?
>is just a camera image and was never visible like that to the naked eye.
cope, it's 100% visible. Not as bright as >>2730852 or >>2730820 pics

but more like >>2730926 and >>2730935 matches what I saw irl
The green is ver slight, and if you let your eyes adjust you can see the red, but only on the brightest parts (like near the horizons)
6 or 8 second exposure time, iso 1600 (it wouldn't go higher).
note I am in Europe, not north America
>Mfw too far north to be able to see shit

Its really mest when the whole sky explode in purple and red though
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I went to Crater Lake, along with what appeared to be the entire state of Oregon.
Beautiful pic anon

>along with what appeared to be the entire state of Oregon
Did you happen to be in the area already, or was it planned once you heard about the aurora?
>Did you happen to be in the area already, or was it planned once you heard about the aurora?

I didn't know about it until I read an article yesterday afternoon. It said it was going to a huge solar storm, so I just hoped in my car and drove to Crater Lake yesterday evening. (I live in Eugene so ~3 hour drive)
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They were really good last night. Enjoy my blurry phone pic. They were very bright to the eye in my area, enough light to see everything honestly.
oh nice man, how late did you stay out?

I didn't know about it yesterday until 1 AM so i just drove out to the desert 45 mins.
Today I think i'm gonna plan to go to a reservoir about 1.5 hours away. Part of me wants to camp overnight but i got shit to do on sunday :(
I did, I went out on a hill near my city and watched the violet-lit sky... Pretty underwhelming in person, but the camera makes it look cooler.
This is southern Germany btw
>light pollution visible on trees
>sun hasn't even fully set on horizon
Bro you got to put a little more effort than that
It did, I just used my NV mode on my phone therefore everything looked brighter. Anyhow I had my fun, what do your pic look like?
i was referring to >>2730969
>Pretty underwhelming in person

if you wait until it's fully dark it starts to look like the actual photos ITT
I was out all night. I did not manage to drive all the way home without pulling over and sleeping in my car for a couple hours.
Photo that I took last night. Exactly how it appeared to the naked eye for anyone who missed it
Predictions for today in Western Yurrop? It seems like the potential for a big/huge magnetic storm is there but I'm too stupid to really grasp the data.
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Looks like you need to be UK / scandinavia

Belgium, so RIP. It's so close.
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try anyways, they might not be overhead but if you look towards the north in a non-lightpolluted area (like the shore on manteling van walcheren) you might luck out
I'm just going to go for it. 50 minutes drive, that's nothing.
Alaskan here, they're surprisingly hard to catch even where I live, right under the peak zone. If it's cloudy, you won't see them.

Nice, good luck. It's basically daytime 24/7 here now so I can't see them. MAYBE saw a faint green glow last night but couldn't make it out.
I'm going to use one of the photos itt for my next album cover. But I won't tell you which one. And you'll have no way of ever finding the finished product.
Today seems like it's a bust in my region and I see similar thoughts on Twatter. Seems like it might pick up again "tomorrow". Going to try again then.
>Today seems like it's a bust in my region
Same here at 44 N latitude.

It was fantastic yesterday night, tonight I stayed up til 3 AM for nothing
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Nothing in central Germany at 1 am.
Was still a nice biking trip.
It was a nice excuse to go chill on the coast for me.
same south bavaria nothing from 9 -12 i was out
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We are so back bros
Yesterday night was G5 but was a nothingburger
It went up to X1 already
I'm still optimistic
These maps are bullshit. The other night, they put the viewline on the Pennsylvania-Maryland border yet people in Florida and Texas were able to see it. They also said the strongest activity would be 3 am EST yet the best time was between 10-10:30 EST.
they are not bullshit, you have know how to read them. they indicate the chance of seeing them OVERHEAD, but you can see the same aurora low on the horizon at least 1000 km further south.
pic related was the situation friday evening, at that very moment i saw the aurora from Sardinia very low on the northern horizon
We got it really good in NZ on Saturday night. 45th parallel right over head so half way to the equator.
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i did , behold the butthole of the aurora
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Timelapse looking straight up. The bright flashes are cars driving by.
i will i swear someday(tm)
I did and I didn't see shit. I am almost shitzo about it even happening.
Didn't even realize there was an aurora Friday. Was out camping. Was super cool, stayed up really late though.
>I definitely need to get a better camera specifically for low-light photography because what I have isn't cutting it

A7s? A7s3 second hand if you re kinda rich
That's awesome. It looks like a supernova!
is there an app or something that will notify me when these magnetic storms happen? i keep missing out
i wanna go camping on the tundra of alaska so bad
That's not Alaska in oppie's pic.
Saw the May 10-11, 2024 aurora borealis at 33N in AZ. It was mostly reddish-purplish. It was seen even further south by a few degrees of latitude. First time it was seen that brightly this far south since 2003. It's actually not uncommon in western North America for the aurora borealis to appear in the 30s N latitude. It has been seen in my state at least 10 different years since 2000. The 2003 and 2024 events being the brightest by far. The 2003 aurora event, actually happened twice back to back in Oct and Nov as two separate but related powerful storms.

This is due to the geomagnetic north pole actually being more than 10 degrees latitude farther south than the north pole proper, and it used to be even lower long ago, probably as low as southern or central Hudson bay during the ice age and it might have actually been the *south* pole briefly at times not the north pole.
bro the tundra fucking sucks
enjoy stepping into random deep pools of water you can't see and getting eating alive by an insane amount of bugs
there's not even really anything to see
60N and didn't see shit
it doesn't get dark until past 11pm and it was raining anyway
im a huge fan of the cold, plus i wanna try all those tundra berries
Thanks for photos / webms. Improved my day by a lot.
Popped clutch on em
how far north (or south) would you be willing to camp?
apparently there was suppose to be good conditions for the aurora this week, or was that just yesterday
all the way at the top baby
I'd love to see the northern lights. Now we just need a big enough CME to bring them down to the middle of the US
Why are you bumping this thread?
ill bump whatever thread i want because fuck you thats why. heaven forbid people talk about things they're interested in.
it seems like a nice idea
bump until the next Kp9 solar storm
>Northern lights are cause by eclipses
Is this the new common core science?
Rolling for earth facing X20
I'm down
i have and lived in alaska for 6 years so make like a tree and fuck off

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