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I bought a tent, maybe camping soon :)
good job, anon!
give it a go !
i hope this is you in the picture OP
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It breaks down into such a small bag even he was suprised
>THATs the tent you bought
yikes, I cringe to imagine how much coghlans brand dogshit you have too
I don't know what that means but I have a tent footprint for it too!
yep you're definitely ready to go you fuckin blogging retard
You don't need to be rude
cool man! get yourself a mylar sheet mat and a foam/blow up mattress for added warmth/comfort. The ground will suck the heat right out of you.
Also a tarp groundsheet under your tent will extend the lifetime of it by catching any rocks or sticks that would pierce the fabric of your tent.
Good luck anon, don't pitch under any dead branches!
Enjoy, anon!
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Also need to get myself a tent. The Northface Stormbreak 2, worth it? 237 USD. You guys taught me that I should get a 2 person tent even though I am just one person.
Looks fancy, anon! Mine was the clostnature one on amazon, it was only $70
He's not the cringey one here
Cool! Actually try using it outside. That way you can actually prove that you are more of an outdoorsman than retards like >>2731475
I wanted to, but it was raining and didn't want to learn to set it up in the rain. I'd like to once my ground tarp arrives!
I want to keep it lighy for now, but I'll definately look into the reflective pads once it starts getting cold
Yall use tents and don't just sleep on the ground?!
Nicd calico cat. Don't let her get too comfy in there though or else she will peobably piss in there and that is game over. You'll never get the smell of cat piss out of a tent unless you leave it pitched outside for weeks.
Looks like the type of tent that is worth stealing while you are down at the river. But seriously, yeah a 2 man is so much more wind resistant and the extra space always seems to come in handy. Plus, you can take a woman along with you without the sides of the tent bothering anyone.
Nice! I'm not sure how old you are, but as a 45 year old, I can say that sleeping on the ground is for the young! Buy yourself an inflatable sleeping pad. They pack down quite small. Look for one with an R rating of 2 or better or throw a mylar blanket under it, or the ground will suck the heat right out of you! Even on summer nights, the ground can get quite cold, especially if you're at elevation. Real pillows > inflatable, hands down. I have found that a small travel pillow on top of a half inflated, inflatable pillow is pretty nice. I also skip the sleeping bag in favor of a comforter that seconds as a tent carpet and a down quilt. Together they take up less space than a sleeping bag. And I sleep hot, to it also allows much better ventilation. But I can still swaddle in it on cold winter nights.
Don't worry I was watching the cats like a hawk the whole time

I'm yonger for sure, as it is, I'm getting an air mattress and sleeping bag second hand, but I really like that idea, especially if it will take less space
Good stuff, OP. Enjoy being /out. Post photos of your trip if you can.
hi kitty
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Congrats, Anon. New tents give me an absurd level of pleasure. Enjoy your sleeps in there. Why did you choose that one?
Nice cat, too.
I set up my tent once in the yard and zipped up the doors and went inside to get something. My cat jumped in through a vent and started panicking looking for a way out. I came out and she was running around the inside perimeter freaking out. If I had spent any time inside doing whatever she probably would have overheated and died, as it was a sunny day. Always remembered that close call when I have my stuff out.
I chose it because it was in my price range, had pretty good reviews, a lot of purchases, and I liked the design of the tent. I want to get some kind of poles to make that roll out door into a little tent porch!
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Tent footprint and sleeping bag aquired!!
You know what you have to do
Why do people buy tarps instead?
tarps are much lighter and quicker to setup. if there are no bugs, no wind, and no rain tarps work fine. I mainly carry a tarp on long quick hikes where "camping" is hike until an hour before sunset, setup a stove, cook dinner, throw down my mat and bag, sleep and then get up, make coffee and breakfast pack up and leave.
This man pillow advice is gold. I use a compressible foam pillow on top of a partly inflated air pillow. It matches my heavy full memory foam pillow at home perfectly
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You can get that at (((REI))) for $180
I have the Trailmade 2 and it's fine.
I got a Passage 2 for about 140 a few years ago, use it as a loaner when people go camping with me. It's pretty roomy.
Don't do it ! Camp only indoors. It's not worth the risk.
I'll have to try it! I already have a sleeping bag, but I was thinking of picking up a wool blanket to use as a tent flooring/emergency blanket. Maybe if I go fall/winter camping later this year I'll pick up a mylnar tarp/blanket. I'm heavilt considering the compressable foam pillow, since as it is I was going to just being my big foam pillow from home
Did she poop and pee in it yet?
I sleep every night in a sleeping bag on the floor of my room already. I have an aversion to traditional bedding.
I did not let her
When will you let her?
Never, but maybe I will buy her a little cat tent :)
It’s less the hardness of the ground as it is the cold and unevenness.
You will have a miserable night if the ground is able to drain away your body heat, and even a single bump digging into you will seem like nothing at first, but will be agony after a few hours.
I hope you're not planning to go /out/ on any of those shoes
No I have some old boots I never used much in my closet I'll use!
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Most modern tents you can buy from Cabela's or Canadian Tire are pretty decent quality. Seamsealed, good warranties, footprints, etc.
You can even buy good quality camping tarps at Canadian Tire for like $30.
I just bought a very similar looking tent from the zon... https://a.co/d/eb76rEr
Remember to post pics of your first trip with the tent here fren!
Warning: IP Logger link
Were did you get the tent, did it come with the cat or was it sold separately?
That's great, anon! Mine is actually this one! https://a.co/d/9FBxP9X
We're budget tent buddies now!
For anons that are above 6'0 and over 200lbs or so, what are some nice tents that are roomy? I don't backpack more than a couple nights, so I don't need some gay UL shit.
I am op and I like my tent! It got the 2 person one and it seems like more than enough room for a heavier person
>he didnt get the MSR Hubba Hubba 2


lmfao even
>sleeping next to 200kg weight held up by a metal stick
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Shill me a tent that I can fit 2 of these in. Preferably a straight walled tent. 4 people total
OP Update: I will be joining relatives for a 2 night memorial weekend camping trip! They are the trailer type campers but I will be staying in my tent! Any reccomendations or things to keep in mind while I'm threre?
Why do you need bunkbeds, why not just get a normal 4 man tent
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Get a Straight leg Pop up Canopy and a set of side walls for it

and this
I would like a sealed floor to keep fire ants, snakes and scorpions and shit out while innadesert. I really dig this guys setup, looking for something like this.
Just get a travel trailer at that point
Search for "cabin tents"
Hilleberg Meshbox and a tarp.
I considered that but I don't have a vehicle capable of towing
Thanks anon
>You guys taught me that I should get a 2 person tent even though I am just one person.
I'm a newfriend, is this true?
The weight savings on a good single person seem worth considering
The saved weight is pretty small compared to the amount of space you get
cat is VERY impressed with tent
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She loves the sleeping bag too :)
Cool. Also there aren't any rules against using regular sneakers to go outside. Boots are nicer but you can make do in most situations with converse
I have the Storm Break 3 and can set it up in 2 minutes, just get some better tent stakes. Its a solid tent
i bought one 2 yrs ago never went
I'll be going soon :). You should too!
enjoy your time out op. explore, have some camp beers, listen to some music by the fire and enjoy yourself.

some time in nature just alone relaxing with my thoughts has been greatly therapeutic for me.

Nice Cooter, anon. Would pet!
I like your plushie
Thank you, I won it at an arcade :)
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Just took mine out for it's first trip. Green tent on the right. It's nice! Very spacious for one person. The roof is tall enough that I can sit up straight(I'm 6'3") and stretch out completely while laying down. It did a great job at keeping the condensation out. I'm very pleased with it so far. I still need to test it in the rain.
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Same. Just bought one, but up-sized to a 3-person tent because I need it to comfortably fit 2 people at times.
Pic related, it's what I bought.
Sweet! Looks comfy, hope you have a good time!
Peak comfy! Looks so nice, I'm glad it has worked out so far
How about you go camping first THEN make a thread, larper.
>mommy didn't hug me as a child and now people aren't allowed to be excited about things
>be me
>hanging out with family at christmas
>look around at everyone opening up their presents generally happy about it
>literally seething at this point seeing them excited about what they got
>get blacklisted from family gatherings
>they're mad cuz im right for years
kek'd and accurate'd
And the larpers immediately expose themselves. Bought any nice gear you're never going to use lately?
>be anon
>browsing for 19inch realistic gorilla cock dildo with suction cup attachment
>scroll down to the reviews
>at this point steam is coming out of my ears
>eye twitching involuntarily
>scroll back up to see price
>809.65 shekels
>start replying to every review because I cant contain myself
>And the larpers immediately expose themselves. Bought any nice gear you're never going to use lately?
>totally destroy these larpers in the reviews larping that the product is "as described"
>account gets banned for no reason
>they're all mad cuz i'm right
I'll take that as a yes. You should try going /out/ sometime, it's fun.
>they're all mad cuz i'm right

Show me on a map anon the gates to the outdoors where we need to consult you if it's okay to enter please
It's called your front door.
>be anon's family
>trying to have an enjoyable thanksgiving dinner
>everyone praying it doesn't go like last year
>it's looking grim, anon is sitting in the corner with his octopus stuffy already turned to angry face
>anon's uncle comes in, inhales deeply
>Don't say it Jim, please
>"Wow, sure smells good in here Deb, can't wait to dig into that turkey"
>goddamn it Jim
>the screeching begins
>anon's mom tries to calm him, gets zapped in the domepiece with his earmuffs
>kids are crying
>anon's puzzle-piece shirt smeared with shit as he rolls on the floor
>anon's mom breaks out the whiskey to cope
>Don't say it Jim, please
>"Wow, sure smells good in here Deb, can't wait to dig into that turkey"
>goddamn it Jim

my sides
Great meme. Just well built.
Good call. My first camping trip after I had turned 18 involved setting up a tent in the pouring rain in 50 degree weather then sleeping in 40 degrees, soaking wet, in a cotton sleeping bag rated only 40 degrees. It was absolutely miserable and in the morning I drove straight to a laundromat to dry my shit. That was only a couple of years ago, and I look back very fondly on it, but at the time it was one of the most miserable nights I’ve ever had. The next time after that I set up in slight rain but nothing got wet. Good luck OP!
I once soaked my boots down to the insoles in winter, had to wear them frozen solid and hike out in the morning. Good shit.
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Anyone ever use a KTT brand tent? I've been looking at this one, but the reviews have me second guessing it
Was looking for a bit of a bigger tent, for weekend camping out in the woods on my property. Mainly just want something big enough to fit my queen size air mattress with a few bags, and keep the bugs and weather out
there was a guy in my dorm 2nd year of college that had his own room and he put a tent in there and filled the entire room with leaves
fucking stunk
guy was mega creepy and got kicked out of the school for stalking a girl that would pose nude for one of the art classes
I just read the reciew on that link and there seems to be water leakage issues. That'd be a dealbreaker for me
yeah, thats whats got me me giving it second thoughts. i wasnt planning on using it in the rain, but whats even the point of a tent that doesnt keep the weather out
Keeps wandering hikers from seeing me jack off without subbing to my onlyfans
Any tent with only a partial shell(the one you linked only having a canopy) will get condensation and rain on the main tent's body. Any contact with that will allow moisture to leak in. But with a full shell(that's properly installed and staked out), all of that moisture stays on the shell and not the main tent body, thus no issues with touching the tent body. Your linked tent should be relatively weather proof as long as you plan on enough space that nothing is touching th tent walls. This is true for most tents.
I'd reccomend the one I got in the op, but we'll see. I have a camping trip this weekend, but the weather says it'll rain all weekend. I'll report back to thread how well it holds up.
Would a moto camping thread be /out/ or /o/?
/dbt/ on /o/ is great for shitposting, but this place is a little higher quality.
real question how do i bring my cat along camping? i feel sad leaving him in the apartment for 2+ days
my old tent got some holes burned in last season and i dont like it anyways, has anyoje tried the alps lynx 1? my budget is 110 dollars and i need to get something by blueberry season
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OP here, I am camping :)

imagine the pfas in that room now
Have a great time anon :)
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Thank you I am!
How can a cat afford this home?
Nice! Have fun!
>flannel blanket
My man
It's actually a wool blanket my friend bought for me to take camping! I'm glad I have it since its down to 50f here
I'm on the same boat, time to put all I've learned to the test. I've had countless fishing outings not to mention outdoor cooking and animal butchering and general handyman knowledge. we got this anon. post soon with results cowboy.
Good luck anon! I'm having tons of fun myself
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Coffee time
Careful OP the gatekeepers around these parts are going to crucify you for being in a campground.

Hope the setup worked well for you and the trip is relaxing. That bed looks comfy
honestly jealous of anons not afraid of being poisoned, i returned mine when i found out about the plastic they use
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this problem is solved by curing your toxoplasmosis
Based thread
nice one OP
I am very proud that this thread has been so nice
looks like quite a busy campsite you're at
You know.. now you're comfotable sleeping in a tent... you can sleep ANYWHERE you want C:
A $200 wool blanket? Can your friend buy one for me too?
It was only $60! It's is 80% wool and not itchy at all! Kept me very warm even when it got down to 46F :)

Maybe I will :)
Ignore the gear retard just run it have a good time and if doesn't work well look at your kit and adjust according to what you enjoyed doing and what you did./did not need.
>80% wool
Any idea what the other 20% is? I can't find any reference on the Amazon page.
NTA I just searched for 80% wool blanket on amazon and got tons of results, most around $25. If it's 80% wool the other 20% is polyester. Cotton/poly blends are the most common blends.
>If it's 80% wool the other 20% is polyester.
The tag says "recycled fiber"
get military surplus if money is tight and you want wool. otherwise if its not going to get wet go for down.

I have one of these that's been good for extra warmth as long as its not wet. i will probably buy a couple more this year.


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