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/out/ings with a Pipe
Old thread: >>2701176

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/10/12/704/46541/Association-between-Cigar-or-Pipe-Smoking-and

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread
>Cancer risk is minimal
>Cancer risk is minimal from occasional use
Lmao, tobacco is extremely addictive so good luck with that "occasional" use, also telling yourself it's a small risk is just a massive cope, a shite way of rationalizing a self destructive and degenerate lifestyle. You will fuck up your teeth and gums, get cancer and enjoy having fucked lungs and not being able to walk up a hill. Inb4 b-b-but you don't inhale the smoke
Yeah sure good luck with that
>tobacco is extremely addictive
The addictive component of tobacco is nicotine, which is imbibed far less than with cigarettes.
>good luck with that "occasional" use
It's the case with me, I've been smoking for years and still keep to 1-2 bowls a week, typically.
>self destructive and degenerate lifestyle
Pipe smokers tend to be conservative, religious, and health conscious; the opposite of degenerate.
>teeth and gums
Practising proper dental hygiene totally mitigates this.
>fucked lungs and not being able to walk up a hill.
My cardio has been completely unaffected from my pipe smoking.
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It seems all the trolls are out in full force today. All these topics have been covered in every single previous thread already. Now go back to your threads talking about your gay $600 gore-tex boots.
How come all the boomers on various pipe forums say that “you have to smoke pipes for several years before you can graduate to Virginias”? I just saw one thread where the OP said he’s new and mainly smokes Virginias. Some dumb boomer said “sounds like you’re 10 years ahead of schedule”. They also have this idea that you’ll go from smoking only aros for years, to only smoking Englishes for years, to only smoking Virginias, VA/Pers, and burley for the rest of your life after. I tried all types of blends when I started and still enjoy all types of blends. Are they just bitter that young people now have a wider selection of tobacco available than they did when they started smoking? Some of the dumb rules and myths in the “pipe community” annoy the hell out of me.
Nice, I can fuck them.
>List a couple facts that have been proven beyond a doubt and give some common sense advice
>You're trolling
Addicts are retarded
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We’ve shown the few studies done for pipe smoking multiple times in all the threads. Pipe smoking (less than twice a day) has negligible heath effects. Further, one study showed that pipe smokers were actually HEALTHIER than non smokers. Old geezers, not young guys who died early, are associated with pipe smoking for a reason. You keep coming to a thread that is focused on something you don’t like just to talk shit. That’s trolling.
pipes and pipe tobacco are really expensive in Australia thanks to getting taxed to death, I don't know why, for our health or some rubbish (I'll bet that federal coffer is looking healthy though...)
Regardless, I think this would compliment my trips out. I am not a smoker so where should I start with pipes... Will all the kit fit in my jacket pocket?
If you wanna get started, I’d suggest a cheap corncob pipe (though I’m not sure how cheap they are in Australia, but they’re around $10 in the US) and whatever tobacco is available in your area for a reasonable price. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy to start out with, and the disposability of a cob will make it perfect for /out/ings where it might get roughed up. When I go on a hike, I’m usually able to fit my pipe, a bag of tobacco, my lighter, and tool all in my pant pockets.
in 2024, pipe smokers broadly fall into two categories:

1. The 'original' pipe smokers who started smoking some time between 1940s - 1990s. Mostly aged 50+

2. The new 'hipster' pipe smokers, who started smoking from 2010 onwards. Aged 18-40s.

The first group exclusively learnt about pipe smoking from relatives, friends, colleagues or adverts in print or television. For example, in the UK, tobacco advertising - including pipe tobacco - was widely advertised before it started to become restricted in the 1980s (you couldn't show someone smoking in a commercial after 1986) and then were completely banned in 2003.

This group tended to smoke from the same 2-5 blends that were sold over the counter in local supermarkets like St Bruno or Condor. These pipe tobaccos are still stocked in most big supermarkets today. Of course, these blends vary by country.

The second hipster group learnt about pipe smoking primarily from the internet (often stemming from an initial interest from the LOTR). They have access to much more information and a variety of blends, and usually deliberately buy a myriad of tobaccos (Englishes, Aromatics, and others) to gauge what they are most interested in.

That's why group 1 may resent group 2 to an extent. Group 2 were able to fast-forward their research and have access to a much wider variety of tobaccos from the off. This leads to the comments such as the ones you've described.
>one study showed that pipe smokers were actual
Most older pipe smokers are undiagnosed autists. You see a man that looks like Santa who has a workshop and suspenders, he'd be playing Warhammer if he were 20 years younger. Normal people don't go on forums.

That said, Virginias are a more subtle and nuanced smoke that takes some skill to get the most out of. Not a great deal, but boomer telephone turns that into "smoke shitty burley coated in vape juice for 10 years before you graduate to Virginias" because they all have lead poisoning. I think we also need to recognize that many have babby palate and sweet and sour hay with spiced plum perique is weird for them.

Like >>2733994 said, we have better access to different blends now, especially as laudisi has the monopoly and pretty good distribution. My local shop stocks random C&D and Peterson tins in addition to all the Lane in bulk.

The LotR comment is very true, and also extends to blends authors smoked, which tend to be good shit in a tin or blends that have decent analogues.
Why are you engaging with imbeciles?
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I just packed a navy roll way too tight in this tom sawyer and I still don't think it hit the bottom. Let's see what happens. Can barely get my little finger in the hole and I'm not a large man. It's milkshake thick for now, I'm getting more from the opener than usual. Smokes great. Keeps getting better, faster. Small bowls for ginnies pans out.

Some anon recommended navy rolls for ease of use and he wasn't wrong. One of the easiest and best tasting smokes I've had, there's even just enough nic to make you feel like you did something. It just putters along no matter how wet it is, and I have mistakenly shoved a few coins in fresh out the tin, and it keeps going with few relights when you do. Seems more balanced and less likely to burn hot than loose Virginia and ruin the flavor and the Stokkebye has some black cavendish with real flavor that goes in and out, adding to the VaPer. The tangy citrus makes me worry I've soured my pipe but that's the flavor, like a chewing tobacco almost.

Overall, a great time, especially on a breezy day.
Followup question to that rambling: any other good navy cut? VaPer and straight Virginias are fine too I guess.

I've had Stokkebye navy rolls with the cavendish, c&d exclusive that's half perique, Escudo, Orlik golden and royal yacht. I like perique but have a sense VA tobaccos can do a lot of very different things on their own, hence why I'm asking.
Rattray’s Old Gowrie and Samuel Gawith St. James Flake are both really good. Unfortunately they’re pretty hard to find, though Old Gowrie seems to be available more often than St. James Flake.
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would putting a eye hook on a cob so i can loop a lanyard on it be a good idea?
a while back i lost my pipe hiking, it fell out of my pocket, it wasn't expensive or anything, nor was it meant to last forever, but i ended up liking it a lot
i imagine putting a lanyard on it, at least when i'm not smoking it, would be keep it from getting lost
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Just get a small case and attach a lanyard to that if you're worried about losing it.
I use one of those mobile phone bags with a lanyard, big enough for a pipe,a tool and a couple bowls of tobacco. I wouldnt screw a hook into a pipe at all. Just no.
Finally cracked into the current Sansepolcro, not sure how to feel. The virginias are somewhat sweet but not effervescent and citrusy, the tuscan kentucky dark is doing something, but I can't decide what. It's nutty and has the barest hint of clove and some other spice, like a distant licorice note, but nothing I would identify as a dark fire, maybe the caramel to the sweetness is it. Possibly gentian, it reminds me of an amaro in some ways. I like it more than burley blends already but don't know what I was expecting. Very mild and close to an all day blend. I've never had an irish flake but something matches the description in an off-kilter way. Probably the ridiculous amount of nicotine.

I do get some dirt, like aged liubao tea country club dirt. Betel nut aroma. The first bowl I didn't know what to think at all but this second one has given me some frame of reference. I think I need a bigger pipe to get more out of it, it's the kind of thing you can keep smoking looking for what it does without it being in your face and on all the time.

It makes me want a toscano cigarillo so I can larp as eastwood instead of van cleefe. That's what it does. It's a good smoke but it may take me the whole tin to figure out why.
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Sitting in my garage enjoying the weather ready to kick off a long weekend right.

I know I'm not technically /out/ but this is the only smoking thread on 4chan so deal.
Thinking of visiting my local tobacooist tomorrow and picking up an oz of something different. I think they carry the lane lineup, are there any suggestions for non-aromatics???
Can't go wrong with Peterson's My Mixture 965 if you haven't tried it. It's generally enjoyed across the board.
tobacco is only addictive if you inhale, have you tried inhaling pipe tobacco?
I’ve been wanting to try Sansepolcro. I miss most of the small batch drops when they happen. I did pick up a few tins of Steamworks recently, but I’ve only had one bowl so far. The bowl I had was really good, but I have to smoke a whole tin before I give a final judgement. It reminded me of something but I’m not sure what. Maybe Plum Pudding without latakia? Idk, I’ll have to explore it some more.
any community has retarded gatekeepers like that, best to stay away from them entirely and just do whatever you like
especially because their every waking moment is spent on those mindless fora so theyre often moderators or administrators
Is the USA the last country in the West that doesn't require warning labels on tobacco products?

The situation in the UK is bizarre because cigarettes and cigarette tobacco packaging must contain horrific images, whereas pipe tobacco tins only requires 'Smoking Kills'. I wonder why they decided on the unequal treatment.

Stranger still, over the counter pipe tobacco like St Bruno also contains the images, whereas the tins don't as previously mentioned - why?
while theres warning labels on most, i think its for "legal" reasons, as opposed to just the disclaimer
products seem to be handled differently, like chew, cigs, cigars, pipe tobacco, and e-liquid, some have a huge ass disclaimer, others just have a little bit of small text out of the way, but i don't know if thats required in any way
i wish the tins from out of country would be put in another box / wrap of some kind with the warning on that instead, so they'd look nice like how they used to, as opposed to an ugly "U GET CANZER WHEN SMOK BREATH" warning taking up over half the fucking tin
Between 2020 and 2022 we had big warning labels on our tins. Then they weren’t required after. I don’t know what the law was that allowed them to stop putting big labels, but it’s relatively recent to not have big warning labels. I know Europe has huge warning images. At least it’s not like Canada which doesn’t even allow cigar bands now.
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I just smoked a bowl of Early Morning Pipe in a Trever Talbert prince. I haven't smoked much in the past couple years, but when I do smoke, I often reach for this pipe because of its small size. I've been meaning to get another prince or small pipe but have been too lazy, which is the case for most things in my life. This was all in my garage, not really /out/. If I'm going to be /out/, which is most days, I'm usually not going to be smoking. Hence, I usually only take snuff.
I was in the right place for the announcement and just drunk enough to order 5 tins the moment it dropped. I may start doing it more often to take advantage of the hipster resale market and fund my own habits, I don't think these limited runs are all that special, although I do like it in that mild daily smoke that's still "aromatic" category. I'm also pretty sure I'm getting some cob in there, there's a nutty popcorn note. I was worried it was going to be a pipe stinker, but it isn't at all.

Ropp has some excellent small pipes that are literally new old stock vintage french clenchers and some run pretty cheap for the quality of the briar. You can even get a horn stem, which is neat, and a $30 replacement when you chew through it. Probably one of my favorite pipes.

Taking a small briar /out/ is like taking a nice raincoat out when it might rain. It feels a little silly at first, then you're glad you did and still fine if you didn't need it.
That stem looks nice. It like the smoke is visible through it.
I thought it just was the decorative stem? If it is the smoke then I imagene you have to clean it more often, since it's more vissible
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I told myself I wasn’t gonna buy anymore tobacco until October… then there was a Samuel Gawith drop on Smokingpipes today. I’m such a consooming faggot when it comes to pipe tobacco. I’m not even addicted to smoking tobacco. I’m addicted to collecting it. Excited to try 1792 Flake, though ngl.
It is a decorative stem. I think >>2737365 was saying the way it was decorated makes it look like you can see the smoke through it.

However you actually can if you look close but it only comes through a small tube in the middle. I clean my pipes after every session, I don't smoke often so I don't want to put them away dirty.
Update with a normal sized bowl.

Deep, peppery spice like perique and a distinct cigar note that's usually hard to find in a cigar. Mildly sweet, a bit of smokehouse but without the meat that goes with it. Some tang like a Carolina red sauce, not a citrus bomb or hay bailer. Serene amount of nicotine from the inhale. Reminds me of Gentleman Caller and how it had a natural aromatic spice tobacco that performed the function of toppings and vape juice in current drugstore blends. Keeps hearing towards nutty without any of the usual burley.

I finally got a natural, unadorned vanilla note out of it. And something that could be considered a fruit. Very subtle and pleasant smoke, way overrated by limited availability. I would expect it to age well. It's in my wheelhouse, but only barely similar to the kinds of Va and VaPer I'm more like to hoard.

If I had to be a dork, the tuscan dark fired adds a sensible condimental leaf to a subdued Virginia and makes for what is likely some accurate hobbit pipe weed, and close to Tolkien's own preferences for a bit of flake.
Ooh, the bottom turns into vaguely vomit flavored milk chocolate. The German shit like milka that's not supposed to taste like that but does.
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Okay, which one of you is this?
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Got a tin of My Mixture 965 coming for my camping trips this summer. I've tried around 10-15 blends so far, and this one was my favourite. Going to be great to sit on some wild land, cup of tea and pipe at my side.

>picrel: the tamper I won't take /out/
It must purely be a coincidence that he has both a pipe and a tweet jacket, nobody would willfully spend their time and money becoming a cartoon of such sorts.
If we're being honest, pipe smoking is obviously a cringe-worthy activity and is the epitome of the reddit 'le sophisticated' crowd.

Pipe smokers under 50 shouldn't make it a part of their personality. If you are 20 and you enjoy a pipe, fair enough, but be aware that society will think you're an attention-seeking turbo nerd freak.

I'm mid thirties and smoke a pipe, but I don't flaunt it or make it a part of my personality. It's like any other solitary activity to me like reading, exercise or playing video games.
I'm also mid 30s. I enjoy it at home and while /out/. It's certainly not something I'd think to do in front of other people, like you say it's solitary. I've smoked one in a church yard and that was quite nice.
Early 30s, and the only time I’ll smoke a pipe in front of other people is if I’m /out/ and I happen to cross paths with somebody. If I see somebody up ahead on a trail, I’ll quickly take it out of my mouth and hide it on my side. I won’t even smoke a pipe in my front yard out of fear a passing car will see me.
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just got 2 new pipes & some tobacco i've never had before
was hoping to switch the stems between the MacArthur & the lucky #7, and make an even longer pipe, i would have called it the "Mac-7", but they don't fit
the tobaccos i grabbed were sutliff vanilla custard cream, mac baren vanilla cream, and lane limited 1-Q, haven't tried them just, but they smell amazing
time to have a bowl
That is an absolute chungus of a corncob. I need a rough one like that.
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I smoke loose tobacco and roll my own cigs. Problem is there's a good portion at the bottom that is bad for rolling with

I use a weed pipe which is good when it's clean but that's difficult to maintain.

Any recommendations?
are you saying you have a butt of tobacco off the remains of a cig?
thats normal, and most of that tobacco is dingy anyway, so theres not much a reason to smoke it imho
if you are looking to smoke it in a pipe though, just buy a missouri meerschaum corncob pipe
cheap, high quality, easy to smoke, easy to pack, dries out fast, and lasts decades
and assuming you're actually talking about weed, they have a "cornabis" line too
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I buy these guys for $60 a pop. When you get towards the bottom, the tobacco is too granular and fine to make a cig out of.
>missouri meerschaum corncob pipe
I just bought that off amazon. $10 and free shipping.
Honestly, you’d probably be better off buying Prince Albert. It used to be used for rolling cigarettes but became popular with a pipe, and now it’s made specifically for a pipe. Probably higher quality than that stuff, and pretty decent for the price. But damn, Canada is expensive as hell.
I'm not allowed to smoke in my apartment and I' too self concious to smoke outside (cityfag here). I've just been smoking in my bathroom it's got pretty good ventilation so I don't think I'll be caught!
Should I inhale pipes and cigars as much as I do? I don't do it all the time but I definitely check that they do contain tobacco and I'm not getting ripped off in various ways.
30 bucks out of pocket and a good supplier and niggas be gettin their wraps and cigars from your local and being cheapskate pipe smokers on the side instead of paying out the ass for a black and mild. Hand em a cob and you never have to smoke alone again. Make it clear up front you don't front and they gots to get they ass to the corner store to get they owns like and you now have friends and a safe and engaging environment to smoke.

Having some spare cobs on hand at all times is a lifesaver. You make friends for life. You can learn about not having anxiety through marijuana and malt liqor in exchange and show them better tasting whiskey for half the price that gives them hipster cred, everyone wins. Good times all around, it's all about how much they listen when you tell them not to burn that cob.
Based. Whenever I see black people smoking a Black & Mild, I always wonder if they’d like Captain Black in a cob. Both smell exactly the same and Captain Black tastes better desu. I think black people would love that shit. I’m gonna experiment around with this.
>caring about what other people think
After I was bullied a few threads ago for a shitty pipe from Amazon I bought this nicer Savinelli one. Will be taking it /out/ in future. I've been using Clan tobacco which I don't even know how I acquired it, but looking at reviews it's fairly tasteless and burns quick and hot. I should probably get something a bit nicer for a first proper tobacco. I was able to get the nicotine buzz a little bit which was nice, haven't had that since I smoked fags as a student. How long should I be holding the smoke in my mouth for? I've tried doing longer holds but it feels like short puffs, holding it for a second or two then slowly exhale is a bit more relaxing.
as I'm sure you are aware, pipe tobacco is designed to be tasted in the mouth only, and not inhaled. it's stronger than cigarette tobacco in nicotine, taste and composition, meaning it'll feel harsh in your lungs and won't taste nice.

plus, I can't see that it's good to be inhaling such strong tobacco into your lungs from a health perspective.

I'd recommend using the 'Breathe Method'. There are some YouTube videos explaining it, but essentially you breathe naturally through your nose and massage the pipe smoke in your mouth. Less is more, generally, with pipe smoking.
I feel like with the breath method it's difficult to get much flavor. Also it tends to spurt ash out the bowl and make a mess. I still do it as it's a nice alternative to opening my mouth to exhale the gas.
I like short puffs. Taking it in quick and gently, then letting it float out of my mouth without blowing it out while breathing through my nose. I like smelling the smoke as it leaves my mouth, which is why I let it float out and don’t blow it out. There’s a name for it but I forget. It’s like retrohaling but reverse.
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Pathetic, really.

4 months since planted.

I think the container was not big enough, because I found many twiggy potatoes twirling around on the bottom of the pot.
Do you smoke sweet potatoes?
sweer potato
I just grabbed one of those little hardwood MM pipes with my tobacco order, the tiny ozark one. Now I've got 5 pipes which feels like enough for nightly bed time smokes. A pipe before bed seems to help me sleep even better.
Do you gotta rub one of those out or do you fold and stuff?
What do you tell your insurance/doctor when they ask if you smoke? Sucks to get hit with increased premium because you smoke a bowl a week.
I don't smoke often enough that it should be detectable in my blood. (source: my ass)
I just lie and say I don't smoke. Not worth the conversation or distinction.
If they find it in my blood one time for some reason then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
It will matter a bit more if I ever need an organ transplant.
>If they find it in my blood one time for some reason then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Just tell them you had a few cigars at a bachelor party, or to celebrate a friend having a kid.
>if they find it in my blood one time for some reason
Is there any reason they would test for that? I didn't even know that was a thing they did
It increases white blood cells in a blood test for a day and shows up in a piss test for a week. Avoid smoking for the former even though they can't pin it on nicotine because they'll want to test you for a ass load of things to see why your white blood cells are abnormal.
My uncle is on the list for a kidney and had to prove he didn't smoke so idk. Probably to make sure it goes to worthy donors that will take care of it.
Good to know. I haven't been to a doc in like 10 years and I don't plan to start now, so if I need an organ for some reason out of nowhere I may be up shit creek, but that's not enough reason to not smoke for me.
its easiest to just say you don't smoke, they're not gonna try calling your bluff
after seeing this gen I made a pipe out of some dry wood i had in my backyard. carved a treat and looks suitably rustic for my tastes, it looks like that on purpose and not my skills as a carpenter i swear :)
smoked well too, very enjoyable.
You've made a pipe smoker out of me and for that I thank you all!
Yeah it was pretty in depth. List for a kidney is super long so they're pretty picky about who gets one.

They look for nicotine which indicates short term smoking, then he said they also look for something he referred to as "co-nicotine" (Google says cotinine) - Which I guess is made by your body itself from smoking and stays in your system longer, and can indicate a chronic smoker over someone who just lit up a cigar on a weekend, for instance.

Just hope you never need a transplant because while, at least for kidneys, it's better than dialysis, it is not the end of your problems or a magical panacea.
Home grown tobacco any less bad health wise vs pouch bought in smoke shop?
the pouch bags are filled with ground up worms and beetles, it makes them taste better, its like cochineal
it can be up to 50%
Post pics
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the other thing next to it is for tamping and scraping out the ash.
Does anyone know if bone is a good material for pipes? I can see a rib and a leg bone from a cow coming together as a pretty nice pipe.
smoking of any kind is banned across my workplace, which is a huge government site - basically a small town. The few smoking shelters that remain only permit vaping. We do seem to live in a bizzaro period where tobacco is becoming more and more stigmatised whereas cannabis, ketamine and other drugs are being decriminalised (see Portugal, Germany, North America).

The most vehement proponent of weed is often also the harshest critic of tobacco.
its not commonly talked about, but bone is dangerous as fuck, most especially especially if you're going to breath it in
do not do it
Why, exactly? One would think it's just inert
Particles, carcinogens, weird bacteria and fungal spores that like to grow in it. It's likely what killed an occultist who liked to make his own bone instruments and jewelry, on top of the massive asthma attack it triggered.
I was at a music festival a few years ago smoking a cigar, and some woman started fake coughing and waving her hands like she was blowing smoke away when I lit up my stogie. She eventually left and stood next to one of the thousands of pot smokers in the vicinity with none of the acting. I don’t care if someone has a problem with all smoke, but don’t be selective about what kind of smoke it is. Smoke is smoke. Though I’d personally rather smell sweet, toasty tobacco instead of getting a secondhand high while smelling skunk.
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This is probably a stupid question, but do all of your tobacco tins have the “known to the State of California” warning on it, or is it just because I’m in California?
I got a taster pack of 10 grams of each, No.1 to No.6. But I've been smelling them and they have very particular smells, almost like they've been around foreign spices or something.

The better Peterson blends have been the ones that I have most enjoyed. They are quite refined to even my beginner palate.

Anyone got experience with Chacom blends?
The first sentence is about Chacom.
I can't seem to find a US supplier and didn't look very hard, but most tobacco is going to be blended to spec by some STG Laudisi house and branded as whatever. You're probably smelling Virginia, Latakia, Perique--that's going to give you citrus, hay and a variety of spice notes. A lot of the Peterson tins are very mild and have a topping of some kind that covers up stronger condimental tobacco notes.

Seems like a good gamut styles at a decent price.
Also, the No.4 VaPer and 6 were well reviewed and sounded interesting. 1 and 5 are oriental heavy English blends with Latakia, the rest are aromatics with toppings. At this point, I no longer consider rum a topping and deertongue is an aromatic, so make of that what you will. You're getting all the spice tobaccos and just about everything but the smoked meat of dark fired Kentucky.

Not a bad way to see what's out there, aromatics are usually bland and disgusting to smoke but there are a few good ones out there, but all that black cavendish turns me off unless I can see what it looks like. Some of the bulk shit and whatever they put in the bullseye on the Stokkebye you can smoke on its own and it's like a creamy porter, where a topping merely complements the rest of the blend.
even stuff from other countries have a cali warning, its weird, but allows it to be sold anywhere
go in a retirement home and tell me if you want to get to 70.
Dear pipe lovers. Is it a good idea to pack some "origano" with some tobacco in a pipe?

Dearly, the guy who is feed up with papers
No, get a glass dick with a carburetor and dome that shit. It's more efficient and economical. Otherwise it's a great way to burn out a pipe.
hugely fond of Robert McConnell's Oriental Original when smoking it - smooth and cool - but the after taste lingers all day. I can brush my teeth three times and I can still taste it for the next 8 hours.
sounds cool, but there's a reason to why clay pipes where so common back then, rather than bone ones
I havent smoked a lot of "navy" blends but I tried Glp winjammer last summer and liked it a lot.
Tell me about the pipe. I have one of those turkish carved meerschaums and i dont like the airflow in it, its too restricted on account of the weird stem mechanism used in many of them. Do that have a stem / stummel whatever like a normal briar pipe?
sounds cool, but there's a reason to why clay pipes where so common back then, rather than bone ones
>are you saying you have a butt of tobacco off the remains of a cig?
no, he means the end of the pouch of rolling tobacco. What's left at the bottom of the bag is tiny dried out pieces that won't stay together and will fall out of the cig unless you use an actual filter
>I use a weed pipe which is good when it's clean but that's difficult to maintain.
>Any recommendations?
i do the same but with a "steamroller" pipe, it's easier to clean than a spoon like in your pic
most spergy thread on the board.

just fucking use your pipe
no one cares how you smoke
the use of a pipe doesnt make you cooler or exotic
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I feel like we're going to start something, something the mystes avered over many years ago. Then maybe I can finally take my black friends camping.
It's funny, it's easier than saying virginia flake with or without perique and with or without a rum topping, possibly with some burley, maybe some dark fired, but anyone who has had navy cut knows exactly the whole of the thing you're talking about. I'll put it on the list, it sounds good.

You go in expecting something burly and robust and get Stubb telling you about how it's the hayfield of the sea while chuffing a pipe in the rigging looking for whales.
I don't go into town often, even less the black side of town. I went over there to check out a cigar place and the owner recommended me some perique Stillwell Star cigars they made with Cornell and Diehl. I would've missed it otherwise but he saw me looking at both cigars and pipe tobacco, smells fantastic through the wrapper, I'll have to try it this fourth.
It's an AKB Meerschaum Smooth Bent Egg pipe I got off of smokingpipes.

The stem appears pretty standard to me based on my experience, I haven't tried to fit it on any of my other pipes but it doesn't stick out to me as anything weird. Just two pieces the whole thing, I can stick a cleaner all the way through the stem and all the way through the bowl.

Flow is good. Packing too tight of course will hurt that but I've gotten 45 minute lights with good flow out of this pipe. It's honestly my favorite pipe to smoke. It's also starting to pick up some slight coloring down on the main part of the bowl which is super neat.
>Ropp has some excellent small pipes that are literally new old stock vintage french clenchers and some run pretty cheap for the quality of the briar. You can even get a horn stem, which is neat, and a $30 replacement when you chew through it. Probably one of my favorite pipes.
I have heard this exact thing before. I think I will pull the trigger soon.
>the use of a pipe doesnt make you cooler or exotic
I don’t think there’s a single person here who thinks it’s “cool” or “exotic”. Read the thread and you’ll see most of us DON’T want to be seen in public with a pipe. It’s something we do for personal reasons in private. I smoke it because it allows me to slow down and focus; something lost in today’s modern fast paced world.
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A brand new 100 year old pipe is a very interesting thing. Not the briar quality of Chacom, but the Vintage Supremes have some good figuring and the paneled ones are pretty unique.
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I always see Sam Hyde smoking little Ropp pipes. Looks like they’d be good for a quick smoke.

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That bulldog is a reasonable size, the bowl is merely a little short for the width. 2 coins and a little extra to light is about what I can fit. A bit like a small Peterson, say a 15, but not as deep and it gets hot as shit like a clencher should. Shorter smoke but longer than your average cob or genuinely small pipe.

Also he has that thing like waay in his mouth. Patrician position now that I've tried it.
you're right.
i should read the thread.
ill see if i can make time for it at some point.
Of course he says he smokes the most hipster shit imaginable.
Tabac Manil is actually pretty good. Tastes like a cigar, but mustier.
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I've been cellaring this cellar reserve I got free with an order for a while now. Let's see what it does.

Smells like rum and heavy vanilla topping like the captain. Allegedly Virginia, burley Cavendish and perique. Damp, aromatic, probably going to foul my pipe.
It's light and utterly flavorless after the real thing. Smells nice and the taste isn't unpleasant, but barely there. My nose hairs are unsinged, maybe I didn't pluck any perique.

I'm throwing it in the trash after this, it's not bad, just not food in any meaningful way.

I'll have to order some, damn it's expensive.
>damn it's expensive
It’s basically two tins worth, and it comes dry as shit so there’s no water weight, so you get your money’s worth. But yeah, they should do small tins because it’s a lot of tobacco just to sample. If you don’t like it you’ll be stuck with a lot of it.
Anyone else an apparent bowl packing master after only picking it up recently? I've only been pipe smoking for around months (with a 3 month break in the middle), but every time I pack a pipe it will smoke all the way down in one session just as long as I keep puffing regularly.

To be fair, I am using My Mixture 965 which seems to be a very well-behaved blend, but still. I've read posts saying they've been doing it for 30 years and have only done it once...? I'm just talking the usual method -- slightly looser first fill, slightly firmer second, topped while moving the pipe around to make a slight mound at the centre, and then 1 more little tamp down before lighting. Never seems to fail.
>Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend
I'm going to be doing just that on thursday but online I've seen a bent and a straight version, what's the diference between them and which do (you) prefer?
Mostly just looks/ergonomics. People will say that a bent stem encourages moisture back down into the bowl but unless you're using it 3x every day you should be okay. Just get 2-3 in one go since they're so cheap, different types, and then you're you can rest them and pick a favourite one.

I've got 4 MM pipes (2 cobs, 2 hardwoods) of different designs/sizes and I use them all. I started off not caring about wet pipes but they just burn so much better when they're properly dried out.
Looks moldy
Normal staining, you should see what old tins of the good shit look like when you crack them.
>People will say that a bent stem encourages moisture back down into the bowl

You're telling me I can turn my slightly bent stem upside down for a dryer smoke?
It depends. If the shank isn’t also bent, then yeah, it probably would be dryer. Have fun when the smoke from the bowl is aimed straight at your face though.
You can turn the whole thing upside down for the driest smoke. It'll be real hot though since you gotta pull like mad to make it work.
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just got a missouri meerschaum ozark mini
its a cherry, but i switched the stem with an amber
its actually an extremely easy smoker & clenches great, i'm probably gonna use it a lot
i got it mostly as a travel pipe though, something good for the pocket & quick to smoke
That looks really nice. How much did it run you? Might pick one of those up for the same purpose.
only $4
they're a 30min smoker too, i'm thinking about getting some more for a week's rotation
I just got one of these too, the other finish.
Makes a nice addition to the collection since the bowl is very straight, and tall for its narrowness (my little finger just fits) and different from the others. I also have its big brother version which is substantially larger, and that is also a solid smoker. The bowl is more rounded inside and the stem on the larger one though. MM pipes haven't let me down yet.
Really quite wide*
Not rounded, straight but wide for the pipe.
finally reading the thread


that's a strong word to use for a drug that's not even that hard.
Like weed is literally worse than tabacco imho simply because of how it metabolizes in the body
at least with tabacco you can still work after getting the buzz that it gives you. With weed you wont even work
you'll want some chips or pizza and to take a nap
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Am I missing out on anything in terms of type of pipe? Bowl shape, material (meerschaum?) or something? I've only been smoking them for half a year.
I think a good stable should include a meer, if for no reason other than they're fun to watch the color build over time and don't need to rest like wood does. It's a fun addition for sure. Other than that, I would be pretty happy with what you have now.
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Interesting idea, and yeah not needing to rest it would be nice. I put an offer on this one on ebay -- same shape as the Peterson and maybe one day the lighter younger sister.
He accepted an offer of £60/$77 which seems like a reasonable price. I've seen the very same pipes being sold on pipe websites for double and more.
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Looks great for many years' use. But if the stem wiggles AT ALL I'll have to send it back.
I think I paid about 60 for my AKB here
and that didn't come with a case, so that sounds like a decent price.

If you slightly wet your finger then run it along the inside of the bowl it should sort of tack up and stick to it a bit, if it does it's real meer and you didn't get swindled. Don't get it too wet or you'll potentially damage it though just one finger barely damp. I don't think this works if there's any buildup to all though.

Unless that's an estate and has been used before. The coloring looks completely fresh to me. I don't smoke that often and even mine is starting to yellow over a bit.
It's brand new imported from Turkey. I'll look into testing its legitness, thanks for mentioning it.
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Might have to get some, I have some weird tastes in cigars that tend towards pipe flavors (Liga Privada, Ashton half coronas) heavy on the darker coffee and spice notes, that I can't quite find in a pipe tobacco that isn't aromatic. Seems to hit the same mark from a different angle. One of them might be the thing.

Also, ooh wee I just inhaled a cigar and almost passed out for a second, that hasn't happened in a long time. Somewhere in my reptile brain is a memory of being at a beer festival and having an oddly similar maduro about 10 years ago. I think it was a Liga Privada. I'd been wondering what it was. Hell I think the same guy downtown sold it to me. Good timeS, good times. It tastes like I just black drank cold brew coffee.
>Lmao, tobacco is extremely addictive so good luck with that "occasional" use
cancer rates for pipe tobacco smokers are actually lower than non-smokers.
I got a bent one and some captain black tobacco and some peterson sherlock holmes tobacco, smoked one pipe of each and I enjoyed both :)
before that I went to a cigar store and smoked a rocky patel vintage series 1999 connecticut corona and drunk some vanilla rum with it, I also enjoyed it :)
I must say smoking a pipe is very relaxing.

also is there a trick to keeping a pipe lit past the halfway point or is it normal to relight at that point?
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Ended up buying the Ropp I linked to here >>2742783 Thing smokes damn good. It’s an estate, but it’s hardly used. Seriously a steal for the $63 I paid for it. Perfect size for smoking quickly during my breaks at work. Wonder if it’s Sam’s.
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I've been looking too, although I can hardly justify the purchase of another right now. Though it would be nice to have a second briar, since I only have a Peterson.

This one has caught my attention. Even my untrained eye can see that this is excellent quality wood. The stem has gone discoloured but I don't really mind. Is there a way to recondition it to make it go black again?

It's in France (I'm UK), and it'll go cheap from what I've seen before since the supply outstrips demand more on the continent than it does here. Then it's just about tolerating shipping charges.
>also is there a trick to keeping a pipe lit past the halfway point or is it normal to relight at that point?
I typically relight 2-4 times per bowl. Coming from cigars, I thought I was doing something wrong, but that’s just how pipe tobacco works. Blends that have Latakia tend to need the most relights.
>Is there a way to recondition it to make it go black again?
There is, but I don’t know the process. I watched a video before showing a pipe restoration process. The guy got a pretty messed up stem looking brand new and black. I forget what solution he used for it though.
Nice. I will look into it. Maybe there's a gig where I can take old crusties and turn them into fresh looking antiques. Then I can go through a ton of pipes and find my favourite types, while also making a small profit.

The Peterson is the same. I can't date it since they are hard to diffrentiate, but the stem is like that. If I run it under a warm tap and then polish it with a flanel it comes out spiffy, but then once it dries it goes back to the same condition, and it scratches up again from the slightest toothiness. I still like it though, it is probably older than me at 34 years. Plus the thing smokes like a champ, it's like an electric guitar compared to an accoustic or something.

It depends how much you want to nurse the thing in my experience. If you're paying full attention then you can keep it lit from the char light until there's nothing but ashes in the bottom, but who wants to smoke like that every time? Don't let the dog walk you heheh.
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I am also now on the market for a small pipe. I have a Peterson combination pouch and my Rattray's Majesty (Pic related) doesn't fit in it.

Any recommendations for quality pipes between £40-£60 ish?
itt tobacco addicts poorly cope. a true, modern /out/doorsman understands the dangers of tobacco and avoids it as he does not want to shorten his lifespan.
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One pipetuber I watched trying to get a review on some tobacco did the restoration thing and said there's no profit in it. Great way to get cheap pipes but you have to sell the ones you like.

Enjoy, it's been my favorite pipe.
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Ebay is pretty good for pipes in that range. I got a Peterson system pipe on there for £37 including P&P, was only lightly smoked. Has great grain in the briar, I picked it out of the 10 or so that were around that price at the time. Bargain for less than 40 delivered when they're 90 new.
(Not the one I bought)
>modern /out/doorsman
kys yourself
yes, modern. people from 50 years ago were being actively fooled by Big Tobacco. now that you have all of the knowledge you need righr at your fingertips, you have no reason to not take the right decisions.
I’d rather be like the people living 400-60 years ago than a modern faggot like you. Just saying.
i like to combine the positive aspects of the old times without the negatives. one of the negatives being the consumption of tobacco.
thanks man. I was totally fooled by big tobacco's propaganda until your comment itt. given up all pipe smoking now and put my pipes up on ebay. thanks again
You're a modern bitch who can't leave others to enjoy their things without acting like you've got a philosophy. Raised on screens to think somebody cares but no. The tobacco we use is not from "big tobacco" at all 90% of the time so go watch your anime or whatever.
i didn't realize big tobacco was growing in my yard & creating pipes in my shed
dear god, i've just come to a horrifying revelation!
could i be big tobacco!?
Ordered about 7oz of assorted tobacco (mostly aromatic) and a missouri meerschaum pipe as well as tamp and accessories only to have my package stolen. Ended up going to the only smokeshop near me that looked like they sold more than just weed products and picked up captain black original and some dinky corncob (not MM).

Smells great in pouch but the taste isn't really there for me at all, it feels like "hot air" and I'm wondering if you've had the same experience or not. Kind of disillusioned by the experience but I'm hoping it's either just the pipe, the moisture level, or maybe just the blend itself that's just shit.

Should clarify this is my first pipe experience, started smoking cigs when I was 13, vapes at 17, and a decade later I'm going back to cigs because vapes are a PITA and honestly pretty fucking gay.
>Smells great in pouch but the taste isn't really there for me at all, it feels like "hot air"
Gotta retrohale. Same with all tobacco, really, but especially with aromatics. Gotta get your nose and sinuses involved to get all the flavor.
I get some taste from just holding it in my mouth but as >>2744123 said you gotta retrohale to get all of the aroma and notes
I'm still learning with every pipe smoked being a bit different by experimenting with packing and lighting and the speed and temperature and I'm definitely getting better and getting a nicer, tastier experience (shame I burnt my fucking tongue when lighting the pipe yesterday)

I also smoked my first cigarillo a davidoff club white and if you're going to smoke get some cigarillos as the taste compared to cigs is miles better
I felt like I was retrohaling, but thinking about it now I may need to refine my technique. I also heard many online say it's just something you need to develop a palette for as well.

I've smoked cigars a handful of times and even some darky delights (black and mild) but im pretty sure I wouldn't make cigars/cigarillo my mainstay over pipes. While they definitely taste better than cigs, the burn time Is closer to pipes yet it's also fixed, you cannot have a 10 minute smoking experience without wasting the cigar/cigarillo imo.

More likely than not ill be enjoying cigars and other tobacco products more frequently (pipe or not), but ngl something about the pipe tickles my autism and inner reddit just right.
>I wouldn't make cigars/cigarillo my mainstay over pipes
I was more reffering to >>2744113 >a decade later I'm going back to cigs
as in cigarillos over cigs but I can see how they can bee too long of a smoke
but for me I'm never smoking cigarettes again when cigars and pipes are so vast and infinitely better
Hey guys I need some advice on tobacco care.
I want to know what is a good way to keep my tobacco good in my own container and not the stock I bought it in, it's covered in warning labels and pictures of people's rotting feet etc... honestly, the lengths they go to haha.
So, what kind of conditions should I keep the tobacco under? Can I use a metal tin like an altoids container? I see leather pouches but they look like they have no seal on them.
Share what you know, friends.
i should have elaborated more but yea that's the gist. cigs are more a "quick fix" kind of thing to me, something i primarily do for the nicotine. i plan to phase out smoking cigs if i can find a good pipe and tobacco combo but im not trying out pipes with the intent to use it as a cig replacement if that makes sense.
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fun fact: pipe smokers live longer and have less cancer than non-smokers.
amou haji, the world's dirtiest man, who lived in filth and squalor and poverty and smoked animal dung from an old iron plumbing pipe, lived to NINETY FUCKING FOUR (94).
Everyone who lives a long & healthy life has some kind of old traditional vice like wine, whiskey, or smoking.
I know a welsh farmer who is over75 at this point, last time i saw him he was mining rocks out of a mountain with a pickaxe, to build a house. he drinks whiskey every night.
sticks of death.
pipes of life.
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you heard it here first folks.
>He also promised to heal your body.
cancer? i think not, i got the lord on my side.
>any community has retarded gatekeepers like that
>the pipe-sucking community
you guys are cooked
>stop liking what I don't like!!
alcohol is worse than smoking
Mason jars with 2-part lids are best. But personally I just keep a bunch of bags in rolled/taped up sandwich bags in an old cigar box.
like >>2744385 said, mason jars are best, they'll last 10+ years without issue, also like he said, a ziplock bag is fine too
i do the scoop method of packing & a bag makes it way easier, and whatever i'm not currently smoking is kept in jars
This pipe was a dud. It is block meer (sticky when moist) but it seems too soft.

I took it out of the box and it immediately started picking up little marks as I handled it. I went to lightly remove them (very lightly) with my finger nail and it resulted in little indentations. Scratches from the lightest handling. The marks won't come off with a cloth either. Furthermore, it has a chip on the inside of the bowl that was not described.

I've never had one before, are they all this prone to damage? It makes my briar wood pipe and my cobs seem like heavy duty tools in comparison. Needless to say, I'm sending this thing straight back.

This is the only meerchaum that
>This is the only meerchaum that
RIP, looks like the mouth cancer finally got to you :(
I also have this fucker in my recommended lmao.
I first saw him on the side of a Julius Evola video.
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I mean, as a pipe smoking Gnostic who enjoys being /out/ myself, I’m sure he’s an alright guy and all, but I would NEVER advertise those things about me lol
I'm on holiday in an area where I have no access to shops.

how many times can I realistically reuse the same filter before it gets too disgusting or unhealthy?
if you use a filter you should know that
>using filters
Yes, they're all extremely soft like that. It's a clay like material that isn't fired. They're very damage prone.

I did the same thing to my meer not knowing, I tried to remove a blemish with a fingernail gently, boom. Permanently marred now.

There is a layer of beeswax on the outside most likely and that is possibly what both of us damaged in our cases.

I am not concerned with my meer being perfect, small flaws and discoloration is part of enjoying a meer. I'd never use a meer as an /out/ pipe, simply too fragile.

Now, the undisclosed chip you describe, that I would be investigating. Chips aren't normal unless it was dropped or something. They're fragile but not THAT fragile. It was either dropped and not disclosed by the seller, or damaged in shipping.
I am somewhat swayed by your mentality. Maybe I was just building the problems up in my post-purchase regretfulness. The scratches are absolutely tiny, I'm sure it will pick up a lot more like a guitar does over the years. The chip on the inside of the bowl is tiny and will be covered by tobacco/ash almost all of the time. I can probably get the finger marks off with a damp flannel if I try. I'll think about it, since the it's a workhorse pipe not a historic artifact. Maybe it's a good way of getting a feel for using them for if I get another and treat it very finely.
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Cheers for the giggle.
Yeah on the chip that's up to you whether it's worth messing with returns on. That very well could have been the artist who carved it slipping with a tool even.

It'll pick up marks as you use it for sure. I figured I was going to make mistakes with my first meer too so I didn't spend a ton either. Just be gentle with it and it'll pick up a nice patina. Hell, look at estate meers, they're all over the place in color and often have small marks and such.

Same logic with my wristwatches. I don't bother polishing them, I treasure every minor nick and scratch, over time a shiny watch becomes almost like a bushed or tumbled finish.

Everything leaves the factory close to perfect.
Nothing remains that way forever or even for long.
It's up to you to let it age gracefully.

Still wouldn't take one /out/ tho. The time I would have spent coloring it isn't worth the risk breaking it.

Post a pic of your pipe as received. It can't be too bad, no?
I find that smoking a pipe can be quite intense, both in taste and nicotine, for those who aren't accustomed to it. I only seem to 'get used' to a pipe after I've smoked one. However, for health reasons, I deliberately abstain for a few days afterward—everything in moderation. This results in me yearning for the pipe during the period when I am intentionally abstaining. Once I smoke again, any tolerance I had built up is lost, and I don't find it as enjoyable as if I were to smoke every day.
You live in a country that put people in internment camps over covid LMAO. Just move away already
People need to stop going to the doctors. They lie to you just to get experience doing surgeries, they have no morals. They work with and cause death every single day and is still top three leading causes of people to die. They are retards who don't care if you die, or if they are the one who killed you.
I'd imagene you could take a plane to Inonesia, or any of those third-worlds and purchase cheap tobacco.
Those countries don't tax it as much, so just buy as much as you can
>"P-p-pipe smoking will give you cancer!"
So will smoked foods apparently and I'd rather kill your concerned ass than stop eating that.
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Decided to buy one. Neat little pipe at 5 inches, looking forward to giving it a gentle first smoke.
are there other pipes that I can just buy and smoke right after without any bullshit like a corn one?
simple clay pipes
theres like 2 styles of clay pipes
one thats sorta like a horn / cornucopia on the inside
and another thats a bowl with the hole in the bottom (same type as >>2745881)
i prefer the basic bowl heavily, as with that, nomatter how shit you pack it or literally whatever you pack it with, it'll burn the whole way through perfectly & without effort
the ones that have a deep funnel hole honestly suck to use, they're finicky to pack & clog easily; historically, they stopped using them in favor of the latter too
doesn't help that we don't have candles & lanterns everywhere to stoke the bowl's temp either
also, be very gentle when emptying the pipes, you can crack the stem if you beat on them, had that happen to my first one, felt so stupid
and don't try the "cleaning" practices you'll see on them unless they're COMPLETELY dry, otherwise you will crack it
thats about it with them though, they're super easy smokers, probably the easiest to smoke out of any other pipe
Cheap clay pipes are actually how blenders test out tobaccos and blends. They have a neutral taste, don’t ghost, and smoke well brand new. Only problem is they get hot so you can’t hold it, and they break fairly easily. But they’re usually only $10-$15, so they’re absolutely worth it. They’re great to sample new blends too.
*can’t hold it by the bowl I should say. If you see paintings from olden times, people hold clay pipes by the stem because the bowl gets too hot.
You are modern faggot
thank you for the advice anons :)
I'm looking for an antique clay pipe (100+ years old) that is in good condition. I think it'd round out a collection in the long-run.
They're fairly common to find. Google mud larking and you might be able to take a trip or get in touch with someone who can sell you a find.
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What do you think? Has to be the most "perfect" one I've ever seen in terms of how consistent the pattern is. The carver was drinking the good coffee that day.
That's really nice, the style itself, and the handywork!
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Usually you see where they've kinda messed up, and then kind of fixed it by incorperating it into the pattern. Then a few fuckups kind of add to the overall charm when you really, really look at these things. After reading this thread I decided to go down the rabbit hole and look at everything available on the market. These carved designs can be somewhat gaudy coming from a briar perspective, where the wood is dark or at least already honey coloured to begin with, but this one appears to be the real deal from the 10 hours I've spent scouring what is available on the market.
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hell yeah, mother fucker
Is there a way to smoke pipe tobacco out of a hookah? You’d think that since latakia and various orientals come from the Middle East, they would have those ready to smoke in hookah form. All I ever see for hookah are flavored tobaccos like mint, watermelon, or strawberry. I’d love a hookah lounge to have the incense-y smell of latakia lingering around.
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Did I get lucky on these old pipe stands? both for $15 on ebay. Instead of keeping pipes on every free windowsill/shelf in the room (I won't stop buying them) they can be housed them all in one corner now. For some reason this creates a sense of relief.
>Be me, based zoomer
>Use Zyn while outdoors
>Peaceful, no odor, super pleasurable buzz and tingle
>4chan Gen Xers seethe because it isnt trad enough
(I actually think pipes are cool I just don't want to buy tobacco for it)
>be faggot
>be pround of it
Yes, considering even cheap pipe stands on Smokingpipes are in the $40-$50 range. I’d say you got a very good deal.
How often do you guys usually smoke?
depending on the day 1-3 times
most of the time just once though
looks fantastic, anon
god damn I love the smell of birch pitch. I put some on the stem of my peterson's after I fucked it with rubbing alcohol. (vulcanite hates solvents)
it's mostly back to black-ish with some light hazing on one part.
I smoke on my hour drive to and from work. I start early in the morning, driving at about 6am. I'm finished work by 4am, so enjoy another leisurely smoke then. On my days off I almost never smoke, unless I'm working outside.
some days i don't smoke, but when i do, its usually 1-2 times, with an occasional 3
i don't have many pipes, so i try to give them time to dry out
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whats the main way you guys process plug tobacco?
i hear a vegetable peeler is good to shred it, should i use that?
also, should i shred the whole thing, or only a a little bit?
I guess it depends on how dry you want it to be
Cut with a knife against the grain into whatever size mulch you want, cut more than you need because it can take longer to dry. You can do ribbons with some plugs, but that doesn't look like one of them.
you do shavings with a sharp knife and mash the shaving between fingertips. be aware of a little bit shavings springs out into a huge mountain after mashing it.
My pipes just haven’t been tasting good the past few weeks. I think it’s officially cigar season for me. If I could smoke inside I’d probably smoke my pipe in the summer months, but the heat is making smoking a pipe pretty difficult. 108 degrees just doesn’t allow the pipe to smoke cool or dry. Guess I’ll wait until late September.
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Anyone send pipes back in the past?

This Ropp pipe (>>2745841) turned out to be a dud. The mouthpiece whistles with anything more than the slightest of pulls. It doesn't do it when you breathe through it, oh no, only when you want to use it as an actual pipe. At first I thought I could use it to learn how to slow down and draw gently, but there are times when it simply goes out unless you use it like some sort of clownish whistle-pipe oddity. I've tried to dislodge whatever is creating the sound but it won't budge due to the curved shape of the stem. Sent this cringe flute straight back to smokingpipes.eu unsmoked.

Then I ordered this one with the "vintage"(1980s) briar and the bone stem, which should have been the first purchase.

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