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Next month I'm starting a 3 month long camping/traveling trip to Denali, Katmai, Kenai Fjords, and Lake Clark national parks. PART of the trip is guided, but not all of it. I do have bear spray packed, but also own a little ruger lcr 357 snubby revolver that I plan to pack with. Is it retarded, given the length of the trip, to instead purchase another packing pistol? There won't be any hunting during this trip. I have other guns but they're either pocket pistols or a 20" shotgun I'm not lugging around for weeks at a time.

Of course I have bear bags, know not to cook food in the open or leave food, etc. I'm trying to minimalize encounters entirely.
if you're worried about Grizz I would bring at least a .44mag if not a .500SW

i know they make revolvers in 45-70 but they're too big
>I'm trying to minimalize encounters entirely
You're going during salmon migration season and you're trying to minimalize encounters in close proximity to rivers?
they don't have grizzly bears here, Americans really need to get educated about Europe for fucks sake. Only dangerous bears norway has are in Svalbard, you probably never heard of that because you're a retarded American though.
This is Alaska, anon.
Pack the shotgun
12ga loaded with brenneke slugs is the Alaska standard
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In parts of AK, bears out number people, and AK has the largest brown bears (both interior grizzlies, and coastal browns, especially coastal browns) and polar bears in the world. The Danes in Greenland adopted American guns for dealing with aggressive polar bears, because they work and Americans have the most experience with dangerous game encounters in the world (and has had the most active hunters of any nation on Earth for 100+ years). In the western expansion during blackpowder years, western frontiersmen reported animals that easterns did not believe, and western frontiersmen developed their own standards (eg .54 cal hot loaded mountain guns for rocky mountain grizzlies and elk). You will see bears in AK if you hang around long enough, they might not attack you but it is better to be prepared than caught with your pants down in a pinch so to speak. Anchorage itself has moose, grizzlies, black bears, and wolves in town despite being the industrial shithole it is.
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They're not talking about fucking Svalbard though, are they, you fucking yurotrash retard?
Anon read Fjords and had a meltdown.
The irony
where do you find these guided trips?
Have you tried asking chatgpt where to find guided Alaska hunting trips?

You could Google it but chatgpt uses like 40x more resources.
Are you already located in Alaska or flying?
If you are going over the Canadian border by land you should be aware that there is a lot of paperwork and restrictions around bringing firearms into the country and if you are an American travelling alone with camping gear there is a very high chance they will search your car to be sure you aren't lying.
good thing you're not hunting because lmao @ the cost of licenses for non-residents
t. resident
What's living in Alaska like?
I'm not big on hunting anyway, and I'd want to transport it all home. I can't imagine flying out hundreds of pounds of moose to throw in my deep freeze.
food costs too much and it's annoying sometimes to get stuff shipped here
aside from that it's great
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I posted what you're replying to and I'm Canadian. We have Grizz and Polar Bears you faggot ass non. I carry my 12gauge or my .308 when I venture into bear land because we can't (legally) carry handguns innawoods.

OP should take advantage of the ability to tote a magnum revolver, it's an excellent defence and with a few shots it would scare off and possibly kill even a polar bear.

Not sure if you are a troll or just some drunk eurofag, but seriously eat a bag of dicks.
Folding stock Tac13 with 1OZ slugs
I'm not lugging around a 6lb rifle everywhere.
>Is it retarded
Any pistol is going to be 100% useless.
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This guy disagrees.
a 10mm glock 20 is my go to when i want something bigger than a 9 but not a full rifle. weight is comparable between a handgun and a can of bear spray. for near a decade now I've been carrying a g19 and RDS and 147 gr hollow points. Even in bear country. I'm a lot more worried about people than bears.

most ballistics arguments are REEEEEEE. if a dozen hits of 9mm didn't do the job it's unlikely 10mm would have. if you're going hunting take the best tool for the job, a large caliber rifle. otherwise your weight and time is better spent on prevention and deterrence
Handgun ballistics on bears and handgun ballistics on humans aren't the same. In a human you want to avoid over-penetration because of a potential crowd or target behind the shooter, just look at alec baldwin's fatal over penetration shot. Meanwhile, over penetration on a bear doesn't really exist, you need to hit those deeply protected vitals.
>weight is comparable between a handgun and a can of bear spray
explain this. I dont have a gun but have shot plenty of 9mm pistols and they all weighed more than 11 oz which is what bear spray weighs. not saying guns are heavy or bad just confused by the comparison
>Any pistol is going to be 100% useless.
wut. most sucessful defense of bear attacks with guns are with pistols. Dangerous encounters almost never afford the time to use a long gun
This guy
Had a rifle, and his son killed the bear with a .454 pistol because he couldn't shoulder the rifle in time. A 1,000lb grizzly was able to clear ~50ft in 4 strides.
Nice to know your life isn't worth 6lbs of additional pack weight.
Stats disagree. Pistols have the most usefulness in bear attacks and have killed or deterred the most bears. There are only a handful of rare cases of them not deterring a bear during an attack, one of the more famous ones was when a 1,000lb sow ate 4 rounds of 300gr 44 magnum and still mauled the guy, he survived and the bear actually left after the last shot which went through her eye socket, the bear didn't die right away. The guy only shot his gun once before the incident. Other cases are straight up neglect and not taking proper care of being always aware of your surroundings, such as two hunters cleaning their ungulate kill and getting ambushed by a bear and despite not being able to grab their rifles one of them had a pistol (but left it in his bag off his person) but was caught completely off guard and had a deer in the headlights moment and his lapse of action, awareness of his surroundings and due diligence of always having your sidearm ready near you or on your person and knowing how and when to use it resulted in him being mauled to death. Other people have effectively warded off or even killed grizzlies with 9mm by getting enough accurately placed shots off in time. The two specific cases I gave both happened in the lower 48 in the last 3 years. Complacency kills, even experienced outdoorsmen.
Correction, the first example was within the last 3 years or so, the 2nd example was 2018.
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>1,000lb sow
So a world record sow?
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Shit advice. Get a gun you can shoot well and actually hit something more than once with
T.alaskan hunting guide
Clearly you've never been to a walmart in Baltimore
Its not about killing its about deterring. No pistol will stop a bear so multiple on target shots is better if going with pistols. Ar-15 would work great. The smallest Rifle rounds are superior to any pistol
>pistols do the least damage in my video game so they'll never work in real life
The saddest part is it's still pretty easy to educate yourselves, but you'll probably never do it before the internet goes to shit and becomes unusable. You'll be this retarded forever.
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Also andrew skurka did 7k miles around alaska with no gun. Just bear spray but now some hikers are carrying airhorns instead or both. So any firearm at a minimum is going to have an a noise affect which is going to be 80% effective.hitting the bear with a bullet is going to be 99% effective. Bears could kill 100% of the time if there brains were a little bigger so 99% is good. Hiking with a chambered 300 win mag might get you to 99.9 percent but it ain’t worth it. I’d say your pistol with .38 special loads and bear spray will get you 99.98% protection. But a bear attack in ak is unlikely because bars are afraid of humans because they’re hunted
Ive shot grizzly bear and have guided many grizzly bear kills. I carry glock 43 or 30-06. Both if i have a bow hunter.
do not kill ber, ber a fren, it's his home you broke into, fucker

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