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Is OFF going to give me cancer? I hate mosquitoes so much.
>be floridian
>too hot and humid for long sleeves or pants
>mosquitos 2x size and 4x quantity as any other state
I know the feel anon. I generally avoid off as much as possible because chemicals
Texas anon here. They really aren't even bad yet this season but I just got out of my tent and I got hit by a wall of juvenile morning active mosquitos.
I was in Kenya where the mosquitos can be quite bold. You walk along and they follow you if you're foreign and have rare blood, they hardly even try to hide the fact that they are coming for you. Then, the girl i was with there had a genetic immunity -- she refused to wear any spray and only got bitten once in 10 days/nights. I got a 2-4 bites every time I let the spray wash off or lose its potency. But being from England I hardly have to deal with them -- 1-2 bites per summer. Over there it was something to think about so I took extra-strong stuff and it worked well as long as I remembered to re-spray myself every 5 hours.
Drink a lot of vinegar and they'll stop biting you
Severe acidemia vs absorbing DEET hmm
Drinking vinegar won't give you acidemia, you massive pussy. If you can't handle it then just water it down or make a drink out of it like switchel.
I actually like this idea. But how much do you have to drink? I bet it makes your piss burn your pecker or something.
Nah, it takes less than half a cup a day. Last year I drank watered down switchel with lemons while I was gardening and I completely stopped getting bit. I recommend getting an apple cider vinegar with the yeast in it, but any vinegar will work.
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I started carrying these innawoods, I don't give a fuck. I hate spraying myself with repellent.
Are you saying you walk around holding it while it's burning?
No, I'm on a bike so I'm safe as long as I'm moving, but when I stop, I immediately light one of those.
California here. What's a mosquito? Sounds Muslim in nature.
That makes a lot more sense.
It's basically a flying tick that leaves behind itchy red welts. Mosque-ito is pretty funny though.
Are you in socal? North California is infested with them.
Buddy of mine was a army medic and says to eat a shit ton of oranges before going somewhere you expect a lot of mosquitos to be. Something about the acid in orange pisses them off and they'll smell it on your sweat. Whenever I go on an /out/ experience with him he never has problems with boogs while I get swarmed so I think he's onto something.
I drink a ton of vinegar and the mosquitoes still love me. I go through a gallon of ACV a month. I mix it with cinnamon, a small amount of sweetener and a lot of water. I drink it all day, every day. But those mosquitoes keep biting. I drink it for my health, not mosquitoes, so I'm drinking it regardless.
That's crazy. Maybe try oranges like >>2734493 suggested. I was getting eaten alive last year until I started drinking switchel. I would cut up a couple oranges and a lemon and put them in peels and all, but I would use the same fruit for days so I really doubt it was the citrus keeping them away.
If you're adding the orange and lemon peels, maybe it's the citronella oil that's getting into your system? Or are you getting the same effect with just vinegar? Drinking vinegar doesn't really effect blood pH. The bodies endocrine system balances it back out, otherwise you'd end up with acidosis/acidemia. So I don't think it's the acid that's doing it for you. I am also O+ so mosquitos have always been more strongly attracted to me(anecdotally). The only thing that keeps them off of me is deet and permitherin(clothing treatment).
I used to get eat up by mosquitos growing up. Was always outside and in the woods. 5 years ago I moved to my current property and started farming. 3 years ago, mosquitos just stopped biting me altogether. It is very strange. The same with ticks, I haven't had a tick or mosquito bite in 3 years. Chiggers will still eat me alive, though. The best I can figure is changes to my diet, raw milk, hunted meat, fish, eggs, etc but I have no idea if this is why. Still no mosquito bite this year even when the people around me are getting bit. No, I don't have gay aids
Despite the name and the smell, citronella oil and it's main constituent chemicals citronellal, citronellol and geraniol aren't really found in citrus fruit, except geraniol which has small concentrations in lemons. Citronella is made from lemongrass usually. These chemicals are all antiseptics as well as insect repellents.
Ah, I've seen those citrus oil insect repellent "natural" deet alternatives and always assumed it was citronella. My mistake. I'm still wondering if it was the citrus or the vinegar. I'll try adding some lemon peel to my ACV drink and see if I notice a difference.
It's not the acidity that does it, it's supposed to be the effect that the vinegar has on your sweat, similar to the effect garlic has on your sweat. If it were the citrus then all you'd need is about 4 oranges and 2 lemons a week, but I doubt that's the case.
I'm very interested in your results. Let us know how it goes. Good luck, anon
Do you guys get malaria over there?
We get a few mosquitos here, but nothing serious. Sandflies are the problem. They're noisy and you can generally feel them bite, but they come in their thousands.
A couple of pieces of vegemite on toast will have them going for whoever doesn't eat it, but if you're on your own you're still fair game though to a lesser degree.
Might work with skeeters too, give it a go.
Further to last, if you do decide to try it, spread it as per pic - anyone outside NZ/Oz/UK/SA pour the shit on like jam and gag on it.
Buy the Oz made stuff, the UK made is shit by comparison.
>Do you guys get malaria over there?
No, we eradicated it sometime in the 50s.
the replies in this thread...

sit close by fire. bugs will stay away.

wear hoodie, gloves, tuck pants into socks

the mosquitos proboscises arent long enuf to go thru the clothes and ur skin. plus if ur clothes r shifting around their proboscis will break.. clothes plus fire will keep them away. if ur moving they cant keep up. stay away from stagnant bodies of water they lay eggs in them. they can also lay eggs in small puddles or even leaves with water in them after a rainfall. i notice they tend to come out at certain times of day, usually in the evening. it must be related to their life cycle. theyre usually not out during the hot noon or morning. also being in sparse areas with lots of wind keeps them away.
also if the problem is around ur house, compost food scraps and let the grass grow long. this will increase biodiversity and larger insects and spiders will predate the mosquitos
just smoke your clothing in garlic
>Is OFF going to give me cancer?
Many products are sold under the Off! brand name. Check the label. If it says DEET, then it will be effective. And give you cancer.
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Not big on Vegemite in my adult years but bought a jar of Vegemite & Cheese (Formerly Vegemite Cheesy bite, Formerly iSnack 2.0, formerly Vegemite "Name me") the other day and smashed it in 2 days all by myself because I'm a fat cunt and it was fucken yummy.

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How good is Ultrathon? I used it once as a kid with great results.
Gnats are a problem in my screened in patio. I'm thinking of getting a zapper or thermacell. Any suggestions?
Everything is going to give you cancer.
>too hot and humid for long sleeves or pants
No it's not.
i used to be so affected by mosquito bites but when i got into nudism and just inevitably got a lot of bites on my body when i was naked so over time just got immune to it where now if i get a bite its a little itchy but it goes away shortly after. its so cool. probably only works for the local variety though
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this stuff is supposed to be pretty good
this happened to me too except im not a nudist, i worked outside. Eventually they just started having a hard time biting me. They come up and then they seem to get confused and fuck off, and when they do bite it barely itches. its like im always wearing off and afterbite now
Thermacell's are expensive AF but they work amazing!!
I use permethrin on my clothes, a neck gaiter, and a wide brimmed hat. Neck gaiter can be pulled up above the ears if gnats and bugs around your ears get really bad. Or a surplus mosquito net. Long sleeve always, as thin as possible, but mosquitos can bite through underarmor. Might have to break out the ripstop Nylon/Cotton blends. Obviously don't put permethrin on the neck gaiter as you have it on your face and breathe through it. Get one with a mesh-like front to prevent fogging of glasses and absurd heat retention rather than full cheap ass polyester/underarmor material; Walmart has some Mossy Oak ones around the hunting section and IIRC they're now with the turkey hunting calls for some stupid reason. About $4-5. That's been my solution for hunting, at least.
>20 % DEET
it's all the same shit, lolja. Just don't put it on synthetic fabric
And don't get it on prescription glasses; absolute smeary mess to get off the plastic lenses.

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