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What went wrong /out/?
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you're about 60 years late on that
>Muh Televison made kids stop going outside

Ugh no boomer it didn't.
neither are phones & computers
kids are going outside plenty, its just that when they're inside they're on the phone or computer
the main issue is in urban areas, when they call the cops on groups of kids trying to do shit, whether or not they're even causing trouble
so if you want an answer: its adults that don't like youths
>neither are phones & computers

I beg to differ.

>kids are going outside plenty, its just that when they're inside they're on the phone or computer

I never see them anymore.

>the main issue is in urban areas, when they call the cops on groups of kids trying to do shit, whether or not they're even causing trouble
>so if you want an answer: its adults that don't like youths

I think it is all the above adults that don't like youth as well as the mass adoption of smartphones in the early 2010s the iPad being released in 2010 and the rise of social media.
Teach a kid how to shoot a pellet gun.
Good keep your ugly little goblins inside so I don't have to see their stupid faces or hear them screaming

People like you are what's wrong with society today.
kidnappers around every corner
What a meaningless thing to say

Fake news.
i don't really see how social media or phones are keeping a child inside, if anything, they'd WANT to go outside, to show off shit they see
the few kids i've recently talked to / seen have no issue going outside
another thing to take into account is the helicopter parents that can't let a child be alone for even 1 second, especially the fucking facebook moms who control a child's life completely because they themselves have no control over theirs
additionally, children these days aren't interested in toys as much as they are interested in collectables, and most toys you see now are pretty fucking dogshit
i grew up in the 2000-2010s, and watched as toys became boring vacuum molded trash heaps which only feature is that they "have lights & sound", all while costing to such an extent that even i, as a child, thought "yeah, not for that price"
videogames, and later, youtube, were a much more interesting avenue than playing with toys, as they have an almost infinite replayability, with tons of secrets & details, and youtube had anything from people talking about science & history to machinimas & letsplays

Most toys nowadays aren't for kids they are for adult man-children.
Same reason you and I are on our devices right now instead of being on swings
>he think kids went outside in 2004
Anon, i...

I grew up at the time we did still go outside.
>Stop maintaining places to go /out/
>Boomerify /out/ locations with regulations and dumb infrastructure planning
>Make your kids dependent on you to drive them anywhere worth going
Gee I wonder.
>first point
Wrong about violent crime. Picrel

>the rest of it
sure. but blaming it on jews rather than greed more generally is a little retarded
this is fucking bullshit, I was burning my retinas on that gameboy advance 24/7 back then. kids are doing the same shit just with better technology
>year 1993
>almost 1% of population commiting violent crimes on average
>almost 5% doing property crimes
>9 intentional homicides per 100k
lmao, the american dream, amirite? no wonder you have all those gated communities everywhere
This. The retarded post is just more boomer shit
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the future is now, old man


I played gameboy too but also still went outside faggot.
When it comes to social stuff there are first second and third places.

First - home
second - work
third - any place you go on a regular basis to see friends.

Most places are gatekept nowadays or cost money not only that but with the advent of the smart phone most people go to third places and then go on their phone and browse social media.
People also usually meet up with their friend before going to these placss completely ruining the experience of meeting them at the third place to begin with.

Ill use an example.
When i was a kid my friends and i would make plans to meet up at the skate park
we'd spend time there before we went anywhere else.
Nowadays people will go to their friends house or pick up their friend in their car before going anywhere
they can then use that time to catch up in their car. People do all of this simply because of how social media has twisted peoples minds about safety.
it's a lot safer to travel in numbers than it is to fucking travel on your own and then meet up with them later at the specified location. People would rather text you than wait to talk to you irl on a friday night at the bar or club.

What's killed going outside is simply structuring and the ease of communication. I remember when we had slide and flip phones
you'd send like a couple texts a day tops because those things were a bitch to type on so you'd end up calling each other or waiting till you hung out to catch up.
Now you can just face time someone or send them a fucking article and boom in
less than 5 minutes you've caught up on an entire weeks worth of time.

peolle are also a lot more anti-social due to ease of use. Why go hang out with your friends when you can just log into a game like vrchat and see them instantly? why go hang out with your friends when they can all get in discord and hear you talk on there?
I can't really fault children for playing on the phone or computer. It's the parents' job to police that up. Sorta relevant story
>Ex and I go to brunch on a Sunday because we were hungover
>Minute or two after we get seated a family of 4 is seated next to us
>Within 15 seconds of being seated, parents hand the kids each a tablet
>Kids ignore each other, husband and wife on the phone occasionally making small talk to each other
It just kinda stuck with me. If the kids were getting antsy, (not tantrum antsy, but stressed) I'd understand it, but these kids were given a screen like it was an expected part of a sit-down meal; as natural as chips and salsa at a Mexican restaurant.
The Boomers and Early GenX crowd had a hate boner for any hobbies that developed after their prime. It took a lot of time before things like skateparks were considered acceptable additions to a public park system. Nearly any sport outside of football, basketball, hockey, tennis, golf, soccer, and baseball was considered some niche crap that's not worth public investment or even permission. As a result, there was a decade or so in the late 90s and early 00s where the only non-hoodlum activities for a teen were TV, video games, and eventually internet shitposting. As those of us who grew up in that era are now getting married and having kids, and only a minority are positioned to have their kids doing cool shit.
Good thing only a complete chromosomal trainwreck of a moron would legitimately believe it's possible to gatekeep the outdoors
a lot of basically unfounded hype around child predators got pushed around so boomer and Xer moms who slavishly just do whatever is on TV took their kids off the streets, a major victory for the increasing social nanny state we live in
The problem is adults that actively hate children and don't want them playing outside. In urban or suburban areas you're liable to get the police called on you just for playing sports or skating outside. Also there are simply fewer activities for children in general unless the parents have the money to put their kids in some activity group or take them to the zoo or something. Somewhere along the line Americans society became hostile to the idea of children and families.
Reminds me of how we're just now seeing pickleball courts despite it being really popular for decades now. My town built a skatepark and now there's kids outside there all the time too.
>Same reason you and I are on our devices right now
Taking a dump?
i was born in 93 and my dad insisted on my being raised as if I was in the 1960's IE: no video games, screens, anything. he'd just give me a baseball glove/hockey stick and kick me outside all the time

... well.. I grew up really socially maladjusted because I was always just the kid wandering outside. all the other kids were just inside and the ones who were outside were with their friends that they met inside..

I eventually made a couple of friends and I would just wander outside until it was appropriate to go over and want to stay inside at theres. both times I got banned from going over temporarily because I was always going over all the fucking time but in hindsight I think the parents knew something was wrong at home and put up with me.

outside is a desert.. and it was purposely made that way. you are dead on.. anything other than a taxpaying adult is not a priority. Life in most of north america is a hellscape of indifferent adults and boredom until you can have a car and then all of the sudden you are now an adult and have to do everything yourself and the cycle repeats..

video games, ipads, and youtube kids aren't destroying kids brains, its the other way around. Society is, it's left absolutely nothing for kids to do EXCEPT be on the closest thing to mind-numbing drugs that is legally available to them to unironically numb the pain of a society that sees them as extra baggage until they can pay taxes. See western policy on immigration.. now they want to remove this unlucrative taxpaying base all together.. they don't care about replacing whites, they want to replace children. They want a society of 90% taxpaying, labour producing ADULTS
Did you know that you can take your kids to the park and have full control over their devices, like ownership of them in the first place?
Crazy I know.
If to go by how it went with me, it's most probably getting a computer with internet access.
Social media turned parents in pariahs using their kids for clout
the difference is 20 years ago my parents were constantly telling me to get off the computer and go outside. but now every parent I see seems very eager to give their kids a phone to shut them up. it's a parenting issue more than anything.
that being said, I still went out plenty, and I still see lots of kids outside. no matter how good gadgets get, it doesn't beat looking at real life bugs and plants with the childlike imagination you are bestowed with.
TV isn't a problem and kinda never was. After like an hour you got bored because there was nothing good on, and you'd go and try and find something else to do.
With social media you can just doomscroll until the world ends.
>Social media turned parents in pariahs using their kids for clout

That too.
>the difference is 20 years ago my parents were constantly telling me to get off the computer and go outside. but now every parent I see seems very eager to give their kids a phone to shut them up. it's a parenting issue more than anything.

>as natural as chips and salsa at a Mexican restaurant.
Don't remind me. All the Mexican restaurants near me have stopped giving out free chips and salsa. You have to pay $1 now.
My kids are turbo /out/ists. Cope and seethe, shackled urbanites.
Because communities became less local and the government stopped funding play parks, if you meet someone who's like 60 they would of went to school all in the same town and all their friends are from the same town, they could go out and only spend like 20 cent nowadays every kid gets a bus from a different town to school none of their friends live next door and you need like $10 to have a good time
People still go /out/, if you live in the city though then there's nowhere to go that's actually fun. If you grow up in the country where there's actually countryside to explore (eg. forests, creeks, hilly terrain etc) then kids like to go outside.
A sense of exploration and discovery is a major part of enjoying being on an outside adventure, especially for a kid, and the local park with manicured lawns and a car park doesn't deliver that. Often what interesting parks that have a semblance of nature aren't really safe. Even having a large backyard with some features like a little river and some rocks will provide a safe space for really young kids to develop their outdoor enjoyment, which in a city you just can't have.
Unfortunately, if you haven't grown up with access to this stuff, it's easy to become an adult without an appreciation of nature, or even a fear of it.
most adults today have a fear of everything. They don't know anything and are afraid of everything as a result. This is how you get them saying crazy shit about random foreigners when most foreigners, especially ones from White countries, are just chill normal people who want to live in their country in peace as much as you do. It's just the world we live in now
Millennials are the worst parents of all time.
we live in an aspergers filled world
Gen X comes pretty close
parent's don't know how to encourage kids to have fun outside.

When I go camping with family i'll spend like $10 at the dollar store on shitty little yard toys for nieces and nephews because I know how boring it can be listening to the adults the entire time. Then i'll walk off and hide something nearby so they go out as a group and explore around for it. Write shitty little clues on a piece of paper so they feel like detectives.

They eat it up and it's always their favourite part about going /out/. I know it's different from when we were kids where we'd go off and make up our own little games with friends/cousins but kids are accessing computers and phones at a much younger age and love it so you need to encourage them to have a reason to go out and be kids
Based. You sound like a good dude
Partly an excuse to get away from my sister and her husband bickering all night as well. It's basically like our vacation because none of us are rich to fuck off to another country so I just want it fun and memorable for everyone.
the outdoors were never fun in my opinion. why go outside and look at trees when you can play videogames, draw, read books, watch movies, listen to music, etc?

even parents agree nowadays thats why they dont give a fuck if their kid spends all day on the pc because everyone else does too.
>I never see them anymore
You wouldn't see them as an adult unless you have kids and are bringing them where other kids will be, like Parks. I see kids all the time
The only kids I see outside nowadays are spoiled white punks with weak parents, aping towelhead looks and mannerism while vandalizing public infrastructure with impunity.
This trash is in sore need of an educational beating, am sick of them. The scum seem to have increased in numbers tenfold.
It's funny their behaviour is spotless when they are traveling alone.
I wonder how many angry replies I would have gotten if I had made this exact same post
>the year World of Warcraft came out
maybe a few years before that, sure
>imagine uploading a pic of your own children to 4chan
Anon, what the fuck are you doing?
>kids are going outside plenty

my mileage varies.
i'm pushing 40. i remember when i was a kid my street was full of kids playing cricket and shit like that.
i didn't play with them, though. i was an early adopter of screen life. also, almost all of them went to a different school than i did.
i have never seen a street like that since i was a boy.
at my last house i didn't even realize it until about a year in that there were actually kids in multiple houses in that street.
i only found out when i had to go speak to my next-door neighbours about something.
ok boomer
When you were a kid, were the streets littered with knife-wielding meth addicts, unsheltered pedophiles, used heroin needles, human shit, drug stashes, and encampments occupied by drunks, thieves and rapists? Was your city letting them set up camp at the local parks and trails? Wasn't like this when I was a kid. If there was a single weird guy at the park, someone's dad would eventually show up and beat him with a maglight.
I don't even see kids trick or treating anymore. In the 90s kids were all over the streets. I blame video games, TV, and internet.
They changed how crime was reported. This is misleading as fuck otherwise it becomes obvious immigration has fucked crime in the US. They also report a lot of Mexicans as white in crime reports.

t. cop
If you get rid of LA, NYC, Chicago, Detroit, and DC the US violent crime rate drops to that of Switzerland.
my wife took the bionicles. bros, what do I do?
I had a Gameboy back then around that year and so did others in my family. Take those rose tinted glasses off OP
Divorce. Bionicles are based
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My kid always enjoyed hiking, we used to go all the time. Now I'm too fat :(
Does your kid still hike?
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the cancer... it spread so fast
nah she's not old enough to go on her own
i wish my family taught me to fish
or hunt
or camp
or do fucking anything thank god i found this site i have no idea what i would have been wtihout it
screens are drugs. All these kids are drug addicts. Digital drugs no different than heroin. Future generations would be bewildered at how backwards and ignorant we were. We will look stupider than the romans all drinking lead all day.

I did too faggot and yet i still went outside sometimes.

Not everyone played that game, and 2000s teens still went outside because back then unlike today actual tween/teen culture still existed.

Nowadays there is only childhood and adulthood no in-between like there used to be.
>if you live in the city though then there's nowhere to go that's actually fun
it's just this honestly, everyone lives in cities now. where the fuck is a kid suposed to go alone in a city?
both parents also work full time and the grandparents might live far away, how do you raise a kid in these conditions? and they wonder why the birthrate is so low
Blame boomers and their children who refused to teach the newer generations how to do anything, outdoors related or not.
well, as a former kindergarten teacher, with a specialty in nature and outdoor education.
very few parents engage in out door activities, parents are increasingly less willing to let their kids experience "risk" in any way even though, those are extremely valuable learning moments
personally also seen some of the /in/ kinda kids bully the /out/ kids.
every kindergarten ive worked at i would very quickly find out what kids actually like being outside, jumping in puddles, looking for squirrels etc etc. and i would just ignore the "baby shark Ipad kids"

funny story, one kindergarten i worked at had a real problem with stinging nettles, so one day, i tought the oldest kids, who were interested in nature, how to safely pick them, and turn them into small pieces of rope. kids felt dope, they learned a skill, nettles gone from the playground in less then a week

should mention, i am in scandi-land, so i cant really speak for other countries how it is there
Helicopter parents and libcucks
tween and teen culture still exists
it's staying power is complete crap in comparison to the early 2000s' emo that stayed for years before fading into obsurity in the 10s.
Most cultural stuff with teena lasts about a week before something new pops up
that's why kids are so fucking weird and their personalities come off as fake.
they have nothing to build it on
it's just social media and it's consequences. Every teen wants to be popular and cool so instead if latching onto something and sticking with it theh just go to the next thing.
forgot sage was atill in my name field
This is so prevelant that it can be seen in the earliest of zoomers born in the late 90s.
>noooo you need to spend 20 dollars and get a certificate to do any activity that all humans have done forever
>get off my private property!! (public park they can see from their window)
Greed and lead poisoning.
Over the last 20 years, social media and marketers have perfected the formula required to create hyperaddicting smartphone and tablet technology/apps. They have figured out the perfect combination of colors, sounds, and transition times to ensure you remain fully immersed in their narrative of reality.

My kids are 5 and 6 and they barely ever use a tablet. No phones. They play with real physical toys and go outside and we ride bikes together and look for alligators and bugs near the drainage canal.
This is because such "cultures" are nothing but commercial products like the emos you mentioned.
All these "subcultures", these crap music-based youth movements are for nothing but purposefully driving people from their real native culture.
The USA is used as an incubator for this crap with few exceptions and it's then launched on the rest of the world, all by the usual suspects.
Wish it would still be possible to have clever conversation on more appropriate boards.
my kids have access to screens and would ALWAYS rather be playing outside
when its raining and shit they still want to try
>kids are going outside plenty
No, kids stay inside. I never see kids outside
Yeah I remember this too. I was that one kid whose parents didn't allow video games in the house. It went from kids everywhere to Abandoned World sometime around Super Nintendo/Sega Genesis/PS1 . Our little rural town was also just starting to get its first wave of cheap immigrant labor to start the long process of replacing the local Whites. No serious crime, no locked doors, plenty of parks, pools, trails, and bicycle friendly streets. Now? Meth, Somolis stabbing and raping everywhere, and everyone stays inside.
I really got hooked on computer gaming and PS3 as an adult due to it having been taboo as a kid. I'm over it now, though. Its bad for your mental and physical health and a waste of time.
You cant have discussion like these nowadays because the website operates way different than from when it did like 10 years ago.
I remember when moot ran this place the mods would delete threads or literal chains of peoples replies for going too off topic. Doing something like that now would be considered """reddit""".
Sure, but even just before the latest plague pol had a few worthy threads daily, now it's a trash heap like the rest of the internet.
I find twatter to give the best chance for conversation as now and that says everything.
It really is time to turn the machine off, perhaps it's for the better.
As a kid in the 90s I literally never went outside because no one taught me how to ride a bike and I was bullied relentlessly by other kids
Millenials put screens in their kids' hands so they could keep looking at the screens in their own hands.
I have 3 kids and I take them out a lot, whether it be canoe camping or just splashing outside in a ditch. It's pretty difficult, they bitch and take forever to get ready, and create a lot of laundry, I can see why most people don't want to at least with the under-ten set.. it's an hours worth of work for every ten minutes of outdoors activity but I keep going. Hopefully when they are adults it pays off. I know 20-somethings who can't swim, can't whistle, can't chew gum etc and I want my kids to be quasi normal
Yeah, the retarded rules and regulations society-wide just got to such a point that everyone is now trying to do what they're "allowed" to do to an extreme degree, I mean they even banned nunchucks and throwing stars because they saw a martial arts movie and they looked dangerous.
>you need to encourage them to have a reason to go out and be kids
Yeah, pretty much. I've tried to bring this up multiple times but I always get retard boomer responses like
>We didn't need that when we grew up!
And then the boomer comes home from work and watches TV then watches TV on the day off or goes somewhere in their car (something their kid doesn't have.)

Pretty much every generation idolizes their childhood for whatever reason and sets the standard for what people should do to what they did as a kid, no matter how unrealistic it is to do that stuff nowadays. Why would kids ever go outside when they have infinite free entertainment inside? Why would they listen to an adult talk when zoomtube gives them prime ADHD loosh farm content?
This is actually true to a certain extent, the outdoors are just my time to think and relax and make my own fun. By themselves I realize how much they lack and they've made me acutely aware of how great modern luxuries are, now I don't have a problem spending an entire day reading.
Idk, they got tired of being kidnaped and raped in the ass????
stop looking at kids through their windows, anon

Fake news never happened most child rape happens between family members behind closed doors not outside in daylight with strangers.
Clearly you haven't been to the UK lately

No and i don't want to.
>Minute or two after we get seated
Why did you feel the need to include this detail? Are you just so keen on painting everything with such vivid colours? Fascinating story anyway, never heard anything like it before.
Going out became expensive. Wherever you want to go you need to fucking pay. Fucking greed
>What went wrong
Technology (maliciously) designed to keep you engaged. It's not a fluke that every single platform has a 30-second video section that you can scroll endlessly on. That, and lazy parenting.
2004 zoomers were playing Game Boy (Advance). Kids were getting addicted to pokemon on handhelds as early as the late 90s.
Not as often as prior generations.
And even when you did go outside there were fewer kids to play with.
Some anon above whining about skate parks is a perfect example. Need for stimulating entertainment at all times. Boomers didn't have any of that shit they just had to find things to play on their own with whatever was lying around. A park was just a field with maybe a fence. Maybe a swing set and monkey bars for kids. Cities built basketball courts in a futile effort to keep nigs out of trouble(vidya on the other hand...). That was it.
True, but not nearly the same magnitude. Doesn't take much thinking to figure out a modern phone is infinitely more addictive than a four inch screen with seven pixels and a game that requires an attention span longer than a mild fart.
It really did desu
Parent's started putting their kids in front of the TV as a baby sitter and got them addicted to it. It was also easier (for mom) to keep an eye on the kids if they were watching tV and not /out/

I watched it happen real time--I was raised by boomers.

Technology replaced /out/ because most parents are lazy as fuck my dude.
You're simply wrong.
Technology is an ADDICTION pattern.
Kids are ADDICTED to their phones and that addiction supersedes their desire to go /out/

Same with TV. People got addicted to TV and dedicated more and more time to that addiction.

You're not dealing with "oh kids don't go out anymore" you're dealing with kids that are addicted to technology.

TV was/is addictive as fuck as well which is why most boomers ageing into oblivion do it in front of a TV.. which is sad as fuck.
>a gameboy is just as addictive as a cell phone
I'm guessing you think anyone over 30 is a boomer.

Late 90s zoomers are called Zillennials real gen z was born 2000 to 2011
>Boomers didn't have any of that shit

Wrong the boomers born in the early 60s had arcades and early video games so you could argue they were addicted.
I've yet to meet a boomer that doesn't have a giant shrine to the TV in a room dedicated to watching TV.
I haven't owned a TV in decades and I don't hang out with people that watch it--it's mind cancer. I can tell exactly how much TV people watch based on how they talk--it's horrifying.

I think of boomers that watch as the parents that got turned to pigs in Spirited Away but never got turned back. I love them but they're pigs incapable of acting like actualized humans.
How extremely ironic that you had to consume media to make that analogy
How so?
Use your words like a big girl--that seems hard for you but try.
Just think about it for a while. You'll get there.
>When I go camping with family i'll spend like $10 at the dollar store on shitty little yard toys for nieces and nephews because I know how boring it can be listening to the adults the entire time. Then i'll walk off and hide something nearby so they go out as a group and explore around for it. Write shitty little clues on a piece of paper so they feel like detectives.
god bless you anon
2004 i was on my gameboy/ds
sugar/caffeine (chocolate/soda) are gateway drugs

rots your teeth and fucks with your health and reward system

gets kids hooked to be stimulated/excited from an early age

why can't kids sit down and be quiet? sugar/caffeine crackhead rushes

we can do with without trick-or-treating forever
older generations have lead poisoning
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>A constant noise machine playing all day long filling your brain with a bunch of drama/conflict/ads/etc and setting the stage for the internet.

It was always a problem.

We get it stop saying this 2000s kids still went out despite TV and games.
And switchblades were banned in the 50’s because they look dangerous in movies and on TV, what’s your point?
That the retarded rules and regulations are bad and based on what happens in someone's head / on TV, not reality. I thought it was really simple.
Switchblades were or were perceived by legislators as being largely used by criminals, hence the ban.
It's common throughout history for implements used by antisocials to be outlawed, several types of knives apt for offense had been outlawed in Europe and the slungshot still is in many US states.
>Were or were perceived by legislators
>Were perceived by legislators
Translation - they saw a couple movies and read a sensationalized news report, then they banned something for an entire society.
Can you give me some titles of movies they watched in the 19th century when they banned the slungshot?
How to beat your wife
Running a basement brewery
Highwaymen at daybreak
Damn it anon, he asked for movies, not your family history!
From a pollack family with indian relatives, our history is more interesting that. Knife fights from indian drunks at weddings interesting. And no, I won't tell the story.
Feather indians btw, not the stinky ones. If drunk wasn't enough of a clue.
this. zoomers like OP are too young to remember that kids have been staring at screens all day for decades

I'm 30 not a zoomer.
Parents are too 'tired' [spoiler]lazy[/spoiler] to do anything with their kids and too afraid of their kid getting hurt or kidnapped to let them do/go anything themselves.
Worst part is these parents are completely oblivious to what they're doing and blame the internet, or even the kids themselves, for not going outside and for addiction to devices they bought.
millennials and their incapability to handle children (they're manchildren themselves)
Declining birth rates have also heavily effected this. I'm a very early gen Z. Growing up I was always having nerf gun fights outside and riding bikes around and shit like that. If the weather was bad we'd go wrestle each other in someones parents unfinished basement. It was fueled by having other kids in my neighborhood to go do activities with. My buddy down the street is who got me interested in Boy Scouts for example. We had video games and stuff but not the 24/7 internet connected IPad with endless entertainment. We had Mario kart DS and Pokemon which would maybe keep you entertained for an hour or two. Anyways the same neighborhood is now basically devoid of any kids. All the young couples moving in are child free or "dog parents" or whatever the fuck. If I was a kid there now of course I wouldn't be outside or anything, it would suck being by myself.
I remember when FRS radios came out and it was absolutely game changing. Now it seems like nobody uses those bands at all anymore.
A zedder goes on a tirade pretending to be of old age again.
> have a karen for an aunt
> over opinionated, entitled, and overall a complete cunt
> she called the cops on neighborhood kids because neglectful parents letting there kids play in the street
> boomer aunt next day makes a post on facebook about how she from the last generation allowed to go outside and not be back by supper.
> call her out on her hypocrisy
> devolves into a flame war
> aunt fires back that I'm a mistake
> I return fire with why couldn't natural selection select her to be ran over by a car as a kid as she played in the streets.
> I'm now no long invited to her house
> family is upset at me
> not like the bitch ever plays host
>I find a person unpleasant
>I am mature, confident and well mannered
>I ignore the person and avoid them
>The person is oblivious to this, they don't get offended and I have one less enemy
Have you not noticed how rapidly the world has changed over the past 10-15 years? Am I old? No. Am I old enough to where my childhood didn't consist of being on an IPad 8+ hours a day and living somewhere where the only place I see other kids is at school? Yes.
there are no more gen zs left in high school.
All of the ones graduating high school are early ipad babies
This kind of pussy attitude is why people feel comfortable being pieces of shit
>call out a piece of shit
>everyone berates you for calling them a piece of shit
>you get banned for "causing a problem"
That's right. Stand up and don't waver.
i would totally do that if i was 15 but i kind of need to buy thinhs from the archery store, kek
And people like you are why we're in the situation that we're in.
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This is the "outdoors" that most children in the US have access to until they turn 16 and get a car. A lot of them don't even have sidewalks
Parents giving their kids devices instead of parenting them. Kids demanding devices because other kids have them. Godless public government schools. Godless government society not honoring the Godly role of the mother and father, but instead trying to have the government or society raise a child.

If that's the propaganda that keeps Godless socialists from coming to America, I don't mind. No sense in showing you your fallacy or folly.
> your the bad guy for pointing out someone else's faults.
You've never delt with someone like that have you? She finds reasons to hate you, anybody. Insufferable barely scratches the surface. She has ended up going viral for it on youtube after throwing a tantrum after being cut off at a bar for being too drunk. Putting her in her place is the only way to shut her ass up.
Arbitrary. You will put yourself in unpleasant situations against your interests squandering time and energy, situations you could have easily avoided had you been more rational than emotional.
>i would totally do that if i was 15
Then why interacting with such type?
You obtained nothing by addressing her. If a dog barked at you it would be idiotic to get on all fours and start barking back.
It it most convenient to invest energy in the pursue of one's goals.
my nephews are fucking scary
I used to talk a lot of shit about zoomers but the newer generation is gonna be way worse, they don't even look human. it's like they have no feelings, nothing
the only people who were having children in the millennial generation were absolute gigasois, I think the amount of people with actual values or enough of a brain to be even a little detached from the globohomo were actively filtered out of the gene pool. everyone who had kids in my generation is an absolute consumer whore, they're like turbo boomers and they're raising absolute fucking insane critters, things are gonna get wild when these kids are 14-15, mark my words
Things are already wild with trash of that age. Do consider these hylics will neuter themselves as they are of negative value, thus undesirable; this will naturally reduce overpopulation. We're living in a mass selection event.
The bloodline of the most intelligent, adaptive and valuable that are reproducing survives. Everything is as it should be.

They wanna depopulate the earth.
Only the Whites. They don't seem to mind indians and africans breeding everywhere and overpopulating the planet
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>live in major population area
>would rather play bideogames than go outside
Colour me shocked.

hypercontent like we have today sucks and certainly isn't helping things but what exactly is there for a kid to go out and look at? A set of swings over mulch? A drain? If you grow up in the country and there's actually stuff to find, then kids like to play in it, assuming their retarded parents haven't instilled a fear of the outdoors in them.
>go down the river that has loads of cool rocks with dog
>nearly step on a snake
>see neat bugs
>find a bunch of cool fish in the water
>"wow those trees look like you could make a fort!"
>oh geez there's that abandoned house, lets check it out
etc etc

There has to be something neat for a kid to find, otherwise their sense of adventure is left unfulfilled. Pic rel I took when I was fifteen, fifteen years ago wandering around. I constant point of contention with my gf is if/when we have kids, I'm taking them back to the country, which as a city girl she hates the idea of. She also hates how quiet it is out of the city, and also how dark it gets.
I work on conservation parks in my inner suburb (fifteen minutes on the train out of the CBD) and kids are always getting into the reserves and making forts/bike jumps/other cool stuff. We have to tear it down because that's what the boss says and they're conservation sites, it's always sad though. Where is there for a child to play that doesn't want to extort money from them, doesn't pose a real hazard (eg. weirdos, druggies), isn't made of concrete and is actually fun to hang around in? There is nothing for a child to do outside anywhere near a city. Regional kids absolutely do go outside.
You nailed it.
This... fear of the unknown, of everything not perfectly pre-sanitized, is alien behaviour to me.
Maybe I'm the autist here, or maybe not, but it seems surreal to me when I invite people to do something actually fun and they reply with "but there could be wild animals" or "I don't want to walk around that part of the city ( a normal one, not a slum) at 2 am, it could be dangerous, or so on
Not to mention that everyone is so afraid of breaking rules, even ones that don't make sense or that nobody cares about. I have legit walked with both men andwomen who were afraid of jaywalking, at night, with no car anywhere in sight. It's surreal to me that some people will just stand around waiting for the light to go green when they are the only thing on the street
good work, Chad
Scandis have an outdoor culture that is gone in most of the rest of Europe, sadly.
Everything from kindergarten kids sleeping outside in snowsuit at naptime, the whole "nature is our common property" thing, and all the rest of this is increasingly rare elsewhere.
It's why I enjoy Scandiland every time I have the opportunity to pass through there, I wish I lived there instead of in my east euro shithole, you guys are so chill about nature
>east euro shithole
We need the wall NOW.
Yes TV absolutely is/was the problem. But naïve zoomer retards think they're all so special and unique. Anyway TV/IG/Youtube/Tik-Tok/Internet, it's all the same.
Also, Robert Putman pretty much wrote the definitive text back in 2000 showing that TV was destroying society, called Bowling Alone.

In the West we live in a society neurotically obsessed with safety, and which no longer tolerates risk of nearly any kind. Children in general simply are not afforded the basic freedom to explore and own space the way previous generations did and took for granted.
Yes, I noticed this too. My DINK neighbours (with dog) have lots of intricate LEGO structures in their home.
late gen millenial
leaning away from belt beatings and it's consequences

id probably be a way different person if my dad fucking hit me with the belt more
likely a more disciplined child as i'd learn to not do x or y thing lest i get beaten to high fucking hell

like who would you rather have punish your child?
you or the government?

if you child actually had the capacity to learn than the government isnt needed but if he doesnt then juvy it is.
And if they really dont have the capacity to learn then they're just gonna go to prison later on in life.
>After like an hour you got bored because there was nothing good on
Lol zoomer back then the hyperstimulating internet did not exist and tv was wyy more interesting,
Kids would be 8 hours on the tv easy for a day
A competent parent doesn't need to beat their children. Beating are to rectify behaviour resulting from parental incompetence.
>What went wrong /out/?
I was playing san andreas in 2004
And you still don't go outside. Surprise surprise.

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