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I always do a bit of panning whenever I /out/ in the mountains. What are your prospecting experiences?
I've found a bit. Around historical gold workings seems to be the go for me. My father has found gold in untouched places which is pretty cool. I just like the rush of finding 24k in my pan or even better pickers on rocks.
Currently downloading music and movies and about to go up the mountain

Found a decent looking spot…
>~10k ft
>unnamed gold mine from 1890’s just upstream, near the peak but on the other side
>had placer claims for gold in 1890’s and 1980’s
>have been many mudslides and flash floods since
>there are active placer gold claims further downstream, from 2000’s and from 2020’s so there should be gold in the creek upstream
>about two miles of unclaimed stream before the creek head (one mile in NF, the last mile in wilderness zone, then the creek ends at the base of a peak / ridge)
>sand bars from floods, log jams, mudslides, big rocks and avalanches
I was just hiking off trail and didn’t have a pan with me at the time, gonna go back with some kit and take samples.
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>What are your prospecting experiences?
Novice. I like the idea very much, though. Reading the geology and erosion patterns, dry creekbeds, and general historical autism of the topic gets me fired up.
You know about Gold Trails and Ghost Towns, yes, OP?
never seen it, i'll check it out
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Found one silvery looking flake. There was both Lead and Silver in the area, I’m thinking that it’s probably lead.
I walked further up the trail this time, found this site in pic, but there is no info on the application, it’s not an active registered claim that I can find, and the sign looked to be a few years old. I think it’s a fake put there by usfs or a forgotten claim from someone else.
Just beyond this site, about 100 yds from the wilderness edge, the trail had been washed out completely and is now a skree field on the left straight into a 40 ft cliff where the trail used to be and then river at the bottom. That old cabin is probably getting washed out underneath and going into the river within the next 10-20 years.
There used to be one anon who'd go insane with these threads and bitch about how evil we were for digging up the ground to get gold in it, wonder where he is now
Just one? Last time we tried to have a panning thread everybody REEE'd about how it destroys nature.
Panning is fine
Placer mining is pretty fucked though
The Yukon is finally starting to bring in some regulations for placer miners after >100 years of them being able to do basically whatever the fuck they wanted and they are predictably playing the victim card and whining about how they should be given special status to fuck up the environment because they've been here "longer than anyone else" (100 years at the most).
If you do reclamation afterwards then what’s the big deal? It makes the cost of mining gold more expensive but if it still makes money then whatever.

Most of Summit County, CO was placer mined, like, the entirety of 3 river valleys, 30 square miles is probably a conservative estimate, yet today its fine, there’s resorts, gold medal fishing, hunting, lakes, hiking, skiing, 50+ miles of paved dedicated bike paths plus mountain biking etc etc.

They even left a few massive rock piles, piles the size of a football field and 40 feet high, with signs explaining the history. And they kept one of the river boats that would go around digging up everything and making it’s own lake to float around in, they just turned it into a themed restaurant.
I love panning in little mountain streams in colorado, i got this goofy pan that acts like a mini sluice box using velcro
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Wow, I just went gold panning for the first time, look what I found. How did I do guys? Is this good?
i went prospecting with my dad.
he has found a good bit of gold but greater amounts of lead shot and old nails!
I tried it a few times with his detector but never found anything.
Supposedly back in the day, men would find so much of it that they would fill their pockets and pay for beer with little granules of gold because it was too troublesome to get it converted to coin when the bar was right there...
gold fever is a real condition! Beware!
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Is this a rock with lots of little gold flakes in it? I went to an old gold mine to try and learn what to look for but I’m a moron. If I crushed this rock and put it through a sluice would gold come out?
anyone can post some good equipment?
Yeah you still need regulation. That's the scale of what they were capable of doing 100 years ago. These days they can do a lot more damage.
I came here to say no but actually that's quite gold looking, the rock doesn't look right though. Chuck it in a steel pan and light a fire in it then pan the coals and gravel out if it's gold it'll be in there.
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It was literally at an old mine, the tunnel is still open with just a sign saying Danger - Open Mine Shaft, but it is in a wilderness area and well off trail and there are trees blocking the entrance and sign so you can’t see it until you are literally 6inches from being inside the tunnel.

>to the right of black streak is 2-3mm of what looks like almost pure gold
>the the left of black streak looks like an edge of rotten quartz
Inside were some rocks that looked like tailings and maybe 5mm was gold ore that was still stuck to other rock, I’m guessing this is what was mined and it’s the tailings from the edge of the vein.

Outside there was some pieces of rotten quartz that I could crush with my hand and looked like it had a lot of gold. It seemed like it was falling from above the mine, like I could see the way that water would flow off the rocks and it seemed to be washing out a rotten quartz vein that was above the mine and sending it all into a little wash just to the right of the tunnel entrance.
Then there were these other yellow rocks, they looked like they fell into the area or rolled downhill recently. There was a big one on a ledge above the tunnel that I thought that was a chunk of fresh dry wood at first glance, it was that much of a yellow or gold or wheat color. Then I realized that you usually don’t find perfectly dried firewood or lumber among deadfall in the forest so I climbed up a little and got closer and it was definitely a large yellow rock.
I’m pretty sure the rock in >>2744341 pic was a chunk that broke off of the yellow rock when it fell and some chunks had rolled further downhill near the tunnel entrance. I’m not a good climber and it is wilderness so I just took this little piece with me instead of going up there. You can’t really capture it in a picture but if you roll that rock from >>2744341 around in your hand in the sunlight it is full of golden sparkles.
Do you guys like Ask Jeff Williams?
Do you know what I'm going to say...
>So c'mon! Let's gooo!!!
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In the spring when the snow melts and the streams rise with muddy water gold settles on the banks.
Good luck finding a claim you can work on, and I fucking hope you get caught if you claim jump someone elses. Enjoy your massive fines you faggots.

I'm a legitimate gold and mineral prospector and you newbs really need to get a clue
> legitimate gold and mineral prospector
where you at? Im in california and hold active claims in inyo and san bernadino counties. you need work?
Looks like you've got lots of sulfides which are a prospective find for gold. The reddish-orange colored mineral in the pic is probably a chalcopyrite. Neither pic looks to me like it has any obvious gold. Gold isn't usually "sparkly", it's more of a muted yellow color. Use a hand lens to check for crystal structure/cleavage, gold shouldn't have any. Can use a nail as a scratch tool, gold is soft and malleable, should be able to scratch or bend it.

Gold is often hosted in mesothermal vein deposits; (check inside the actual quartz not the surrounding rock and you might have better luck).

Heads up, it's good practice to wash your hands after handling rocks like this. Lots of sulfides are arsenic/lead/heavy metal bearing.
excellent choice!
if you keep your surface earth seperate from the gravels and clays its very easy to do reclamation work that regenerates within 5 years of digging. The issue is though, many spots worth digging with machinery dont actually have any organics to use for replanting, its just clay and gravel or bedrock, so it gets tricky to return to a natural state.
Why Are You Bumping Page 10 Threads
> if you roll that rock from >>2744341 # around in your hand in the sunlight it is full of golden sparkles.
Gold has a certain, very nice “sparkle” to it (mostly when you swish it around your pan) but your description sounds like mica.
Why Are You Typing Like A Senile Retard
it's a very classic muscovite-rich schist
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Bump for panning!
Haven’t been /out/ panning since autumn or so. Fucking high water and having a shitton of work with my new house. But eventually, that’s gonna be done and the imma gonna built me a highbanker in my workshop, with blackjack and hookers and I’m gonna bring home loads of gold! (Hah, I wish… a full gram would already be fantastic)
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Thanks, Anon.
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Went on a 3-day panning trip this weekend but didn't find anything at all :( Slept in a fucking MSR bivy bag 2 nights in total downpour, while panning my ass of during the day. I think I have the right panning technique I guess its just the spots that I pick that sucks
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bumping the best thread on /out/
Checked. Guess kek has spoken. Maybe I gotta watch that stuff at some point.
I just realized that I could finally read the books on those stories I downloaded ages ago on my long train ride today, but apparently, they’re not on my iPad. But loads of stuff like pic related is. Lots of good info for hobbyist panners in this old things.
Anyone knows some good podcasts on panning?
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Forgot the image.
But never mind, cause it bears repeating: the various USGS and state geological survey records on the subject are really good reads. Most are floating around online for free and legally so, it’s just a pain in the ass to find them.
Get tae fuck faggy
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Pannerbros. I am here to let you in on a sort of funny thing. I panned a culvert, was corregated, and scored pretty bigly.
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Nice work, Anon. Did you crawl through the culvert, or just pan the exit?

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