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Where has brit out gone?
better question, who the fuck stole all the trees on the island?
Not every island has trees on it
It did at one point. Someone took them all to build houses and shit and never replaced them.
It's st kilda it's miles away from the mainland there would of never heen trees there, all the buildings are made of stone
vikings probably stole the trees ages ago before you could even check
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You've solved the problem yourself, OP, this is now brit/out/. What's everyone got coming up? I'm off to try Cape Wrath on Saturday. Can't wait.
The British cut down VAST swathes of forest to make ships. It took 100 acres of forest to make ONE ship.

Consider how obsessed the British were with their navy and really it's surprising they have any trees left at all.
As an American eastoid who's constantly surrounded by trees, I quite like the openness of the British isles. I hiked around Snowdonia a few years ago and it was absolutely beautiful. Forest hiking kinda sucks in comparison
>100 acres
>1 boat
yeah surely that’s bs
Well, we're talking galleon type large battleships here, not rowboats
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Did Seaford Head, Seven Sisters and Cuckmere Haven today.
Tfw you live in cuckmere and not chadmere
do you get to go up and down the green grassy bit on the cliff by the water, or is that private?
Yep it's all open apart from 3 small homes on the side I was standing.
The whole area is free roam though apart from a few sheep fields but they all have footpaths through.
Quite a few cuck names round here, think there was once an abundance of cuckoos or something.
Surprised this place hasn't been forced to change it's name.
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I've gone and spent over 400 quid on a load of camping gear, and now I need a decent place to go. I want to be deep in the trees with a high likelyhood of not seeing a single soul for 2-3 days and nights. I'm in the North, where should I go?
Kielder or galloway forest park are the best in the north
I'm sure there was a pub in London or somewhere called the black boy which hsd to have it's name changed
I was considering Kielder, but what about Windermere for a first trip? It looks scenic and isolated as long as I pick my spot, and at the same time it's only an hour on the train from me.

I haven't been in years, but I'll go 3-4 times this summer as a concerted effort. I want to be out there in what nature we have to enjoy, on my own, away from the noise/mess of the towns and cities. I will hopefully go to Kielder as a 2nd/3rd trip since it's been on my mind.
Windermere is pretty good but it's not as forested
Forest hiking is all about the beauty of your immediate surroundings, the sounds of nature around you, and feeling like you are in a private little hidden world. It is very intimate and comforting.

Huge open expanses are all about the shape and flow of the landscape, the deafening roar of the wind, and feeling small and like a tiny piece of a far greater whole. It is very introspective and humbling.

Both are great.
It's good to know we don't have any large predators in Britain so forests aren't really scary
forest hiking is boring af, its the transport up to the open never-been-forested tundra, no view, no sun, crappy terrain, cant wait for it to open up.
uk might have been forested, then deforested, but there must have been a climate change inbetween if not the forest would grow back. now they have tundra climate where forest cant naturally regrow.
Thought that was a /cannadeenz/. Bit disappointed like.
I like having forests makes for good variety it's not liike there's any shortage of unforested moorland
There's natural regen of pioneer species on the fells (especially the sides) if sheep are kept off, just not in the blanket bog peat that formed after pre-historic deforestation. The weather and climate up there can be bad, mostly the wind, but stuff will grow if given the change.

Also remember that it was probably never all closed-canopy forest in the first place, there were groves and even large woods that were close but the rest was basically what we'd now call wood pasture or savannah; all having diverse and varied structure.
Walking across barren moorland gets old pretty quickly, especially in shit weather and when you don't drop down and have a change of scenery, but at least you can do some miles. If you walk around a decent wood there's so much to stop and look at you can spend half a day doing just a few miles.
I always find you come across interesting things in the forest, the moors have never had much activity except for a few mines you can find and the occasional shooting hut
I'm gonna go out in a little while,
I've got the kung-flu and I'm bored. Beautiful weather this Sunday. Gonna go try and find this lake near my house. Will take my camera, GoPro, and phone. I'll post shit later
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Went for an evening beach comb with my middle lad yesterday.
Found a decent size spider crab shell, put it up on the brick shed.
Cumbria is probably the best county for /out/ with Northumberland a close second
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How much do trekking poles help when trying to cross moorland
Most of the trees were cut down before even the Anglo-Saxons arrived, by neolithic peoples.

Most of the British navy was made using foreign, imported wood, because we didn't have enough trees.

It's a rock in the sea with nothing except grass on it. The mainland was forested after the last ice age, but not these small islands.

>Where has brit out gone?
Tbh I stopped going outside because it rained every day from September until May, wettest winter on record and it was miserable, ground that you sink into, no visibility.
they went outside instead of pretending
We're here! :)

depends really. Overall, hiking poles are an essential piece of kit in my opinion, they save your spine and knees in the long run. Makes walking with a big bag easier. But on moorland the efficacy can wither, esp after rain. When the ground gets very smooshy your pole can sometimes just sink in the mud. But i'm sure you'll know moorland isnt ALL just bottomless bog, so you can pivot yourself by poking your poles into a tuft of grass and go from there.

Many poles come with these little disc things that screw onto the end - they prevent your pole from embedding deep in soft ground, quite good for walking over moors

Foreign imported wood from Ireland?

I could walk around in an ancient native forest all day, in any weather and love it. But personally, jagged rocky peaks of mountains are much more fun with their challenging approachs and danger, but anon is right >>2738344 both are great!
also my guilty pleasure is I reeealllly like walking on forestry tracks, even if its through some massive expanse of a boring monocrop
>walking on a big wide path with you and your boys side by side
>everyone can actually be involved in the conversation rather than shouting back and forth when walking single file
love it.

I think if you go to forests in the north of England you (probably) are going to see people, if you wanna dissapear from everyone just look at the map and pick an obsure piece of moorland very far away from roads and go walk there. I don't know how far you're willing to travel, but to get what you desire you're probably gonna have to go to Wales or Scotland

class mate you're in for the hike of a lifetime
report back with pictures! although you're probably not thinking about 4chan at all right now..
I just got back from 3 weeks of stoating about in the Highlands. Not sure what I have planned next, I wanna do something crazy but im running outta ideas!
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Boat anon here. Just got the boat back from being grit blasted and epoxied below the water line, we were ready to go for some great summer adventures towards Oxford. The south Oxford canal is mostly rural with lots of places to hike. But when they were grit blasting the boat, they managed to put a hole into it. Apparently the shit tank has corroded sufficiently from the inside that they think pitting on the inside and outside managed to meet. We’re going to need to take the bed apart, cut into the tank (which is part of the hull in itself), clean it out then a marina can cut the whole tank out and over plate the weak area with more steel. So that’s summer fucked because I need to do this now. The new blacking looks very smart though. Great having Brit/out/ threads back
I'm sorry your boat got a puncture. What kind is it? Hard to tell from the image
>cut down the forest
>build ships
>sail around the world
> 'discover' densly forested lands
>cut down the forest
>build more ships
Fucking bongs eh
You don't hike at all.
A fucked kind
On closer examination that looks like a narrow boat, which is pretty peng

I know of one other Narrow Boat anon who sometimes posts in the Speedrunning marathons on /v/. This wouldn't be the same anon would it?
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Ah it’s not in that picture, that’s just showing off the blacking. When they were grit blasting the hull prior to treating it, they noticed a small line of rust where they’d obviously gone through. So they drilled the hole out to empty the tank and sealed it up with weld. It was likely only a pin prick sized hole but obviously any hole below the waterline is bad news
It’s not all bad though, the rest of the hull should be good for the next 10 years at least and I’m back in one of my favourite spots
Might be >_> and also sometimes in /sp/. I think there was another one years ago, looking at the archive but afaik I’m the only one that currently blogposts about it lol
What's the best midge deterrent?
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The summer has kicked off nicely hasn't it. That's a very picturesque spot.

My dad once took my family and a friend of mime on a narrow boat holiday when I was a tween and it's a very fond memory. Nothing quite like mooring up at a pub's garden and walking up for some grub while the sun sets. Bliss.
Smidge is often recommended but I’ve heard people here talk about jungle formula favourably
Legit q - best pants for /out/ing? All my shit is sports direct-style generic cotton boxer/trunks, and it starts to chaff at the five mile mark or so. What do?
are you fat
Not especially - sweat like a priest in an orphanage though
I used to be a lil fat and got chafe from my thighs rubbing together
you can get extra long boxers and very breathable ones, I have these ones called SAXX which are quite good although it gets mega wedged up my asscrack though
quite expensive tho lad
Replaced all my pants with Uniqlo AIRism Mesh Ultra Seamless Boxer Briefs

Merino for special colder occasions
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Went wild camping for the first time back in February, pic related. I can't believe I've stuck to staying at campsites for years, this was so much better.
Went on a trip up to Snowdonia recently. Climbed Dinas Emrys and did a few other day hikes. Nothing extreme, but I'm easing my group of friends into it for some more adventurous trips in the future
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I walked Hadrian's Wall last week. It was a good hike but I was sad to see the famous Sycamore tree had been cut down.
I assume you knew the sycamore gap tree had been cut down before you went? It was covered extensively in the news
I'm walking Hadrian's Wall next week, any advice or good stuff to see off the main path?
If you enjoy history, there are a lot of ruins, sites, museums and shops along the way. Entry is free to English Heritage members. I would reccommend getting membership before you go otherwise you need to pay at every site, which ends up costing you more money.
No, I didn't know. Don't watch tv, don't read newspapers, don't listen to radio. I read books.
Cheers, I'll do that. I remember a lot of EH sites are free or cheap but a few can be eyewateringly expensive.
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Someone posted that invite link on soc and now we've got a bunch of coomers pawing at the door
Deleted that invite but here's a new one : https://discord.gg/AP7saBgz
if you're in the british isles with an interest in the outdoors, come talk to brit/out/
Foxton locks. Nice area.
Can you camp in Kielder? Isn't it mostly foresty commission land?
>I want to be deep in the trees with a high likelyhood of not seeing a single soul for 2-3 days and nights
not possible in the uk, except MAYBE in scotland.
i love shit like this. i need more shells and sheep skulls and cool sticks for my shed.
i never leave for a hike without my stick. I have "hiking poles" which is a gay globohomo word for "walking sticks" but I prefer my wooden sticks, they can take more of a beating.
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All set up for the night. Trying out the new tarp and it’s tiny lol. Probably going to go back to a bigger one for iffy weather.
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starting to miss winter :D
Me too m80 but I’ve only ever done day trips in winter. I’m going to make it my mission to try and do some winter camping this year.
Nice of you to set everything up for your dog, but where will you sleep?
is hitchhiking still a thing? could i feasibly travel from england to the cairngorms in a few days doing it?
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for real, I cannot understand the appeal of this shit. I live in one of the driest states in the driest countries on earth and I would never sleep under one of these things.

you're fucked
>rain and wind
even more fucked
>animals crawling around next to your head eating your shit as you sleep
you're fucked

Then I look online and they're selling literal pieces of tarp for like, 500-600 FOR A FUCKING TARP.

Is this just the ultralight fanboy shit? WHY
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wind and rain are not an issue with a normally sized (3x3m) tarp that is set up correctly. the one anon posted is stupidly small and is barely worth having.
you feel much more connected with the outdoors. and I like the versatility, I'm constantly changing the way I set mine up. the simplest methods are far quicker and easier to set up than a tent, but you can go more complex and make a fully enclosed, stormproof shelter if needed. I've slept through some very wet and windy nights and been just fine.
That’s what the bivy bag is for (not shown)
>wind and rain
Pitch it lower and lean it into the wind
>bugs and shit
Stay /in/doors faggot.
>500-600 for a tarp
Lmao wut

There’s nothing comfier than falling asleep looking out into nature.
someone else made it and we're just stuck
its simple enough to use and the barrier for entry is just make an account
I think everyone would prefer to use a less poz platform but all others are hard to use or shit
yeah it is man so long as you're not a pussy
my advice to you - stick to motorway service stations and you will FLY through england so fast
there's plenty of alternatives about if you care enough to migrate. signal is best. telegram is less secure (not end-to-end encrypted) but more popular so people may already have accounts.
I'm assuming you don't use discord voice channels anyway so all you need is a text messenger.
not really man signal is good for a few people in a group chat but theres enough people in the server that we need the channels to split up conversation
one thread endless wall of text does not work and we tried it
also EVERYONE has to care enough to migrate or you lose the community
What is the single most beautiful place in the UK to go /out/?
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Not really out, but n May I did the NC500 on my bike camping at sites. Got round in 3 days, amazing riding roads but the scenery also just kept getting better and better. You could spend a really long time here if you had a van or wild car camped. Would recommend it.

I've been planning a similar trip to Ireland but its going to cost almost a grand to spend a week there even just camping, so might have to wait until next year.
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>theres enough people in the server that we need the channels to split up conversation
then there's element/matrix, that's closer to a discord clone, can create multiple rooms
>also EVERYONE has to care enough to migrate or you lose the community
I know, which is why people need to stop creating discord servers to begin with and start off with an alternative service
not your fault ofc and I'm not moaning at you but it really fucking grinds my gears that discord is still the default, on 4chan of all places.
Sweet. I used to do motocamping before I got my dawg. Go to Europe if you haven’t been, the roads over there blow everything in britcuckistan out the water. Also you’d do well to divorce yourself from the campsite jew.
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i also tarp camp often. it is good, but i avoid insect season.
> I would never sleep under one of these things.
because you are gay.
never had a problem, slept in wind and rain under my trusty tarp. and that was only a small one too, invested in a nice big 2x3 with centre tie-off points.
>Then I look online and they're selling literal pieces of tarp for like, 500-600 FOR A FUCKING TARP.
show me. the most i ever paid was £25. my tarp has been essential in many bad weather camps.
Is everything in the UK so barren?
That's what Scotland is like. England is much greener for the most part.
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Another weekend, another /out/ing. Sharpenhoe clappers. Hilariously whimsical name.
can you park at free FLS car parks in Scotland for multiple days (3)? going hiking and I don't want to come back to my car being towed
the website says it's free and there's no mention of any time limits
Most of our out is moorland because the trees were all burnt down 3000 years ago
was it the romans?
or livestock farmers?
>cuts down all your trees
Why do europeans do this?
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The convention is for discord shilling to be taboo, which is understandable, however self-selected closed communities will only prove increasingly more attractive than the alternative
– and whilst shilling is in discussion please do join my server:

Yes, some of them have patrols at night for people sleeping in their cars though
Peak District
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Had a nice time pottering from Porthmadog to Betws-y-coed the other day got the Shangri-la 3 out which I haven't used in a while. It blew pretty hard the night up at the tarn but the tent held up like a champ. It's a solid shelter!
is your server brits only? any trannies in there?
Cancelled due to wet and cold weather.
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>he thinks we're afraid of the wet and cold
you merely adopted the wetness, i was born in it, molded by it.
Fucking nice camp spot. I’m not out this weekend as I need to fix the car for the mot :(
Captcha: g4y k4t
Is that a Jaguar?
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That's nice, especially so if you walked any portion of the distance between them.
Brits only, mostly.
It kind of sucks to be honest
That bog thread is one of my favourites, I was thinking of adding to it however there's only marsh nearby and I'm not yet in the mood to soak my waist in muddy leech filled water for internet points.
don't be a pussy, enter the marsh, marshes count too. don't you want to officially become a real outdoorsman?
t. the guy in that video
no its a dog
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I'm going on a hiking trip to exmoor on my own

what should I see, what should I take?
I'm gonna shamelessly plug my youtube video in here
It's me hitchiking across the UK southbound towards the channel
kinda went for vagrant holiday vibes, lemme know if you guys like this
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This morning, Thetford Forest. Pissed it down all night. Fella opposite had never gone camping before, so me and a buddy took him out for his first experience. He said he enjoyed it, but I know he got frustrated setting up the tent and backtracking to find a good spot. Gonna take him to Snowdonia in August.
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One other pic. My first time using the OEX Heiro stove. Was gonna take my PocketRocket but didn't fancy carrying pans and so on when I was just cooking a wayfarer bag. Much prefer the Heiro desu. Sorry /out/, I know PR is a scared item here.
3000 years ago were the final days of the neolithic britain era. no romans yet.
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So I got back from walking Hadrian's Wall a couple of weeks ago, and it was even better than I thought it would be.

It was my first national trail and I'd really recommend it as an introduction (it's a nice distance with nothing too extreme). In hindsight I definitely would have done it in 7-8 days instead of 5 to really enjoy the views and have time for everything in the middle section.
Gruinard Island was nice
I was planning to go hiking on the cliffs of the south west of england, but I don't know if they're worth it.
Pic related is from france but it's the type of landscape I want to see
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dogwalkers should be gassed with due process
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is urbex /out/?
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eh? I walked from Porthmadog to Betws-y-coed.
Walked from Llangadog to Merthyr Tydfil this last weekend. Saturday was wet.
overgrazing from livestock and deer
one of the worst things about the UK actually
Why not ;D

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