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And why is it Idaho?
You need a permit to do ANYTHING. Everything costs money, requires reservations, limited hours, only during January, etc. There's millions of people, not just locals, but tourists, both domestic and international crushing everything and everyone, and most of the landscapes are desert, scrubland, and weeds.
>t. Visited Griffith Park and nowhere else
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>needs lottery permit to ENTER the park
oh no no no no Booz Allen bros what ever shall we do
What's the reasoning behind this?
Montana. Basically a plains state with some mountains on the western end. Not much different than Texas really
They won't/can't make more parking so if they don't keep people from going in by vehicle during peak times they'll be stuck driving around endlessly searching or just parking their car on the side of the road. You're free to enter on foot and bike.
I do not understand the utter reluctance of basically every public landowner group possible against constructing additional parking for popular trails. It's like when they put up the signs saying NO PARKING ON ROAD YOU WILL BE TOWED, like if you realize parking is an issue, why not build more.
more, easier parking means more people will come
This is a difficult concept for urbanites and Redditors to grasp, apparently
Pretty much, yeah. It's awful here. Don't come here.

No idea what that is.
>kids don't say please and thank you in conservative states
Fucking what?
This. Just because land is accessible to the public doesn't mean everybody needs to go there. The more parking you make, the trashier it will become, both figuratively and literally.
They're just being cunts while pretending they're being polite. Its a liberal/woman thing. Californian pieces of shit lol. Wish I could get rid of the ones in my state.
>most of the landscapes are desert, scrubland, and weeds.
lol. sounds like eastoid cope
>Not much different than Texas really
>t.never been to either
Idaho is considered a conservative state? Isn't it just as hippie liberal as the rest of the PNW?

Lynchian horror.
The only way to create more parking is to destroy part of the park. What they really should do is run a shuttle service to/from a remote lot for the daytrippers that make up most of the visitors but we don't approve of those kinds of logical solutions here in California. We would rather just commission several very expensive studies from "independent bodies" then do nothing while the citizenry suffers.
the Mom is making a face like something that would eat your soul
I mean you could always make an underground multi-level parking thing like picrel. It'd be more expensive, but you could retain the natural vibes whilst expanding parking space. I feel like the bigger problem is what >>2741114 and >>2741136 said though, more parking means more people, more people means more trash and shitty activity, which means more ruined nature. There needs to be a way to filter out retards or this just keeps happening.
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Why did he abandon his wife and children? The story in the text doesn't explain why they were crying or why he drove off without them.
>with some mountains on the western end.
>western third of Montana bigger than Illinois
>continental divide running thru it
just like Texas lol
That's false and you know it.
Also how are Conservatives not know manners? Conservatives are more polite than Liberals. This Beaner in the video is a West Coast Republican aka Liberal Republican.
Again they (beaners) should of stayed in California or in Mexico.
Libertarian more like it
That's how Mexicans live without their dad.
anything with a desert
>It's le libertarian
Fuck off. It's just another cuckservative state where smoking dope, buying liquor on Sundays, and getting abortions are illegal and fags won't be able to get """married""" after the supreme cucks throw those laws out too. Just because they don't sound like Forest Gump doesn't make them principled.
Texas doesn’t have public land or lots of national parks

Kek. Here in Northern New England I just drive around an uninhabited wasteland and park anywhere I want and shoot stop signs with a shotgun and walk around shirtless drinking a bottle of whiskey and use squirrels for target practice. I use random trees to test out new axes and machetes and make fires whenever and wherever I want. Nearly all of Maine, NH, and VT are like this. West Coast sounds almost as bad as Europe.
If someone towed my car for parking on public land I would find him and shoot him dead and cut his head off and hang it from the powerlines
based fellow northern new englander

where you going /out/ this weekend?
I'd imagine you can do this in Idaho, Montana, eastern Washington and Oregon too?
Wherever I don't have to run into you
Don't know, never been there. The West seems to be defined by lack of trees. That means no privacy. In the East you can shoot someone 100 yards behind Walmart and they won't solve the murder for 20 years. People get lost and die a half a mile from their cars.
im gonna find you and make you suck my cock
What a fucking LARP
You can only do this in massive expanses of uninhabited territory like in the western US and in massive forests like in the North of Maine and Minnesota. Anybody pretending they could just fire guns off wherever they want in Vermont without attracting the attention of local rednecks or even worse hippie cocksuckers is full of shit.
I believe you did these things once or maybe twice
You have never set foot in Vermont. Most of the state is virtually uninhabited. I lived there for two years and did target practice multiple times a week anywhere I wanted and never had a problem.
That was my lifestyle for years. It still is but I recently moved.
Can I come live with you? I'm cool, I swear
You have to live in your own car. Mine is full.
No you fucking dope I grew up in Enosburg, it is you who has clearly never been. Pretending you can pull off the road and pop shots off without attracting attention is pure fantasy.
Kek. You've spent your whole life in the Burlington metro zone and don't know anything about Vermont anymore than some spic from Manchester knows about NH. I could drive around VT with no license plate all day long and nothing would happen.
LARP harder retard, northeastern Franklin county is one of the most isolated parts of the state and you still wouldn't be able to lick shots off without rousing the local rednecks and hippies. I'm not even gonna touch your more ridiculous LARP where you pretend the staties have a goddamn better thing to do than interdict unlicensed shitheads.
That's the LEAST isolated area. Brighton, Randolph, Roxbury, Hancock, that's isolated. Even Bennington is easier to squat in than where you're from.
Only Boise, really. Maybe Salmon or Ketchum with hollywood bigshots having property out that way.
Yeah it did, it said he left for work and they stayed to sell the house.
Salmon is a real shame
I think I meant to say Stanley actually, but still
God you are such an obvious LARPer, that's not even half an hour from the capitol.
And yet I have never seen a single person out on the trails there. I used to basically live in that little town forest off of Warren Mountain Road about ten years ago. The place was all mine.
Either way it looks beautiful up there, guys. I'm a fan of the east and the west.
>The West seems to be defined by lack of trees
>25 million acres of national forest in the west
is this ignorance? or eastoid cope?
Most photos of Western public land I see show wide open plains with massive visibility and very few trees. The only exception is the extreme northwest. All these Western guntubers literally just drive and park anywhere to test rifles at 700-800 yards. In the East that is physically impossible.
Calm down faggot
I don't understand this webm.
Don't want to be in a state run by vampires and I'm talking about your senator and not the tick population
and our one mountain is shit compared to literally any other in the country
they hated him because he spoke the truth
Based Idaho scaring away the shitskins
It's not that bad, at least it's pro-gun
A lot of states contain desert but also have forest and even subtropical, oceanic etc. climate zones. Different parts of Colorado, Oregon, Washington are nothing like eachother for example.
They think that trails with people every 3ft and multiple Bluetooth speakers competing for dominance over the forests is normal, like downtown but with more trees and shit yo. Plus the news shows them pictures of the lines up Everest and they think that we want that, because that is what then cities are like anyway so its just like downtown but with more cliffs and ice and shit.
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Californian chuds move to southeastern idaho thinking they can live their rightwing chud fantasies only to get BTFO by the local mormons
Nobody lives east of billings thoughever
>urgh conservative people are just so gossipy and racist!!!
Maybe people just don't appreciate waves of Californians flooding in, destroying the housing market, and crowding out all the locals.
>get tired of living in the state you ruined
>decide to move to a nicer state and ruin that one instead
>say it's for politics so that you blend in, despite having all the blending power of a blind chameleon with down syndrome
>locals immediately see through your bullshit and refuse to worship you
>get butthurt and go back to your shithole so you can cry racism
Based Idahoans
This looks like some kind of mutt-goblino hybrid that California undercooked and then vomited out into the world. Whatever it is, it isn't conservative.
you can't even use your waterhose in california without a permit. kek. luckily, mexicans don't need much water.
Fucking how? Your population density is insane out East
The Appalachians and Northern New England have extremely low population density. Northern NH, most of VT, all of Maine north of Lewiston, the Adirondacks, much of northern PA, almost all of WV, and the southern Appalachian stretch outside of Asheville on the NC/TN border, these regions and a few others feel almost uninhabited sometimes and you can pretty much do anything you want, even live off the land permanently in a tent without paying anyone a dime. In the dense forests of the East, 1 square mile is equivalent to about 10 square miles out west, it's like an alternate dimension with different laws of physics.
>1 sq mile East is worth 10x sq mile west
You're retarded.
>we have all this empty desert!
not surprised that the low iq retard that complains about minorities cant type a sentence properly
The terrain, low visibility, and water table make basic navigation in the East extraordinarily difficult. It also generates massive amounts of food and cover for wildlife. Most Western country looks like the set of The Teletubbies by comparison.
Good, get the fuck out of Idaho you stupid spics
Guessin' you h/n visited much of The Yoop, anon.
>make basic navigation in the East extraordinarily difficult.
just use alltrails
What does the Michigan upper peninsula have to do with Vermont?

no no CA is great! you should totally stay there and not come to other states! they all suck!!! STAY THERE. super out and the insane politics and DEI LGBTTMANSZBBQ are totally progressive!
Too many people
>All these Western guntubers literally just drive and park anywhere to test rifles at 700-800 yards. In the East that is physically impossible.
anon that's called selection bias. You think your gaytubers are going to drive to a thick forested area to shoot at 700-800 yards?
No, obviously they're not going to drive all the way to the east coast just to shoot guns.
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Are you doing a bit? Is that why you type like that?
You missed the point. In the East it is physically impossible to shoot more than 100 yards anywhere except across a pond or something.
That's not the point. It's the physical challenge, not getting lost.
It’s a bot
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hasta la vista
>t. idahoan
I was countering the
>Most photos of Western public land I see show wide open plains with massive visibility and very few trees. The only exception is the extreme northwest.
Way to obfuscate the "point" I guess
AI is overrated. It will be so easy to tell to spot in the future as it starts to hallucinate more
i don't understand how you can spell california so wrong.
See, this is why death camps do exist.
What I always found most strange about this story is that they apparently never left any voicemails after any of the calls. Refusing to leave a voicemail is my number 1 indicator that a repeat unknown caller is spam and unimportant. Why not just leave a brief message?
>This is so-and-so with [park name] search and rescue, trying to reach you because you didn't make it back at the expected time. If you get this message, please call me at [number] to verify your current situation so we can help.
Is that really so difficult? It would also be useful if the hiker's phone lost service temporarily since he'd get your voicemail once service was restored.
you're way too new.
go back to wherever you came from.
I live in Los Angeles County and you're a fucking retard
what an obnoxious family.
you could've just said mexican, saying the same thing really
Don't knock Idaho.
Did you know they invented toothpaste there?
Because if they invented it anywhere else, it would be called teethpaste.
Heard the same joke but with Kentucky. I think it works better with Kentucky desu. Especially if you ever have the misfortune of visiting the OH-KY border.
Sounds like a great opportunity- Buy up a decent chunk of land in a nearby town, make a relatively large parking lot with a small structure for employees and visitor handling and run 2 coach busses back and forth between it and the park. Charge idiot tourists 30 or 40 bucks a trip and you'll make your bank.
My nigger this state has tags for boars, we're an overregulated shithole just accept it.
Why are their faces spazzing like that
I live in Denver, Colorado and I think this city is mediocre as fuck for various reasons.
I'm originally from the East Coast and I miss it. I'm thinking of moving back desu
They're mutted. They have a host of physical and mental health issues due to their Heinz 57 DNA.
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How so? I think there's plenty to do, plenty of room, gorgeous views once you get out there, and no infestation of bugs is nice. Genuinely curious as to what you prefer about the east coast.
Alaskan here and I actually could do all this easily but I don't because I'm not a nigger.
Let him leave lmao.
He's unable to drive outside the city and is retarded.
>for various reasons.
such as? genuinely curious
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>Most photos of Western public land I see show wide open plains with massive visibility and very few trees.
Then you havent looked very far or hard or are simply bullshitting. Idaho alone with 20 million acres of national forest has more national forest then all of the eastern region combined. pull your head out of your ass.

>25 million acres of national forest in the west
this is way low. most states out west have 10-20 million acres each of NF

tons of old logging roads that go for miles
Hard agree. Denver and Boulder is mid.
>Hello sir, we got a report someone discharged a firearm multiple times at long distance in this direction. Are you the family who reported the incident?
>Yes officer. We were standing in the drive way and all of a sudden there were 12 loud bangs. We could hear something zoom past us and hit the garage door.
>Would you be able to describe the shooter for us?
>None of us got a really good look. We were side shuffling when the shots were fired, and by the time we were done they had already fled
>What so you mean by side shuffling? What were you doing in your drive way?
>We were doing a TikTok. The kids lo-
>Sir, what is a tictac and why didn't you run for cover immediately?
>Oh, well, it's a social media and you only have so long to shoot the video. If we ran it wouldn't have come out right
>Let me try to understand this. You, a grown man, we're dancing in your drive way with a hag and two retards in suspenders, we're fired upon by a pedestrian who likely thought it was so painful to watch that he would be better off murdering you instead ignoring you, and you all just continued dancing to finish the video?
>It really is a fun platform once you get used to it. The girls have really taught me a lot.
>You have a good day sir. Please refer all future complaints to that brick wall over there.
>How rude! I don't have to sit here and take your belittling attitude. Come on, kids. We're going back to LA where it's safe and people are nicer. These hick republicans are bigots.
Weird larp
>we don't like how people here gossip and talk bad about others locally
>so we're going to gossip and talk bad about them on a global platform
Lol, I grew up in Vermont/upstate New York. There are areas in Vermont where you can get away with that sort of thing, but there's a lot of farmland, too. I live in Oregon now, it's a lot more like what you described here than it is back there. Sure, Vermont has the lowest population density in the country behind Wyoming, but it's also quite small, and evenly distributed. The majority of Oregon's population is clustered around Portland, and then south down the Willamette valley/I5 corridor. The SE portion of the state, comparatively, is pretty fucking empty, but it's pretty easy to get away from the sprawl if you live in Portland like I do. I drive an hour towards the coast, and can get pretty lost in logging country. I'll take some camping gear and a few rifles, pick my way along the logging roads, and can go an entire weekend without seeing anyone, and this is car camping, mine you.
Yeah they should definitely follow your autistic protocol when minutes matter and its a matter of life or death. Or maybe, if you're lost, having a working cell phone, and get a call,.....you could maybe not be a sperg and just answer it?
I'm not saying it's impossible. I know some pretty isolated pockets not far from Bennington, and further north. But the key word here is pockets. Large, isolated expenses are next to impossible to come across in Vermont, as well as most of the East Coast in general. Over the course of this thread, you've sort of moved the goalposts from "I used to drive around and shoot guns at the side of the road wherever I wanted" to "I used to live off a specific forest road". The latter is definitely possible, if you put in the work. The former is really not.
Why are they pretending to hold the brim of their... beanies?
...four other kids?!?!
>Or maybe, if you're lost, having a working cell phone, and get a call,.....you could maybe not be a sperg and just answer it?
If you read the story, he didn't actually need assistance and got to his car the next day. Why should he have to answer to potential scammers while out on a hike?
>The subject stated they'd lost the trail around nightfall and spent the night searching for the trail, and once on the trail, bounced around onto different trails trying to locate the proper trailhead, finally reaching their car the next morning.
thank goodness I live on the east coast like sane individual
cuz you sure sound like a bag of ass
People only live in places like Idaho and Montana because their uncle is their father and their aunt is their mother
That was a desperate swing and a miss.
So where do retards like you come from?
I'm not gonna tell you where I live because its a gated community, and you're too broke to afford it.
Stick to your trailer park.
So don't bother asking.
I don't care where you live, moron. I was just calling you stupid, retard.
sandpoint is a hippy liberal haven, also OP is correct Idaho sucks for /out/
How is Wyoming for /out/? Winters seem like a pretty good filter
>the west coast is shit!
>oh but it's still better than the east coast!
>most of the landscapes are desert, scrubland, and weeds.
imagine being this fucking retarded
ok subhuman.
Glad you used your 1hr of daily electricity rationing to talk shit on /out/
It is though, unironically. I lived there for 25 years, it's a state full of faggots. It has some of the best geography in the country but every single one of my hobbies was jannied to death by the state. Fishing, guns, cars, etc. Not to mention its filled to the brim with Mexicans.
"we would need to become judgemental"
>posts entire choreographed video making inaccurate judgments
Anon know that northern California doesn't exist and that LA is the only city in the state.
California was annexed from Mexico
You can also just say you've never once visited either state
Bump I want an answer to this too it's so goofy
And when Mexico becomes a Spanish vassal again they can have it back
Based, more people need to be filtered out of the mountain west. I'm hoping for total annihilation of tech/government jobs coupled with full on economic depression so WFH fags have to sell their homes.
Brehs have you been there recently?
20 years ago it was like disneyland, now it's on a new level of clusterfuck.
I remember coming back from a Half Dome day hike and the trails lower down were like leaving a concert. MOOOOOO
Now, it's crowded further, and features sand niggers lurking the paths with thousand yard stares, but they're staring at your wife's crotch. You think I'm bullshitting, go see for yourself. I was tempted to kick one of em over the rock wall he was leering from but when I mad dogged him, he looked right through me like there was a ten foot cameltoe behind me. The feds would have arrested me for terrorism or being mean to tards or something anyways.
You can still get way out in bfe but you'll have to walk a day or two to find solitude. Tioga pass is still heavenly but the valley is an NPC carnival of fucktards.
Those daughters must have not been raised properly at all if they have such an obnoxious attitude. Their mother looks like an absolute Karen. Just imagine how annoying they must have been to every Idahoan that had the misfortune to come across them. "Conservative" family my ass.

This. No one likes people that expect to be worshiped for moving in.

t. Californian
Texas has exactly as many national parks as Montana (2) and 268,596 mi2 of public land, putting it well above Montana's 147,040 mi2.
There are 2164 named mountains in Texas and 14 distinct mountain ranges.
All that cope when they could have just been white. Oh well, back to vibrant diversity wherever the fuck they came from.
wtf are the niggas in that video even talking about?
Auschwitz. And if it isn't, it oughtta be.
true texas is way better than montana for /out/, everyone go to texas. no grizzlies too.
The woods in the PNW are ancient beyond imagining. We have the USA's only cold-weather rainforest. In some of these woods you could step two feet off the trail, turn around once, and be lost forever. And the plants get nasty in the woods. Devil's club is a plant that has thorns everywhere but even on the underside of its leaves.
>268,596 mi2 of public land, putting it well above Montana's 147,040 mi2.

Wut? Montana has 30 million acres of federal and state public land. Texas has about 3 million federal lands and 13 million state land ( some of which is 10 miles out under the gulf).
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>Why did he abandon his wife
post your gf anon :^)
What does Iowa have to do with this? Isn't this article about Idaho rather than some irrelevant unpopulated flat land in the middle of the country?
great captcha
>apple watch
>cringe normie dances
They can go back to Bakersfield
Holy fucking based
it is not entirely my job for you to get rid on the things you have to do.
Yeah that threw me for a spin as well. I don't like the South and would never live there but in terms of manners no where else really comes close. Midwesterners are nicer but for Southerners please/thank you and sir/ma'am are default settings.
Wyoming = wind. The winters are much more brutal than Colorado from what I hear, to the point just getting around becomes a problem. But literally no one lives there so you'll have it to yourself. Closest thing to Alaska in the lower 48
Red pill me on Wildcat Beach/Point Reyes, I just wanna camp on top of a cliff, maybe make a bonfire, enjoy some... substances, and enjoy the ambiance. How much "oi! You have a loicence for that?" am I in for?
Anytime somebody complains publicly about gossip and judgement, you know for a fact that the judgement and gossip are 100% warranted. Probably loud and irritating wherever they go.
>How much
$30 a night and same day permitting- meaning you cant reserve in advance
There are so many reasons why this is a terrible idea
...Wait, is Idaho the Florida of the PNW? Based.
>cringe normie dances
Is it bad that this is a massive red flag to me? As in, immediately disqualifies a girl as a prospect for anything more meaningful than FWB. I just see at as reducing yourself to the equivalent of a barking seal.
2020 forced a bunch of NPCs to do the unthinkable: consider going outside. Now anywhere that is remotely photogenic and accessible is infested with dumb cunts taking pictures of their dumb cunt faces.
>Is it bad
yes. it indicates that you are so bitter and insecure that you will be unable to form an actual emotional bond with anyone.
I see words but all I hear is barking seal.
>admits to retardation
at least you tried
Every part of the US is better than Britain.
I can form emotional bonds just fine, I just make a point of not doing so with anyone who lives and dies by the creed of "monkey see, monkey do." Social media is the leading cause of brainrot, and while I understand it can be leveraged as a source of income, I can't respect, let alone form a bond with anyone who actively participates in these moronic "trends" for it's own sake.

The moment I see a clip of a girl doing one of those retarded ass dances, she becomes a collection of holes to be used at my discretion.
As far as natural beauty? I dunno man, Scotland has some genuinely stunning sights to see, and the continental US is like 70% flyover bullshit.
>flyover bullshit
That’s literally where the outdoors are you fucking retard.
>Scotland has some genuinely stunning sights to see
>the size of South Carolina
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Of course some Texan shows up and tries to pretend that mountains in Texas are as good as mountains in a state literally named Montana.
These are things you Googled. /out/ is mostly braindead children, so no one bothered to point it out.

>Montana has two national parks
No. The border for Yellowstone was probably created before the state border. A tiny sliver of the park extends in Montana (and another into Idaho)

>so much public land in Texas
No. Thats park land, most of which is found in towns and along Texas’ massive coastline.

All of this is a moot point because you’ve never been to any of these places.

Just high enough to get elevation sickness, but Texas is devoid of people who would even bother going. Out of 63 national parks, Guadalupe ranks 52nd in annual visitors. And unlike Alaska (with 6 parks, all near the bottom of that list), Guadalupe is only a days drive from Dallas and San Antonio, two of the largest cities in the country.

Also the peak is about 4 miles from the parking lot. I know because I’ve been.
p much, we never wanted that family in the first place
pave paradise, put up a parking lot
>A tiny sliver of the park extends in Montana
Its true only 3% of the park is in MT but 3 of the 5 entrances are in Montana and almost 80% of people who visit the park travel thru MT to get there.
>I can form emotional bonds just fine
>seething diatribe
lol. ok
Thanks for telling us why it doesn’t count as being in Montana
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People really don’t realize how large Ireland is
>he said Scotland
Same thing. Scotland is a region of Ireland.
>park is in the state
>park has the majority of entrances
>the vast majority of visitors enter thru the state entrances
>coping this hard
lol. ok.
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What a fucking faggot
>should of
ESL opinion discarded
>National Parks
>gets BTFO
>seethes even harder
>admits to being gay
welp, at least your honest

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