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how are my alpbros doing?

will it ever stop raining?
what's it like on the alps?
i own some hunting property in the hill country of texas, is it similar?

Are those feral mountain people real?
Monitoring this potentially comfy thread.
Slovenian here. Good day to you all.
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Last two days have been ok.
Am not in the alps currently, just about where they start.
Grew up surrounded by them though. I also spend about a month a year up at 1500m in a seven house village.
They have gigabit fibre...Switzerland is like that.
Gonna do a 2,800m tomorrow in the central alps. Its not raining here currently. Im wondering about the snow, if the ascend is possible or not. Its quite early for the peak im planing to do, but i guess you can always turn around. Its the first ascend for me
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>I will never rise a family in a comfy cabin in the alps
Why live
Me again, got some questions. How dangerous are "old"snowfields? Is there anything else i should take care of?
>Me again, got some questions. How dangerous are "old"snowfields? Is there anything else i should take care of?
You have no idea how dangerous snow can be, yet you're gonna strap on your sandals and gonna try to climb that mountain?
Uh yes sir thats the plan. Ive been looking at that mountain for 22 years, time to see whats on it. Ive read about snowfields in the meantime and they do seem to be an issue. I expect there to be atleast one, since normally you would ascend late june - july earliest, especially after such a snow rich winter like the one in '24. I'll use my best judgement tomorrow + some extra carefulness, since beside of skiing and mushrooming im not a big mountain guy
It is, however, a rather easy ascend, no climbing at all, no really rough spots from what ive been told and read. Pathfinding can be tricky since its not marked, and well, the snow
>Ive been looking at that mountain for 22 years
You grew up near it? I can kinda get that, though I got on even on the tallest one around me, just 2222m, before being 16...there's a skilift right up to the top....easy mode.
Good luck!
Let us know if you survived.
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That was the weather in the morning.... still lots of snow up there, i marked the spot where they should be
First stop reached, the peaks are in the fog straight ahead, it was too much snow so we decided on plan B, shaved 500 m's off and took the next best peak
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Forgot pic
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It was a gorgeous day, although rainy the first two hours
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That was the peak we decided on, 2.300m. You can see the cross
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First snowfield, no biggy. At this point we're 4 hours in, spirits still high even though where both wearing the old stinky boots from our fathers
Am jelly. Which country?
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First sketchy snowfield. Took some time to get through for us retards. 40-50min from the peak
peep the view
Jesus christ, upload to convert to wbm, then upload to another website to compress bc >4mb, then upload to ANOTHER one to remove the audio, UPLOAD to the first one because it suddenly is a mp4 again. Well, enjoy
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some overhanging snow
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The peak, 50min from there
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20min from the peak, the snowfield that broke us. The way was under it, but we had no clue what it looked like below, if it was stable or not. Gonna post some pictures of it, i think we made the right call to turn around
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pic for above
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same snowfield, the way was underneath it, ill post another view. Looked mighty sketchy, we did not step on it although there were tracks
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The snowfield from further away. Last two pics were taken at the cross. Even from this view i would not attempt it, since youd have to slide down 1-2meters on snow and then try to stop on the trail. We also did not see the way from where we where standing
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the peak we originally planned to ascend. Gonna post a picture from winter aswell
The trail is between the one in the middle and the one on the left side - completly covered in snow, so it was the right call to move on
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some views, we're back down from the trail at this point. 6:30h in
8h* actually
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13 percenter
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Coming back down, clocking in at 9 hours total. First hike for me in years, great success. Legs are cooked
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Also first time doing activity in jeans, enjoyed it & will do again. Posted enough revealing information already so no face
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Here the absolutely magical pic i took from the plan A peak in the winter - can you spot it?
>Posted enough revealing information already so no face
No worries, I said 2222m. Makes identifying rather easy.
My grandfather was from South Tyrol and I visited his town in the Dolomites years ago, would love to go back and visit the main Alps and do /out/ stuff.

Not at all, really. The Alps are much more vertical and don't have the dry scrubby brush stuff you get in Texas - as you can see in the pics it's a mix of open grassy meadows and evergreen forests, and then just low grass or bare rock above the treeline - , and everything is at much higher elevation. The closest places I've seen in the US were in the Northern California Sierras.
Distance and elevation?
17.5km, 1500m up 1462m down
1500m of positive gain and 1462m negative? That's decent.
Alright, yea i have no clue about that. Accoring to fatmap it shouldve taken us 6h instead of 9h. Part of our extra time can be explained with the nasty conditions, tho most of it is probably due to our beginner pace. The last time i did 8km+ was more than 5 years ago id say
NTA it does sound good. They actually forced us to do shit like that when we were like 13.
But, to be fair, destiny placed us in the middle of a lot of mountains.
Sure, I'm getting back into it myself.
Timings must have been calculated without snow fields.
But after all, why running?
Yea, add in an hour or so of breaks. We were having a pleasent time, who cares about time
What is the temperature range in the area?
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Ticino lover checking in

if you like blogposting about your trips i highly suggest to post the flags on /extraflags/ as well
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that is akshually in Grisons
here is Ticino
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also how dangerous would it be to walk on that glacier? it's not snow, it's a small permanent glacier. i don't think there are big crevasses i might not see an fall in, also because it doesn't flow and hasn't for at least decades
Usually I steer clear of that kind of thing unless I am certain I know what I'm doing.
Yesterday it was between 17-20 degrees. During winter, -5 is common, -10 to -15 would be a very cold day. During summer, 35 degrees is the max
How cold is it getting in the night?
Hmmm the weather radar is telling me 11 degrees, which i think is strange, since it's 11 degrees right now aswell
found this
Forget about the above screenshot, this one is the correct one
Thanks. I found temperatures from the weather forecast to be usually wrong for the mountains.
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Yeah man, they're real. Sometimes they descend from the mountains for a raid and raze a few small towns on their passage, I hate when that happens.
Anon, those are just gypsies.
Gypsies are vanquished at the blast of a shotgun or the sight of a tailless amphibian, these are the real remnants of the Raetians, putting towns loyal to Rome to fire and flames,
Okay, amerimutt.
I'm as West Eurostallion as it gets, you are a homosexual if you don't know gyppos are superstitious about frogs (kek).
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Rare picture of such mountain savages taken by ethnologist Dai Smerdet.
He had managed to make peaceful contact with them in the 1960s but was them found murdered for unknown reasons.
Calderone glacier?
Usually you are a massive faggot

lmao even
check again in what thread you are in
Then you there and test it, moron. The fuck do you want me to tell you?
heh sorry that was a offhanded reply i typed at the moment

i should have replied "is your answer based on your actual experience on that particular terrain or you are just scared of anything that isn't a paved trail?"
much better
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I'm not that much out far currently, because I'm recovering from major, major surgery. (I do currently spend most of my time out in the garden, I just prefer sitting outside during the summer)
However, last week we were up in just about the alps outer range. It was beautiful. I grew up in the actual alps. and I could even see all the mountains that surround the entry to my home-valley.
I, as someone that doesn't use his smartphone when in company, did not take a picture though. Sorry for that.
i visited the area around chamonix for a week last year but it was infested with tourists even though it wasn't even the busy season. will be back this year though, the mountains are awesome. i want to try some 3k or maybe even 4k if i can find something not too complicated, i don't have a lot of experience with snow. and i go alone so it's a bit dangerous
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>2019, before covid
>not *that* many people on the trails other than some iconic ones, and basically alone when I was camping near a lake in altitude or whatever
>now, 2023-2024
>everything is fucking crowded, even when camping at night you're bound to see some faggots coming out of nowhere when you thought you'd be all alone and comfy.

Mass tourism killed travel, and now they're killing the last hobby I like to do outside
Isn't that right. The morons in power were right in reducing the numbers of grasshoppers, they did so in the worst way possible though.
Wait until brown "tourists" start pouring in in the next decades.
obviously not
t. top 10 google search tourist
is there land to buy in the alps regions (north Italy, Switzerland etc.)? Can someone realistically buy land in rural places and make a living in a rural town?
No, to both questions. Even if there were, you would be ostracized by locals and never accepted.
yes, northern Italy is cheap,
there are even some abandoned villages that are almost free but you have to live there and rebuild
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I hiked up to the alpine then climbed up a tree to get a pic of the mountains, the alpine, and the pacific ocean. If someone else had posted my pic we'd go "that's alpine as fuck" but because it was me I will get ignored.
That's fatistani wilderness.
Does any Eurostallion use hammocks on the Alps?
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I camp over 2000m, so no.
Any recomendation for trails to do in the summer? I wanted to do the via del viandante but it's too exposed and close to towns.

Also let's have a /outist/ meet
lmao even
How much do your tent and sleeping bag weight? Do you camp alone?
go on
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Yeah I camp alone. The green one is my old Vaude tent, 1.8Kg.
The newer one in pic related, TrekkerTent Stealth 2, uses my hiking poles as its armature, and weights 800g. Sleeping bag weights 775g (Cumulus Lite Line 400), I'm quite happy with its size/weight/performance. I also use an old 420g Exped inflatable mattress, weights more than I'd want but is extremely compact once folded, and my back is happy about it. My equipment is quite old already, almost 10 years old, there's probably better these days.
You aren't going offtrail are you? That's illegal inna EU.
Finally someone knowing their business.
Been a while since I slept outside, the sum of my 3 season gear goes to about 3.28kg- 1,8 bivy, 1,1 sack and foam mat. Give me opinions.
Do you live on the continent? What else do you carry?
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I'm a frog, so yeah, I live on the continent.
>the sum of my 3 season gear goes to about 3.28kg- 1,8 bivy, 1,1 sack and foam mat. Give me opinions.
I think you have room for optimization, but as usual, past a certain point it costs a lot for diminishing returns. I'd work on the bivy first, it's not an option I considered as I prefer a regular tent, but 1.8Kg seems heavy. Then maybe the sleeping bag, but you'll end up spending a lot for maybe a 300g gain (depending on the T° rating you want), not necessarily worth it. Foam mat is probably the lightest option out there, no need to change anything unless like me you don't want anything hanging out outside of the backpack (and if you more comfort. My back tolerance is rather shitty).
>What else do you carry?
I carry quite a lot, but at the same time, not that much. Here's my complete list, sorry it's in frogspeak but you'll probably understand some of it. First column is the item, second column is how much it weights in my bag, third column is how much it weights on me (my current clothes, my shoes, and so on), fourth column is a sum of both. If a line is greyed out, it's not counted (those are options, i.e sometimes I'll bring a specific camera lens and not the others).
1st section is backpack weight while empty+poles+shoes, 2nd section is what I need to sleep, 3rd section is related to cooking equipment, 4th is clothing, 5th is hygiene, 5th is pharmacy/drugs/sunscreen. High tech section should be self explanatory.

I carry way too much in camera + lenses, but I won't compromise on this section. Basically I carry 6.5Kg of equipment in my backpack (backpack weight included), and 3.5Kg on me (clothes,shoes, poles, camera). That doesn't include food and water yet, those are dependent on the itinerary. I'm limited though, with a ~45L backpack, and considering I want everything to fit inside, I'm left with room for maybe 3 or 4 days worth of food, and I don't eat a lot. Water goes on the left & right pockets.
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Also, not from that particular itinerary but should be close enough, here's a "before"
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and the "after". Well, obviously I'm wearing the shoes and a pair of clothing.
it's an irl content bowl
Many thanks.
>Also let's have a /outist/ meet
wasn't planning on going this year but tell me a date and a place in late summer/autumm and i might consider it
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OP, it will not stop raining. At least not in central Switzerland.

Anyone else working /out/? Or is it a tourist meet-up around here?
Heading to the Dolomites tomorrow for two weeks, seems like there will be some lingering snow and the weather has been a little all over the place. waiting to hear from some people I know there at the moment to work out whether an ice axe/microspike might be worth taking.
Bringing bovines out in those conditions is asking to be raided by the savages >>2744187.
Your cows will be stolen and abused, probably also sexually.
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Only in Austria. There they are called "wolpertinger". Also it's not possible to descent to us. You'd have to ascend.

Enjoy our cattle. They are safe and well protected.
Tomorrow we'll have some sunshine. Good for moving the cows up higher.
The cattle will follow soon.
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Their scouts will look like picrel.
They live in inaccessible areas near the summits in camouflaged camps, it's impossible to track them since they keep moving, now they have trial bikes to reach and rape cattle more rapidly.
Germs are most vulnerable to their attacks, why do you think there are so many castles in places like tirol? There's evidence the italian high command even armed and trained them in 1917.
The european union is covering this up. The cattle will be reached and abused before dawn, and the owner will be none the wiser.
Are you a cattle herder? What boots do you use? How does it work, do you guard them daily? What's your day like? Do you sleep near the beasts or return to a shelter or town?
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Finally a decent reply.
Yes, I am. At least during summer.
For boots I usually work in rubber boots (~30 CHF). I also use them in the terrain. Plenty of creeks and swampy areas. Alternatively I use old swiss army full-leather boots (130 CHF, 2pair of socks recommended!).
My employer is going for SCARPA boots. Pricey but worth it.

We have cows and cattle. The area is around 24 hec and divided in 3 "sectors", bottom, mid and high. We start with the livestock in bottom and move them up as the summer goes on. In August we slowly head down again. Today we finally moved our 62 cows to the top sector. The cattle are still in bottom but will be in "mid" in like 7-10 days. Depending on weather, grass, condition of the pasture and our schedule.
The cows need to be milked twice a day. Starting at 0430 we fetch them and lead them to the stable. They go grazing again at around 0830. In the evening we fetch them at around 1630 and send them out into the night again at like 2000. In the meantime I check on the cattle. That's counting the cattle and check for their health. Especially if they all walk properly. Or if they have open wounds. Or show signs of being sick otherwise. Same applies for the cows,too.
I also care for the cheese. We store around 2 tons right now and need to coat/"smear" it daily.
Meanwhile the farmer and his wife produce the cheese.
Also we need to put up plenty of fences. Cutting weeds from the pastures. Cleaning the milking equipment.
It's enough work for the farmer and his wife, me and 2 other employees.

Different "Alps", the term for a summer-only-farm in Swiss German have different conditions. Some only have 1 or 2 sectors. Some just sell their milk. Others go for cattle only, sheep or goats. Mother cows or raising male cattle. Some only have pigs. Or horse.
But cows are most popular.

We sleep in the shelters in the regarding sectors. It's kinda close to the livestock. Like 10 minutes walk.
Again, other "Alps" have different setups....
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Especially farms with goats or sheep tend to have the herders closer to the livestock. Those beasts are more likely to jump over fences or getting attacked by wolves. Cows are easier to keep in place.

Right now it's 1230 and I didn't yet have time for breakfast. We need to carry generator and vacuum pump to the top sector before eating.
Work isn't paid all too good. But it's a terrific job.
In case your interested:
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Cattle is a collective name for Bos taurus, cows are female pieces of cattle; I'm assuming with that you meant oxen.
I noticed you don't have highland cows in your picture, very popular stock in other areas of the Alps.
Also do you know of any direct source for bovine horns, bone and skins?
I am the single author of all the replies you received by the way, I warned you about the germ-cattle-raping savages.
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Cattle in this case refers to a bovine before it's first gestation. Every bovine producing milk is a cow.

>>2751588 is an SB=swiss brown.>>2750829 is a group of swiss brown. Typical highland cattle. Kind of an "evolution" of the Original Brown.
The cattle are mostly Holstein red.

For horns and other cow-parts it's best to inquire with a local butcher in the small villages.

Pic rel: swiss brown "Sarina" (all 62 have a name).
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Highland cattle is a specific breed from Scotland, picrel.
I wish we still had the old system, in here it's now all open stables and the job market has been shat by aliens. Menial work spots is literally all jeets and the occasional negro in this field. Landscape is destroyed too. I hope you know how good you have it.
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Yes, highland cattle is a very specific breed.
I supposed anon just generally talked about "breeds suited for highlands".
The Angus are getting kind of popular around here.
Open stables are getting popular here, too. Hornless genetics on the rise. Allows for higher density. Less injuries. Personally I don't like working with a hornless cow since you can't grab it properly. But open stables don't need all this...and still those farmers send there animals to us in the summer. Imagine catching a young and shy cattle for medical treatment in rough terrain when it's not used to humans.

Your Scottish Highlands are similar in frame and size to the traditional OB.
But original brown is not so heavy on the milk as is the Swiss brown. So for reasons of profit we have those now. Still a breed suitable for "highland".

Don't mind the jeets and blackies. You can still apply for jobs like this. Most farmers would be happy to hire you.
salaries in agriculture have always been shit and will always be shit.

Anyway, it's a thread on the Alps so enjoy some lovely alpine flowers.

Back to work. Cattle and cheese. That's another 5 hours to the 10 I did today.
Ever wondered why it's minorities working such jobs...?
>Ever wondered why it's minorities working such jobs...?
The attractiveness of these jobs is that they don't require initial skills, anyone can start immediately, the skills and intellect needed are usually proportional to the salary as intelligence is rarer than functional bodies.
Work used to be either in the family or summer jobs, especially for the youth. Due to a lacking intellect, aliens are relegated to bottom of the scale, occupying en masse menial task positions a child could.
Scarcity is a predominant element in determining the value of a good and human time is a good itself; a surplus of workers results in lower salaries. This has happened before trash started pouring in, with the woman "liberation": doubled the workers, grossly lowered manpower's cost.
I considered milking or working with cow's feet myself but it's just not worth it, even farmers advised against that. Besides, the plains are unpleasant- sewage canals, sludge fields, few trees with most wild beasts extinct.
Have the brown ghouls reached the mountains yet? They seem to have an aversion for them, except for the bottom of valleys.
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some pictures of tyrol
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Very nice! From yesterday? We are back to rain and fog and low temperature.
i'll take this shitty weather but okay temperatures than sweating like a pig under the sun + sleepless nights tbqhdesu
Keep spreading the truth. The alps are full of mysterious creatures, such as the Vouivre, mainly seen in Vouvry, a small village near the lake of Taney. It's a flying snake with one eye, often mistaken for a UFO or a group of drones.
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Finally someone that gets it. One should always carry all the proper holy relics and at the very least a drudenmesser, even then safety is never guaranteed.
Many tourists are tricked and killed by these creatures every year, sometimes even locals fall victim to them when they grow complacent.
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can't wait to get back
thanks, no its form last season. do you know the area?
Alpinebros, I'll be passing through the italian alps in about two weeks.
Any recommendations for things to see and hikes to go to?
I remember you
It's full, but if you do, follow >>2755713 since it's germs living there.
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No. Never been there. Am stuck in central Switzerland with our livestock trying to avoid the assraping britbong.
But surely would love to go there.
Especially south Tyrol. Heard they have awesome food.

Last week after an afternoon rainfall.
You do well guarding the honor of those beasts, but I don't think the savages are British in origin.
South tyrolean food is ok, I speculate the same as austrian food. Schnitzel is a poor man's Milanese steak.
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"Savage riders of the Alps"

Born in the shadowed peaks
Descendants of Oetzi unleashed
Freedom forged in ancient fire
Roaming mountains
Hearts of ire

[Verse 2]
Steel horses roar
Engines scream
Blood and fury
A savage dream
Illegal life
Spirits untamed
In the Alps
Lawless and famed

Savage riders
Fear our name
Mountains tremble
In fiery flame
The steed of night
Raiding towns
Igniting fright

[Verse 3]
Cattle conquered
Wild and free
Violation in the cold breeze
Ancient ways
Primal calls
Violent horde
As the town falls

Echoes of an olden time
Frozen heritage
Bloodline prime
In the night
Their shadows cast
Ancient spirits
Revived at last

[Verse 4]
To the horizon
Sun sets low
Savages ride
Where the wild winds blow
Alpine terror
Darkness bred
Rivers run red
By the blood we’ve shed
Nope. 100% pure eurostallion.
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Clearly the same scenery as >>2756288 but after the destruction of the town at the hand of the wild men. Always be vigilant.
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Schnitzel is the best Tyrol has to offer?
We have this in Switzerland too.
Anyway, post more Tyrol.
Got any from this season?

Looks like a Red Holstein. Where are the pictures from?

That's our storage for cheese. Somewhat /in/ but still /alps/.
I would say fresh trout is the best they have. Haven't been there in years but as I remember their food should be similar to the rest of the germ area.
What cheese is that?
Will go for a 2-3 day hike from Vomp to Scharnitz in around 2 weeks. What should I consider, when I do higher-altitude solo camping?
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Maybe I get the chance for some outings in Tyrol in October.

That's "Glarner Alpkäse" roughly "Mountain cheese from Glarus".
Nothing special to be frank.
It's nice when matured much over 6 month.

Tent. No hammock.
No sticks and lumber around so bring a camping stove.
Scavenging food (mushrooms, berries and so on) is hard above the tree line. Have enough food on you.
Be sure to set camp on a spot that can't be hit by a landslide or falling rocks.
Enjoy your trip.

Picture originally for my wife. Everything else from today exceed 5 mb
>Tent. No hammock.
got a carinthia biwack sack, never used it so we'll see how it goes

> No sticks and lumber around so bring a camping stove.
got a pretty lightweight esbit cooker setup, is it a meme or actually usable?

also kino picture, love me some alps
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The sack should be super comfy.
Should be a good option for above the tree line.
Am not a gear guy but I wouldn't worry about the stove.

Remember to post your hike here or in the follow up thread.
It's inconvenient to do anything but heat up precooked food with the esbit, especially if there's wind.
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recently moved to the foothills of the alps. pretty dam nice out here

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