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*blocks your path*
Well /out/, what do?
death to animelovers
pour lighter fluid on it and light it on fire.
Enjoy your stay in whatever park with good cell service that is
not like it's much different than walking in a park. Kind of throws the entire idea of camping to get away from the high speed if modern society out the window
may aswell not even go camping at that point desu
it replaced t-b-q-h with desu

that's gay

Also OP is a giant faggot
Welcome newfriend
not new
just phone posting
never really dis desu
been using this website for 12 years
usually just lurk on phone and avoided acronyms for a very long time because i used think they were """cringe"""
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>anime-haters are newfag redditers
im from the cancer era
not the reddit era
get it right

im also glad im not the only one who knows this chart
The anime doll spammer doesn't do any real /out/ing. He's been called out before but people that recognize the background of his posts are pictures taken twenty feet from a parking lot. He only posts new threads when his current one gets consistently saged because people want to talk about the outdoors and are tired of anime-obsessed manchildren that don't actually do any /out/ activities. A few fags and losers will try to butt in, like >>2745393 but conveniently they never have anything /out/-related to discuss.
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none of this matters and and if you want to expand you´re ethernet penis you can just google-fu everything anyway
t. oldfag
>He only posts new threads when his current one gets consistently saged because people want to talk about the outdoors and are tired of anime-obsessed manchildren that don't actually do any /out/ activities

yeah this board and getting back into archery in the past month and half has actually convinced me to put away all my anime shit.
I came home one day and finally saw it the way everyone else saw it
just weird and creepy.

Hoping to repurpose the shelves into a book shelf and revitalize my weaponry collection
Yeah ive been saying that for years.
you never know if someone is actually an oldfag
i remember on other boards some anon went through the archives just to sit down and say he's an oldfag
well if you want the deepest lore it all started with tubbyanon
that thing then escalated into first yuruanon who started posting his little plastic friend that led into other anon posting his yuru camp poster etc etc
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>The anime doll spammer doesn't do any real /out/ing. He's been called out before but people that recognize the background of his posts are pictures taken twenty feet from a parking lot.
/in/cels mad again
Is there a bear in it?
No one's really mad. Everyone here has accepted that people like you are allowed to ruin our boards and the mods won't do anything about it. We just try to bully you so you won't post anymore. It's a rational reaction to your horrible posts, there is no anger in it. Eventually your tranime ass will kill yourself and we will be rid of you, it's just a matter of when.
It's funny how you tourists whining about this being an anime site never, ever post any of your own pictures, stories or whatever. Zero positive contributions, just seethe at other people having fun in the great outdoors, with their guns, tech, or whatever else. You don't make your own threads for positive engagement with others who share your own interests and preferences, you just get angry in someone else's threads and want to censor them. It's the big mark of what subhumans you are, though your kind is hardly rare unfortunately. I hope you lose your rage and find things you can actually enjoy positively someday anon.
It's not blocking my path though. Even if it was, I could just move it with my truck.
>You know what would make going into the wilderness away from the internet and society better? How about a Japanese Funko Pop!
>Better yet, lets post it on the internet for dat sweet sweet dopamine!
Leave him alone.
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You guys think there is only one person?
This needs the webm of that white knight defending a girl in VR
commit sudoku
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This pic is older than you.
I'm going to get one of these anime dolls and take photos from peaks just to make you mald even more
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>You guys think there is only one person?
>The anime doll spammer doesn't do any real /out/ing. He's been called out before but people that recognize the background of his posts are pictures taken twenty feet from a parking lot. He only posts new threads when his current one gets consistently saged because people want to talk about the outdoors and are tired of anime-obsessed manchildren that don't actually do any /out/ activities. A few fags and losers will try to butt in, like >>2745393 but conveniently they never have anything /out/-related to discuss.
This guy gets it
Infinitesimally better than having a folder of MLP dolls
ITT we dont go outside
you need to go back.
It's been summer for 9 years
>4chan is older than me
there is more evidence that animefags go out than any other posters, amazing
>if you don't have an entire folder dedicated to children's dolls next to parking lots then you don't go /out/
Damn, guess I'll just have to live with being straight
>posts no pictures of going /out/ just seethes about other people doing so
Many such cases.
i think it's really silly that people nowadays think it's impossible to have more than one hobby

>you like anime AND going outside that's CRINGE!!1!1!1!1!1!
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It gets worse...
ITT we seethe about anime instead of going outside
Nothing at all wrong with having multiple hobbies. What's wrong is having a hobby that's collecting dolls from a cartoon like you're a twelve-year-old girl. Acting like a little girl is cringey and no mental gymnastics on your part will change that.
People who like anime are obnoxious autistic man-children.
i cant disagree there
that's why im throwing all my anime shit out slowly.
Too lazy to do it all in one day.
been packing up one figure at a tkms
Only oldfags remember the insane quantity of cp this site used to be flooded with on the regular.
there's deffo snacks in that thing
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hi gang
What lake
>The anime doll spammer doesn't do any real /out/ing. He's been called out
The state of this board.
>pictrues outside
>pictures outside, with figurine
Its genuinely pathetic you get riled up over this.

Retard, its the exact same doll in several pics. I don't even recognize where its from but even I know that.
>anon has a favorite doll, that makes it not cringe
Well at least you called it a doll. Baby steps.
Honestly, I've been here almost since the beginning (not sure exactly when but it was still .net so early '04 at the latest) and I remember a decent amount of questionable teenage stuff but very little full-on obvious CP, maybe it just wasn't present on the boards I frequented though - I abandoned /b/ pretty early and mostly stuck to niche boards like /o/ and /k/ once they existed.
>Just ignore ass men playing with dolls of little girls
>Anyone who calls me on it is just mad
oh, eh, ok
>Its genuinely pathetic you get riled up over this.
Some people have made getting mad their entire personality.
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kek I see two of my photos. Have a few more.
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>they aren't even anon's photos in his album
Oh no no no nononono
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? I distinctly said "have a few more". Words have a meaning.
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How are you doing anime friends?
My apologies, I forgot about the average IQ of tranime fags. I'll break it down for you.
>anon posts folder of anime dolls in the outdoors
>other anon shows up and says "I see two of my photos"
>from this we can safely assume that less than 100% of the little-girl-doll pictures in the album were actually taken by the anon who possesses the folder
>this is funny because it means the original anon has little-girl-doll pictures that he didn't even take, carefully curated in a folder on his computer
Up to speed?
What can you possibly "call out" on this behavior? Being verifiably one of the few people on here that goes outdoors? oh, eh, ok. If they posted the exact same images without the doll they wouldn't get the bumps you give them.
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I might steal one my sisters pokemon plushies next time Im there and start contributing myself to these.
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How the fuck does some weeb afford to go to all these places throughout the year? I thought most animefags just sit in their room all day with no source of income.
These are some good shots, keep it up anon
based captcha
The captcha knows
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I couldn’t not get in that.
That’s one warning sign I would nope the fuck out
There was a ‘catgoddess’ thread at least once a day
technically it's a figure anon. you're on this website so i know you know that.
all newfags post about how they have been tranime faggots since this website started.

it hasnt been a tranime site since /b/ was introduced.
>um, acktchiualleee
Not everyone spends time on the cartoon boards to learn the super important distinction between dolls and other dolls, anon.
You can't hate anime on 4chan lol.
Lurk more then
You're my favorite /out/ poster and I would ask for your autograph if I ever saw you in the outdoors with your cute Rin figurine!
>I would ask for your autograph

tell me this is a joke
He can sign one of my /out/ patches
Nice!!! good pic
you are a joke.. Are you bothering because someone takes photos with a 5.5cm plastic figure... you better grow up and find real problems to get angry about... I also have anime figures and I like to take photos of the places I go with and without them because it's fun and that's it.
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nta but your maligned reasoning is still opaque.
need to get an anime girl to bring with me and make idiots seethe more, who should i bring?
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>need to get an anime girl to bring with me and make idiots seethe more, who should i bring?
your /out/ related waifu or just your waifu
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As anon said, if you have an /out/ related waifu, bring her. Whatever the merch. Otherwise, just your waifu.
>collects dolls
>tells others to grow up
>calls others a joke
Self awareness off the charts
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crawl inside and wait
4chan is reddit with IDs
M00t was a redditor and a cross-dressing sodomite
You should kill yourself
What's there to even do a shit hole like that?
Why can't you post a doll from a state that actually matters like Florida, Georgia or Texas
my brother
suggestions? or do i just go default and get a little plushie rin? maybe I'll get the GLT girls. I watch a lot of anime but I have a bad memory and can't remember it all, I'd like a recognisable character and logo, like maybe an sos brigade logo and yuki. suggestions welcome (to jog my memory)
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any grown man who buys and owns gay anime shit is gay and wack. its really that simple
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>japanese vidya
>posting on the website for grown men who own gay anime shit and are gay and "wack"
Is this where I seethe about Annie May?
You're a lying sack of shit and you have to go back
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I lurk but the tourists make me want to become worse, gotta start bringing my garbage /out/ more
where do you get these little plushie girls?
i don't know about the other guys but I work in a steel fabricators and angle grind things all day. then go places on the weekend/for my holidays. also it's basically free but for fuel/train tickets.
I would climb inside of it, eat my free snack, and take a nap until the funny hat boys show up
>double-digit (yous)
>mostly from malding manchildren
You know a post is based when this amount of seething ensues
stick my dinky in the hole so the bear gives me head
worked with the last bear in a glory hole i went to
Where is this pic at?
go to /fumo/ on /jp/
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"Cirque des marchets", Parc National de la Vanoise, France. Just above the village of Pralognan. Very nice place.
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>>You guys think there is only one person?

>this is funny because it means the original anon has little-girl-doll pictures that he didn't even take, carefully curated in a folder on his computer
Isn't that exactly his point, that there's more than one animeposter on /out/?
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>based yama no susume posters inna alpine zone
Where is this taken? I love this kind of environment.
You're just doing it on purpose now
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In the same area as >>2752762
just on the other side of the valley
based gaynon anime poster
so why did you post an image from an anime
Have you tried the s’mores one?
For some reason I always assumed you were a leaf. Unless you're just down here visiting?
>Anon groans as he steps out of his mother's '93 Subaru Impreza wagon, the vehicle groaning just as much as the suspension recovers from his mass
>By the time he bad it to the hatch door he's already panting, sweat soaking through his Sailor Moon T-shirt in seconds
>He grabbed his Pokemon backpack from middle school and wet his dry lips, wishing he had packed some water
>There wasn't enough room, for Anon had brought an anime doll to convey every possible reaction and surveyed the area for a location to set his toys up for a photo shoot before posting on 4chan
>After an hour, he finally decides on the perfect place and doll to use
>Snap, that's going straight into his /out/ folder
>Twenty feet away, his mother honks at him
>Anon it's time for your insulin shot
See what it's like to get yourself trapped in it. It would be a rare opportunity so you'd be foolish to not take advantage of it
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Fuck it, I'm taking the Zaku out again next time. Or maybe a nendo. Just for the malding redditards screeching about anime content on an anime website.
If I ever saw you wearing that gay anime backpack, I would call you a fag to your face
that is so gay.
We're actually laughing at you for playing with dolls.
walk it back >>2745410
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Stay mad samefag
There won't be a response.
absolutely based where2cop?
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