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>download fishbrain
>look at local spots that I thought were low traffic
>literally hundreds of reports
When did fishing become the new hiking meaning that every normie does it now? I swear it wasn't like this before covid.
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Fishing is for boomers dude, all us hip and cool youths are out here trapping crustaceans dawg, crayfish, shore crabs fr fr
it's becoming the new hiking because there arent really many things you can do as an adult nowadays that wont result in 5 years in prison
it's the demographics. I'm assuming you live somwhere that used to be somewhat smallish but now has a lot of people. lots of transplants for example. where I live, fishbrain is 75% posts by mexicans that leave trash everywhere they fish.
Well that's a neat tool, thanks for mentionong it
I don't get the allure with fishing. WTF even is it. You catch a fish and get all excited for some reason. Then you throw it back. Repeat this for hours then go home.
The fuck?
Just float the water if you're there to be in nature. WTF is fishing for?
>wtf even
A zoomer like you won't understand
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>let's just torture fish for hours for no reason
Hush now, grown-ups are talking. Go play roblox
I've had mixed experiences with Mexicans. Some act like absolute fucking niggers and leave their garbage everywhere, take ten times their bag limit, chum and otherwise completely disregard all regs, blast shitty beaner music over their ancient Walmart bluetooth speaker, and basically do everything in their power to make everyone else in the vicinity as miserable as possible.

Others are super chill, quiet and respectful, and love giving (genuinely helpful) advice on what's biting, what gear is hot, and good peak times.

What gives?
those who wish to assimilate and be seen as american vs those who are just here for their job and don't otherwise give a fuck about america
I can't stand fishing. All my friends go fishing it's all they fucking do it's all they fucking think about. I don't understand it at all. You won't catch me stabbing creatures for fun.
Every outdoor activity became more popular during the pandemic. Fishing is still a predominantly male activity unlike hiking in the social media era. That's a huge difference at a time when male spaces are constantly being intruded upon.
free food.
Only entrance for some states is buying a license
Fishing for food makes sense. I'm talking about the "fishermen" who fish just to hold the fish for a moment and toss it back.
It seems you've contracted a terminal case of being a massive faggot, I'm sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry that your "friends" have to tolerate such monumental homosexuality in their vicinity.
You mean proving to yourself that you can indeed catch your own food, but have moved past killing them and return them to the river/ocean so it can reproduce? Ya man that’s so horrible u gotta keep killin them 2 b ethical man.
>what is practice
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Fishing has always been peak normie behavior. Quit being a hipster faggot.
Still fun tho.
You get excited because it's fun. Like riding a moped or setting off firecrackers. There's no logical reason it should feel so good, but it does anyways.
Don't be a faggot, fish are assholes and they deserve it. For example, see pic rel. This is the most used lure from my tackle box. Rainbow trout love it because they think they are about to eat a baby rainbow trout. Don't give them your compassion, they are infanticidal dicks.
>fish are assholes
I would say it's more of a lack of human sentimentality. Fish, reptiles, amphibians, if it fits in their mouth they see it as food.

What's the brand and model of that lure. I wouldn't mind buying one.
Don't download apps like that. Takes the part of the fun away. You can tell whether there's fish somewhere yourself. Bite prediction is a gimmick. And if you really need some help, you can use a fish finder.

Don't contribute to the mega-corporation book of fishing spots anon.

>I don't understand the thrill of the hunt because I'm an effeminate little boy
Panther-Martin. Just grab you one of the 6-packs with a couple patterns you like. I use either the 4 or 6 weight on 4lb test for trouts.
I think you're projecting.
every month or so my brother goes fishing at some kind of sports lake which is a glorified fish farm you throw some bait into. he talks about it like he's actually earning the fish, he bought some carbon fiber fishing rod recently. reminds me of the cyclists around my town who're dressed up like they're competing at the Tour de France to ride 10km on plain ground. It's kind of pathetic.
my mom likes to fish off the rocks with just some line wrapped around a piece of cork and catches stupid weird fish all the time, throws them back in. she really does it for the thrill
unless the fish is unlucky and the hook sinks into an eye or something, the mouth is cartilage. the fish doesn't really feel anything there
it's much more of an asshole move to eat lobster
>my mom likes to fish off the rocks and catches stupid weird fish all the time, throws them back in
That's what I do. Too much competition for big bass and shit so I just use a worm on small hooks and catch whatever's biting. All sorts of cool minnows and other things you wouldn't expect, and ocassionally I do get a big bass if I'm lucky.
I still lol @ people who say it's cheating to use live bait. I don't care about your gay sport, I just want to catch fish.
>my mom likes to fish off the rocks with just some line wrapped around a piece of cork and catches stupid weird fish all the time, throws them back in. she really does it for the thrill
Based mom. Is she single?
I don't get catch and release fishing either. I just fish for species I intend to eat.
>no u
Whatever you need to tell yourself, faggot. The reality is that the fish you catch are severely traumatized, if not critically injured, and very few survive for very long after you've stabbed them, pulled them into an environment that they can't breathe in, and probably damaged their swim bladders. I bet you also shoot birds with BB guns and congratulate yourself on your magnificent display of the skills of hunting, too.
>Doesn't realize he's one of the "new" crowd that is clogging up the shore line that he's talking about
Pot meet kettle
>You catch a fish and get all excited for some reason.
absolutely based
>All my friends go fishing
I like animals a LOT but they are difficult to get close enough to touch and look at. So I like dead stuff and fishing. Because animals are cool.
I also eat them.
And there is nothing better to do if you live by the ocean.
And it brings peacefulness to sit in the sun by the waves all day.
Because your lumping Cubans and Mexicans in with everyone else form South America. Generally Mexicans/Cubans/Columbians are chill and the rest generally suck. Venezuelans are a mixed bag. The ones that came over a decade ago were the countries middle-class and are very based. The ones coming now are literal peasants looking for gibs.
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its always been popular..
you sound like a noob
nooo there r too many people going back to nature and not relying on the store man for food! this is the absolute state pf this country! i wish there were less people doing this so that i could be alone in nature while the majority of the country continues to rape nature by whipping immigrants to industrially farm food which destroys nature! nooooo

its called growing pains. most normies have families and simply roll over when told to. they would be threatened if they browsed this website u absolute midwit.
>thrill of the hunt
AHAHAAHAHAHA this mf thinks he's Indiana Jones for holding a rod in his hand with his ass out.
I have around 450 fishing lakes within 25 miles. Plenty of room for people. This gripe is like bicyclists complaining that the trails are clogged by old people in e-bikes instead of being happy more people are outside enjoying themselves.
>being happy more people are outside enjoying themselves
I'm autistic enough to do shit like sift through pond mud looking for tadpoles and fish but normal enough to realize that people are staring at me wondering wtf im doing, so that's why I rather have it all to myself
>pop culture reference
ask me how I know you're the exact type of dweeb I'm talking about
I want to get into fishing but I'm a total dumbass
im a dumbass too, but ive been fishing for decades, what kind of fishing do you wanna do? saltwater or freshwater?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed, I used to be one of the few people that fished at the local pier, a few times a week I'd go down there with my bike for some relaxing alone time to fish and watch the sun set. Maybe once in a while there would be maybe on or two other people there, but it's just more and more now and a few weeks ago there were 7 other people there on the small pier fishing and just hanging out.
I'm gonna try going early in the morning instead of in the evenings, see if that makes any difference

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