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what have you guys found?
i found this cup half buried in some soil & moss; no scratches, chips, or cracks, it was perfectly intact
it was during a time that i needed a new cup too, so now this is my main cup
I found a .50-70 cartridge with the type of primer that was used in the 1870s. I was metal detecting but it was a surface find.
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I found a whisky bottle from the 1910s nestled between the roots of a very large tree. I imagine an interesting story of a farmer sitting under that tree having a booze and 100 years later the tree is still there hanging on to this old bottle and an entire forest has grown in around it. For some reason I can't find a pic but it was one of these, but broken from all the winters
Nice cup. My parents had the same cups when I was a kid
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that's a special cup anon
Yellow birch
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Once found a Stihl MS461 out in the woods.
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this startled the shit out of me one autumn day when I went on a much longer stroll through a length of forest largely unknown to me. obviously there used to be a logging road or something but this forest has encroached and completely imprisoned it now

musta been a mêrte weapon
bump, cool thread
nice. did it work?
i dont have a picture, but at the woods ive been going to since is was, like, 6 years old, i found a birch tree growing on a boulder where, it kinda "slid" off, but kept growing, so you could look at the roots and the underside of it

also, in the same woods, would always, when i was bored of looking for mushrooms i would go around the hunting stands and pick up shells, made a bottle opener out of a 308, but got stopped for it in a french airport lmao
I only found purple colored dildo :/
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that's interesting but that's not a keeper :[

my brother and I found an old rusty saw like pickerel. my parents still have it hanging on the wall of their cabin. It must be over a hunny years old like this was >>2746302
nice, I love old tools. SOUL.
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I found this javelina skull
You shouldn't try to use it. Chain will break and slash your face in half
I found an old piano. It was in pretty shit shape, but I salvaged a lot of the black keys off of it, which were ebony; I'm a luthier, and they're the right size for making archtop saddles and bass thumb rests.

I also found a Fujifilm X100V about two months back, but it was water logged and unsalvageable unfortunately.
>I'm a luthier
by trade or hobby
Both, really. I run a repair department in a busy independent music store 40+ hrs a week, I also build my own instruments out of my workshop there in my own time. That said, it's a hobby, too, because if I suddenly became ridiculously wealthy, I'd probably not change much.
The only difference is how well you can sell what you make.
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I found this unopened 7-Up bottle from the 70’s-80’s.
You can see a small hole in the cap, not sure if they threw it away because of the hole, or if it hit something and got the hole it was tossed.
someone injected something inside there
No shit, not right away. But I would definitely try to refurbish it as best I could and see if I could get it running.
That makes me want to use it more.
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i found a very rusted warren hoe head similar to picrel

it came in handy for a few outdoor projects
Leatherface isn't going to be happy you took his shit.
>not Husqvarna
reason why it was abandoned in the woods
I used outing in the woods to cure my depression. Guess you could say I found myself again.
Someone probably jizzed in that cup
This says more about you than the cup in the image.
Found a nice pair of dragon sunglasses perched neatly on a rock in the middle of nowhere. Kinda spooked us out because we thought we were the only ppl around.
Lmao, posts like these remind me why i keep coming to this hellhole
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works on mien machine
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Found him in a mud puddle now he comes along on my adventures
ive never seen a woods irl
I found haschisch on a rock near the riverbank in the middle of the Ardeche valley in France during a canoe trip. That night the camping site was sacked by a bunch of wild boars, some were chasing campers for food and some were chased by drunk french campers.
I'm glad he has a second life. Some poor kid was probably really sad to lose him
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see for yourself
just trash left behind by low class rural fucktards

cigarette boxes, shotgun shells, beer cans, soda bottles with fuel mix for chainsaws
in my area it's always the chinese
I find shit like this all the time hunting. It's not like this much anymore but based on my findings a lot of hunting back in the day was a few serious hunters and a lot of guys just fucking off and drinking in the woods.
good, he needs a buddy too
I mean, you can obviously just clean it with a bit of dish soap. I'm just saying, don't immediately use it for liquid consumption until you do.
This was around Queenstown, New Zealand. I came upon this shack perhaps 80 years old. The windows and door were all nailed shut, but I'm thinking this shack is 80 bloody years old. The state of it I could push the whole thing over; nails don't mean shit. I walk around the perimeter and conveniently a window is already broken. I climb in and it looks like it's setup for a children's history tour with the cast iron and the quilts. But, against one wall there's bulk amounts of canned food, twine, candles, and toilet paper. But, this freaking 48-pack of toilet paper was half used. Like this shack is setup for survival, but someone's already been surviving in there!?

Thank you for your time,
Captain Jake Taylor
461s are nice. just replace the chain the bar looks fine.
better than an anime doll
When I was a kid I imagined my lost toys were on adventures. My buddy's been pretty well-traveled in the spirit of that
God bless you anon
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you in barstow?
I found this thing that looks like a tape worm

That's why you take the chain off the bar my guy
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300miles,,,NNW,,,close to the lake>starts with T,, has A and O in name,,straddles CaliNevada border,,,not TAHOE.
You can find some really cool stuff innawoods out West if you know where to look. There are former railroad lines that have been swallowed by the woods where along the former tracks you can find discarded things from the 1910's and shit. Cups, plates, bottles, etc, garbage they would just throw off the train. As well there are some trails that lead to abandoned worksites, sawmills, logging camps, that have similar stuff but of a different genre. We found a dynamite box for example that still had readable lettering.
I hope some kid found my cool fucking action figure I lost in a creek almost 20 years ago. I bet that would be something cool they found.
Last year I found some 80s porn mags wrapped in plastic while hunting. I figure someone was out there for a while and needed company.
Take it, put it in a bucket, poke some holes in the bottom, fill with dirt, put a weight on top. In a couple months you'll have a skull you can dig out, clean with a nylon brush and soap, disinfect with 3% peroxide, glue the teeth in with Mod Podge as well as the jaw halves, and display.

What do semi-vintage pianos use to veneer their keys? Looks like bone or maybe ivory but never got a real answer. Doubt it's ivory but you never know. And yes I'm aware luthiers don't work on guitars but you'd know more than me.
Reminds me that I found an old rubber dino toy years ago. Still in good condition, been outside like 20+ years total.
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My wife has that same ugly mug
literally or figuratively
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found an iPhone kayaking
How deep can a metal detector work
would you like some wrist with that watch sir?
Was it on a gold river like the shot over or nevis or more in the native bush?
That's dope.
found an empty jar of nalley pickles from the 50s - 60s on an old cabin site, the outhouse of the cabin was still standing but it looks like the cabin itself got landslided/creek washed
I left it where I found it but in Conecuh National Park I found a wooden carving of a gnome with a giant dong. Paint job was half assed on it but the carving itself was pretty good to me. Probably about 6 or 7 inches tall with about 4 inches of dong.
The Forest offered you a cup. What is it that you gave back?
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>railroad lines that have been swallowed by the woods
Would they still be rideable with a manual homemade kart?
>What do semi-vintage pianos use to veneer their keys? Looks like bone or maybe ivory but never got a real answer.

NTA and not sure about newer ones but I've found pieces of older ones that had what I'm pretty sure is celluloid on them. I'm curious if luthier anons were real ebony or "ebonized".
Whoops. I should've been more specific. I meant the white keys; I'd say maybe 1/32" or 1mm thickness swirly white on top of wooden keys. Can't figure out where I'd have pics. But you may be right as I have a vintage Made in Japan pencil that has a similar color swirl. Said veneer on the keys was SUPER bendy and still strong after many years compared to the Made in Japan pencil that cracked due to shrinking (?) or over-tightening of the threads with a sidewall barely thicker. I assume both fall into the 1945-1965 range with the piano maybe having been on the newer end and the pencil being towards the middle to older end. But it has been a while since I saw that piano.

The white keys are usually grained celluloid, though I have seen some that are ivory veneered. I believe some were veneered with galalith too, which is actually a milk protein based plastic, we use it as an ivory substitute for bridge pins and tuner buttons, it's fairly convincing.

The piano I found had legit ebony black keys, but grained celluloid veneer over maple for the white keys. The ebony was pretty weathered though. Ebonizing woods with that tannic acid stain is pretty cool, I do it a lot with walnut on my instruments. On some woods, it just makes them look weathered and dirty, but walnut has such a high tannic acid content that it's almost indistinguishable from ebony, especially once you get some finish on there. Here's a pic of the neck of a parlor guitar I'm building right now, the fingerboard on the right is Indian Ebony, and the peghead veneer is ebonized black Walnut.
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Oops, guess I forgot the pic.
Interesting, so I probably have celluloid like I thought or galalith. It's white and swirly. I think it's partially clear in spots. Either way the piano was trashed and I lifted every single key veneer off to save it. Of course it's misplaced ATM so where it is, who knows. It'll be great for inlay once I get the skills to attempt it on stocks, etc. though.
Yeah, that sounds like celluloid. They do that swirly grained look to make it look like ivory, it's actually pretty convincing. And yeah, it's great material for practicing inlay too, just be sure to cut and shape it by hand; celluloid is ridiculously flammable, if you use a Dremel or a belt sander, it's remarkably easy to get it to combust from the friction.

I didn't grab any of the white key veneers when I found that piano. Idk why, I should have.
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probably still works, at least the info does
>what have you guys found?
Peace and serenity
pretty cool

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