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>be black bear
>see a nature park built directly in the middle of my forest
>wander around the place looking for food
>see a woman, run away scared shitless
>get a fucking hit squad send out to euthanize me
>die and enter a higher plane of existence
>mfw humans on the other side of the continent heard about my death and are talking about how scary I was and how they would shoot me faster if they saw me in person
>go outdoors
>have non threatening encounter with wildlife
>kill it
Many such cases. Whether or not someone kills something like a snake or spider that’s minding its own business and is not threatening anything is a good test for whether or not they deserve to be treated as human
Nature is anathema to modern society.
This. I taught my kids from the earliest age to be careful, not afraid, when it comes to rattlesnakes, scorpions, tarantulas, etc. that frequently inhabit our yard.
Fuck this shit. TWRA is too biased toward protecting humans. If some Karen gets maimed by a black bear it's her own damn fault.
If a person feeds a bear they should kill the person, not the bear.
>allowing rattlesnakes in your yard where your kids play
imagine virtue signaling so hard that your kid dies because of it
You let Mexicans in your yard too?
>>dad there's a wolf in the backyard
>just be careful bro
>*goes back to playing vidya*
>tame it or get eaten by it timmy, your choice
Exhibit A: >>2747890
Yes, I kill deadly predators on my property that would be a threat to my family. That's called being a man you hippy faggot. Life isn't a Disney movie.
>a small animal that wants nothing to do with you and has a built in early warning system to let you know not to get close is a deadly predator
It’s a snake, not a lion. Killing something that weighs 10 lbs doesn’t make you a man you self aggrandising chimp
>verification not required
inb4 this is a florida guy getting chastised for killing pythons by a european
>killing pythons
Rattlesnakes. Nobody mentioned pythons
>by a european
Try Australian. The snakes here are ten times more toxic than a rattlesnake and aren’t kind enough to have an early warning alarm built in, still haven’t ever needed to kill one
Trips of truth
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It’s apparent that it doesn’t matter if the animal is even dangerous in the first place, people will kill them simply out of hatred
Put the onions down, bro.
>local man dies after rattlesnake he "rescued" strangles him to death
single wolf isnt dangerous
>strangles him to death
Have you gone outside, ever?
I knew some autist would jump on this the second I hit submit. It elicits a more humorous image than biting. It's a joke. Relax.
>i was only pretending
Yeah yeah you sure got me.
>beep boop
This is /out/ nobody goes outside. The fact there are people here who apparently can’t stand the existence of wildlife is proof of that
>don't allow dangerous predators on your property where your children play
>y-you hate all wildlife!
hysterical woman
You feel threatened by a snake, you’re in no position to say that about anyone you fairy cunt. Cope harder
>you do your job as protector of your family
Teaching your children to fear wildlife that poses barely any threat means you’re a failure as a father. Stay in your pod if you’re so afraid of what’s outdoors
Subhuman behaviour
>let rattlesnakes take up residence in your yard
>4 year old accidentally steps on one
>gets bit
hey man at least you were based i guess
This has to be bait. You think rattlesnakes don't pose a threat to children?
If your yard has enough garbage in it to allow rattlesnakes to take up residence and you’re allowing your 4 year old to play outside unsupervised then you’re a worse father than I thought
the inevitable goalpost moving of your retarded argument is here, right on cue
>1% fatality rate in children aged 1-15
Not no threat, but not a deadly threat either
That’s not goalpost moving. But if you apparently have rattlesnakes swarming your yard so much they pose an unavoidable threat and you have no choice to kill them then your yard must be that of a filthy hoarder, otherwise there is no scenario where getting close to the snake to chop it up with a shovel is less risky than letting it move on
I'm not waiting for it to move on. This is my land. That nigga is dead the moment I lay eyes on it.
That’s a coppermouthed rattle moccasin retard
>child dies of rattlesnake bite

I’m killing any venomous snake I come across within any reasonable traveling distance of any child.

>but we invaded the snakes space and built homes on its land

The snake was born like 2 weeks ago. There’s been 100,000 generations of this snakes lineage since the building of my house it can fucking cope
>my child survives
>$1,358,420.69 hospital bill for precautionary antivenom treatment
>but at least I didn’t kill the widdle snek
You don’t understand, if you let a rattlesnake come onto your property for even five minutes it will chase down your children and murder them in cold blood. I should know, my uncle Billy Bob was chased by a nest of water moccasins he walked past and they’ve been crossbreeding with rattlesnakes recently
It’s not fair to blame the failure of the US healthcare system on the snake
To a child it is.
It's obvious you are not a parent.
What actually happens is that kids play and run around having fun and accidentally startle the snake, which reacts defensively and delivers a deadly venomous bite. Training kids to stay calm and patient when encountering a wild animal has nothing to do with allowing a dangerous one to linger in a play area.
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It is just me, or has this thread gone from a bear thread to a snake thread in under 60 seconds?
>delivers a deadly venomous bite
A typically mild bite* and that’s if it bites. Rattlesnakes aren’t aggressive, nor are they easy to miss with the whole rattle thing. The snakes here are much more dangerous than rattlesnakes and we never had a problem with them
>Training kids to stay calm and patient when encountering a wild animal has nothing to do with allowing a dangerous one to linger in a play area
And putting yourself at risk to kill a snake that could easily be avoided is pointless. If the snake is lingering in the area then you have allowed your yard to become suitable habitat, which must be changed if you’re so concerned about snake bites. If the snake is present somewhere the child would play then you should not be letting the child play there for the moment regardless of whether or not the snake is killed since rattlesnakes are communal and there is likely to be more. If the child has been bitten already then there’s no reason to do anything other than take them to a hospital. I fail to see any scenario where killing the snake is necessary
I'm going to find a rattlesnake and kill it just because of your stupid posts itt
A normal black bear wouldn't approach humans at all. Your black bear tried to crawl into a concession stand with people in and around it and only ran once they tried to scare it off. It's going to be killed because retards have been feeding it human food and it's becoming dependent on it and normalizing humans being around.
Also if you watched the video the bear attempted to even attack the worker. Once again, something a normal black bear wouldn't try. You have only yourself to blame for this bear's issues.
Sure you will tough guy
I knew there was more to this story than the headline let on. You retards should know better than to get all hysterical over a headline.
>headline let on that a bear was in a concession stand
>real story is a bear was in a concession stand
The only thing that would have surprised me is if the bear had been selling concessions instead of stealing them
Shut up, homo.
>Not no threat, but not a deadly threat either
Adult rattlesnakes try to flee from people. If they bite, it's because they're cornered, and they usually use a tiny amount of venom.
Baby rattlesnakes don't. They use an enormous amount of venom, and if you get bitten by one, you're fucked.
>Baby rattlesnakes don't. They use an enormous amount of venom, and if you get bitten by one, you're fucked
This is a myth. Baby snakes are just as capable of controlling the amount of venom they inject as adults are, and adults have massively higher venom yields
>bears these days don't want to pull their weight
what kind of asshole would spread this kind of false information? there's one group I like to blame for this kind of thing but this time I'm not sure
>>get a fucking hit squad send out to euthanize me
This only happens if the bear hurt someone. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bear-euthanized-concession-stand-anakeesta-park-tennessee/

And Anakeesta is a fucking theme park. If a bear wandered into your suburb, you'd be first in line to gun it down.
Stealth bumpy
imagine if bears were snakes
Not be afraid as in go up to them and make friends or not be afraid as in kill them and dispose of them? Because the former seems pretty retarded considering the nature of rattlesnakes.
Life isn't fair. The snake will die and it will become dust. And another snake will be born. The cycle of unfairness and cruelty of nature continues.
Have you considered not raising retards?
Don't tell that to the anon keeping a bird prisoner so he can "save it", kek
Why havent you killed yourself yet
we're all waiting for it
The thumbnails all look like shit from gitmo; it's depressing.
So giant otters with bear arms and legs long enough to constrict a deer and swallow it whole?
It’s just one of many old myths that’s been perpetuated. Like the cottonmouth that chased billybob, the python that starved itself because it was sizing up its owner or venomous snakes interbreeding with non-venomous snakes
The ducks at the park are free. You can take them.
My grandpa always made the rattlesnakes he killed into belts
What do you have to kill them with a nerf sword
You say that as if anything more than a shovel is necessary to kill a snake
Tbh this seems like something /out/ would do
>bear encroached on human territory (in a city no less)
>attacked a worker
What did you expect?
Just American things.
>If a person feeds a bear they should kill the person, not the bear.
If a person is whats feeding a black bear I don't think they are alive anymore.

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