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How does one get started spelunking?
Just go climb in a cave bro it's that easy.
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With dad.
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go on google maps and search variations of "cave" and "abandoned mine"
the frequented ones usually get removed (and gated off irl), but if you search around enough you can usually find some cool spots
I forgot to add that information on the whereabouts of cave entrances is actively suppressed by caving clubs in many areas of the country.
I can't really blame them since I hide my favorite spots too, but if you live near TN I can post something that you might find useful. I haven't been able to check it's validity myself though.
Start underwater it's easier to move.
Look up your local caving grotto, stop in at a meeting or two. Easily the best way to talk to experienced cavers and find a group to go on a trip with. They usually know of all the local caves, what the best ones are, have access to a lot of private cave entrances, and will give you pointers on getting started. It's a lot of fun, and cave autists are a good group of people.
Absolutely do not do this, kek.
>Absolutely do not do this, kek.

What a gatekeeping faggot.
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god damn i hate nutty putty cave.

I swear if you go to youtube and you search something like "Cave exploring gone wrong" you will get hunreds of thausands of videos going over the same 3 or 4 events as if they are new.

- Nutty putty
- The vietnamese trapped children
- Kentucky sand cave (floyd getting trapped)

There is a handful of accidents more that people just keep making videos for on repeat.

I guess there are just too few new caving accidents happening to keep content flowing on a weekly basis.

So please /out/ someone go and get stuck in a cave so i have something to listen to while i work.
These things are so soulless and unfunny, jesus christ
I still don't know if they're written by AI or someone with no sense of humor.
>you WILL join the sekrit club
I like to go caving and look at the history afterwards to mock those who were worse cavers than me. I will let you know if I end up getting stuck. Closest I came was during an initial 12ft or so descent the rope came off and I fell. Didn't go alone because I'm not a retard so they pulled me up and we just decided to call it.

>>2748327 Ellison Cave was pretty Kino, I'd love to hear your recommendations for southern TN area. (I like water and pretty views). I don't mind having to hike out there for it either, that's half the fun.
There's a difference?
I had no idea until I looked it up randomly but there were something like 800 old mines in the area I grew up in new NYC. None were bicycle distance as a kid but all within 50 miles of my childhood house. I never realized it and never thought to look it up until my late 30’s. 99% are on private property though.
>fall in a hole
>possibly get wet
You are a spelunker my son
More like a le spoonker
Does anyone have that cave exploring page that was like a geocities page or something
be molested first
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Do you live in bongland? We have caving clubs in areas that have caves like Yorkshire. Been with one, they're good.
Caves have different ratings here and whether or not you'll need specialised equipment or if you can just walk/crawl in.
Bring a base layer, a middle layer like a fleece, and a jumpsuit on the outside. Rubber boots and a caving helmet are a must. You will ideally want to have a torch attached to your helmet, dropping the torch is not a risk worth considering.

Go in a group and most importantly TELL SOMEONE WHEN YOU INTEND TO BE OUT! Have a scheduled rendezvous where if you aren't back at that time, they will call confined space rescue.
They're AI, friend. See the glif app watermark.
Usually around 3yo, when your mom drops you on your head
balkanigger here. when someone mentions caves my first association is people thrown in vertical shafts during war. these days they mostly throw dogs, puppies and general garbage so caving kinda sucks
Mining/oil disasters are nightmare fuel
Not op but I'm a bonger

Going urban caving tomorrow. Aka a sewer turned Culvert. Any advice on what torch to buy?
You still Alive anon?
The post shafting shafts for March on the Drina fun time. I'm not Balkan, I just enjoy Dirlewanger esque escapades.
Fact: 99% of cavers turn back right before they find treasure
He went into a sewer culvert lmao
most of them are gated now too. i got sick of finding gated mines so i decided to just enter the mining industry directly

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