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Do you folks carry a camera on you when you get outdoors? If so do you carry a DSLR, a compact or are ya happy with your phone?
iphone kinda sucks, you are limited to one zoom lens, they really should have two different(zoom and ultrazoom)
and really you are limited by the size of the sensor, and how it can't really capture depth like a real camera can. And the resolution is a bit trash, even still. But then again. I can't even afford a 4k laptop, and crapple laptops are still in 1080p.
If you want to carry a tripod and a DSLR everywhere you go, more power to you, but phone is pretty ok for amateurs. I wouldn't say I'm perfectly happy with my phone, but I also don't want to lug around a bulky camera, given how often I use it.
>Do I take my phone /out/
almost never
>Do you take pictures /out/
Rarely. If I do it's usually for plant or mushroom ID.

I go /out/ because I love /out/. I'm not some stupid girl that has to take pictures of everything just to prove to other people how fun and /out/ I am.

I have a photographic memory--I can still see where I stood 20 years ago and trust me, the view was much better 20 years ago than now.
Look into how they make cellphone lenses. They will never ever be able to compete with traditional cameras regardless of photoreceptor density because the limiter is the lenses.
Used Sony rx100 series
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I do, mostly for documentarian purposes and creatures these days as I'm training. My preference is slow easy hikes and macro to landscape nature photography.
I have a couple of cheap Gopros, I just take pictures for fun and to remember nice views. A 10 that lives in my daypack and a battered-ass 3 that I use for when it might get lost in water or on the car mount
I prefer to do most of my photos with 35mm film, a Canon AE-1 and a couple lenses, but if I'm going on a multi-day backpacking trip I will take a small micro-four-thirds camera, Lumix G80, with the 14-140mm lens, gives me every focal length i will need while being extremely light and compact
>a compact
Nikon AW130. I wouldn't carry anything not water and shock resistant.
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Most often my phone. It's a good enough lens/sensor for the work I'm doing.

Got a DSLR and some wide, prime, and tele glass but the size and time to process the photos means I don't take it out much unless there's a reason for it.
I use phone. Rugged cameras seems like a good idea but expensive and make worse picture than a phone.
I have a mirrorless that I use for taking "serious" pictures. Everything else I just look at and say "wow, that's cool" because phones just don't do it justice.
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I have a DSLR, never really put the time into using it properly.

All of the photos including this one I've taken with a mobile phone. Haven't edited any of the image either.

I have bought a clip that attaches my camera to a backpack strap in the hope that I will improve my compositions and get more creative thought. Really just depends what you're doing.

>just taking photos of flowers, plants a few landscapes
phone is fine

>actually trying to get artistic (autistic), photographing wildlife or fast moving objects where shutter speed and good zoom are required
Phones are good enough for what I need. I've even made some prints, mostly 8x10, that look fantastic.
I'm a retarded filmfag so l bring my Petri FTX w/ 50mm prime innawoods usually. Really easy shooting camera.
When I don't want to waste exposures I just use my phone lol.(Pixel 3a)
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I just use my phone to take pictures of nice scenery or cool stuff
like this frog I found some years ago
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This is my favorite picture I think
Yes, mirrorless camera. Sometimes phone pics but phone sucks at anything once you zoom. Then I send them to my friends, some of which enjoy them. Some of which pretend to.
how $$ is the mirrorless?
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I used to take a DSLR out with me on day hikes, almost religiously
until I started going away for extended, back to back, long trips. Swapped to a little mirrorless compact because its much more comfy
small and light. If you get a good one it can still capture the vibe
I do kinda miss the DLSR though, its kinda amazing to come home and make a pano out of several massively high resolution crisp images of a landscape
Been carrying a little gopro with me on my last trip though because I've just started recording videos of my /out/ings, rather than purely being a photographer
>vidrel: https://youtu.be/nSy4QErUJh8?feature=shared

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