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Recently, I had a poor wood
dUck brought to me,
Do any of you guys ever see
Young motherless animals while out?

Anybody ever rehab a poor baby lost without its mother? Show me your critters give me some more advice for keeping the smug little ducker alive happy and healthy so hopefully it can rejoin the wild.
Little guy is eating well and getting big. Stinks to high heaven any tips on keeping things clean? Or do I just gotta clean out all the time with ducks?
yes when there is only a container of stagnant water (ie not a lake or pond with fresh water flowing through) you have to replace the water probably daily. he's gonna get sores or get sick if you don't
Found this little lad hanging round his squashed mother a few years ago.
Fed him all through the summer and autumn until he was a big fat fuck, then I couldn't find him one night and realised someone had left the gate open so I assume he escaped.
Turns out he just went into hibernation and he appeared again the next spring at about half the weight.
Gave him a week or two of feeding and released him to get some hedgussy
Based hogfather.
Ducks stink, that's why we eat chicken eggs. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against them, their manure is just awful.
I hear ya man I have never had ducks and that’s exactly why. You have to have water and it’s going to get filled with shit.
he looks so freakin' happy
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He was a happy boy.
We used to go out into the long grass at night with a powerful torch and catch moths and craneflies for him to devour.
We named him Frank
He’s probably three weeks old today. We’re falling into a nice routine and I clean his bedding and water at night and let him get some big pond and outside time but not too much till he’s bigger. Still very standoffish and that’s a good sign but I plan to create an actual pond area in the way back if it decides to stick around or just in general. I wouldn’t mind some frogs, turtles, and fish around!
Even without water. You can keep Pekins without water. But their manure is just awful. Chicken manure stinks too, if it's too wet outside for it to dry or you have too many chickens in one spot and never move them. But duck manure, in my experience, stinks no matter what. We only had 4 in with a flock of 20 chickens and they made the whole yard stink. We loved the eggs, but had to get rid of them.
Yeah I’ve had turkeys and chickens for a while but I am hesitant about keeping it and don’t want to deal with the stench all the time. I’ve got a pump and will probably try to cycle the water somehow and keep it constantly flowing if it sticks around.
Happy little fella after a bath and some meal worms.
Imagine the smelling
Been working on the basic pond plan. I already have the tank, pumps, and pipes I need just need to dig the pond and hook it all together.
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>big pond and outside time
My parents have one in their garden, his name is George. He loves catfood and hedgepussy, he’s the alpha
Rudy’s getting big now! Might cutback on the extra protein a bit.
Nooo he needs to be the biggest boi, feed him more
>got any grapes
This, have to get him good and full if he's going to make good foie gras, might have to force-feed him some
I’ll let him continue to cultivate mass but I’ve been sincere about letting him go if I can and I’m not a fan of the way waterfowl tastes. I hope if it stays around Rudy troons out and turns out to be a chick so I can get some duck eggs out of the deal.
>if I can
maybe he is a she? looks like extended eyelashes this dark eyeliner hmm?
KEK, fäther, I am hunger
I've heard that wild waterfowl that have been raised like that at some point follow their instincts and fly off, but often come back visiting. So having him out on a backyard pond will allow him to make that choice on his own.
Looks good with the recirculation and the little plant pond. Could benefit from a shallow reed area to further filter the water before it returns to the deep part of the pond. You can probably get quite clear water with that setup, despite the messy duck.
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He's not gonna last waterfowl season put a plastic band on his legs with your phone number in case someone shootis him
Why, so they can call and tell him how delicious the goose was?
>hey man
>just thought you should know
He’s right you know.
That’s a good idea. I will consider that.
That’s kinda my feelings on it. Once he’s feathered out and fattened up he’ll be out of the box and outside all the time. I want to make it as nice for him as I can if he sticks around and if not I’ll have a nice water feature and maybe get ducks in the spring. I’m hoping I can get something like this going. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dnby5_1jOUQ
I don’t know man maybe it’s the omega 3 or what but duck and goose taste like frog and turtle to me. Maybe it’s just the gameyness?
Because it's a fun way to track migration and hunters love collecting bands
he smol
You over cooked your duck. Unless you were eating diver ducks and not puddle ducks.
It is very possible it was over cooked. Not my cooking we ate what was put in front of us as kids.
Happy little ducker.
Goodnight Rudy. You handsome smug little faggot.
Nice little swim while I clean out his disgusting duck shit and water.
>go speed racer GO!
Handsome little man.
He’s the most adorable little faggot and I’m glad he’s getting huge. Not much to update. He eats and drinks and poops and swims around a bit. I’ll update here and there and always appreciate any advice or duckpicks. Where the hedgebros go? Any updates on the hedgebussy? Did they ever come back with young?
Hey man I gotta say I needed that little pick me!
I’m headed to the lake going to grab duckweed and hopefully catch a couple blue gill. I hope you faggots have a good weekend!
So when do you eat it
Enjoy your weed Rudy. You awesome little duck.
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been raising a couple cute wrens for two months now. i figured out they really enjoy pooping in a water bowl. today, i put two small glass candy dishes with different amounts of water in their cage. two hours later i check on them, plenty of poop in the dish with the most water.

any idea why? they started figuring out that they like to just chill in a bowl of water and shit all afternoon.
Some birds have to have water available for a water bath to stay clean and disease free. I’d wager that’s what’s going on. Got any pics of the cute buddies?
He’s so fast!
>I hunger father
Man he's getting huge
How long until he's full grown?
I am fairly sure he’s 4 weeks today so he should be hitting that awkward teen phase soon and feathering out. Another month or two and then if he can fly and fish he’s free to come and go as he pleases.
he's putting on good weight. it's always pretty crazy to see how fast birds grow. how's the greenhouse doing? can he move soon?
There is no greenhouse
I’m slowly getting the new birds and old birds accustomed to each other this is from a month ago. Once they move out Rudy will move in and I’ll extend and cover the holding pen outside the greenhouse. The baby hawks are flying now so I have five in the backyard now and have to keep the chickens and turkey covered all the time. We’ve been getting lows in the 60s and I always have to worry about coons so I don’t feel comfortable putting him out full time for a couple more weeks. He goes outside everyday and he’s lightning fast.
It’s dusty now but it’s a greenhouse.
Wow he is getting big! Excellent work anon!
>Stinks to high heaven any tips on keeping things clean?
My mate ended up with a duckling recently, I think he accidentally chased it into a rapid while kayaking then it started following him and when things started getting tasty he stuck it on his lap under his skirt. Anyway...
He kept it in the garden with a kids paddling pool, a ramp in and ramp out. Local vet said to feed it dry cat food. Grew into a healthy young boy or girl and eventually stopped coming home.
Slept in the laundry and was supervised in the garden due to neighbourhood cats.
you're soon to find out if he's a Rudy or a Rudette
c'mon OP let's get some webms goin
I’m swamped and short on hard drive space but I’ll try to get one made and up here this weekend.
He (or she) is fucking huge now. I still on the fence if I want it to be a boy or a girl. Male wood ducks look hella cool but I’m not going to eat it and if it sticks around I’d rather have the eggs for the exchange.
I had everything ready to go to do 25 catfish but I’ll repurpose the tank and pump for Rudy. Gotta get the roosters out of Chicken Tractor, new chickens into the tractor and out of greenhouse, get everything cleaned out and fill up the tank for the Rudy. I’m a little hesitant to make the pond at this point. I don’t know that it’ll stick around long. It recognizes I bring the food but it hasn’t imprinted on me as far as I can tell. Still skittish and wants to flee which is good. So far the experience has been a lot like my lone Guinea Fowl. It doesn’t matter how much you baby some birds they’re not domesticated and it shows.
If you haven't switched to kitten kibble yet you might consider it. A growing duck surely can't subsist purely on leaves and weeds forever. Not when he's doubling his size every few weeks.
99% of the time just leave the creature alone. The amount of dipshits that ruin an animal by taking it in.
>99% of the time
Another anon said he was a vet and suggested dog kibble and that’s what I’ve been supplementing with. I’ve got duck pellets, game bird starter crumble at 22% protein and the dog food, plus meal worms and duckweed I gather every couple days and leafy greens from the garden and yard. I might try kitty food too but he’s eating good so far and getting huge.
I agree but hopefully that isn’t the case here. I watched the mother duck with them in the morning and several hours later a neighbor brought Rudy over and was like “I know you have bird and I found this duck.” I’ve never had or wanted ducks but it’s really no different than any other bird. Keep it warm, fed, watered, and clean and it should do fine. I was nervous the first few days but we’ve settled into a nice routine and so far everything looks good!
I was only able to get 4 out of the five gawks in this pic. But this is why I’m waiting a bit to move everyone around.
Add 2% crushed lump charcoal to his feed and you'll have less issues with smell. Ducks just stink though.
I shall investigate and report back but yeah they just stink. Poop plus water equals a bad time. I’m headed to the lake and then laying straw down for the chickens. Good luck and get outside brothers!
>cat food for a duck
You guys really do want the bird to die
Knock it off anon I do not >:|
I got a big fuckin owl statue to scare hawks away from my birds
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canyon wren pictured. theyre a bit orange. i also have one rock wren. i believe orange is female, brown is male.
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and their house. today was cleaning day. wrens are bouncing around and quietly whisper-chirping together. they discovered how to climb ropes today, no more step stool to get up into their house.
Aww cute little buddy gonna get swole! Looking good anon how old again?
Even if it doesn't work for Rudy it will work for your chickens
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last update tonight. i figured out how to turn off the rock wren. both wrens were being little shits about going back into their cage for bedtime, basically teenagers at this point. plucked both of them with sleight of hand before they knew i had a hold of them, put in cage. brown one was very receptive to being picked up. i held on to him for a song (midnight train to georgia), gently stroked his head. i started stroking under his beak, and the wren basically went entirely limp at that point. it just entirely relaxed and let me pet it for a few more minutes. carried to cage, opened my hands for it to get up. took the little bugger like five seconds to kinda "wake up" from its trance, flap its wings, and perch in its cage. it was confused when i put it in the cage and turned off the lights lol.

Canyon is warming up to me, it gets jealous of me sneaking Rock some mealworms while Rock is in the cage and Canyon is bouncing around.
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Rock and Canyon chilling this morning with me. They ate breakfast while i was sipping coffee. now we're watching Cleaner with sam jackson. i suspect Rock is male because he is very talkative, both normal chirp songs and plenty of whispering to Canyon. Canyon rarely chirps, like twice a day in the evening or something. based on those observations, i suspect Canyon is female, Rock is male.
>I pet the little birdies and they go into a trance
That's nice Lennie, now look out over the lake
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energized wrens a bit before dinner. call me a hippie, but ive always had good results with grateful dead and jim croce. for new rescue animals, i like to put on grateful dead and just snap my fingers along. eventually move my legs and hips so the birds focus on me. usually hypnotizes them and calms them down.

Rock now moves back and forth in *almost* rhythm with me. he just bounces on his perch from side to side. Canyon is watching us. Rock is currently pecking around the food bowl. get your animals a little energized for dinner. puts them in a good mood, rather than just shoving a bowl of food in their cage.
Reminds me of cuff and link from Rocky.
Glad to see the little guys getting along and going good!
About to go clean out the brooder and give Rudy a walk. He’s almost starting to quack now and definitely starting to feather out.
it's easy for me, because pairs always train each other really quickly and calm down and turn normal. my wrens have also experienced friends over dinner and a couple small dogs. make sure to bring over some other people so the duck knows more humans exist.
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hey man, we've all been through some shit. i found that raising small animals like rabbits, tiny birdies, and guinea pigs is just serene. small animals are so grateful and responsive. small animals dont get moody for a week for no reason. they basically worship you as a benevolent god.
>now keeth
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i did it today, wooo. both Canyon and Rock and comfortably perched and cleaning themselves. they're both fluffy and at ease, not nervous and skinny with feathers tucked in. we're all at peace today.

next step? get them ready to explore the house, then the backyard.
Best I could do from far away trying to wrangle Rudy, the chickens, and a toddler.
I think Rudy might be a Rudette.
you'll know once the feathers come in. we should take bets
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just in case
3 M&M’s that “he” is going to be a girl. All Hail Rudette!
Feathers are starting but I’m not putting money down one way or another!
3 M&Ms in this economy?! Too rich for my blood.
Rudy’s pretty much outgrown the brooder and I’m going to try to get him in the greenhouse and outside today or tomorrow depending on what gets done when. I’m unironically finishing up laundry then headed to the lake and gotta pick up bird feed too. Why the fuck don’t the farm stores open at human hours anymore?
last week, i put a little hanging chain toy with a bell. they're now playing with it and having fun and chirping. feels good every time you finally break through with the little guys and they show you their real personality.
What a handsome lad (or ladette).
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i now control my birdies with tunes. they get entranced with classic 4/4 time signatures and rock 'n' roll. good results with grateful dead during eating times. they like to chill and dance back and forth on their perch to vanilla ice right now lmao. they just watch the music video on tv and move their heads back and forth, then bounce on their perch right-to-left.

check out the hook while my dj revolves it
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okay this is interesting. most of the time when i put on some music, one bird or the other is interested, the other goes and does something else. both rock and canyon are dancing and chirping to beck - loser. im gonna figure out...why.
Who doesn’t like Beck? Just look it up in the becktionary I’m sure there’s something about birds.
>from bzooty to whiskeyclone
I didn’t have time to fuck with webms but I’ll get there. Trying to stay ahead of the weathers been a bitch.
Here’s the ugly duckling. We’ll just have to wait and see if it turns out to be a he or a she.
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I reckon rudy-pooh's getting the point where he's eventually gonna get away from you on a walk or supervised pond time
He’s gotten away once and I had to swoop him up before the cat did.
Got the old chicken coop down and debris moved out now. Had a big limb come down last night so that throws a wrench into moving birds around plans.
Rudy Prevails!
I’m hoping he’ll stick around a couple more months just to get him up to size and feathered out and then he’s free to come and go as he pleases.
Forgot pic. Cleaning out and headed for food!
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
I’m barely awake but Rudy is kicking. Gonna go grab duckweed then clean out and outside time while I keep working on the great bird shuffle of 2024. I’m going to drink coffee and contemplate before I do anything else. Wasn’t planning on doing a Rudy update till I had him (or her) outside.
Immediately filthy again. As long as things dry out well today I should be able to get the other birds shuffled some. Have a three day weekend and the weather is going to be nice coming up hopefully I can take advantage and Rudy will be outside by Monday.
Here’s the old chicken tractor I’m rebuilding retard lol.
Here’s a heron I snapped a pic of while getting duckweed for Rudy.
>anon doesn’t go out
The very notion lmao.
Like I said, the very notion. Kek. If I can get the birds done by 6:30 I can be on the lake at 7:30.
Kek there’s a gravel drive up but I’m home tending to branches now. I had a sweet smallmouth today but didn’t get a pic. Oh and Rudy prevails. It just rustles your jimmy’s how much better than you I am doesn’t it? Home owner, family, animals, my duck, freedom to go /out/, freedom to do laundry whenever I want. Just makes you people seeth so much! Look at this damn deert going for my berries! Oh and it’s pixelated because my camera sucks and I’m zooming in but go ahead you were saying.
Show us your out pics man? Got some duck advice? Did you fold your clothes yet?
It’s the fact that I have a yard and a lake and deer and ducks that bothers you isn’t it anon? Or is it the fact that I own a washer and dryer?
Will the mods leave this one up I think it’s a good closeup of Rudy and would like some thoughts on the gender. I’m leaning towards Rudy being female.
How's lil faggot?
I'm good thank you :3
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Idunno anon, thems female feathers I think
I think the little faggot is gonna be a female… what would you call a duck dyke? A Duke?
Rudy is good getting huge. Got most of the l downed limbs chopped up and things should be nice all weekend. I’m going to redo the chicken tractor that got fucked by the last shitbull attack. The new chickens will go in it and I’ll drag it around the run for a couple weeks while they get used to each other. I’ve rushed putting groups of chickens together before and it doesn’t go well!
Once the chickens are squared away, I’ll move Rudy, the lil’ faggot he or she is, to the greenhouse.
Feathers coming in a lot now but I’m not seeing the distinctive reds and greens of the males.
Cleaning out the brooder and getting birds sorted after I chug some coffee.
I’ve been leaving the heat lamp off at times now just to start weathering it off.
bets are still up in the air anon. I almost see some turquoise I think. 60/40 female/male tho
Yeah that’s about my feelings on the issue. 60/40 but there’s some definite coloring going on but the females have the colored wing tips so we’ll just have to wait and see. It’s more the lack of any red on the bill or around the eyes that makes me lean female.
So big now and so pretty. Good ducker
10 bucks says if the poor bird is female OP decides it """has to""" stay so he can have eggs
>has to stay so he can have eggs
Lmfao, not having eggs isn’t really an issue for me guy and, as stated many times, Rudy will be free to come and go as he or she pleases. The local Tractor Supply still has some birds and I might still try to get it a fren but I really don’t want to be dealing with ducks till I have a real pond. Rudy was a happy accident and I’m glad for the experience but I am not a fan of the smell.
How else is he supposed to make bowls of eggs for the women he rescues?
She can leave after she’s eaten all the eggs. Rudy can come and go.
Got me pumped the duck up! I always forget a young Jon Favreau is in that.
Will ducks fledge? Wonder if he/she suddenly just fly away?
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rock and canyon. today was cleaning day and their first proper bath. they sulked a little bit, then sat in the dry part of the tub talking to each other while i was cleaning elsewhere.

just finished taking them outside to air dry while i have a toke. theyre preening and watching some hallmark romance movie.
That’s what I’ve heard on the YouTube’s, but they’re weird in the duck world and will nest in the same area or even use the same nest multiple seasons. So even if the rude dude takes flight he/she may return with a mate and hopefully raise some babies.
Got the temporary outdoor pen up and Rudy is /out/ish. Still night night inside under the lamp.
chillaxing little duffer
Best thread on this site rn

It’s been awesome watching Rudy grow.
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he's grown so much in just tree weeks it blows my mind
Is it edible?
Sure, but that’s not the plan newfren.
I’m glad to see they’re doing well!

Oh shit I woke up late and missed the Rudy love. Had another coon try to get in the run last night and ended up staying up half the night checking. No lost birds but lots of lost sleep. Only thing I have managed to do was toss in a load of clothes and make coffee. You live by the bird you die by the bird moving slow this morning it I’ve got a 3 day weekend and the weather’s going to be perfect.
Got plenty done but not much more on the Rudy area today but I did find these.

Rudy only gets the finest clover as befits a true Irish legend.
A meal fit for a king
Are you kidding me?! I spend HOURS looking and clovers lately and I did not find a single one with 4 leaves. I had to have friends convince me they are real because I (still honestly) think they just a myth. How the fuck you find so many?!?
Luck ‘o’ the Irish! It’s my useless talent? I might be autistic? Pattern deviation sticks out to me? I have found literally hundreds.
That’s so impressive, I always think I find some but then they always turn out to have only 2 leaves lol
Wow! I love popping my head in here every few days to see how much it's grown. Thanks for the updates anon!
I’ll try to take some pictures of Rudy today. Was a busy weekend and it’s already been a long week… he said… on a Tuesday morning.
Rudy’s good likes being outside but I’m gonna call it and say it’s a she… what a little fucking faggot.
Enjoy this high resolution image of Jupiter!
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You get a five leaf.
how da fuck are you getting all these four- and fife- leaf clovers? you live near nuclear whaste or something?
When I moved in 7 years ago I noticed two patches in the yard. I don’t pick them till they flower and then hand seed the muties in the yard. I just encourage the recessive gene for the desired outcome through selection. But, yeah they started near and old well that was improperly filled and is a hazard so probably something not great caused the initial mutation. I’ve found a six but not Fry’s mythical 7 leaf clover.
I just found 3 more.
Definitely a her/she.
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so pretty
Such a beautiful little girl!
Enjoying the sun and support. Probably six weeks old today or yesterday. Should take a few more weeks to feather her up and get her bulked up and ready to fly.
Checked and kek.
ßumpin for Rudipatootie
I realize I’m going to get shit but don’t care. I don’t have any more recent because I still have to finish the tank area. It was in the 50s last night so I moved her back into the brooder for the night so I could have the light on her.
I’ve been debating how much space and energy I want to devote to making an enclosure/pond area. If she sticks around I’ll need it but if she takes wing and lives her best life I’ll be stuck with it and don’t know if I want ducks in the spring or not. Or even if we’ll still be in this house in the spring. House paid off. Taxes paid. Looking to buy more land and get out of town and wherever we get is going to have flowing water so… yeah.
Rudy is safe secure and seems happy… so far that’s a success in my book considering I thought it would die immediately.
Rudy Prevails and is feathering nicely!
OP don't start this abandon talk now. Please continue to do best by Rudy and own this responsibility for as long as is necessary, you've taken this on
Oh no not abandon but I’m preparing myself mentally for the fact she might fly away and not come back. She’s a good ducker and if she sticks around she already part of the family but like I said I’m not going to cage her unnecessarily and if she flys she flys.
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what the fuck are ducks doin on jupiter wut
that's fair man. I'll miss her if she flies. I've seen sometimes ducks return for visits over the years though, maybe she'll do that
Same. I’m going to repurpose the chicken tractor for her instead and then dig a smaller pond and connect it with a pen. I’ll probably use the kiddie pool until I get the pond ready. Sorry about the shitty camera phone pics it’s hectic during evening times.

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