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a thread for all that usefull pocket junk we carry every day

-whats in ya pockets?
-lookin fo´new stuffs?
-post about pocket stuff

we all know we like this stuff
Rite in the rain. and a pen.
leatherman ST300.
knife of the day.
how you like the st300? i went from a wave to a surge, but the surge is a hunky chunk to carry around so i dont often
love it. I bought a surge afterwards but sold sold. too much grit and lint got in the tools on the surge because they face outward. supertools face inward. works for me. replaceable cutter heads is also a bonus
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Talk me out of it bros
Does it do anything any of my drawer full of knive doesn't? No
>more expensive then my milwakee
>less tools
>slower action
But.. it just looks fucking cool
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Thinking about introducing a sling bag for my EDC. But it rides the line of looking like a purse if not worn correctly.
day to day i am a backpack guy, some old northface one ive have for ever a decade, dont know its name, but havnt found a good replacement yet

BUT, on vacation i use a fanny pack with the belt all the way extended, costs half, does the same ting
What's that in between the blade and the torch?
Unless you're a student or homeless, you shouldn't need to carry any more than what can fit in your pockets, everyday. Stop being a sperg and lighten your load.
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All I need.
A knife that makes you want to carry it is a knife worth carrying

Damm nigger how do you find ticks with a literal forest on your arm?
It's not a knife, it's a box cutter. If you're opening boxes all day, go for it, otherwise stop being a sperg.
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My lighter? It's an IMCO triplex, can also be use as a candle, pretty neat
>how do you find ticks with a literal forest on your arm?
lol I'm not afraid of ticks. Most of the time I can feel them on me while they are crawling so I get rid of them before they bite.
i had a tick on my balls once, that shit hurt
Neat. I like fluid lighters but all the zippos I've had dry out after a couple of days. How's the IMCO go for holding it's fluid?
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Pretty hard to explain without a video, when you flick the cap, it also sparks, but, see how it's flared, to match the top of the "candle" part?
Makes it hold fluid for a long time, I would say close to double a zippo, but, big but, it's fuel reservoir is half that of a zippo, so...
I just like it for style, and the candle feature is cute
Thinking about getting the Spyderco Para 3. Never owned a Spyderco before, and everyone says they're basically the best knife company ever made.
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>they're basically the best knife company ever made.
Would argue that's Case, Opinel or Buck
Based, cased and grandpapilled
>2 hands required to open folding knife.

Knife crime enthusiast hands typed this post.
>cant open a Buck one handed
skill issue
You mean Spyderco is the MOST OVERPRICED knife company ever made. Faggot.
I was never able to get past the appearance. That bird skull shape just doesn't do it for me.
brother you need a real truck to replace that plastic "SUV"
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I'm not your brother. My Bronco is awesome. Cuck harder.
I hope you had enough cash so you aren't paying huge monthlies on that plastic Jeep with more computer toys than actual cylinders and the body design of a square body with an eating disorder, my truest brother from another mother.

and I say that as a dude who loves Ford.
Reminder that this "EDC" shit is fucking pathetic and placing your gun in the middle of your made for Instagram What's in My Purse style arrangement of consumer products only makes you look more insecure.
what is this bot talking about
you seem angry. guessing you can't own a gun so seeing people's pictures of them pisses you off?
What's it like being a woman in modern day britain?
I had a tick on the top of my dick once. I used to get them all over me when I played paintball.
sorry gods chosen people stole your foreskin for anal intercourse with men so that you require lubrication
bicycle is neat though
That's Benchmade
Nah, that's Chris Reeves knives.
Don’t be so jelly
My theory that EDC is a perfectly engineered marketing collaboration keeps proving itself to be true. The self perpetuating motive of seeking out practical tools that is further reinforced by the "tacticool" factor becomes endless. I find myself constantly fantasizing about the form and function of an EDC pack, whether it be my waistbelt or in a backpack. Role playing the What-IF scenarios over and over.

What ends up actually happening is that I buy all this stupid shit and it just sits on my night stand, and almost none of it ever comes with me in public. And when I get back home my EDC is still sitting there right where I left it.

EDC is a disease. But i'm going to keep doing it because I love it.
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I use picrel more in a week than you homos use those guns and knives in a year. Pretty sure I could get more confirmed kills with it as well than you oiled bearded shiny truck driving homos.
>trying to be tough
>Japanese weeb poop knife
lol, lmao even
>Forged in Italy for an American tool company founded in 1885
Yes, you're retarded: thanks for adding another data point verifying as much.
Yes, I could easily beat the living fuck out of you and kill you with this Italian root knife.
>here comes the cope
>muh truck
Super insecure crowd follower vibes.
I doubt you've ever had an original thought in your life and were clearly educated in public schools.
>forget by shitalia, on behalf of amerisharts
>hurr durr my dad could beat up your dad
you do recognize how retarded you sound right?... right?
No, subhuman, I can kill you with a hand shovel.
Learn fucking English, goblin.
>I can kill you with a hand shovel
you couldn't kill a sea cucumber with a forklift
"I can beat you to death with a knife!"

funniest shit I've ever read lol, you planning on slashing some throats with a baseball bat next?
it's not even a truck, it's a a shitty jeep with an eating disorder. can't haul lumber in that thing.
Now tell us which martial arts you've mastered
edc at work
>victorinox hiker

edc anywhere else:
>kershaw stilleto switch blade
Pathetic cope.
Reddlt isn't sending it's best
Imagine getting owned this hard by a shovel.
Stay mad fatties.
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>albuterol and newports in the same picture
Anon, I...
you dont understand
he can just slice you in half with his mind
Son, I bet you I've killed more things with my shovel, that's not the point, the point is for you to learn your limits, and right now? You are over them.
>cards notes coins
>phone earbuds
>pen wristwatch
>multitool flashlight lighter

>scrap of paper with shopping list
Like the comb.

Why the pack of cards?

Boys like toys.

>Role playing the What-IF scenarios.
What sort of scenarios?
>What sort of scenarios?
nta but ive literally thought about how many times ive needed a lighter for a cigarette or some kind of random hand tool in a certain situation (ie window breaker in a sinking car or a knife for self defense)
stuff like that
God I hate the idea of EDC but some of you fags got some good ideas.
>I hate the idea of EDC
you, you hate the idea of... carrying useful stuff, daily? you... like being useless? some kind of sub/dom fetish going on bud? no judgement, just wanna make sure you are okay
no, the idea of looking for stuff to carry daily, to make those photos, have the fucking trays or something, to have discussions of EDC stuff

honestly day to day I don't carry that much stuff, phone, keys, cigs, at times a wallet I got years ago.
It's a reddit think, what other use is gonna get that $100 edc knife you absolutely need?
to but it in the zoom-zoom language your brainrotted ""brain"" clearly uses, go out, touch grass frfr i dont know, vote for Biden

it has literally nothing to do with price (sorry you are poor, get a job) one of the first posts is a Milwakee for fuck sake
>pocket knife
>gun optional (if you are murrican, syrian or ugandan or something)
not a hard thing to understand
Peak self-awareness, kek
My pictures of my EDC are literally what I put in my pockets EVERY DAY!!! That's why it's my EDC....
get a smol flashlight

>inhaler and cigarettes
take that knife and slit your throat dude
Okay, some really carry what they show.
But I sometimes see photos where they have 3 knives, a flashlight, a gun, and other shit that most likely gets no use
>gun optional (if you are murrican, syrian or ugandan or something)
*sigh* I remember when Yuros were free men and carried weapons too. How far the West has fallen.
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anyone ever had a folder with that "Emmerson wave system" or whatever its called?
kys. immediately
I see threads like these and I want to kys myself. I fucking share a board with massive faggots like this? holy fuck
what wrong buddy? dont want to post you EDC bathplug, autism weighted blanket, my little pony figurine and diaper? jhmrh
all I need is keys and maybe a few bills and credit card. You people are mentally ill
>Imagine being this unprepared and proud of it
awww sweety, is mommy gonna make you macaroni tonight?
Someone's upset that his careful EDC arrangement didn't get all the updoots, kek
>Everyday carry without guns
So you fags just show off your wallets and cell phones? Gay as fuck.
>goes into thread he thinks it "gay"
>looks at things he thinks is "gay"
honey, i think you might be gay
>"kys myself"
>"share a board"
> massive faggots

but son, youre one of those massive faggots
>I saw a thread I hated, so I took the time to go into it to tell everyone how much I hated it!
Wow...what a massive faggot...
>t. doesn't know how to post from the feed
Welcome newfag, also fuck off
>comes back into thread he doesn't like
>autistically complains about something he doesn't like
>contributes nothing, to niche thread on a slow board
shouldn't you be on /gif/ complaining about something you dont like? or is your IQ more suited for /pol/? or, maybe just go spend your time licking lead paint

fuck off let us post about EDC in peace without your screeching
this isn't reddit sir, people can post whatever they want, even if you don't like it
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sure. dumbass, what is your goal here, for the EDC thread to reach limit, wait for the next one, do it again, pretty sad
also, off topic, and troll posts are still a temporary ban, not that ithink you deserve one, but come on buddy, this isnt le epic edgy /b/ get your shit together.
go buy a swiss army knife, i recommend a sportsman, great starting knife for beginners
you are not an authority here sir, please calm down
>come in to thread
>shits all over it
>gets called out for it
uuurrhm eeexcuuse me?? come on, anyway, you might also look into the Rambler, its smaller, might fit you better
ok sir, you have any medicine you forgot to take?
You are still here >>2754665
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This is my EDC for Work but I have more in my backpack.
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forgot watch. Yes I know its working time in my county. I'm not larping. I only post here because today I have a day off.
here is my edc you massive whores
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im in the market for a new ~25-30L pack for everyday use and day hiking, to replace my old as fuck Northface bigshot, so far ive been looking at
>Tasmanian Tiger TT Tac Modular 30 Vent
>Cotopaxi Torre 24l Bucket
>Patagonia Black Hole Pack 32L
anything in that size and feature set i am missing? Fjalraven has some but, features v. price they are just too stupid
This guy has taken larping to the next level.
Aww is someone jealous about not owning a firearm? Cope harder pussy
"God I hate the idea of having useful things on my person. Just the thought of having something I might need with me makes me so mad"

Do you think before you speak?
People have EDC because they need the things they carry. No one goes around looking for stuff to carry on their person or just to take photos. You're doing an awful good job of indicating that you don't do much of anything outside your basement
>calls practicality a mental illness

What the fuck are you talking about normie? Way to broadcast your boring ass life to 4chan
Based SuperGrip enjoyer
how can a person project this hard and be unaware of it?
Yeah it is what you think it is. A little aggressive. Kinda hard to take the knife out without opening it. You might stab someone you’re trying to hand it to
>No one goes around looking for stuff to carry on their person or just to take photos.
LMAO good one
>You will receive this free gift
Please Sar, redeem free gift from desert wizard, please Sar from microsoft god, sar please god need steam or mazon giftcard Sar. turn other cheek, more refugees sar, please redeem

christcucks are pathetic
Carrying anything but your wallet and keys, and spare (sun)glasses if you need them, is turbo gay and unecessary.
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Do you have the right to carry a firearm? It is foolish not to if you can, and if you can’t, you are a cuck, go be a homosexual rape victim on /k/. This is unironically a safe haven from your kind. We let the alpineanons slide because they amuse us. Like Frodo and the seven faggots. Tread carefully euro-cuck
pros of imigrating to the U.S
>shit infrastructure
>shit healthcare
>elections are, which demntia ridden grandpa do you want to control the nukes?
>inflation out of control
>crime through the roof
>get shot by a teenage fentanyl addict
I use my flashlight and multi tool multiple times a day at just work alone. I've had to pull my gun out twice and use it once, that once for road incident when a guy blocked my vehicle and try to attack me with a knife.
You're turbo gay and unnecessary.
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Quick background: I work as a historic interpreter for an 18th century living history museum. Most the time, I just tossed the same stuff into my jeans as well, but I spend more time historic clothing than I do in modern.

Right pocket is 18thC stuff:
>English pocket knife
>Clay tobacco pipe (tobacco bag not pictured)
>Horn comb
>Couple of leftover forged rosehead nails from fixing a door
>Tin of lip and wound balm

Left pocket is 21stC stuff
>Bic lighter
>Sharpie pen
>Phone (obviously used for pic)
link to knife?
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I got that knife nearly 20 years ago from a suttler in PA. It's an English Penny knife, and I'm sure you can find other reproductions online.
>Do you have the right to carry a firearm?
Don't need one as I don't live in a 3rd world country, lardass
>giy blocks the road
>threaten him with a gun
Absolute hellhole. Have fun dying over a cheeseburger
caring what other people think is the only true turbo gay.

spyderco makes knives to use. I think some of their designs are pretty silly but they're the best deals going around quality and price wise.

mostly carrying cheap blades these days because i end up using them for all sorts of out stuff and feel bad about beating on 600 dollar folders with sticks.

Knife, wallet, keys (flashlight and swiss army knife), phone. If I'm going further than down to the office a gun, pen, lighter, leatherman or big SAK, personal survival kit in altoids tin.
Sounds like you really need a mindset change for your EDC. Pic related (plus my phone) is mine, I use everything here (besides the gun) on a daily basis. I would only add something if I really felt the likelihood of needing to use it is high. Sometimes I include a lighter, but I don't usually smoke so most of the time it's unnecessary.
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And like a retard, I forgot to attach the pic.
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Yes that's my booger vault. Don't judge me.
whats that on the carabiner? and whats the carabiner?
It'll be over
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>whats that on the carabiner? and whats the carabiner?
Titanium pill container with my akathisia meds. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0797PQ1V4
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Picked up some new stuff
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I got one, not worth it imo. the metal piece that captures the blade is just a flat spring with a notch. it comes apart pretty easily under duress. the notch should hook around or the spring should have more tension. it's a fun desk knife though.

thanks for posting this, I had been thinking about it too. wish the real ones didn't have such retarded blade profiles :/
Seeing as that isn't actually you, I suppose you carry another man's cock around all day?
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/fa/ is the only board with a watch thread, but they're too busy being elitist and insulting each other over brand tiers.

Is /out/ related watchposting relevant ITT?
Do you ever carry different stuff? Ngl, curious as hell.
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Sure, why not, I used to wear the DW-5600E, but I have upgraded to a Rangerman a couple of years ago, not having to manually adjust for daylight saving time, solar charging, bigger face etc is nice, I is a lot more clunky though

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