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Just knives.
Put them /out/side and we'll talk
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Mandatory Mora representation
And my Buck Bantam. I take this one /out/ more often than the Mora, because it's a folder, but my mora is my main camping knife.
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I use my pm3. But I just kinda collect them
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Team red, or team green?
>plain edge
>partly serrated edge
>Phillips head screwdriver

Which way?
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OP here. Just trying to post cool knives and WTF is this captcha shit? Takes me a long time to focus lol
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I haven't cleaned up the edges on the sheath yet. Should I do some tooling on it?
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Are we going to get decent 4th July sales this year? I might get another spyderco, leatherman or victorinox if the deal is good
Nope, economy is bad.
>i was too spooopid to get johb to save up
>must be the eeehcononomy!!
opinion discarded
>a single t-shirt costs 1000 dollars at walmart
>"hurr durr u should have saved"
A fool and his money are easily parted
Do swiss army knives and other victorinoxes have English writing on them in all markets? I thought I saw one of the 111mm models with German instead of "Press" on the liner lock while in Germany but maybe I'm just misremembering.
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Straight edge, corkscrew, nail knick gang.
Spyderco and all the others are getting retarded on prices last few years
Wine is for faggots.
are you hitting Hunter's crack pipe? what does dude pointing out we don't get good sales have to do with "saving up" like a Boomer? did you not see the Black Friday fail sale exposes?
SRK SK5. I don't care for the sheath, so got a custom one. Great knife.
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piKa by Bastien Bastinelli

looks like a reformed wrench but it also adds to the aesthetic a lot
I'm considering getting a PM3. How's the size compared to the PM2? Is it worth it? I've never owned a Spyderco before.
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Knives must have insane profit margins, when factoring in the simplicity of materials and assembly. Compare that to lets say a $150 phone that has far more components and complexity than a $150 Spyderco knife.
What model is the one on the right?
I like the look of tooled leather, but it might be too late. Don't you need to do it before you sew?
Nice knife, Anon.
The Knife market is extremely competitive. There is no extreme profit margin on anything anymore (unless it’s digital goods).
Bark River Boone
Well I've been carrying it daily for about 2 weeks now and I really like it. It's a little bigger than the palm of my hand and just has amazing ergonomics. It's pricey sure but worth it imo. I honestly would consider this a finisher knife. If I could only have one this would be it is though a little wide but doesn't really take up pocket space. If you have the money for it buy one.
Yes, I should have done it first. I'm just getting into leather working with some stuff my grandparents left me. I think I'm going to burn and dye it instead of tooling, and add a woodgrain design.
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Grain burnt and dyed.
Daily reminder to get one of them fire steel stix so you can sharpen you’re knoife and start a fire at the same time!
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It will even work with your favorite serrated folder!
Based voyager enjoyer.
I went with the clip point version, definitely my most used/ hardest used knife. Was in my pocket when I was a landscaper for 5 years. I’ve stabbed into drywall, cut roots of small shrubs in the dirt, pruned trees, cut miles of trimmer line, and dispatched suffering snakes and frogs that I accidentally mowed over. I love the grip the rear downward curve allows, I’d always do finishing touches after trimming shrubs by sort of snap cutting.
Only complaint is mine is in CTS BD1 (I know later they moved to AUS8 or 10) and the edge retention isn’t stellar. CS is dropping the recon 1 in magnacut and I wish they’d do the same with the large voyager, but it’s not nearly as popular.
I switched to a griptillian in 20cv I got on sale when I got a warehouse job and needed to cut a shit ton of boxes every day and needed a long lasting edge. People say benchmade does shitty heat treats but I’d use my knife hundreds of times a day and would strop it back to shaving sharp once a week, maybe sharpen it every 6 weeks.
Latest to the collection are the 2 spydercos, I’ve been carrying both since the military 2 is a little intimidating and I’m not supposed to have “weapons” at my current job so it’s gotten little use at work, but it’s a decently thick enough grind to use /out/ without worrying about breaking it. Nobody bats an eye at the native 5 salt which I am really enjoying for a work knife
>favorite folding knife
Probably tied between the TRM Atom and the CS Voyager
>least favorite
The shitty Sanrenmu I got 10 years ago for $6, at least it was good to practice sharpening but the blade rubs the frame hard and I can’t get it to stay adjusted
Sorry for the long post /shitty pic (my phone is a potato)
Don't do this...it will dull your blade..

Dude, go to /b/ if you want to troll
That’s fine, go ahead and waste your time. You will still be stropping yourself while I’m felating a fish with my sharpened blade over a toasty campfire I started with muh ferro rod!

Faggy ass knoife collectors have never even felated a fish before
>I’m felating a fish

hey do you guys still argue over splitting wood with a knife?
What did they call that? Busking or something?
>still argue
Only retards get angry about it, so probably

cuz you hit the back of the knife with a wooden baton
Batoning has its place. Only people who talk shit about it have never tried it, or did and used a cheap knife that broke
very poor choice of letters
>felating a fish
I'm sure you would greatly enjoy that faggot
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>fellating fish
Ok, gayboy.
Alpine shepherd and cow herder knife, carbon blade, boxwood handle, no lock, produced by Codega; they also make a stainless variant with a lock and other types of wood. Traditional to the val Brembana in Bergamo, though there are iron age knives with that blade shape found in neighbouring areas. Anciently fixed blade.
English site selling them:
Cut the guy a break. He obviously meant that he would be felching a fish.
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Long time no see. Hi pepsi. Haven’t bought a knife in a long time. Picking one of these up though. See pacts. Just dropped. It’s in 3v and is actually thin behind the edge, unlike any of their other models except the three. the three is actually fat behind the edge but it has better body geometry than the rest of their line. This is something different. This has the edge geometry of a Case trapper and the body geometry of a kitchen knife. I haven’t been excited about a knife in a long time. I started these generals and used to argue 24/7 here about edge geometry’s and shit explaining the knives people wanted weren’t going to work and the knives that would work great wouldn’t work long and you either needed to stick with a 1095 see or jump to custom semi custom 3v land. This knife is going to change your life faggot
See pacts = esee pacaya
Hey man that’s not funny. I aint no gay fag, i’m not about to fillet another man!

Is that one of the knives where Esee said “We do not recommend ever using this. The 1095 carbon steel is a far better material for knives that will actualy be used. But the faggy knife collectors won’t shut up so here’s a $300 snowflake steel knife”?
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overpriced piece of shit steel by a meme company
Some people build, others just destroy. You can tell a lot about someone by how they react to cairns
B-but.. le stacked rocks bad!
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>Is that one of the knives where Esee said “We do not recommend ever using this
In theory….. NO!
They were offering 440c and then s35vn on their stainless models. 3v is not a stainless steel. It is a super carbon steel. They made the jump so they could actually make something with the dimensions of a knife. I’ve carried an izula II for a long time and it’s a glorified industructible prybar. I won’t pull the trigger myself till I see stress testing. Hammered into a tree and handle stomped. This is not the same direction as the stainless you’re referring to though. 3v is leagues tougher than 1095. The only issue for casual people will be sharpening their first real super steel because the hardness is going to be high
The 1095 is far better for knives you want to not break. It’s just about the worst user steel. I’m the one who convinced you to buy your sees in the first place. M4/3v would make you shit your fucking pants
Esees 1095 trumps gas station poopoo but literally any intended knife steel will beat it in any test other than toughness. You can hit it with a hammer and it doesn’t care. Unless you’re willing to saber that fat edge you’ll do better cutting with a rock
The meme was started by swat teams and soldiers though…
they have the right mindset but they obviously abuse it for profits knowing they can sell barely above average gear as "high end" to military larpers. Their knifes use shit soft steel that most idiots will think is great BECAUSE it is soft and easy to sharpen, also more forgiving when abused by idiots that think a knife is a stick. Esee appeals to retards that think ka-bar is a good knife
u mad?
They use 58 hardness because that’s where the indestructibility kicks in. If you think it’s a meme try to break one. You can’t. You’re not paying the premium for a brand like apple or Nalgene. The premium is in the warranty. No questions asked. I have shot their knives with guns multiple times and received a new one in the mail. The owner of the company personally called me a jackass one day via email but still sent my replacement. If they would just replace that first production run Sabre jg3 that I lost on a fishing trip in NC….. a kabar is better than a mora if you zero the edge for outdoor purposes. You just don’t get it. If I was going to war and I only had a mora I would put a v edge on it like a kabar because it would be more stable and you have strap cutters and razor blades for sharpness
Christ. The mora bushcrafter, their best value, is just next gen Swedish milsurp, and when it first hit the civilian market it had micro v’s
as I said they know their audience and you fit the bill. Their knives are still absolute heap of garbage when it comes to value and nothing will change it not even your trash opinions. A mora garberg as an example will out perform esee knives in all aspects for less than half the price.
No it won’t. Sandi knives are the lowest tier. Literally only came about because it’s so easy to make from blanks. They’re selling you a 100 scalpel. You don’t know me. I can turn your ears into a screaming Sabre ground monster with a rock in ten minutes. You need a fucking bench grinder with a hydraulic cooling system to give a more good geometry. It’s a disposable scalpel. The sweds will tell you the same. I didn’t get advertised into foolishness you did. The west was won on 1095 nessmuks. Kitchen knives with kitchen knife geometry. They give you a bayonet if you join a war. Sees are not fighting knives they are hard use knives. Your own cringe is being projected on people who have bigger things to worry about than if prying x will break le knife
Have you tried the Xancudo?
the fuck you even on about? what war? take your fucking meds larper, we are talking about a knife you can rely on to keep an edge, be durable and affordable. With esee you only pick one (1) of those you shill fuck. Even a fucking hultafors OK4 will be better than a larp magnet of yours. Also ka-bar is barely pot metal tier, it was designed to stab people, you don't need much to do that.
Actual Scandinavian puko knives are extremely high Sabre verging on flat ground, with micro bevels or Sabre edges! The whole newfangled “scandi” fad is a scam. Intended for people unwilling to learn about edges and sharpening. Stop projecting
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You can leave my thread any time. This is one of my puks. Tapio Wirkkala, an architect
The geometry was wack. If you have that and like it this is going to make you give it to a friend
who the fuck was talking about shapes here? I feel like I'm talking to retards, christ.
Interesting, looks like a better designed, but smaller 3HM. Made by Toor. My “survival” knife is the Terava 110.
You don’t understand the relationship between shapes, geometry, and the efficiency of a cutting tool? And I’m the retard? Lord help you
you are moving the goal posts like the massive faggot that you are, stop changing topic
The topic is the esee pacaya. Tell me about it
the topic is that esee knives are garbage, shapes that fit your anus well don't make them magically better
I am however a reasonable man, lower the price by 70% and maybe an esee knife will be finally worth something
Maybe they’ll give you a discount for being trans
In what way, other than being slightly thick behind the edge?
That’s little bit means everything when you’re talking about cutting. These high carbon super steels can get thinner safer than the stainless counterparts. My m4 superfreak has been the only thing getting use since I got it. Thin ass carbon blade sitting crazy hard. I have never needed to sharpen once
I’m not saying it’s a bad knife. It had their best geometry till this dropped. I’m sure it would serve you indefinitely with no need for replacement. And then your son too
Too bad they didn’t reuse the xancudo handle, imo it’s the best part. And without the finger choil to ChOkE uP on. Might get one for my dad.
Now what do you guys carry to sharpen in the field? I recently got one of these, haven’t used it yet. https://cutleryshoppe.com/dmt-fwfc-double-sided-diafold-sharpener-fine-coarse/
What are you trying to sharpen? I would recommend something less aggressive. I sharpen my 1095 with ONE pass one each side of a fine diamond plate. I know exactly what I’m doing. If you aren’t extremely skilled at freehand sharpening on a stone, I’d keep your good knives far far away from diamond plates. Get a cheap chinesium folder with a similar blade length and belly (the curve by the tip) to the knife you’re trying to learn to sharpen, and practice with a stone or even the bottom of a ceramic coffee cup. If you go too low while sharpening you’ll convex your edge making it thin and brittle. If you go too low you’ll scalp your edge, have to convex in order to even have an edge. Once you’ve learned the form, in the field you’re looking to ever so slightly “scalp” the full edge. You’re giving the knife a microscopic serrated edge. When this has been done too many times and the edge is gone, you will reprofile ie convex the edge, then put a new micro bevel on it. All on the fine plate. Ideally reprofile on a stone. Never ever ever ever put that course plate on a knife edge. That’s for axes and taking off enough material to get a chip out of a machete you’ll ruin a knife with the course plate. As for recommendations my stone is simple 8” 2” hard Arkansas stone from a gift shop. My diamond plates came from the pocket size sharp maker. It comes with fine stone rod and strop. I also have a full size strop. 99% of the time you only need to strop with compound. Sharpening removes steel. Stropping reforms it
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>It’s a disposable scalpel.
It's just a simple woodworking/carving tool you weirdo, that's what Scandi grind is good for. That's what carpenters use, hence why they became cheap massproduced tools for tradies, also because Sweden have good iron ore and developed industrialization.
>has never used an object for scale...
i am sorry, but i diagnose you with "brain dumb-dumb disease" its incurable unfortunately
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>The 1095 is far better for knives you want to actually use
Just trying to make a kit for my pack. I was thinking of a way to make a strop I could store and use folded over the sharpener. The kit would be used with everything from 1095, 80crv2, s35, cpm20. Do you think a fine/extra fine set would be better?
No-one seems to talk about lanyards. I use picrel so that I can find my knives if I drop it or leave it lying somewhere. Helped me a few times, especially in the snow.
It will snag something and you will lose your knife and you will not know till you need it three hours and five miles later or it will rip your hand clean off somehow. Never put paracord or any other cord around your body anywhere without a plastic clasp that will give under reasonable pressure. The kind of thing you can hear up on for like for like a 12.99 assorted 50pk with organizer container. Or you could just use a leather lanyard and put something cool and flashy on it so your wife looks at you like she looked at you before
absolutely useless
It is actually pretty useful just letting go and knowing it’s not going anywhere I was giving him a hard time for your moral anon
Definitely. There are also pocket stones out there. Just make sure it’s not for an axe, or too fine. Unless youre working with a super steel that will survive ridiculous conditions you don’t need a polished edge.
I use something similar to picrel. For me its more about securing my knife to me so I don't lose it, rather than having the paracord for any particular use. I'm sure some survivalist larpers will reeee about how many uses paracord bundles have, but I don't care about that shit.
Yes you are.
god that looks embarrassing
looked in a mirror lately?
I like that the folding one gives an actual handle, no water/oil, and two different grits. I’ll pick up a fine/xfine, though I might just go with the fine/coarse for axe sharpening, and leave my puck home. Definitely need to figure out a strop setup.
I’ve thought about getting those coiled pistol lanyards to retain important stuff like gps and compass. My rangefinder came with a short one, and it would be nice if it was longer.
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You can get long ones from walmart for like 3 bucks. I use one for my multitool.
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only practical stuff
get an unvarnished piece of porcelain. Use that to hone the knife. Unless you've nicked the edge, you most likely just need to hone the edge, not rebuild it. Unless you're going to be out for weeks or months at a time, save sharpening for when you get home.
*enamel not varnish....
Hone vs. strop
that hobo tool is pretty neat
you hone on a strop or on a honing rod or a honing stone.
the initial strop after sharpening also removes the curled edge left on by the sharpening process. Honing is just re-straightening the microscopic edge of the blade. Vs sharpening, which is creating a new edge.
So packing a ceramic stone or rod sounds like the way to go.
If you have a high quality leather belt, you can also just use the inside of that and a little polishing compound to strop your knife.
Why does Leatherman and Kershaw still make bead blast knives in 2024? Is it so customers have to buy their more expensive models without it?
>Perfectly clean sheath with no visible damage
>Pristine knife that still has the factory grind on it
This mora has never seen sunlight has it?
That mora has seen 5 camping trips. It's been used to make feather sticks and for cutting food. Don't project your own inability to take care of your things onto me.
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I've had this Mora since I was 15, close to 30 now myself, I have batonny chop-chopd with it, dug with it, done house repairs, shelters, fire, rafts, even helped build a full size catapult once
The sheath was left by some other camper at my favourite shelter at time, so I just broke the stitching and tightened it up with new thread
>The 1095 is far better for knives you want to not break
No, that's absolute horse shit.
1095 is cheap, that's it's only purpose, anyone pushing it as something more is full of shit.
I'd consider 14C28N to be close to the optimal steel for an /out/ knife for my use.
Stainless steel with very high corrosion resistance, extreme toughness (about equal to 3V) and very fine grain structure, so you get minimal micro chipping.
Might be the most underrated steel out there, and it's pretty cheap as well.
You are an actual fucking retard that has never used your knife on wood.
Try going outside for once in your pathetic life.
Flat and sabre grinds are amazing for kitchen knives, they don't belong on an /out/ knife, scandi or convex is where it's at, I don't enjoy chipping and bad performance on wood.
You can continue fapping to some faggot on youtube cutting cardboard, while the grown ups go outside an actually use their knives.
Anybody who posts a link from “knifesteelnerds” wouldn’t have any idea what is useful outdoors. Their pollen allergies prevent them from doing much innawoods.
>Flat and sabre grinds are amazing for kitchen knives, they don't belong on an /out/ knife
Ackshewally, flat and sabre grinds are ideal for processing fish and game. They're also very handy to have around for cooking at the campfire.
>Ackshewally, flat and sabre grinds are ideal for processing fish and game. They're also very handy to have around for cooking at the campfire.
Yes, just like a kitchen knife...
Also, I do have flat ground knives as well, but they are mostly for cooking, and processing fish and game.
I like having a large scandi knife for camp stuff, and a cute little folder for anything food related.
No, I just happen to also have studied metallurgy, so I find his insights interesting.
And I'm 100% sure I'm more /out/ than you will ever be, I live full time in the arctic specifically for /out/ reasons.
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Where would I find a good blank for a Bowie knife if I want to larp hard?
I am assuming you are in Muttmerica, can't help you there, but if you are not in the third world Lamnia has some blanks, don't know specifically about bodies, havnt checked in a while

Maybe look up blacksmithing/knife making courses, have a fun day /out/, learn a new skill, meet some people
>namefags implying others don't go outside
topkek, holy shit reddit, go back.
Lurk moar
post less
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I own two knives, buck and this tanto thing I got as a gift. The buck is the only one I really use for dressing anything, tanto is just kind of cumbersome but looks cool. I suppose and if I get attacked by something while my rifle is broken down I figure it would be the better of the two. I still bring both /out/ with me along with a cheap harbor freight hatchet I keep in my trunk. Is the anything else worth considering or would going beyond be gearfaggotry? I honestly believe the latter but recognize something out there could exist to make my life easier and am willing to have my mind changed.
Brisa, also from Finland, sell knife making supplies.
A saw. Like a sturdy pruning saw.
But this is a knife thread.
So I'm gonna say, upgrade the tanto to a katana since it's mainly for self defense anyways, maybe you run into American Idol's Randy Jackson in the woods and he can autograph it.
yeah saw is pretty a good idea, the one I have is pretty big though and I never considered it as something to bring along. knife or not any good recos for something compact?
These are my fixed blades without going too /k/ on you. I honestly thought there'd be more pictures here.
Lurk moar

Bepster, dear, either get new pics, or just give up
Pic was brand new friend-o! But I’m not a knoife collecter with 7 new unused knives a month. I didn’t suscribe to the “Knife and Beard Box” monthly mystery box.
Mini boi EDC
>not a knoife collecter
a a faire few other things it is obvious you chase, bugs,
i do commend you for being the last standing tripfag on out /out/ who still regularly posts, not really a title anyone would want, but ... eh
i know son, but, you have so much potential to provide, yet, you choose to just be trash, trash, discarded, no opinion given on your posts, no knowledge passed on, just, ... trash
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>no knowledge passed on
The most unwise among us are those who are closed to outside opinions and influences. You cannot hear if you do not listen.
Ironically, the most tacticool knife (tanto) pictured was the best at splitting kindling. But yeah...
Pull through sharpener hurts my soul.
Just use a dmt pocket sharpener or chink alternative, takes maybe 10 seconds more time, but edge will hold about a thousand times better.
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first and last knife
is that assisted
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Is the brush really that useful? Theese are my mushroom/foraging knives, ussually just clean up whatever I've gathered when I get home, probably should get the "mushroom" opinel huh?

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