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Bird watchers have recently taken over the banks previously used for decades for fishing
They don't share the space and camp out on them for hours at a time, preventing fishermen and migratory waterfowl from accessing the area

How do we get rid of this scourge
Make excessive noise that scares away the birds. Shoot guns in the air. If nogunz, play gun sounds on a concert-sized portable speaker. Like a fever, you must make the area inhospitable to the boomers to force them out.
Can't spook the birds because it happens to be a nesting pair of bald eagles
Then your only option is to get there early and shit everywhere the boomers like to be
Get a set of waders and stand in front of them.
go sit on the opposite bank and carefully shine a high power laser into each of their lenses. fry them sensors.
Based as fuck.
Fishing hasn't been about catching fish in decades--just a bunch of boomers dropping piles of money for swag so they can talk about who's is bigger while never ever learning shit about the rivers or waters they fish in.
The bird watchers will lose interest soon.
walk into the middle of the group, take your pants off, squat down, and take a massive shit right in the middle of them
just start casting from behind them
Why do that when you can just import indians into your country to do it for you
>whip a treble hook into the a loose jowl
>"whoa, got a big one here"
>painful yelling
>"Fish on, guys. Guys-FISH-I SAID FISH ON, GUYS"
>pained screams continue
>"Everybody get clear, I'm bringing in a fighter"
>haul on line, yanking it every which way
>boomer shrieking now
>get out fish net and whack him over the head with it
anon we are trying to defeat the boomers, not join them
>be me
>see a bunch of bird watchers at my local jogging route
>walk over to them
>say "what yall looking at"
>birds all get startled and fly away
>bird watchers look at me in a mixture of shock and anger
>realize that i am almost completely deaf and probably just screamed that
>decide to make a hasty retreat and continue my jog
Link up with OP, he has a mission for you
Birding is based as fuck. I never see it get talked about here but its a cool hobby. It doesn't require tons of dollars in meme gear, literally just binoculars, a bird guide, and a notebook to log your sightings. I would highly recommend it to anons. Trying to track down rare birds for your life list (the list birdwatchers keep of all the species they've identified.) is really quite fun. I picked it up to compliment my hiking hobby. You learn a ton too, people get impressed when you can just casually identify birds based off their calls.
>oh woe is me other people also enjoy being outdoors
Boo hoo, smelly autist. You know who also take up your fishing spots regularly? Other fisherman.

Just go up to them and ask them about it, what they're planning to see etc. Usually a rare species has been spotted nearby if they come out en masse.
>encourage boomers to continue taking up space
lol, no
>not only am i socially inept, im also a child
why would you out yourself like that
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It's eagles and you can see them just fine with your naked eye, even my shitty phone camera at 0% zoom can see them
There's no need to set up with a high powered lens
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It's not even like they conceal themselves and you have to wait for hours for them to finally appear, they're out and about all day long

You'll either see them hanging out in the tree or flying around the lake in a circle
this is the problem. If you're not fishing for food, you are cancer. Anyone who fishes and throws the fish back should be forced from that dock permanently.
Good. I'm sick of you fish fags clogging up the docks when I'm trying to dock my shit. Now you get a little taste
Because you're fucking with and hurting animals for no other reason than your amusement. It's degenerate.
Bird watchers > People that stick sharp things into fish to pass time
Not my fault fish can't resist some bucktail tied to a hook
Bait in a fishing thread, nice
>boomers dropping piles of money for swag so they can talk about who's is bigger while never ever learning shit
that's no different from boomer wildlife "photographers"
>preventing fishermen
Good. Fuck fisher"""men"""
Fish don't feel pain like us. They lack the nociceptors. Also you sound like a woman.
Birders are fags
fucking kek
Based. Get dead nuts flexeded on.
>cannot comprehend other /out/ activities
True but not water birds, only cool birds like warblers
Birdwatching is one of those hobbies I'll never understand

>sit around doing absolutely nothing
>wait hours for birds to appear
>see one
>"Yep, that's a bird."
I do it passively all the time, just pay attention to birds while doing other stuff. But I never go out intending to only look at birds. I'd at least call it a hike and see what I can see. Not just birds but cool plants too.
I love to grab the binoculars if I see an unusual bird but I will never understand how this shit became hobbyfied. I don't understand going somewhere with the specific purpose of doing something that is usually enjoyable specifically because it's accidental. Honestly I wonder if it's got some consumerist wankery attached to it like flaunting huge expensive equipment like most photographers do. If your photos are shit like macro shots of a bee on a flower you don't give a shit about photography, those photos exist as equipment benchmarks. I really fucking hate how many hobbies are like this today.
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>People go outside
>/out/ gets mad
>I can't comprehend a hobby that doesn't obligate me to destroy flora or murder fauna
You're the definition of a locust. Obviously anything that isn't consumerism or destruction is beyond your mental capacity.
Hiking does neither and I do it all the time
Think of all the grass and weeds you damage with your boot, you psycho.
Sure you do.
It's a public space, anon. First come, first serve. From your OP it looks like they are more efficient with space, too. That space occupies 8 boomer birdwatchers or 1 autistic fisherman.
>i am a small child and this is what i think the adults do
Do your parents know you're on this website?
I saw a cool ass bird the other day and I had to look up what it was because I'd never seen one before and thought to myself "I get it, I finally get it now"
"they lack pain"

bro they actively attempt to prevent you from stabbing them
urinate, defecate, ejaculate
>Fish don't feel pain like us.
This doesn't mean they don't feel pain, though.
Retarded cope boomers tell their grandkids to try to justify recreationally mutulating fish. Catch and release fishermen are fags.
This. Catch and release is on par with shooting birds with BB guns.
You ever seen the way a monkey keeps a pet puppy or kitten in southeast asia or africa?

They just drag and throw it around?

That's called being fucking retarded. All of our grandpas were fucking retarded and no better than those monkeys. They haven't developed enough reason to understand it's bullshit to do.
>Fish are immune to infection
>2 fags bonding over their womanly opinions
I fucking hate boomers, good god. They ruin everything to do with the outdoors. It would be genuinely hard to resist the urge to push those boomers and their retarded camouflaged cameras into the water.
Yes it does.
are fishermen like skaters and birders are like scooter riders?
I'm glad fishing as a hobby will cease to exist in my lifetime, replaced with outdoor hobbies that don't include senseless goring of the innocent.
Animals and plants were created for humans. There is nothing morally wrong with fishing, hunting, and hiking. Plants don't have feelings, aren't intelligent, and can't feel pain. You owe no moral obligation to them. And as long as you humanly kill animals, its fine.

Only liberal fags like you who want to feel morally superior to others complain about that shit. You don't actually care, and you know it. This is just cope to make up for the rest of your morally bankrupt lifestyle.
Bro you're killing God's creatures for sport God never said anything about having bassmaster competitions
god gave man dominion over all creatures, we can do with them whatever we want
simply just push them aside & fish
what are they gonna do, attack you?
If God doesn't like bassmaster competitions then why does this beautiful monument still stand?
i once witnessed that beauty, it truly is what God intended
Plants have feelings, emotions, intelligence, and intricate social structures. Humans have trouble understanding that because they don't think like plants and try to force human thought structures upon them.
hey nigger youre a nigger
nigger nigger nigger
>bird has the whole fucking river for itself
>boomer fisherfag complains he can't set his stupid canoe to scare the birds
Get fucked fisherfag.
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God gonna be mad as hell at you that you used his words to be a serial killer

>And as long as you humanly kill animals, its fine.
This is my point. Catch and release fishermen are fags. I fish, but I don't go unless I intend on keeping the fish.
That faggot probably gets upset about potential bycatch.
>i dont fish unless i intend to keep the fish

what if the fish isnt the correct size?
are you just gonna cry as you release the fish?

i just love how people on this board constantly larp
>You're running late to work?
>What are you gonna do, speed?
>Fucking LARPer

You aren't funny and I put a curse on your mother for this
are you fucking autistic?

this example is complete dogshit
are you european or something?
like the majority of the population in the United States speeds if they're running late.

>sit around doing absolutely nothing
>wait hours for birds to appear
>see one
>"Yep, that's a bird."
>yup that's a bird
>go for a 2 hour walk
>yup this is a hill
>go hunting
>yup that's a sow
>go fishing
>yup that's a fish
Basically yeah.
>yup thats an /out/
>yup that's a post
>scroll for 2 hours
exactly you fucking idiot

the post is to say a small fish is traffic ticket tier, inconsequential
but what if you dont catch anything?

you said you only go fishing if you intend to keep
what if you dont catch a keeper all day
do you just fish indefinitely?
I just chimed in because your point was fucking stupid I'm not that anon you're a bitch and your mom is cursed

I read "but what" of this post before I decided you were a stupid nigger I'm not reading the rest of it this is what you get your mom is cursed
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just start grilling but do it terribly and play lawn games with ur buds, the boomer will fume
I do this but only if I find their feathers first; I pretend im on an adventure to find the exact bird it came from
that's just boomers no matter the pass time
>BAAAAWWWWWWW I own the outdoors!
You sound like a fucking child stomping his feet and throwing a tantrum. You need a good beating
I don't know if I'm too autistic or not autistic enough to enjoy the thought of birdwatching. I first heard about birdwatching when I saw the trailer for The Big Year and initially I thought it was a satire of niche outdoor activities until I looked it up and found out that birding is indeed a real thing people do.
I'd be as bored as the dude on the left there if I had to do it.

holy based
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very true
Once you start identifying birds it's all over. Birding is a crazy slippery slope.
Is that some european way of typing out a crying sound
>Oh no! Boomers and their retard activity ruining for other boomers and their retard activity, and a total of 50 meters away from the road.
Seriously, why should I care? I walk into the woods and I never encounter these people, ever. Maybe I have genuinely disturbed a wildlife photographer, aight, sorry! Didnt mean to, but neither of us are doing any damage to nature like fishermen.
I seriously doubt that
>have had an owlbox set up in a corner of my land for decades
>twitchers find out about it
>owls suddenly can't leave their home because there's retards with cameras standing around outside
>can't get food because they're standing in and around the same meadow it relies on for hunting
>they start tresspassing and tearing great fucking holes in old hedgerows to get different angles
By my experience their interest in wildlife extends only as far as getting photographs of it
truly the funko pop collectors of wildlife enthusiasts
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just drive em out
almost caught a hawk today, got within 10 feet of it

next time I see him im bringing a hot dog and he will be mine

>fish fags clogging up the docks when I'm trying to dock my shit.

Holy fuck and they don't even move.
What are you going to do about it frenchanon
this but relating to canoes/kayaks
fuck fishfaggot rats
birders are the bmx

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