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Ignore all rumors of cancelation , the gathering is still happening and cant be stopped.

Shall we have a /out/ meetup again this year on the 4th just after the ceremony ?

Who is coming?
wonderful. the annual gathering of trashy hippies.
Confirmed cancelled
The feds try this every year, it never works and only non family are intimidated
Quaking in my boots as I make better plans
Dont let the forest service fool you anon

No need to make other plans, The only thing they have done is lower the speed limit to 15mph and are trying to give tickets on a dirt road
We should have had this thread going months ago
laughably false
It has been moved to Ft. Breckenwith california
imagine the smell
The elders are doing as best as they can to find a new spot where the smokeys wont harrass them.

They are sure to find one soon and I will post about it here once I get word

Welcome home everyone
California is perfect. They won’t notice all the extra trash and shit on the streets in that shithole of a state.
ive always thought i should go to this just to see if i fit in or not. i feel like i am too hippy for conservatives and too straight for hippies so im stuck in this weird zone where i cant relate to anyone it seems. but some of the people in photos and videos seem nice and relatable hmm
Hate hippies but the rainbow is rightfully their symbol and does not belong to the fags so I support this event.
Rainbows dont leave trash
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Nice try, fed
Hippies are the best of us anon. They are like monks in that they value kindness of money
Not only has this never happened, the presence of cops at a gathering doesn't mean the gathering was planned and organized by """the feds."""

And it should be obvious but not kidnapping a governor is easy.
Most people aren't conservatives nor hippies either.
I am

Drunken hippie pissing and fucking fest 2024 will end with dozens of unwanted pregnancies and STDs
anon its tomorrow
Are you the same retard that claims this every year? Dirty hippies leave trash.
I remember last year's thread. Anon could not/would not produce a single photo to support his claim that the hippie vagrants clean up after themselves.
As I recall , anons posted photos of hippies cleaning up tons of trash and using those photos as proof that the hippies generated large amounts of trash
lol yeah, I get into this argument pretty often and it always ends with
>oh okay so some people stay behind and clean up after everyone else
>ergo they trashed the place so hard someone had to clean up after them(completely ignoring the people who cleaned up were also involved in 'trashing' it)
What does it matter as long as its cleaned up at the end?
Your analogy is not apt.

The land the rainbows leave behind is spotless and recovers quickly
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Anyone else here?
I am heading to the Brew ha ha tea kitchen then off to try and find some meat.

After that I will head to A camp for a drink.
Anyone want to meet up?
I have a starlink set up also if anyone needs to use it.
According to this Fox News report, the rangers are being very present bordering on overbearing.

do bears shit in the woods?

what a weird report
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This is what the buffalo did.
Nature can handle this well if it gets a nice long rest afterwards
They are in a meadow anon, many grazers in meadows
Hmmm, google says bison roamed all through the rocky mountains , not just the plains
Actually it looks like they were in all the high plains and meadows. So yeah, even where the rainbow gathering is right now, there were once bison
National forests are not your backyard, are they
Fact free assertion is fact free.
He is not interested in anything but hippie hate anon.
I wonder how many filthy hippie chicks are getting plowed in tents right now.
Imagine the smells
the rainbow family does not fuck up the forest

the sites are well cared for for months after a gathering

Have fun being angry for no reason
No one came to meet me :(
I would have, sounds like a good time but I'm stuck in the God forsaken east coast
I like the east coast
there's lots of nice hills here
and deciduous trees amiright?
not those filthy pine
Where are your facts that the dirty hippies aren’t dirty?
Here you go. First result. From last year. Yeah, yeah I know but it’s Reddit.

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Typical reddit and typical if /out/
You scroll down and you find out the post was on the 13th of july and the guy pointing out that the cleanup takes months is downvoted.

No one says garbage is not generated , just that there is a team that spends months combing the site to retrieve every scrap of micro trash left behind, All the photos of rainbow trash use the same trick

People believe what they want to believe and not just on this subject.
Every bit of news you consume on any topic that has two sides is all bullshit.
You said no trash. I see trash. If they weren’t a bunch of dirty hippies it would take months to clean up after them.
would = wouldn’t
>there is a team that spends months combing the site to retrieve every scrap of micro trash
They absolutely do not and I find it difficult to believe that you stupid self righteous faggot hippies actually believe this.
I believe it because I have done it.

>>2751908 you are the one moving the goalpost
Looks like Gabriel Traveler was there. I hope he was able to document how big it was
nice, less trash left behind for ithers to pick up. Less fleas, too.
It was not canceled at all
Is there any video of the event?
I assume everyone goes home Sunday.
Gabriel traveler will probably post footage. He did in 2014 the last time he went.

Youtubes wont allow the byoobies though
I only have ever said they dont leave garbage
I have said this here for ten years
They do not leave garbage
>I've lied for ten years
At least you committed to something
Rainbows do not leave garbage no matter how hard you try to twist my words
I will post a link when it gets uploaded
You’re delusional. Probably too much pot. You dirty hippy.
Imagine how ripe her snatch is Tbh
I will never get to know ;_;
why havent people been posting hot smelly hippie chick picks itt?
i thought we left this shit in the 60s when i was and actual sperm cell
I know exactly what you mean, man
So am i
>hot smelly hippie chick
Anon. Raise your standards. Do you really want to stick your dick in something that smells like week old tuna?
Because it was cancelled
Its not true, the gathering was held just as it always is
Post pictures of all the trash they left behind then
Post pictures of your moms hairy vagootis
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I though you were going to be a bunch of faggots, but this is quite funny. Very well
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I fucking hate hippies. Despise them
Tbh that didn't happen
damn this zoomer drove through in the age of modern media and didn't take a single tiktok video or instagram snapchat? Thank goodness he came back and wrote a paragraph about his experience though
>2024: nobody has memory anymore
>we can only remember things through video
>anyone who tells a story must do so on video and get all of their information from other videos, lest they be cast out of the tribe
Yeah i'm not buying it, the guy just 'drove around' to gawk at them and post about it for updoots but didn't take any pictures for even more updoots? You're a joke
I agree, that anon never left his basement
yeah i'm not buying it, you guys are just being facetious

nobody just drives out to the middle of no-where national forest for updoots without taking pictures of what they're trying to get updoots about, people make up shit here all day without any proof and you're sitting here saying we should just believe it because modern humans are attached to their phones as some sort of pseudo intellectual 'gotcha', you're retarded and the point you're trying to make is also retarded
>>hippies are dirty degenerates leeching off of society
False. Having been a hippy and hung out with hippies I can affirm that this is as true for hippies as it is for any other demographic.
who are you talking to?
This post reeks of patchouli and woefully inadequate homemade "deodorant" over month-old body odor
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And I’m supposed to believe the other side because some random dude here says they don’t leave trash and then back peddles how it can take them a month or more to clean up because only a small percentage of the dirty hippies stay to clean? Man you fuckwads are retarded.
Thank you for finally admitting that you are a dirty hippy.
I forgot to mention that she also is overweight
What in the fuck are you talking about? I don’t associate with filthy hippies.
We have these threads every year. Every year the retards rant about how "THE HIPPIES" leave their garbage everywhere and trash the place. Every year we get zero photo proof or video of the piles of garbage and trash. The rainbow gathering has happened every year for 52 years now. You'd think we'd have 1000s of photos and videos. Hell all you idiots who "know" that hippies trash everything could just drive out and takes pictures right now. You'd think the USNFS would shut it down, like they tried for burning man.

And yet
There are plenty of photos of rainbow garbage

They are always taken the same week as the festival.

There are no photos showing garbage a month later

So some garbage sat in the woods for a week. cry me a fucking river
And yet I posted proof early on in the conversation and some dumbass (probably you) said but but but but a few people stay for a month plus afterwards cleaning like that erases the fact the place is trashed when the majority leave. Stop smoking weed you damn hippy and pay attention.
>I posted proof
Only 2 pictures in this thread come from Rainbow: OP and maybe >>2753890. Care to link to your proof?
>The National Forests is the same as your bed! TOTALLY THE SAME THING GUYZ!111
It is, yes. This is /out/ and many of us sleep on the ground in the National Forests.
>there's a huge forest I can sleep in
Thank you for agreeing with me. I’ll be over to shit in your bed starting tomorrow. Warning, I had Mexican food today.
Never said they were pictures. Just like a lazy hippy to expect someone else to do the work for them. Read the thread for your self and get a haircut hippy.
>> More so than residual trash, local officials say the bigger environmental issue has been the degradation the area has suffered after hosting roughly 10,000 individuals, particularly regarding vegetation and land usage.
Denver 2022
>> As the group of counter-culture protesters continued to grow, National Forest Service officials said they started to worry that their gathering would threaten public health and safety.

>>As I've said from the beginning, my concerns with this gathering were always the illegality aspect, the increased fire risk this would have created, the environmental impact and the blatant disrespect shown to our local tribes.
California 2024
you act like the forest service wouldn't happily sell all the trees in the national forest to clearcut logging companies if they could...
this is not pristine virgin land
the primary difference between how national parks and national forests are run, is that national forests sell their timber, national parks do not
rainbow gathering is always on national forest land, it is literally bVilt for large gatherings of the pvblic

the forest service should PARTNER with the rainbow gathering and come up with a way to do a FREE permit process that involves pre-arranging cleanup and water and showers and restrooms but both sides are too stubborn to do that.
>> In contrast, significant amounts of bagged trash and discarded camping equipment are piled up alongside the roads in Adams Park, a result of the 50th anniversary Rainbow Gathering about 25 miles north of Hayden.
>> Drunken men accosting drivers for spare change at the entrance, Trash strewn everywhere, poorly dug latrines spilling shit into the ground and surface water,
2015 per one of your fellow dirty hippies
More moving the goalposts.

Partner with who? They have no leadership and won’t get the required permits. Our movement is bigger than one person man. So the rules don’t apply to us man.
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But this is ok because a couple people will work on cleaning it up over the next month right? What about the neighboring towns who bitch about them just dumping their shit there where the tax payers get to foot the bill.
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someone is running the facebook page you don't have to have a leadership just someone willing to arrange dates and locations
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Yet nobody does.
>a couple people
First lie.

But this threads largest lie is that this pile of garbage is going to sit there for all eternity. Or one one week, which is close enough. And that the forest is going to take 100 years to heal.
Just wanted to say that I hate hippies, hipsters and other junkie degenerate trash that try to larp as /out/ people.
>the government needs to give us FREE permits so we can trash the area and leave without holding up our end of the bargain
One guy is posting on facebook from McDonalds wifi so he can agree to whatever and you can just trust us
Shit, that second part was supposed to be greentext too
A hippie told me he'd take care of it and look what happened
I've posted a bunch in this thread as likely one of the only people to have been to several rainbow gatherings, one of my exgirlfriends literally went on to join nic@nite which means nothing to you normies but they're basically some of the most hardcore hippy rainbow dipshits in the scene.

Anyone can show up to these gatherings and for a month or more before, longer if it's nationals, every car camper or homeless or drum circle enjoyer will hear about how there's a gathering in the woods. At regional gatherings the impact is always smaller and usually only the regular rainbow family themselves and whatever couple of extras they managed to pick up along the way. At nationals, people come from around the world. Literally anyone can show up and I think a lot of the trash comes from the broken glass theory, where people see someone else has left some trash and they assume it's okay to leave their own trash. The people who leave trash are 99% retarded normies who don't follow the rainbow road leaving trash because the normie next to them left some trash in the pile. You could show up right now, leave as much trash as you wanted and it would be labeled 'rainbow family trash'.

I know the inner workings of how these gatherings are formed and how the spots are chosen, there's a leadership but it's a loose collection of 'elders' who are basically anyone over 30 who has been traveling for a while or has their shit together on the road. There's no way to collectively elect a leader because 99% of these individuals are batshit insane narcissist's who can barely decide where to put a gathering let alone if someone should be in charge.
Why isn't there a response to this?
The response is that the trash is there for a few weeks tops while being cleaned up, they're national gatherings where normies show up through word of mouth and then trash the place because the normie next to them did and it gets labeled 'rainbow family trashed the place,' as if there's actually more than a few hundred 'real' rainbow family, and if you visited these places even a few months later, besides some of the trails being visible, you would not be able to tell

funnily enough the 'real' rainbow family areusually the only ones who stick around and clean it all up like forest jannies because doing things for free in the community is how they gain clout
>the hippies don't leave trash
>well they do leave some but they clean it up immediately
>well maybe it takes a little while but it's spotless afterwards
>okay it takes a few weeks and you can tell months later that the hippies fucked shit up but it totally isn't the hippies fault, it's somebody else that comes to the hippie-only party
Goddamn, does your back hurt from moving that goalpost so much
> a few weeks tops
Lie. Everything I’ve read said a month or more. And again why should those that want to enjoy the space as well have to deal,with it? Why should the people that pay taxes in those areas have to foot bill? What’s their reward? Being aggressively panhandled?


When you drop a festival with a population larger than my small city right next door it's a burden and it shits up a relatively large portion of the local forest. You can bait local outdoorsmen into anti-hippie rants by bringing up the Rainbow Gathering that happened here over a decade ago.
false, those gatherings are long forgotten
>hippie only party
you dont even believe this yourself
You’re more retarded than originally thought if you truly believe that.

Also, see >>2755036
Maybe to the rootless drifters and vapid tourists who attended them, but not to the local /out/ists.
why is there so much hate in your heart?
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I love the forest.
>>the hippies don't leave trash
Has anyone claimed this in this thread?
That guy advocating for deadly hatred is a fucking idiot.

Do better in life anon
5k people is a city?
None of those are contradictory you fucking dipshit.

You are the fucker moving the goalpost.

>hippies leave the forest full of trash
>well they leave it there for months
>well its there for a few weeks at least.

You fuck right the fuck off
Yes, I'm sure the locals think the National Forest belongs to them and no one else is allowed to use it. Because that's what "National" means - no sharing with the rest of the Nation.
false, you should only get access to what you live near.

City people should be kept the fuck out, resources belong to those that have dedicated their lives to that area and live nearby
Go back and read it again, then go back to whatever subreddit you crawled out of
Forest Service says modern Gatherings attract 5k-10k people and the population of the aforementioned small city falls within that range. If you have hippie census numbers on hand I'd be curious to see them.

Incidentally, due to local and national experiences, I don't particularly care for Rainbow Gatherings in non-local patches of National Forest, either.
>Do better in life anon
>t. forest rapist
10k is a city?

Thank you for proving my point.
>10k is a city?
It is legally classified as a city, yes. Definitions vary by state because not everywhere is an over-populated shithole and different Federal entities have separate standards and definitions. The Census Bureau recently raised their own bar from 2,500 people:
>With the new criteria, to qualify as urban, an area must encompass at least 5,000 people
"Urban area" is different from "city."

Now let's look a this from a different angle. 10k people hang out in the woods and only leave >>2755027 much garbage.
10 people hang out in your bedroom but only 3 shit in your bed so it’s ok.
>"Urban area" is different from "city."
Sure, but they need a general term at the Federal level because the definition of "city" varies state by state. The city I'm referencing is legally classified as a city by the state in which it's located and it's population size is within the range of expected numbers at a modern Rainbow Gathering.
>it's not always as bad as it could be
Compelling. At least the oil and gas guys contribute to society while making a mess of the forest. I would say I hope that other Anon shits in your bed but you'd probably enjoy it, filthy degenerate that you are.
you are an idiot
And one stays behind to clean the shit but it takes two months to do it and even then the smell sort of lingers but it's all cool
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Well he posted it but apparently it sucked

There is always next year
No, it was cancelled.
But why? I thought everyone thought it was awesome because peace, love, nature, STDs, drug use, filth, trash, and harmony.
The hippies have all gone home to get jobs
turns out 90% of them were normies and festival hoppers with jobs who are easily influenced
Call your father anon, he loves you and you should not believe all the mean things your mom says about him
My father’s long gone and I miss him every day. Regardless still think you are a complete dum-dum for shilling for dirty hippies. Also, see here:
are you old?
Why are americans obsessed with their excrement?
Who says we are?
Ok Gabriel Traveler has another video out explaining everything that happened and its fucking crazy.

Those hippies dug up a dead indian when they were digging latrines,
Thats why it got cancelled
The whole story is totally fucked up , the natives still bury people illegally in the forest up there
why wont this thread bump

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